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Oct 29, 2017
Preliminary (6/12 eps)
Okay incoming 1 episode reviewer here, don't take me too seriously:

HA this is shit BUT IT'S GREAT. This is approved by someone with S1 in his top 5 favorites. I'll be honest: This season is 100% imitations of Rie Matsumoto's OG style for season 1and no lie; it's only 1 ep in so I may be completely wrong but this style is everything I wanted in a second season against all my expectations WOOP...

Okay well MAL requires me to submit a longer review so I will, just give some of my general thoughts to please the overlords. But here's my general idea after watching just ...
Aug 2, 2016
Under the Dog (Anime) add
Alright I'm not going to waste time: I'm a backer of the original kick starter and I know this production was always a long shot to begin with. We paid our $20, $40, $60 in hopes of being able to say: "Look animation in Japan is fantastic, you just need a great set of minds behind it!" Did we get that? Nope. Not close.

Story: 2/10 I'm just going to say that there's too much jam packed into 20 minutes of nonsensical best guessing. This production was supposed to be a 1:30.00 length film, at minimum. However the kick starter did not make it ...
May 3, 2015
Oh man stay away from this one. I'm not gonna be fancy here, this is more of a quick PSA than an actual review, but I could not stand by and let my fellow MAL users subject themselves to Kyoto animation essentially ripping itself off.

I should say first though that I love the original Kyoukai no Kanata show and Kyoto Animation in general so I'm not really reviewing the show here. Its just that KyoAni can't seem to do well with its show-to-compilation-film adaptations (I'm looking at you too Chuunibyou compilation film, but that's another story for another day). Why they ...
Dec 2, 2013
Elfen Lied (Anime) add
Elfen Lied was a powerful anime to say the least. I was expecting a series with a lot of mature content; what I wasn't expecting was that all that mature content packed a punch of power themes and some rather deep characters.

The show is a psychological sci-fi that features Lucy, a girl who can literally tear people apart with psychic hands/tendril things. Not the usual happy go lucky content often found in anime: prepare for some serious violence and pretty much unchecked graphic content if you plan on watching this. There was also quite a bit of nudity for what I'm ...
Nov 30, 2013
Hyouka (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
When it comes to Kyoto Animation, I just get super excited because I love the other shows I've seen them do. So you can imagine my sadness when Hyouka failed to invoke that same love.

The story: 6/10
I don't mind the mystery genre, but the way Hyouka chained the characters to their high school really limited what mysteries they could take on. I had a lot of trouble keeping my attention focused because the issues they were solving just weren't that interesting. The most interesting mystery is done fairly early in the series, and that left me with stuff like "who stole the ...
Nov 30, 2013
Cowboy Bebop (Anime) add
Finally saw this after pretty much every one of my anime-watching friends recommended it to me, so I had some seriously high expectations of this series when I started. Thank goodness I wasn't disappointed.

The story: 10/10
Bebop is nothing like your average anime, it's run rather like a Saturday morning cartoon. It features less of a cohesive connective plot and is more like a play by play capture. The story not cheesy though by any means: each episode usually has the characters in some situation, usually involving a bounty, and will shape up into anything from a goofy but awesome action packed ...
Nov 21, 2013
Angel Beats! (Anime) add
Overall there was a lot about Angel Beats! that I really liked. It has a creative premise, seriously memorable characters and some hilarious writing.

My main problem with the series is that while watching I felt the anime only covered a fraction of its original content. It felt rushed and completely unfinished, like the studio producing it just took every other episode and published that instead of the full thing. I felt that the story and the characters could have been twice as good if they had given the anime the proper length it deserved. After all, why would you make ...

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