Total Recommendations: 2
If you liked
Hidan no Aria
...then you might like
Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi
Both are action anime that have a girl suddenly joining the main character who then fight together against various enemies. They both use effective humor, have entertaining action scenes, and have deep characters. Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi is a little more fantasy-based with magic and vampires, but it doesn't overly affect the story.
Anime rec by Linollieum - Feb 9, 2013
If you liked
Angel Beats!
...then you might like
Hidan no Aria
Girls with guns and swords, fighting for what they believe in. Both of them have similar humor. Angel Beats! has some more emotional points.
Anime rec by Linollieum - Feb 9, 2013