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Jul 27, 2024
Maybe a...tab bit.... too much... shit, eh?
Rightfully, and deservedly scored this masterpiece a No.2
Anything more would be unaccounted for, and anything less, would be, well, a bit piss in nature.
Watch and be disgusted, watch and be amazed, for all the shit there is to give, or show. The animation is completely yours to adore or puke on. The characters are very diverse, too much at times [YOU HAVE A MAN AND A WOMAN, Just wow]. The director's abilities were truly tested to their absolute limits during this art piece, maybe tested too much to its limits, hence the shithousery.
Basically, Humans are full of shit. [Don't
think too much into it]
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jul 22, 2023
"Life is like a boxing match between a man and a god. Except the man forgot his gloves and the god is on a coffee break." - Every spectator in that arena with some common sense
Hello, fellow anime aficionados! Let's step into the ring with Shuumatsu no Walküre II Part 2, where men and gods are supposed to duke it out for the ultimate title of pardon with dreams of mercy. But alas, this season feels more like a slapstick comedy than the epic battle we were promised. It's not a total knockout, a very disappointing 5. It's like expecting a heavyweight title fight and
getting a pillow fight by the contenders are still two world class heavyweights - it's like two school kids knocking it out with powers grabbed from straight up asspulls.
The story this time around, is like a boxer who forgot his shorts - it's trying to hit hard, but it's just embarrassing. The characters are like fighters who showed up to the ring in clown shoes - they're giving it their all, but they're not packing the punch we usually expect from the show. Of course, blame here should be partly shouldered by the mangaka as well, but the studio didn't help either.
The animation is like a slow-motion replay of a missed punch - it's lacking in detail. The two names of the only fight in this season, hold great power and reverence, yet neither were well displayed nor excellently animated as compared to simply drawings from the manga.
And then there's the elephant in the room - the measly five episodes. It's like preparing for a 12-round fight and getting a quick knockout in the first round. It's not that the knockout is bad, it's just...too quick. And when you're expecting a full fight, a quick knockout just doesn't cut it.
So, should you watch Shuumatsu no Walküre II Part 2? Well, if you're a die-hard fan who's willing to sit through a few lackluster rounds for the sake of the story, then yes. But if you're looking for the same level of excitement and quality as the previous seasons, then you might want to adjust your expectations.
In the end, we're all just spectators in the grand arena of anime. And sometimes, the fight doesn't live up to our expectations. But we stick around, round after round, hoping for that knockout punch.
Thanks for reading, you beautiful ringside spectator. Until next time, keep your gloves up and your expectations low.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 20, 2023
"Life is like a demon slayer's sword. It's sharp, it's shiny, and sometimes, it just doesn't cut." - A Hashira throughout this entire show
Welcome demon slayer stans, to the rollercoaster ride that is, your apprent greatest story ever, Kimetsu no Yaiba [back at it again, for that one show every year]. It's like a demon slayer who forgot to sharpen his blade - it's still deadly, but it doesn't quite hit the mark, and by missing i mean, absolutely haymaker slashes. It's not a disaster, but it's a solid, disappointing 6. It's like the rice ball that's been left out too long - still fills
you up, but leaves a stale taste in your mouth. Not even a sakura rice cake would help us here, trust me.
The story is like a demon with a bad sense of direction - it's going somewhere, but it's stumbling around in the dark. The characters are like a group of slayers who forgot their uniforms - they're trying their best, but they just don't look the part.
The direction is like a blindfolded Tanjiro trying to find Nezuko with his smell - it's aimless and confusing, and very very weird to process cause thats weird. The sound is like a snore fest - it's just loud, and the best ost's are the ones from previous seasons, great , excellent creativtiy there.
But it's not all doom and gloom. There are moments of brilliance, like Inosuke finding a perfectly ripe melon in the middle of the wilderness, oh wait sorry that didnt happen, wish it did, i would have given it an 8 then at least. This arc, seriously makes you get instilled with thoughts like we can or we will be soon finding a demon who doesn't want to eat humans, oh wait, we did didnt we, okay why then, why do they not eat humans [question ignored subtly by subduing journalist with silence the breathing second form].
