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Aug 8, 2024
Tengoku Daimakyou (Heavenly Delusion)!
As the title implies, this anime takes you to great heights, then makes you go through hell. In more than one way. Let me explain:
Starting up, it does a great job at setting up its atmosphere and introducing both plotlines, each conveying its own unique feel. Although, they're connected by a face. Maru and Tokio, somehow, look exactly alike.
The characters are captivating and their motivations are coherent. The post-apocalyptic world is mysterious, but at the same time seems awfully realistic to the spectator. Both these factors come togheter to captivate the viewer right from the get-go. I was especially taken in by
the relationship between Maru and Kiruko, even though the drama and mystery surrounding the school's students leaves nothing to be desired (Tokio, Mimihime, Shiro, Kona etc.).
(On a side note, I absolutely loved the concept behind Kiruko's story and have plenty of thoughts on it. Please feel free to message me about that if you watched it!).
The action also stands out right away. The plot fluidly shifts between tension-filled, action-packed moments and more "monotonous" ones, with plenty of dialog and character development. The storytelling is not obvious and builds everything up nicely. Balancing two plotlines in 13 episodes is not an easy feat, but I feel like it couldn't have been done better. As the school's events become increasingly bizarre and mysterious, Maru and Kiriko's journey takes on a very pleasant episodic feel, exploring different scenarios of a post-apocalypting setting.
The fight for survival, distrust and competitiveness between people, propagation of groups and sects, and portraying those who break or flourish (or sometimes both) under adversity. Abuse of power and the thirst for vengeance. The search for answers. The struggle of mobility and of lack of information, in a world where no one knows how or why things came to be or what is left.
If any of those are your thing, I'd recommend you watch this. But... this is a mixed feelings review after all.
The show leaves a lot to be desired when it tries to touch on more delicate topics, such as sexual violence and suicide (especially sexual violence). If these are triggering themes for you, I recomend you stay away from this anime. I don't have any experiences like that, but I still felt extremely upset. If you're someone who understands the relevance and weight behind those themes, I think you'll also be extremely disappointed. Please don't underestimate this statement, as those few awful moments were enough to take me from loving to almost disliking the anime.
Despite that, some the plot is still wide open after Season 1, with many mysteries left unsolved. So, there's still hope for redemption.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 21, 2020
"We overthink things and look back at yesterday, but still, our silly lives go on"
Yesterday wo Utatte is about growing up.
And here's the thing: growing up takes guts. Being an adult is about VOLUNTARILY taking up more and more responsibility. For example, when you get a better job, that means your decisions have a greater impact on yourself, on your workplace and on the lives of those around you. Same for a relationship: in a way, you end up becoming responsible for the other person's feelings (not in the sense that you can control them, but simply that your actions may deeply impact
them. Please don't get me wrong).
Unfortunately, most people nowadays are simply afraid to take up that kind of responsibility. Because its really kind of a burden. You have to bust your ass, work hard, take risks, spend a LOT of time, and you'll probably still fuck up more than once along the way. And those fuck ups hurt, not only you but also those around you. And its kind of scary.
But, as it turns out, that's what makes life meaningful after all. Its not your mistakes, your past or your feelings that define you, but the decision to try and do your best with what you have and know right now.
Its that simple, but we seem to keep overthinking it and making things more complicated than they should be.
That simple realization is what drives this show's plot. And I LOVE that idea. I just have the impression that we could've received a lot more out of it.
Rikuo, the main character, is basically stuck. That's the best way to describe him. His love life, his career, his emotional maturity... he doesn't have much going for him. Mostly because he's not trying at all. With some help from his work colleagues and his friends, he realizes that if he tries hard enough, he can maybe do something about it and find some meaning in life.
First, he tries confessing to his college crush, Shinako, but that doesn't end well. Turns out she's also stuck to some shit in her past. And, to make everything even more of a mess, this crazy girl Haru shows up, and guess what: she has been in love with our MC since when she first saw him, and she's not shy about that at all.
So that's the plot: this guy who's basically a manchild decides to grow up, but quickly finds himself in a pretty complex emotional situation, this weird and unconfortable love triangle.
And, of course, he handles everything like the adolescent that he still is: VERY, VERY POORLY. Although he's clearly not over Shinako (who's a pretty big mess just by herself), he also can't reject Haru. At first glance, because of her (borderline creepy) persistance. But as things progress we notice that he's also selfish and actually enjoys the attention.
I really found the premise really interesting, and the ending was also pleasing. But, I had some problems with what's in between. The pacing is kind of slow, and although the premise is good, lack of depht and development on the supporting characters make the story feel way unrealistic and unrelatable.
