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Jul 4, 2021
Warning, this review will contain minor spoilers for the Anime.
I'm a Spider So What, is an anime with a very interesting story, and from what I can tell rather interesting characters, but with an anime adaptation that is so bad, that had I not been hooked to the story, I would have instantly dropped the series.
Unfortunately, while the story is very interesting, the author picked studio Millepensee to bring his anime to light, and for those of you who are unaware, studio Millepensee is the same studio which was responsible for Berkserk's first and second season adaptations. So from the start, I instantly feared the
worst for this anime, and the worst happened.
From horrendous CGI, to animation in the later half of the anime which was so poorly made, that I wouldn't even be exaggerating if I said that my dog could probably animate better than that. (And no, I know animating is hard, but trust me, you have no idea how poor the animations is in the later half of the anime. I will however, give them props for the animation at the start of the anime.)
I will delve into everything in detail below:
Story 9/10:
The Story of this anime is quite literally the only thing that managed to keep me entertained and wanting to watch more of this anime. The story doesn't have the best start, but after a few episodes, I guarantee you that you will definitely be hooked, and want to watch more of this anime, just for the sake of exploring the story. There are many unexpected twists, all of which are explained eventually, and make sense, and the overall world building is pretty interesting. Unfortunately, I am a bit skeptical of some of the scenes that take place at the end of the end of the anime, which may or may not downgrade the story in the long run, but I will maintain a positive perspective on this series, and as such I shall not comment on what may or may not occur in the future.
Art 3/10:
When delving into Art, I mainly look at two aspects within an anime. The Aesthetics (i.e. how the anime looks) and the animation within the anime.
In terms of overall Aesthetics. it starts off at a fairy nice light, nothing visually astounding, but not bad either, so I would say overall mediocre. However, as the anime progresses, there is less and less detail placed into the artstyle, which results in the anime being visually painful to look at.
In terms of animation. This was where the studio adapting the anime mainly failed at producing. While at the start the animation was decent enough, it was absolutely horrid at the end. Furthermore, this anime frequently switches between 2D and 3D, without trying to smoothly transfer between the two, which results in pretty weird scenes. Especially considering that some scenes have both 3D and 2D characters next to each other at the same time.
Adding onto this, 3D is not necessarily a bad thing, I have seen several 3D anime which manage to use 3D well. There are also western cartoons such as "The Dragon Prince", which I absolutely love, which is entirely in 3D. However, this anime fails in the 3D aspect. Fights are poorly animated, especially at the end, and the anime never takes advantage of the 3D models to make stunning camera movements or anything of the like.
Sound 5/10:
In terms of sound, the music in this anime is okay, there aren't any really memorable soundtracks, but at the same time, there weren't any moments where I felt the music didn't fit the scene.
In terms of voice acting, this really depends on you, I personally really enjoy the voice actress of the main character, so do most of my friends. However, I know that the majority of the community dislikes her voice acting, as such I shall not comment on this aspect.
Character 6/10:
Similarly to what I mentioned inside sound, the characters in this anime are really hit or miss, meaning you either like them a lot, or else you hate them. Unfortunately though, apart from a few main characters and side characters, I feel that some of the major cast have rather bland characters. However, I didn't find any of them to be annoying, or too bland, as such I believe a score of 6 is justifiable.
Enjoyment 6/10:
I overall enjoyed watching this anime. However, to be frankly honest, it wasn't really the anime I enjoyed, but rather the story that was portrayed within the anime. I will definitely not watch any second season. However, I do plan on grabbing the light novel and reading it through to see the story that got me hooked into this anime.
Overall 6.3/10:
The Anime Studio honestly ruined the adaptation of the light novel. While the anime is still pretty watchable, and as long as you like the story, you should remain entertained. I would highly recommend reading the Light Novel instead of watching this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 3, 2021
Every Season there are various anime that instantly become popular, but then there are also anime like "Shadow's House" which are unfortunately not so popular, despite being AMAZING gems!
Before starting this review, I would like to point out that my review might contain minor spoilers of the first episode of shadow's house.
In my option Shadow's House is a major masterpiece, it finds the perfect balance between mystery, horror and light hearted scenes. Each scene for me was memorable, and from the start of the anime, there were always hints of a much darker plot being slowly approached with every passing episode. I am happy to
say it did not disappoint, furthermore, with the absolutely stunning visuals, amazing animation and some of my favorite music scores this Season, there wasn't a single moment where I felt bored watching this anime, especially as the story progressed.