So, should you watch Kimetsu no Yaiba: Swordsmith Village Arc? Well, if you're a die-hard fan who's willing to sit through a few dull episodes for the sake of the story, then yes. But if you're looking for the same level of excitement and quality as the previous arcs, then you might want to lower your expectations.
In the end, we're all just viewers trying to find our way in the dark. And sometimes, we stumble and fall. But we get up, dust ourselves off, and keep going. This is just that one fall, now we gotta dust this shit off before it infests.
Thanks for reading, you beautiful demon slayer. Until next time, stay sharp.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 20, 2023
"Best Wheat Farming Documentary and Training guide ever created by mankind." - Steve from Minecraft [Steve did not watch Vinalnd saga season 1]
Anyways, Jokes aside Lads,
Welcome, my fellow anime voyagers, to the saga that is Vinland Saga Season 2. It's like a Viking longboat, not the fancy kind with the dragon head, but the workhorse kind that gets you from point A to point B without losing a single crew member to sea monsters. It's definitely not a 9, to the dismay of many, but it's a sturdy, reliable 8. It's like the porridge of the anime world - not the most exciting dish on
the menu, but it fills you up and keeps you going.
The story is a whirlwind of Viking emulating shenanigans with a now sheepish Thorfinn, with enough twists and turns to make maybe only a baby sailor seasick. The characters used to be as complex as a Norse knot, each with their own tangled web of motivations, desires, and fears. But this season, you could easily read any character except one or two. Thankfully though the animation is still like a Viking tapestry, not the most detailed or vibrant, but it tells and suits this story right, and that makes it worth paying attention to. The sound is like the rhythmic rowing of oars, not particularly melodious, but it sets the pace and keeps things moving.
But let's not ignore the sea monsters in the room. Yes, my dear reader, even the mightiest Viking saga has its flaws. There were times when the pacing felt as slow as a longboat caught in the doldrums. Those farming days at the start still chokes me full of wheat in my nostrils and throat somedays, but we have survived. There were moments when the plot was as predictable as the tides in Switzerland, now those who do not know basic geography, Switzerland is a landlocked nation. But these are mere barnacles on the hull of an otherwise sturdy ship.
So, should you watch Vinland Saga 2? Well, if you're a fan of epic Viking sagas, complex characters, and battle scenes that make you want to shout "For Odin!", then the answer is a resounding HELL NAW. But if you're looking for a light-hearted, easy-to-digest anime, then you might be surprised STILL HELL NOOO. This is not a pleasure cruise, youll have to till, plant, water, ohh sorry my farming disease from watching this show was acting up again, cause if you were to watch I promise you, you will be able to plant a farm yourself with the amount of farmning they showed us.So only watch,, if you are truly a fan of vinland saga, tread forth carefully anime viewer, take those preceeding words seriously, or reklse, you cannot blame me!!
In the end, Vinland Saga 2 is a very conflicting show. It's not the most glamorous journey, but it's definitely one that will leave you with tales to tell and sagas to sing. It's not perfect, but it's a damn good anime. And in the grand scheme of things, isn't that what truly matters?
So, strap on your helmet, grab your shield, and join the crew of Vinland Saga 2. And remember, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. See you on the other side, fellow Viking.
Thanks for reading, you beautiful berserker. Until next time, stay awesome.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 1, 2023
" How can you have a war on terrorism when war itself is terrorism? " - An epic Soldier
War is EPIC. Going beyond its pain, suffering, bloodshed, massacres, piles of death, slayers, and the birth of killers. We see the absolute pinnacle of human bodies to attain victory over blood relatives in this animal empire.
When hands were not good enough, we brought blades; when they weren't good enough, then spears and shields, and now... we kill without even getting ever in contact.
This is THE BEST SEASON OF KINGDOM. A to the bloody Z, they dropped 10'er each and every episode and slapped our faces with
their golden sandals, and fed us diamonds later to die luxuriously. Absolute pinnacle-worthy war animation and execution of the mangaka's panel works.
And now, the most important point, THE CG IS DONE WELL. You can't even notice the little bit of CG used here and there until you are very particular in every scene.
Man, this show made me a cream puff and adrenaline junkie.
Just go and watch Kingdom already. Tots candy apple worthy
Thanks for reading
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 28, 2023
" The objective of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. " - Kingdom of Chin
This season is where Kingdom truly entices its viewers and holds you by your balls or, in sense of females, BY YOUR BALLS!!!.
