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Mar 22, 2024
I jumped into this anime mid way through the season because I saw a few cool clips of it on Tiktok. Everyone was also saying it was really, really good so I just decided to check it out and that has to be the best decision I've made this anime season. Frieren is actually a perfect anime. I don't think I could really name a flaw for it, I loved every single moment of it. I enjoyed the slow and mundane conversations between the characters, and how on the surface they seem to be quite simple but the more they interact with each other the
more you realize just how complex their thought processes are.
I've always wanted a cute slice of life fantasy anime where it's just characters living their life in what is a pretty generic fantasy world, and Frieren does that really well. But it's also a really good character study anime, where a lot of the intrigue comes from the interpersonal relationships between the main cast and their little side adventures. I like it's message about grief, loss, and healing from trauma and how it managed to handle all of those topics without glorifying any of those horrific acts in the usual gross anime way. And I even liked how it was able to cleverly build up this world that is, again on the surface very simple, but which has a pretty unique way of dealing with the fantasy genre like it's magic system, the various creatures we come across, they even have an arc dedicated towards a magic academy and that didn't go at ALL how I was expecting.
And even with such a long run time, when I had finally reached episode 28 I had no idea where the time even went. I was just so drawn into this world and it's characters that I quite literally lost track of the time. This anime has been airing since September of last year, and it's now March. That's a lot of time for a show to dip in quality, become forgettable, or even for people to move on to the next shiny new seasonal. But I kept tuning in because the show is genuinely just that good. I'm not going to say you'll like it if you want action and cool fight scenes, because while there is SOME of that in here, it is at the end of the day a slice of life. And if you can't stand slice of life, then it's not for you, but you could still give it a try because there's a lot to like here.
The animation even for the small scenes where a character is just walking or changing their clothes or eating is animated with such care and precision that when those fight scenes DO happen, they go all out on them. Frieren has some of the best uses of magic in a class fantasy setting I've ever seen in anime. I have no complaints about this show, it was great, please just stop reading the review and give it a go if you haven't seen it already.
This is going to be one of those anime I rewatch every now and again to feel something.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 5, 2024
I first started watching this show because I had just randomly remembered it and the newest season started airing. I needed a new anime to watch that would fit in between my other weeklies and this was it. And I am kind of disappointed. The show isn't AWFUL at first anyways, it's a pretty standard "mind games" show about a bunch of kids in a super smart high school all using one another to get to the top.
However, I think the show for all its efforts really fails at this because the Main Character, while he is smart, only appears to be smart because
the other characters are really, really stupid. The plans that the MC comes up with are not as impressive as I was hoping they'd be because it doesn't take a lot to outsmart the people he's around at all. I also find that the MC is a bit boring because while he does have a mysterious backstory, the anime drags out the mystery of him to focus on more mundane things that aren't really interesting.
There's fanservice in this and while it's not very egregious it is distracting because they keep flashing you with some highschool girls boobs while talking about important info in the plot every 5 seconds. And it's not as if the MC even really shows emotion or likes having all of this female attention anyways, so I really feel like the anime just did this so that the male viewers can live through him vicariously as some "chad" who doesn't care about girls or whatever lol. But it totally sucks and takes away from the actual show and just ruins the experience of watching it.
His other classmates outside of like 5 are very underdeveloped and are basically just background characters. This is touted as a special school meant to nurture the future of society, and while that is an interesting premise, nobody outside of the MC is really all that intriguing. All in all, it's not a bad show but it is quite boring.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 28, 2023
Pyscho Pass Providence is easily up there with the first Pyscho Pass movie in terms of how well written it is, and how it just ties everything together in a neat little bow. All of the questions I had in season 3 and the Season 3 movie were answered here, and there was a lot of cool world building for the japan side of the Pyscho Pass universe. If it's been a while since you've seen Season 3 or any of Pyscho Pass, you are gonna have to do a rewatch to understand what's going on, because this movie kind of just hops right back
into the past with the assumption that the audience at least remembers what happened.