Below I will delve into the main categories of this show, without spoiling anything major;
Story 10/10:
The Story revolves over a large number of unique characters, with each character having their own Shadow Master to serve, some characters are similar to the Shadows, some are quite different. I will not get into detail, but this made an absolutely amazing narrative. Furthermore, I have never ever seen an anime that is remotely similar to this anime, and as such I must praise the author of this story for coming up with something very unique and very interesting!
Art 10/10:
As previously mentioned, the art was absolutely outstanding! When I look at art, I mainly look into 2 categories, the Aesthetics (i.e. how the characters, and world look like.) as well as animation. And this show delivers both perfectly! All scenes are made in high detail, and every single time I would happen to pause the anime for some reason or another I couldn't help but be shocked by the pure level of background detail. Furthermore, all animations that I have noticed within the anime are all very smoothly animated, and there was never any scene that felt out of place.
Sound 9/10:
There are a good number of really well made OSTs in the show, I have left a link to the anime's outro above, just so you can get an idea of how great the music is. (Along with the artwork.)
Character 9/10:
The Story took a lot of time introducing each character properly, topping this off with amazing narrative, the anime was able to change how I felt about characters (From hating to loving, and vice versa) with pure ease. Furthermore, each character feels unique and special. To a point where I genuinely have fun seeing the characters interacting with each other.
Enjoyment 9/10:
I overall enjoyed watching this anime, and I would gladly re-watch a second, perhaps a third time. The only thing going on through my mind after watching this, is "When are we getting another season?"
Overall 9/10:
The author of this anime's story made a magnificent job writing a completely unique, yet wonderful story. Furthermore, the Studio responsible for this masterpiece did a wonderful job visualizing the author's creation.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 21, 2021
Note: This review will contain absolutely no spoilers.
Horimiya is a 13-episode romance anime which primarily focuses on the two main characters of the story "Hori Kyouko" and "Miyamura Izumi" (Hence the name when combining the two). But also places a focus on the other characters within the story, which also end up in their own romantic situations.
The anime takes place in your usual highschool setting, but with the combination of an interesting story, and lovable characters, it becomes a definite must watch for fans of the romance genre.
Unfortunately though, while the anime is amazing, its 13 episode limitation resulted in a couple of issues, which
will be mentioned in more detail below:
Story: 8/10
The story is pretty simple to say the least. However, this is not at all an issue, quite the contrary, there is a large growing trend of romance stories with very sad twists and turns, or really annoying cheating scenarios, and as such it is pretty refreshing to see a romantic story, which doesn't have any tear-jerking moments or characters which I want to punch through the screen.
My main issue with the story though is the pacing. While the pacing is for the most part extremely well made at the first half of the anime, I feel as though the constraints of having to fit this entire anime within 13 episodes, lead to the remaining half being pretty rushed. With some undeveloped stories for some characters, and a bit of an unclear ending for a very interesting subplot within the anime.
Art: 10/10
When considering Art, I consider both the Aesthetics of the anime (ie how the anime looks like), as well as the animation. With that said:
Without a single doubt, the artstyle within this anime is absolutely beautiful! There were no scenes within the anime which I felt weren't Aesthetically pleasing, and in terms of animation, everything was animated really well, with no noticeable issues or lack of movement.
Sound: 8/10
The opening and ending songs are honestly extremely well made, and for the most part the music always fits the theme of when it is played. With that said there however wasn't any really memorable soundtracks during the anime, so I believe a score of 8 is fair.
Character: 8.5/10
As I somewhat explained inside my introduction, the anime primarily focuses on the two main protagonists. However, it gives an importance to the other characters, and the show frequently delves into their stories, with the show featuring both a romantic subplot as well as a subplot about 2 siblings (I won't delve into this.)
However, as previously mentioned, due to the constraints of having to fit this anime within 13 episodes, there was a resulting issue of not really giving us a clear ending in terms of what happened to the other characters within the anime. Furthermore, with the rushed second half, it felt as though a lot of character development scenes got skipped, which resulted in some interactions that wouldn't really make sense unless we had previously seen some developments made by the characters.
Enjoyment: 9/10
Despite the rushed second half of the anime, I still always found it to be enjoyable to watch, and having watched it while it was airing, I always ended an episode hyped up and ready to watch more.
Overall: 8.7/10
Overall a great romance anime, which had it not been rushed, it could have become one of the top Romance anime available. Having finished the anime, I plan on eventually reading the manga and seeing how this story truly unfolds.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 5, 2021
Note: This review will contain absolutely no spoilers.