Rikuo for me is the best character of this series. Although he is a purposeless manchild in the begining, I feel like he gets some real development, starts facing his lazyness and searching for some real meaning in life.
For some reason that I can't really comprehend, I feel like there was a general expectation that he'd be a perfectly reasonable and mature guy from the get go. People seemed surprised to see him handle everything immaturely. But I think that's what the show's about. Showing how cringy, unbearable and destructive an immature grown up can be, to himself and to those around him. If you start paying attention, you'll be surprised at how many Rikuos are around you, or maybe you'll even find out that there's some of him still inside you. That deep part of you that is still childishly selfish and insecure...
But finally, after a lot of try and error, he has some really deep and mature insights and ends up taking some actions wich finally resembles that of an adult.
I really don't know how to feel about Shinako and all that delaing with her past thing. I mean, I don't want to be insensitive. Losing a childhood sweethart who was also pretty much family must be tough. But the author makes it feel so fresh, like she has just started trying to deal with it, you know? Maybe its me, but I couldn't really relate to that. I guess his younger brother always being around and also being blatantly obsessed with her doesn't help either. But man, its just a bit too much for me, idk.
Same thing for Haru. Her unconditional love at first sight and her stalking habits are creepy, at best. But also, her persistent and strong personality is what keeps pushing Rikuo to confront his feelings toward Shinako, and sometimes even second guess them.
I just feel like they could've taken a more real and relatable approach towards our two female MC's, while still maintaining their role in pushing the plot and making our main guy grow some balls.
Even with all those flaws, I really think Sing "Yesterday" for me still does a nice job overall in conveying their message and being enjoyable. Its a show about growing up, and learning about maturity and responsibility in relationships even amidst all the confusion and pressure of early adulthood. And things can go south really quick, speacially if you still have the mindset of a teenager.
Although sometimes the characters sometimes seem generic and fail to connect with the viewer, the smart plotline played out by an atypical and flawed MC is enough to get you involved and to keep you interested for those 12 eps.
Thank you for reading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 30, 2016
Wow, this certainly surprised me. I'm an "all or nothing" kind of person when it comes to Anime. I can love a show and enjoy every second of it, or It just bores me so much that I almost can't get to the end of it. But, once in a while, there are some things that end up escaping this "8 or 80" nature of mine, and Boku dake ga Inai Machi was one of those things.
Wanna know why ? Well, first of all, it starts really well. An interesting plot starts to unfold, with a lot of mystery, time traveling (a theme that
really fascinates me), and that slight touch of romance. Suddenly, I was hooked and ready to pull an all-nighter to wrap it up. I was caught up in the small details, the ones I usually fail to notice when watching anime, and that were so clearly and beautifully displayed in front of my eyes by those elementary school kids, or by that high school girl: a smile, thoughts you say out loud, having faith in someone, being thankful for having a great mother, finding people who like your true self, helping those through the difficult times in their lives, being a hero to someone. I was truly moved by all those little things. They really got to me, you know ?
Still, no show can rely only on its details. There comes a time when one must get down to business, develop the characters, the story, and knock it all off with expertise. And, imo, that's when this show let me down. It was like studying a wonderful theory, then learning that none of that has any actual value in the real world. I reached a critical moment when the ending was close, yet I still felt like the story had a lot of room to grow.
At that moment, I knew that the anime would rush itself. And guess what ? It did ! Boku dake ga Inai Machi not only failed to build enough tension behind its main mystery, it also missed the opportunity to explore both time traveling and romance deeply. Most characters seemed oddly developed. And also, if you'll allow me to go personal again, the ending really disappointed me. The ending theme was REALLY nice though.
Anyway, I got to enjoy this anime ALOT even with those flaws. Just don't get caught up in the plot, and pay attention to detail and you should be able to have a good time too.
Scores: Story - 6 // Art - 8 // Sound - 8 // Character - 4 // Enjoyment - 10 //
Overall - 6
Thx for reading guys ! Tell me if I got anything wrong, and sorry about any english mistakes. Greetings from Brazil and #ForçaChape.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 2, 2016
"There is something in this world that no one has ever seen before. Its gentle and sweet. Maybe, if it could be seen, everyone would fight over it. The world hid it so no one can get their hands on it easily. However, someday, someone will find it. The person who deserves it the most will definitely find it. Because that's how it works"
Why I chose to watch this show :
I'm a romantic guy, and I actually enjoy a well developed romance, but this was the first time I watched a romantic focused anime. I always got pissed by the way "couples" on
shounen shows just stop at the "crush point" forever hahaha even if both characters actually have mutual feelings. So I felt this need to actually watch something that could satisfy my romantic side, and Toradora! not only did that, but also made me want to watch more of that style of anime.