I also like this movie because it once again features a lot of really interesting dialogue and critique on society and the government as a whole, and it brings up Akane's iconic line of thinking: The Laws should bend to the will of the people. Which is to say, they should exist in accordance to the people who will be following these laws, and not exist solely as the thoughts of a machine. People deserve to have a right to speak on what they think is right or wrong in regards to the law, and even in regards to who is guilty and who is innocent.
Some people don't like Akane, and I don't understand that because she's easily the best protagonist in the series (i personally find Kogami to not be as interesting to watch), so if you don't like Akane you're probably gonna not enjoy it since this is a VERY Akane centric film. The soundtrack is super nostalgic and I like the new Opening and ED they had, though I am gonna miss the iconic "Monster without a name".
My only real critique for it is that we don't really spend a lot of time with the other characters like Ginoza or Karanomori, even though they're in the film a fair bit.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 17, 2023
Okay I actually tried on like two separate occasions to watch this show and to see why everyone was obsessed with it. The first time was way back when the anime first aired, I was watching weekly before I just stopped at episode 8. The second time was recently this week as of writing this review, and I made it all the way to episode 20 this time before once again dropping the series. I'm not going to say JJK is a terrible show or anything, but I was just expecting a lot more from it? The way everyone talks about this show, all of
the meta-analysis and think pieces being written on it online, had me expecting a really deep and philosophical show that did something interesting with it's themes. And I don't find that at all here.
My main gripes with this show is that it just feels like the fights and battles don't have any real emotional stake or weight to them. Battles just happen just to happen, and we only learn the emotional epicenter of the fights *in the middle of the fight* when one character suddenly wants to take time to think about their tragic backstory. Another gripe I have is that while the fights are beautifully animated and look amazing, the choreography for these fights are incredibly dull to look at. Everyone has very unique weapons, but they don't utilize them in unique ways. Everyone just has gimmicks to their powers, but don't use those gimmicks in ways you wouldn't expect. And fight choreo will make or break a fight scene. You could get the most talented studio to animate your fight scenes, and if it's just two guys hitting one another really smoothly, then it's a poor scene.
I also have an issue with the overall tone of the show. I feel like it doesn't know when to take itself serious, and that there are a lot of really cool moments that get ruined because someone wanted to crack a silly joke here or there. There's also the added issue of there just being way too many characters and not enough time for us to get invested in any of them. Because we have such little time (most of which is again taken up by really long battle scenes with mediocre fight choreo) the characters often have to have to unrelated epiphany about themselves in the middle of the fight. And normally I wouldn't have any issue with this, but it happens like way too often to the point where characters who weren't even related to one another were having these "You're not so different you and I ;')" moments with each other. Once is okay especially if you're going to follow up with that idea of these two characters being foils to one another, but 3 times and no follow up just feels like lazy writing.
All in all, I'm sure there are a lot of people who will really like this show. It does have really great animation, voice acting, and I have to admit that the characters powers and the magic system are pretty cool. But if you were going into this like me expecting to understand just WHY everyone seems to write so many think pieces about the narrative, you will be sorely mistaken as the story itself is actually pretty simple. The anime does have some interesting ideas, but in my opinion it doesn't really expand or talk about those ideas in an interesting or unique way.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Aug 2, 2023
I remember watching the first 3 episodes of this when it first aired, but I couldn't finish it because I got too lazy to sit and catch up with seasonal shows back then. I wish I had stuck around back then to actually watch it because 86 is a phenomenal show from beginning to end. I loved everything about it, from the music to the animation to the story. There is never a dull moment in this show, and that's coming from someone who doesn't really watch a lot of Mecha anime's.
I think what 86 does the best is that it gives us time
to explore the ideas that the story presents about bigotry, racism, and prejudice. Even when the characters think they've met a "decent" person, they narrative proves that nobody can ever be totally perfect, not even the Main character Lena who insists on being an advocate for the marginalized. And I like that the show decided to really go there when it came to it's discussions on racial prejudice and bigotry, and didn't shy away from it with some kind of shitty metaphor. It added a lot of maturity and realism to an otherwise fantastical sci-fi world.