Isekai anime have become a very popular trend in this modern day and age, with various Isekais coming out every single season. Each time we see a person living in the modern world die and get reincarnated or else just get teleported to an Isekai world. Many of which end becoming the heroes of that world.
With that said some Isekai offer something new, perhaps a new idea, an amazing story, or something similar. Does Rising of the Shield Hero offer a new idea? Well to be honest it doesn't, does it have a completely unique story? Once again
it doesn't. HOWEVER, while it doesn't introduce any new concept, it does everything right!
The main issue with most modern day Isekai, isn't whether or not they introduce something new, but rather how enjoyable it is to watch. I personally am sick and tired of seeing very boring characters end up in an Isekai world with insane super powers, and end up with some harem of people who I have no idea why they fell for the main character. This is where Rising of the Shield Hero differs from most bad Isekais.
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari introduces us to an actual likeable protagonist, with his own personality and character, and while his character isn't anything new, at the very least its a character who I can understand, someone who likes things and dislikes other things. While at the end of the day, just like other Isekais the main character will end up becoming powerful, at least we see the various limitations of his power throughout the anime. Furthermore, we actually see him slowly working himself up to become powerful, and even with all his training, there are still moments where his opponents are too difficult for him and he is forced to retreat.
This is all an amazing thing! This Isekai is actually realistic, with this there is also a very interesting story, each kingdom feels like an actual fantasy kingdom, with its many issues as well as wonders. Nothing is perfect, but nothing is horrible either. This amount of realism, make this anime an amazing Isekai, and while I didn't see anything new introduced into the show, I sure as hell enjoyed everything I saw in this show.
Story: 8/10
As I have mentioned above, nothing new is introduced, but with that said, the basic story is in itself very interesting, its not too cliché, and it is overall done right, there aren't any moments where nothing of interest occurs, and at the same time, there aren't any moments that feel too rushed, or unbelievable.
Art: 9/10
When considering Art, I consider both the Aesthetics of the anime (ie how the anime looks like), as well as the animation. With that said:
The artstyle is overall amazing, its pretty detailed, all the environments are colorful, or dark when the need arises, and there is a lot of detail put into every scene. Furthermore, the character designs of some characters, both main characters, and a couple of side characters is pretty amazing.
The animation is also really well made, I guarantee you that you will enjoy most fights in this anime, as apart from being well animated, they are also pretty strategic and entertaining to watch.
Sound: 8/10
Overall I liked both openings of this anime, as well as the first ending. Throughout the anime I always felt like the music matched the theme. The only reason I am not giving this a higher score is because there aren't any specific jaw-dropping soundtracks or music which I feel like I would need to pause the anime in order to find out where the music originated from.
Character: 9/10
As I already explained in my introduction, the characters in this anime, are pretty well written, and overall they feel alive. The main character is his own character, and not a boring emotionless mc most anime tend to use, the other main characters are also pretty entertaining, with their own likes, dislikes and ideologies, which definitely make me interested in learning more about them.
Furthermore, this anime tends to also make the side characters a bit detailed as well, obviously unlike the main cast, they aren't insanely detailed. But I always felt like each side character introduced in this anime, was his/her own character living in this world, with their own unique personality.
Enjoyment: 9/10
While nothing new is added, everything that is in the anime is well made, and enjoyable to watch. I was never bored when watching this anime, and I feel as though anyone watching this anime would also agree that it is entertaining to watch.
Overall: 8/10
As a person who uses the entire rating spectrum, meaning that I give bad anime a rating between 1 - 4, mediocre anime 4 - 6, and so on, a score of 8 from me is a great score, and I believe that this anime is definitely an anime that you as a viewer would enjoy seeing. Best of luck, and enjoy the anime!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 3, 2021
Yakusoku no Neverland, aka The Promised Neverland is not necessarily a masterpiece, but with its amazing overall story, and characters it sure as hell close to being one.
This review will be as spoiler free as possible, but I will mention the general feel of the show, so if you have no idea what this show is about, then you should avoid reading this review.
Now with the warning out of the way, the promised neverland as the title of the show suggests, follows the story of a group of children who are raised to believe that outside the orphanage there is a wonderful and amazing world.
This however, is not the truth, in fact what awaits them is nothing close to a promised land, it is in fact a major nightmare.
Story: 10/10
This nightmare is portrayed perfectly in this show, with the use of a lot of dramatic scenes, amazing characters and amazing writing. There were a few moments within the show where I was genuinely terrified over the safety of our amazing protagonists. Furthermore, this show also manages to make some wonderful wholesome moments to contrast the very dark themes in the show.