I started this review with that quote (which shows up at the very beginning of the first episode) because it summarizes one of the main lessons that Toradora wants to deliver : In a love story, not everyone will find love. Just a glimpse is enough to make a lot of people seek for it, but only the ones who deserve and complete each other the most will actually experience it. You might get hurt or screw up, but that's how it works. If you didn't get lucky, you need to assimilate the positive part of the experience, grow as a person and move on, or maybe even try again.
Story/Characters - 9/10
If you look at the story in general, its a big cliche, but the way characters act inside that main plot is what makes this show unique. The unusual characters and the common plot fit together, just like a love couple. Both are 9/10 for me, looking at their combination. Other thing I loved about the story is the way their love issues helped them overcome problems in other aspects of life, such as family, career, friedship etc. ( and by the way, secondary characters get some nice development at those moments. Ex: The student council president and Ryuuji's mother)
The 5 MC's are simply great, all of them have their qualities, weaknesses and odd habits, and they manage to surprise you with each one of those. They end up becoming this weird, but at the same time great love mess ! And the best part: Even if the thing you were hoping for fails to develop, the real outcome is still satisfactory. I mean, every decision and path that each one of them take is carefully explained and backed up. They make sense, nothing happens out of nowhere, even if its kind of sudden, making it easier to understand, accept, and even enjoy this new path that the plot took. The secondary characters also shine in some parts of the series, making it even more unpredictable. At any moment, someone who's been hiding can rise up and take the main story into another direction.
Enjoyment - 7/10
So, a great story/characters wombocombo, but only 7/10 enjoyment ? Yeah, unfortunately, I thought that the slow pacing of the show got me kind of bored, more specifically midway through the series, where all characters and their situations were presented to the viewer, but no major breakthrough happened and they seemed kind of stuck. Its a normal scenario in this kind of dramas, of course, but imo they extended that for too long, making it hard to fully enjoy and kind of difficult to watch a lot of back to back eps.
Art/Soud - 7/10
Not a specialist in this area, but both fit Toradora well, speacially the soundtrack, that was really well-timed and dramatic. I wouldn't say they're like a love couple, but more like casual friends ( you like them, but they don't stand out enough to be loved hahaha )
Overall - 8/10
I would reccomend Toradora to everyone, specially "main" shounen watchers like me who need their romantic needs to be satisfied ! If you're an experienced romance/drama watcher, some flaws in this anime will probably bother you more than me, but it is still a very good show ! If you get bored by that slow paced section I mentioned, just stick to that good feeling you had while in the first espisodes, watch one or two of them at a time, and when finally things get going again, you won't be able to stop.
Thanks for reading, sorry for any english mistakes and feel free to tell me if I screwed up really bad at some point !
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 20, 2015
Before watching Shigatsu, I had basically watched only action shounen anime. I was looking for something that was music-oriented, and this show satisfied me in that matter. The only music-related detail that I didn't enjoy was the excessive focus on the emotions DURING the performances... I just wish that you could enjoy the music to its max, without those constant flashbacks and thoughts interruptions. But even with that small downside, Shigatsu can still provide a great experience for your ears. Classical Music is just beautiful, and combined with the great art and strong emotions that this anime brings, it creates the perfect environment to develop
a story.
Still, unfortunately, that is where this show falls short from its potential. The plot doesn't match the background. See, I'm not saying its horrible or that it makes the anime suck. Its decent, but it feels like that magnificent scenery needed a bigger narrative to embrace. One that isn't so dramatic at some points, maybe.
The characters are only average too. For Kousei, he's just blocked for too long. The mother issue just kept coming up after it seemed to be over, and that looked unnatural for me. I mean, even after so much struggling and a lot of help from Kaori, Hiroko and his friends it just won't go away. He finally gets better after a LOONG time though, and that is surely satisfying. Kaori is a surprising character, probably the best one. She is just unpredictable and that makes her pretty interesting in every way. I also think that Watari deserved a deeper look, he was too distant and In my pov he could've contributed to improve the plot overall. I think the big upside about the people represented in this show are the bonds they have. Even with a lot of conflict, their friendship always comes first. And they are kind of easy to relate, you can feel their pain sometimes
If you are a music lover like me, you will probably enjoy "Your lie in April", regardless of those story and character issues. Assuming that you're a romance/drama expert and lover, looking for something great to add to your favorites list, you'll probably be disappointed. However, I'd tell you to watch it anyway, mainly because the environment ends up covering those problems, resulting in a good show in general. Its also a nice tearjerker, and has its funny moments.
Ratings : Story: 5/10 Art : 9/10 Sound : 9/10 Character : (6/10) Enjoyment : (9/10) Overall : 8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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