The political intrigue for the show was also very interesting, and normally I'm bored to tears when anime characters start talking about fake countries and fake diplomats, but because the show really knows how to handle atmosphere, those moments were also not boring. The main character of the show, Shin, is very compelling and I found that even when the show "solved" his issues, you could still tell there was more there that they were ready to explore and conclude in the second season. I found his journey very touching and heartwarming, and well as depressing in a deeply impactful way. I don't particularly care about the romance of the show, and I'm glad the show didn't focus too much on it in favor of other more interesting aspects. That, and I've always been really annoyed when shows like this present "falling in love" as the ultimate solution to fixing everything. The ending to this show was both suspenseful and satisfying and I'm glad it didn't end with Shin and Lena kissing and then making everything better in that way.
There relationship was a lot more deep and impactful than if the show writers had decided to go that route, and I really feel like this is a *proper* slow burn we're getting. All in all, I definitely recommend this show, I think more people should give it a chance even if they don't like mecha anime, because I also don't watch a lot of mecha but this still was a real enjoyable watch!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 5, 2021
Season 2 of the promised Neverland didn't just fall off the ball, it's plummeted 60ft off a very steep cliff into a river and died. This sequel was terrible, and a dreadful adaptation at what is a truly spectacular manga.
I should probably start off with the story which is the worst part of this second season. Manga readers will know we didn't get two of the most important and well written arcs of the show, but what we did get was definitely not any better than what we could've had instead. It doesn't match up at all, and is pretty pitiful when pitted against the
missing arcs. It's not that it's all over the place, or that it's poorly paced (which it very much is), it's that it's terribly written. We jump all over the place, with no explanations given at all, and lots of things happen spontaneously without any warning or valid reason (other than the studio had to find a way to explain why certain arcs weren't being set into place.) Also, there are plot points that are brought up like in episode 2, that are never explored until it's brought up at the very last second.
The arts pretty much the same, but it's not as amazing as the first seasons. We don't really get a lot of those amazing moments of reading a character's expression as we did in season 1, so a lot of the internal thoughts we probably would've gleaned from them is completely lost. The last episode is a disgrace because we don't even get animation, and are instead treated to a google slide presentation of out-of-context scenes from the manga. Anime only's will definitely not understand wtf is happening when they see that disgraceful presentation as there's no dialogue.
The only good thing about this anime is maybe the OP, it was pretty good but I wasn't jamming along to it all season. There's a beautiful remix of Isabella's lullaby that plays during the last episode however, that kind of almost made up for the lack of animation, but it wasn't quite enough for me to ignore the fact that we definitely could've at least gotten an animated conclusion.
The characters are exactly the same, except they're not, because they're missing a lot of development. Many people hate emma for a very trivial reason in my opinion that remains unchanged in the manga, and which has also always been a central part of her character that it's silly to get mad at the author for essentially writing her as she's always been as. But Emma gets a lot of development in the manga due to those two arcs that got cut out, and because they're not in the anime she really suffers as a protagonist and as a character. Ray also sees some development in the manga, but in this season he's almost like a Background character than anything.
Phil has no development whatsoever, which is very disappointing and is something that just seems really pointless now. they sort of hyped him up as this mysterious child with a lot of knowledge, but he ends up not really mattering near the end. And the new character's we're introduced to are just kind of meh, and they aren't around long enough for the viewer to really get a feel for them, and to like them.
I would say the only characters that *weren't* butchered were the two Demons sonju and mujika who the kids meet in this season. They're pretty unchanged from the manga, and the scenes we get with them are in fact really well written (in dialouge only).
My enjoyment was very low as i was a manga reader hoping for some action and intrigue and to see my favorite characters shine. This is a disappointing anime because it started as one of the greatest thriller/horror I'd ever watched, to an boring as hell action anime.
Don't watch this if you want to really continue the series, just pick the manga up. you will enjoy it way more than this sorry excuse for a sequel.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Apr 14, 2021
When I first watched episode 1 of Wonder Egg Priority I was hooked from the very start, wanting to know more and more as each episode came out. But I wish someone had told me that the "story" that this anime has isn't its strong suit, otherwise I probably wouldn't have felt quite as disappointed as I did at the ending.