Furthermore, the story within this anime is very unique, and I personally have never seen a story quite similar to this one, and as such I will have to call the story outstanding. I really love seeing new themes being explored within anime, and having an amazingly written, and completely original story really makes me on edge to see what will happen next within the anime.
Art: 7/10
For art I will consider both the Aesthetics (ie how the show looks) and the animation, since I feel that animation should also fall under the art style of the anime.
In regards to Aesthetics, I am not really a fan of how the characters within this show look like. However, the themes of this show really come out with this current art-style and as such I will have to admit that it is in this regard pretty good.
In regards to Animation, I feel some scenes in this season aren't really animated properly, but there is nothing too bad in this regard, as such I believe that an overall 7/10 will suffice.
Sound: 8/10
The music within this anime always seems to fit the theme, and the voice actors portray their characters really well.
There are only 2 soundtracks which genuinely attracted my attention, as such I believe the score of 8/10 is pretty fair, since the music is good, but I wouldn't classify it as a masterpiece.
Character: 10/10
As I have previously mentioned, one of the strongest aspects within this show are its really interesting, and very well written characters. Each character within this show, both the main characters and some of the sider characters, have their own unique personalities, their own likes, dislikes and general ideas.
Enjoyment: 10/10
I definitely was on the edge of my seat throughout this entire anime, and there wasn't a single moment when I was bored, or felt that the show was uninteresting.
Overall: 9/10
I highly recommend this anime, and if you wish to watch something new, unique and exciting, by all means, give this anime a go.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 26, 2021
Promised Neverland Season 2... Where do I start?
Well first off let me start by saying that this anime skipped a bunch of scenes from the manga, which really ended up ruining most of the amazing potential this anime had, but for the sake of the review, I will ignore the manga (Which was amazing), and judge this as an anime only product.
With this in mind, I still consider this season to be pretty mediocre, if not a bit bad as a whole. Anyhow, this review will be entirely spoiler free, so let's begin.
Story: 5/10
This story continues just where season 1 left off, but for some
unknown reason they decided that the best course of action was to use a bunch of time skips, I will pretend that I don't know what has occurred in the manga, and with that in mind, due to a lot of arcs being skipped, some stuff in this anime make no sense what so ever, and you are frequently left thinking: "Why did this happen?" and "This makes no sense!"
Some other things outright contradict that which was shown in season 1, and we have no explanation on why these things occurred. Overall, a lot of scenes feel too rushed.
Art: 3/10
Okay so, with this category I will be considering art to mean both "Aesthetics" (How the show looks) as well as "Animation", since that for me also effects the art of the anime.
So in regards to Aesthetics, a good number of scenes look visually appealing, so I have no complaints in that regard. However, there were no eye-dropping scenes, or moments where I felt like I wanted to paused the episode and just admire the artstyle.
On the other hand, a few scenes were made pretty badly in the show, where you only see the characters with a pitch black background.
Now in regards to animation... This might sound weird, but this season is barely animated... What I mean by this is that most scenes have characters just standing still, with only their mouth being animated when they talk. Furthermore, the camera angle frequently shifts away from the person talking, so most of the time all you see is a still image. There is also a couple of moments where we hear a sound effect or noise, and then the camera shows the effects of those noises, but doesn't actually show an animated character creating those noises.
Sound: 4/10
There wasn't a single soundtrack that caught my attention, and with that in mind, I really can't give sound a score that's higher than 5.
Character: 5/10
We still have the same characters that we loves from season 1, together with a couple of new characters. The main issue is that a good number of characters became way less interesting, and many of them don't feel like the same characters from back in season 1.
Ray in particular for some reason rarely uses his brain this season, and just seems to do what everyone else is doing. While the rest of the children are completely emotionless, and just have the exact same emotion that Emma has, and do what she tells them to do.
Emma is pretty much the same Emma we know and love, but for some unknown reason they made her a bit dumber than in season 1, and for some reason she believes that "Love and Friendship" is the solution to absolutely everything...
Enjoyment: 4/10
My Enjoyment might be lower than most others because I read the manga, so having an anime that skipped so much might have made me feel frustrated and bored watching this, but for the sake of considering how you anime-onlys feel, I will increase the score from 3 to 4.
Overall, there is a lot of repetition in dialogue, and with the characters acting blander than usual, mediocre music and poor animation, the scenes in this anime often bore me.
