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Jul 1, 2018
Preliminary (11/? chp)
I might be a bit careless in relation to spoilers.
Before reading novel series I had watched anime, two times. Basically, first volumes brought me almost nothing new. By the way, if somehow you haven't yet watched anime, I'd recommend you to start off with it first. Kyoani made an excellent job on it.

The story opens with a main character's monologue. Thoughts of Kyon which will guide you through all the chaotic mess awaiting you. So, one perfect day Kyon happened to think about talking to a certain girl... From this and now on, his life would never be the same. All the supernatural stuff ...
Jul 27, 2017
Mixed Feelings

Bakemonogatari ended on some pleasant note. I was really willing to know more about what was gonna happen next. So... what do we have from Nisemonogatari.
Basically, happened what I had feared. It's become more haremish. If we were to cut the fanservice part, it would remain like 1\3. I think it's gone a bit too far. Furthermore, it reminds of a harem even more. Now, when Araragi's sisters so much involved. And now, when Araragi flirts with them throughout the whole show.

The plot itself here is rather simple, almost nothing significant happens, besides we get to know new characters. Also, Shinobu. She ...
Jul 23, 2017
For the clarity, before Bakemonogatari I had watched Kizumonogatari and Nekomonogatari.

Spring break along with Golden weak ended. Time for the new school term to begin. As it was said approximately in Kizumonogatari: "Once you've met an aberration, there's high chance to meet another one". Furthermore, Araragi is himself an aberration. So, it happens. Aberrations come one after another hardly giving Araragi an opportunity to rest.
Unexpectedly enough, they are all girls.
The whole show can be divided into several parts. It's easy to define. Because, depending on the arc, there're different op-s. Each part tells about different aberration. Araragi just can't help himself but ...
Jul 23, 2017
Here I'm gonna conclude impression of watching II and III movies altogether.

It's been quite an unique experience it terms of anime. I've just started my journey towards monogatari series with Kizumonogatari.
So, speaking of which... The story evolves quite fast bringing the desire of Araragi Koyomi to return his humanity more close. Not so surely, but steadily he clashes in few battles with vampire hunters. At long last, the battles are over. Somehow he managed to defeat them all. He did bring all limps to its owner. That's what 2nd movie tells about. But what's the outcome? 3rd movie tells. For sure, it has ...
Jul 3, 2017
Tsuki ga Kirei.
Just looking at the poster, I could imagine what it presumably will be like. It turned to be almost like I thought. And that's good.

I've braced myself to have an emotional trip. Surely, it was a pleasant one.
Well, there's a boy who likes a certain girl. She likes him in return. Can you guess what happens next? (on a condition it's not a hentai :) )
It's nervous to both of them. The show makes a good job of revealing their inner feelings and thoughts. I mean, they're so real. I could easily sympathy with both of them, remembering my ...
Jul 3, 2017
Mixed Feelings
My first thoughts were: "Oh, seems like someone is short of ideas how to name shows".

The story takes us to a magic world filled with witches... and beastfallen. Okay, from the very beginning it doesn't proclaims itself as something totally new. The setting is meh. The show manages to convey world's history in a poor way. How many times did you see a world with witches (magicians, special ability users, ninjas, gamers, hamsters) and those who hunt them? One way or another... I've encountered it myself dozens times. Overused troops are present here in quite a number. I had a vague sensation of secondariness ...
Jul 1, 2017
Third season of the show about bicycles and bicycling.
This one brings many new things. Are they good? Time to think about it.

First, third years leave highschool, therefore they leave bicycle's club. There won't be anymore several characters which we were so accustomed to in previous seasons. Personally, I missed "I am strong" thing of Hakone's ace.
Sure, it's sad. But, life continues on. The next Interhigh gonna come soon. Time to prepare for Hakone's revenge. And that's what they do. But not only them. Kyoto Fushimi and Hakone hone their skills too. Without a spare second to waste.
The season covers a part ...
Jun 29, 2017
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (12/24 eps)
"Do you know who's an android?"

I know. Every character of this show.

Sakurada city. The city which is full of people with special abilities. Kinda mediocre premise, right? Right. Though, it's far off from being something like a mediocre shounen but that doesn't cancel a mediocreness of the show.
I've watched 12 episodes. There were a lot of info. What I've got from it? Some pretentious pseudo philosophical phrases. Lots of meaningless dialogues which made me think about one thing: please, someone teach them how to communicate. One robot talking to another.
Sure, there were some interesting twists and ideas. The show has some tremendous ...
Jun 29, 2017
Hm... It made me quite uncertain.

The story involves many details which are just partly conveyed. It does tell only a small part of the world's history which seems to be interesting though. It's like going to and fro without hitting the center. I've just finished watching and still my head is full of unanswered questions. It there would be a continuation...
However, the anime have a different purpose rather than telling a viewer about the world. I'd call it an emotional trip. And quite merciless one. It gives us just enough time to get a sympathy to characters and then comes a time for ...
Jun 28, 2017
I've longed to read the manga since the moment I had finished watching the anime. I had the feeling something wasn't right about the way anime ended. Fortunately, I was right.

The story begins quite smoothly and slowly giving the time to get to know the characters, their way of thinking and living.
There are some things which are just given to a reader without any further explanations. You just have to assume them. I wouldn't say I liked it but that's not the most important part here so let it be.
The story tells us about a "detective game", involving time traveling. The most ...

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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