Wonder Egg has a pretty weak story, not gonna sugarcoat it. It deals with a lot of heavy subject matter, but because we only have 12 episodes, none of those heavy things are really looked at in a deeper light. The pacing is fine
in the beginning until you remember how many episodes it's getting, then you realize things are going painfully slow and story beats aren't being met at the right time. That, and some things are left unresolved by the end or just flat out not answered, and we're left wanting more. I wanna know about Ai's friend, about Rika's mom and how she really got to the point she did, about Neiru's life and past, about Momoe and her struggles. But those aren't explored deep enough or long enough to really leave an impact, and by the 11th episode we're scrambling to put together a coherent answer that's messy, comes out of nowhere seemingly, and is far too large for us to really latch onto in 24 minutes.
That being said, Wonder Egg has a lot going for it if you watch anime for more than just the story. Its artwork and animation are absolutely breathtaking and each shot just feels like it was handpainted with care. I love the character designs of each character, and how the world seems like a dull watercolor tone with these bright and playful girls. Ai's yellow jacket and blue hair combo make her the center of attention, but also is one of my favorite character designs of the season. It's so simple and lively, I can't help but look at the detail in her eyes and hair that the animators spent time on.
And that's not mentioning the sound design or the soundtrack. The OP is pretty unique for a show with such a dark tone, and the ED is also really preppy sounding. The sounds of each girl's magical weapon summoning is something I can hear over and over in my head and is such a unique sound that it makes the environment feel grounded in an air of fantasy while dealing with real issues.
The characters are very likable, I don't think I really hated any of them. I really relate to all of them in a way, but Ai especially is a pretty well-written character. The struggles that involve her coming to terms with her "friends" death and general awkwardness around others reminds me of myself a little. This anime is also kind of special to me because of the diversity and representation we got from it. I know a lot of weebs don't give a shit about whether or not a character is trans or black, but as someone who is both of those things seeing trans and black characters in a piece of media I'm not really represented in warmed my heart just a little and gives me hope that there will be anime in the future with trans and black characters. I love that Momoe's transness isn't something that is glossed over and that its something that's part of her character in a way that feels real and genuine for a teen girl to go through. I like that Neiru is just a black girl in this anime and that her race isn't seen as exotic or makes her "different" or foreign from her friends. They don't comment on it, and she's allowed to just be a black anime girl in this dark teen drama. She doesn't fall into any of the toxic stereotypes that black girls often face in anime like being seen as overly aggressive, she's not sexualized or promiscuous and the show never once does anything to make her seem like her being black is a problem for anyone around her, or even for herself.
Most of the time in anime I find when a black character is introduced, there's almost always some odd comment about how they're black and how they have dark skin. But it's only recently where I've found well-written black characters that don't fall into any of the pitfalls of a racist stereotype. If you're a black anime fan and you want to see more representation and you would like to watch a show that does that well, then this anime goes all out with it.
My overall enjoyment of the show was really high, though it would've been higher if the story had some time to breathe and really develop itself. I cried a lot during this show, and it definitely did hit me emotionally in all the right places, so I feel that if it were longer a lot of people would've liked this a lot better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 13, 2021
I tried really hard to get into this show because it looked really cool, and I haven't seen anything Bishounen in a long, long time. I thought this would be a great way to get back into that scene, but honestly this show is just...it's a boring show. I can't really say it's a *bad* show, because I definitely didn't hate the 5 episodes I dredged through, but it's definitely not good. And that's a shame because it has the potential to really be a decent watch.
Lets start off with the story, the set up is pretty good. We are introduced to our main
protagonist in the first episode, told his motivation in the second, and explored his backstory in the third. The pacing isn't terrible, and neither is the general premise. The real issue lies in the characters.