Overall: 4/10
TL:DR: The anime had a lot of potential but decided to skip a lot of things, and rush other things, most scenes feel poorly made and uninteresting.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 24, 2020
Every now and then an anime exceeds all expectations, and turns into an unbelievable masterpiece. This is the case with the 2nd season of March Comes in like a Lion.
Similarly to the first season, I shall start off by straight up saying that you should only watch this anime if you are okay with exploring in depth themes, emotions and more adult-like content. Without delving too much into this, the anime talks a lot about depression, the effects of depression, and how it can completely crush an individual. Together with this, unlike season 1, season 2 also deals with bullying, goals, and the meaning of
life. As such, I highly recommend avoiding this anime if you are uncomfortable with these themes.
On the other hand, if you are capable of understanding and handling these themes, then I fully recommend it, as this anime not only handles it well, but rather handles it excellently to such a point that there were moments when I had to stop watching to actually think about the themes presented by the show, as there is definitely a lot of thought put into this season. Furthermore, this season fixes most of the shortcoming of the previous season, resulting in a masterpiece.
Below I will delve into the main categories of this show, without spoiling anything from season 1 or 2;
Story 10/10:
As mentioned above, the story of March Comes in like a lion revolves around depression, and how it affects the main character, as well as him slowly getting through it. In this season we also are introduced to many other characters, some minor, some major, and through them we get to also experience other themes, such as bullying. Which I must say, was handled extremely well, as such these themes make it definitely a worth-while story.
Art 10/10:
The art was absolutely outstanding, there is a very good combination and transitions of pure darkness when needed, to beautiful imagery and light in order to show happiness and tranquility, especially in this season, in that regard, I really loved the artistic choices and imagery used to represent emotions in this season, that I just can't see myself giving its art style any score smaller than a 10.
Sound 8/10:
There are a good number of good OSTs in the show, but nothing really memorable apart from a couple of them.
Character 10/10:
The characters are EXTREMELY well detailed. This season introduces a lot of brand new characters, each with their own highly detailed backstories, goals, friends and even their own problems. There were literally parts in this season where we had characters compete against each other. And I didn't know who to root for, since both sides had such powerful goals, that it made it near impossible to say which individual deserved to win.
Enjoyment 9/10:
I overall enjoyed watching this anime, and I would gladly re-watch it time and time again. Furthermore, after seeing this season, I had to recommend it to everyone I knew.
Overall 10/10:
The author has done an incredible job writing what I consider to be a masterpiece, and the director of this anime adaption, together with its studio, made a remarkable job brining the author's creation to life, with everything I have seen, I have to say that this anime is a true masterpiece.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 22, 2020
I don't know where to start...
This anime is absolutely amazing, I must say after the first few episodes, I was completely hooked and was unable to stop watching the show. And while I did find a few moments which I would say were a bit "boring", for the most part the anime did its best to keep all my attention focused specifically on it.
Now, to start off, I will straight up say that you should only watch this anime if you are okay with exploring in depth themes, emotions and more adult-like content. Without delving too much into this, the anime talks a lot about
depression, the effects of depression, and how it can completely crush an individual. As such, I highly recommend avoiding this anime if you are uncomfortable with these themes.
On the other hand, if you are capable of understanding and handling these themes, then I fully recommend it, as this anime not only handles it well, but rather handles it excellently. Furthermore, many of the shortcoming you might find in this season, will be fixed in the 2nd season (Which is a masterpiece on my opinion.)
Below I will delve into the main categories of this show;
Story 10/10:
As mentioned above, the story of March Comes in like a lion revolves around depression, and how it affects the main character, as well as him slowly getting through it, in this regard the story is absolutely amazing, it treats depression as a serious issue, and unlike other anime I have seen, there are a lot of moments when it feels like the issue is barely being resolved, giving this a very mature and realistic progression throughout the show.
Art 9/10:
While unlike season 2, the art style doesn't have any very memorable highly-detailed scenes, there is a very good combination and transitions of pure darkness when needed, to beautiful imagery and light in order to show happiness and tranquility, in that regard, while the art style might not be detailed, the great use of lighting and environment have definitely been great.
Sound 8/10:
There are a good number of good OSTs in the show, but nothing really memorable apart from two of them.
Character 9/10:
The characters are pretty well detailed, each have their own problems and they are well written to be integrated inside the story. And yes, characters become even better in the 2nd season.
Enjoyment 7/10:
I overall enjoyed watching this anime, and I would gladly re-watch it if I will ever have enough time for it. The only reason why I am not rating this higher is because of a few scenes, which genuinely made me feel bored.
Overall 9/10:
I highly recommend this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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