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Mar 16, 2025
Preliminary (11/12 eps)
I feel that the author mainly wanted to explore Okinawa and the romance was a bolted on plot device they didn't really care about. The story simply plucks random and unrelated situations that can lead to explaining an aspect of Okinawan culture. On to this there is a mildest sprinkling of bashful flirting. However, there is absolutely no character development, our MC is a carboard cut out that is a bit dense and gormless, while very amiable, he has no personality. We have never come to know anything of his internal workings, other than the fact that he likes this one girl, but we don't ...
Mar 14, 2025
Mixed Feelings
This is a weird one. I give it 8/10 but I have to categorise it as mixed feelings, since I love it, but it is flawed.
Where to begin? I love the story. He pushes and pushes and she blocks and parries his advances. Then "because... reasons..." He stops and pulls back. He stops calling her by her first name, which all throws her for a loop. However because of his ceasefire, she has time to contemplate the MC shaped hole in her life and even identifies how his harassment helped change her for the better. She concludes that she misses him and starts her own ...
Feb 15, 2025
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (6/94 chp)
Oh Japan, why do you do this? We have a cookie-cutter, off the shelf MC, who is rather basic and mid, and then we have two separate arcs that would have each made good stories. A. a run of the mill high school romance, which could have fluffed out 60 chapters by either keeping it sweet, or by cycling through all the old classics of yore that we have seen in countless high school romances. Fireworks News year's temple, valentines... etc... Or B. the far more interesting childhood friend arc, with her stalker-esque pursuit of the boy she lost. Which would have been far ...
Feb 8, 2025
Mixed Feelings
Hating on this is like hating a small puppy. It's cute and harmless, even if it has peed on the floor and chewed your newspaper. Depending on your personal mood, you can enjoy this pointless fluff, or you can hate it for being a waste of time, energy and effort. This show will be a mirror to your soul in that moment. Let's be honest, this show is slim pickings and you are only going to get out of it what you put in. Like food, not every meal you eat will fill you with joy or change your view on the world, some meals ...
Jan 31, 2025
I'm going to recommend this one, but only just. My issues are not serious enough to claim I have mixed feelings over it. It is a harmless run of the mill harem show and it does what it says on the tin. What I like about it is the way Natsukawa keeps dipping into Eita's notebook and his unending embarrassment as she reads from it. (I'm a simple man)...
I'm not a fan of the art style. I think Natsukawa in particular doesn't look very human and as such it distracts me. If you told me she was actually a mermaid for example, I'd believe that. ...
Jan 31, 2025
It's totally daft, this is not high art, it is a harem with fan service. The wit is sparkling and it had me chuckling many times over. Our MC is no beta simp. While he may look away out of courtesy, he doesn't get nose bleeds or faints. He is happy to look at the female form but he is not pervy about it, so he is quite refreshing. His harem of four (maybe five) is small by modern standards. They are all uniquely different. so pick your fave and place your bets (mine is Karen). So it gets points for not being crude and ...
Jan 28, 2025
Mixed Feelings
Truly a mixed bag for me. It is a "because...reasons" storyline of MC goes to a girl's school that has just become mixed, but they girls run the school, because...reasons... and all the boys are bullied and forced to wear girls clothes and make-up, because...reasons... All the characters are clichés and while it is utterly ludicrous, it does have a bit of a heart and the harem is deftly handled, so it is not just slapstick chaos. For me the negatives are the woeful plot that changes from boy fights top girls to get a outside pass, to a story of a dangerous adversary ...
Jan 26, 2025
Mixed Feelings
The effort employed to keep this one gag going ruins the show for me. I don't mind the character starting out oblivious, but the ability to chew food and breath at the same time should identify a level of brain activity that would prevent the MC remaining that dumb to the very end. It is the very same thing that ruins "Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town" These MCs simply cannot be so impervious to new data!

Rather than trashing it outright, I kinda like the story and supporting characters. I think the dragon is fantastic, so I give ...
Jan 19, 2025
I get the feeling that there was no budget for this second season, as the back half of it was just people stood around talking while they should have been fighting. You were getting three sword swings and 400 pages of posturing dialog per episode. For example, episode 17 - Mutation Hazard. We had the monster transform out of utter rage only to face-off against the students doing absolutely nothing for 18 minutes of the episode while everyone talked. At no point does the monster consider attacking the kids. It then happens that the kids instigate the first attack. It made absolutely no sense ...
Jan 15, 2025
This story shot itself in the foot, by going from 0 to 100 in the first chapter. You have them living together and planning to get married before they even know each other. So the story has only one place to go and that is to plummet downwards in flames. She loves him for dubious reasons and is very flirtatious at any given opportunity, teasing him incessantly, so Japan being Japan, and this not being 18+, the result is that this good looking and athletic MC turns into the most spineless and simpering beta (more like omega) male possible. This guy is the furthest ...

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