The characters are really flat, they're there but I've seen like a thousand other characters in other anime who have filled their predictable roles far better. Our protagonist, James Moriarty is every bit the suave, cool, calm, and collected genius you'd expect to see in a Sherlock Holmes anime. He's a pretty boy with a lot of money who has a penchant for getting back at the rich assholes of victorian society. That being said, he's incredibly boring as there's nothing really interesting about him as a person outside of his "We should just kill all the rich people' mentality.
his brothers are the same way, seeming more like backdrops to prop up his character than actual characters themselves. It's quite telling how boring they are given the only things we really learn about them as people, is how they managed to agree with Moriarity on his whole 'eat the rich' idealogy. I never made it to see Sherlock, so i don't know if he's a good character or not. I'm gonna go ahead and say he was probably not all that interesting judging by the countless other characters we met along the way.
The Art for this show is mediocre, it's nothing to right home about. The character designs, while good, are also kind of generic. There's a scene in the 5th episode in fact where Moriarty and his brothers are all just...wearing the exact same suit and there's no variation in style or color.
The sound design and the soundtrack are horribly misplaced, by which I mean they sound as if they've been composed for an entirely different anime. especially the ending song. It's a preppy edm jpop song that doesn't really mesh well with the dark tone of the show. Episode 2 showcases this well when it plays immediately after an incredibly tense scene. It was enough to break my suspense of the episode entirely when I first heard it. The sound design in the anime is also pretty generic to the point where I think they just ripped assets from some app and placed them in the appropriate spots.
There's nothing clever about it, nothing that makes it stand out like in other anime. It's standard, boring sound design of scenery.
My general enjoyment of the show was pretty low, especially since each episode is pretty much the same episode. This isn't necessarily a problem, but it became incredibly problematic for me because the characters are so fucking boring to watch. Each episode all the way up until the 8th is just this basic template:
Flashback to something terrible happening to some poor people
Moriarty goes to the place the bad thing happened, and learns about it through gossip or someone wanting to consult with him.
Moriarity meets with the rich asshole who did the bad thing to the poor people at the beginning of the episode
Moriarty kills the rich dude in some elaborate ass way that involves the poor people the rich dude hurt
happy scene with the poor people thanking him and his brothers, boom, end of episode, roll credits.
And it doesn't get better after that, it stays the same boring show all the way up until that point. I couldn't make it to episode 8 where Sherlock is supposedly introduced, but frankly I don't think I missed out on anything important. Give this a try if you like mediorcre boring pretty boy anime with awful 'Gotcha" moments by the oh so smart protagonist, and his lack luster brothers.
The only saving grace is that the guys were hot, but there are hotter men in anime, so even thats not really a reason to jump into this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Nov 10, 2020
Need an anime to watch before bedtime? This show's perfect for the job! Maoujou de Oyasumi or "Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle" is by far the cutest show to hit the air this season. It's charming, it's hilarious, it's good a damn good MC and it's the one show I've been happy to watch this whole season.
Story: The story is simple at its core, but that's just because this is a comedy and the writers need something small to work off of. You would think it'd be pretty hard to make something as simple as "Princess stuck in a tower trying to sleep"
interesting or even hilarious, but the writers know what they're doing. The simple premise lends itself well to almost slapstick levels of comedy the show provides with each episode. The lore and world are simple and generic, but the characters inside that world are nothing of the sort. And that's precisely why it works so well. A simple premise that they manage to keep fresh and funny as the show goes on, I never feel like it's being too repetitive at all.
Art: This is the cutest show I've laid eyes on this season yet, and each episode it just ups that cute factor by like, 10 and won't let up. The Princess's design is adorable, but the monster's they come up with are both unique and just hilarious for set design purposes.
Sound: The OP is cute, just like everything else in the show. So is the ED. I find myself humming it every once in a while. But the music for once isn't the only thing that's great about the sound. The Voice Actors are just great, especially the one for the Princess. Her deadpan voice is great for comedic timing and she has great line delivery.
Character: Princess Syalis is a 10/10 Main Character, she is always funny, she is always cute, and there is never a moment I don't find myself not entertained by her. The multitude of Side characters, including the Demon King himself, are also super entertaining to watch when they're not with Princess Syalis surprisingly. I find their antics alone stand on their own without the princess to wreak havoc alongside them.