Last season, had that eye-bleaching snicker mixed with twister bar of CG trash animation.
THEY LISTENED, AND THEY HIT US WITH A MIKE TYSON EAR REMOVAL PROCEDURE by putting in Pierrot for the job. It is awesome. purely bliss and emphatic emotions rush through your head every few seconds with this season.
The music, the build up,
the art, the VOICE ACTING.... MY LAWD I JUST...... EHEMMM. All good.
Of course, then and now, they do drop that b**c* slap backhand, with very few seconds of CG and all of a sudden our handsome and chivalrous, daunting and broody, beautiful and cunning characters suddenly look like lego and Mould Kings made kids, BUT weren't really INTO IT. I mean to imply they are absolutely vile to look at, and I mean that in the nicest sense possible. Just check the clips online for proof.
Overall, EGG CRACKLINGLY NOICE. The perfect beginning for the actual story. [insert meme with correction] LOOK HOW THEY *SAVED* OUR BOY. [/end meme]
Thanks for reading
Have a great day
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 26, 2023
" An eye for an eye and the whole world considers you an organ trafficker. " - Every madman ever
Kingdom is good. It's that part of the meal, we all are indifferent to. It's the spinach with spices in our thanksgiving meal. Not hated as much as that FREAKIN USELESS CORN ON COB. But of course not loved as much as granma's mac&cheese. Sorry, got dragged a bit there. Back to the subject, I'm indifferent to Kingdom season 1.
Animation: Bad.... ill be frank, no rollercoaster rides here. It's like watching a bird lay an egg and suck it back in the middle of the process;
cause they actually animate a few scenes and the rest is CG. It makes you think you're senile, cause at one moment a character looks badass and amazing and in the next he looks worse than the addict down across your street, but in CG.
Other all criteria for scoring: it's good. Good plot, Good enough appeal, good characters, good setting, just good music.
Overall: Watch it, just so you can watch the more amazing later seasons. It's good. Its the right show to watch when you're thinking that you wanna change your usual routine of watch lists and try something which hit you like a haymaker. Yes, albeit these instances might be very rare, but that's the moment to watch Kingdom Season 1.
Thanks for reading you, beautiful bastard
See you on the bright side
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 1, 2023
It moves now.....
Rejoice, brothers and sisters and the in-betweens, we have got Half-assed Gokushofudou [but still edible/watchable].
It's good, same as always, short, sweet, to the point, and enjoyable. The character art has improved tremendously. And the episodes are lesser in number, but the quality has risen by levels of mountains and hills. If you ask if its worth watching, HELL YES. It's a direct to brain dopamine injector. ITS FUN. Simple as that, with no tremendously intertwined and thrilling plot. Just enjoy the freedom of not always sitting on the
edge of your seat. And enjoy TATSU IN ALL HIS GLORY OF BEING A BADASS...... house husband.
10 on 10. [NOICE]
Thanks for reading. I wish you a prosperous new year with glorious new animes your way.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 8, 2022
Well, here we go. RED.
That one color has made us rilled up this entire series upon its appearance on screen. RED.
That hair, that swag, that cools badass look, and those eyes. THOSE CONQUEROR'S EYES. RED.
it's a good film, worth watching. NOT PERFECT. It's a film, so they tried to put their best. Good time though, for around 2 hours.
Great choice of picking Ado, and exceptional animation.
And, well SHANKS. Simple as that. What more to say. That's more than enough to stick our bums on seats.
Go watch it, you might like it if not you'll come out at least glad knowing that you were able to
support the one piece story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 22, 2022
Sometimes, once in a while, comes a show which requires more than just critique but also out-of-the-box reviewing methods.
Aoashi is definitely THERE.
i love football. i love anime.
Put that together; you give me Ao Ashi. I was in a youth academy and have gone through the hell of promotions and the cycle of wishing to be a pro but never being that good enough, or simply not fitting the team's style of play and thereby being considered not talented enough. So, this show hits personally hard there.
What more can I say? It's a show about a kid wanting to play football to its truest heights, every
boy's dream in sport. If you're up for that, go for it, or else, this isn't your piece of cake since you gotta get the knack down of a few football terms, but trust me, it's worth it.
Enjoy, cheers.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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