Enjoyment: This is a fun as hell comedy to watch right before bed to get in the mood of finding sleep, and it's definitely a "Watch with the group chat" anime for those of you who like to stream Anime for your friends late into the night. Overall I give this a 10, please check it out if you like cute moe comedies with slapstick. I highly recommend it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 10, 2020
"Watch Talentless Nana Lise, it's so great you'll totally dig it, it's anime of the season for sure!"
Every weeb who told me to watch this show owes me 5 dollars for each minute I wasted enduring the episodes. "Munou No Nana" is, while not the *worst* anime this season, it certainly is nowhere near the best. Without getting into too many of the details regarding the story as a whole, I'll review this quickly.
Story: The writers are hacks, nobody on the writing team knows what the term "suspense" means or even how to meaningfully build a world up. Talentless Nana is an awful excuse
for a superhero story if you go into this hoping for a "My Hero Academia" rip off that has some of the enjoyment of that series, you won't find it here. And if you stick around after the fact, you certainly won't find anything deeper or more fulfilling after the fact. Nana is a show filled with plot holes, shoddy explanations for the world the characters are in, and repetitive writing. Each episode the MC finds themselves in the *exact* same situation they were in last episode just this time "Ohhh boy the stakes are higher, what shall they do to get out of this one I wonder?" If you're into faux mysteries and shitty plot twists, I guess this is right up your alley then, but I wouldn't rec this to anyone whose a fan of anime that has a thing for twists and mysteries. Talentless Nana has one job, and it fails miserably at it, which is to be an enjoyable and engaging anime with a neat story. The only thing it really has going for it is episode 1. I was told to go into this blind, and I did, and I can genuinely say episode 1 was the only episode I felt like I was really "into the show" as it were. So all in all, Poor world-building plus shitty plot twists plus terrible mystery equals a very bad story for an anime.
Art: It's nothing special, and I can't say I don't hate it, but I certainly am not loving it. I think it's cute, but some of the designs of the characters legitimately just remind me of other more interesting shows I could be watching instead, and yet here I am watching this.
Sound: I...don't like the OP. I don't think it's neat, and I'm not putting it in my playlist. The same goes for the ED. Both uninspired and not very listenable on their own. Or maybe it's just me not wanting to actually associate with this show for longer than I have to. It's generic Jrock if you like it you like it if you don't you don't, nothing more to really add to this fact.
Character: Oh boy, where to start with this one? I'll tell you right now, the only character I really like is Nanao, that's about it. Other characters like Kyouya or Nana, however, are just unbearable to watch for me. Especially Kyouya. I just don't think he makes a good foil for the MC since he always seems to just be conveniently useless for the sake of the plot. Michiru would be cuter if she weren't dumb as a box of rocks, and not in the fun Nendou kind of way where she's a dumbass but she's funny and loves her friends, in the Keichi Maeda way where she just does the stupidest shit for no reason, and we the viewer just have to accept that she's apart of the main cast and here to stay for possibly the whole season. Nana has one gimmick for her entire character and it's played literally every 10 seconds she's on screen, so when she does it one time you're like "Aw how cool" but after she does it the 30th time in the SAME episode you kind of wish the story wouldn't focus on her as much. The other students are okay-ish, though some of them seem like really poor rip-offs of other characters from more popular series. Like the angry fire, boy gives me real "Bakugou vibes" with none of the intriguing character or personality. It's a shame though because we don't *focus* on any of these other classmates for very long, so we don't really get to know them as people. And thus, it's almost like they don't exist at all aside from background noise and to let the main cast shine more (or shine as bright as they can with their horribly written personalities)
Enjoyment: All in all, I hate this show lol. This is kind of a first for me because I'm not usually one to hate on a show. I give anime as many chances as possible to please me, but this one is just not at all a fun watch. The repetitiveness, the pure idiocy of some of the characters, the blandness of everyone in the background whose "not important", the glaring plot holes, and the lack of world-building makes for a really shitty watch.
Overall: Go watch Assassination Classroom or My Hero Academia if you want a fun superhero/ Assassin type show with teenagers. And go watch literally anything else in the "mystery" category if you want a show with actual good plot twists and well-written character dynamics. Don't waste your time with this one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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