This is my first review which means this anime really screwed up that badly, anyways lets get to the review.
Saw this anime on tik tok which probably isn't a great source to trust now that I think of it...
| STORY (part 1): I won't go over the story that much because it's all over the place, especially the episodes that were literally flashbacks without a warning, really ruined my mood along with the little pacing it had. Anyways the
story sucks, it follows this student named Nobuaki whose class gets selected to play this "King's game" which ends up killing everyone with dumb challenges and the crappy sex/rape content that I have personal concerns with regarding the author (is that dude okay?). Now, Nobuaki was a participant in that game before with a different class, everybody died left and right until only him and his lover (Chiemi, Natsuki's twin) remained with the last challenge telling him to kill his lover which ultimately ends up with her dying but not by his hands. So everybody ends up dying except him (woah how surprising). Now after the shenanigans of the 1st game he had the option to kill himself to stop the virus (aka the reason the King's Game has power to kill you) from spreading to other people therefore destroying the King's Game for good, you can guess what he did considering I'm reviewing this in the first place...
what an idiot he should have just accepted his fate...
Also the way they made the virus is pretty bad and some challenges could have been exploited better by the characters, but hey!... none of dumb characters have the brain power to think about it. I will get to some other concerns later.
| ANIMATION: The animation is pretty mediocre/bad, that's all there is haha.
| CHARACTERS: None of characters really have any character development, like I know the anime has 12 episode but c'mon it can't be this bad! Most of the characters share a single brain cell, now I do say most and that is because Nobuaki (the mighty protagonist) has his own personal brain cell that he doesn't have to share, there are two more characters that I will get to very shortly.
One character that I actually deemed worthy is Ria, the hacker chick that died in Nobuaki's 1st King's Game. Now she isn't a great character and there isn't much to go off of but compared to the others she is a saint with a very special thing, a backstory (a pretty dark one) which (mostly) none of the other side characters have.
Anyways the others aren't even worth talking about except Natsuko, she is just a psychopath with godlike "manipulation" skills apparently (example: Aimi, Natsuko's "best friend") who in the past participated in a King's Game of her own with her previous class where she ends up being the only survivor (woah how surprising).
Also why are some characters practically committing suicide for their classmates and especially the protagonist when they barely know each other... A great example is Ryou, dude literally cut his own legs off with a chainsaw for classmates that don't care about him (except our heroic protagonist who barely knows the dude), it's natural selection at that point my guy...
| STORY (part 2): Now in this part I will address some concerns that I found relatively funny (the main reason I gave it a 3).
Anyways I had a lot of them but for some reason I forgot about most of them already, that's just how forgettable and unworthy of your time this anime is.
I am convinced that the author got sick of it and just decided to kill everyone off right away instead of continuing with the story "pacing", probably realized how crappy it was so far.
Now there is one funny thing I wanted to address so bear with me. So in the last episode when Nobuaki decides to break the news that there wont be any "winners" to the last standing classmates (Natsuko & Riona), Natsuko straight up starts strangling the dude that is defenseless (woah Nobuaki lift some weights my guy)... But that isn't my concern, it's actually what went down after.
So Riona (the last survivor) sees her love interest getting (wo)manhandled and isn't going to let that slide so she effortlessly picks up and starts the chainsaw and blows Natsuko's back out with it. Of course it wouldn't end there right? So after Natsuko faints (or so we thought?), Riona confesses her love and goes in for a romantic kiss, Natsuko manages to get the strength to stand up, starts up the good ol' chainsaw and slashes Nobuaki's throat and admits she actually loves him (woah what a twist!) putting him out of commission for good. Now after that there are last dying moments lovey dovey stuff between Nobuaki and Riona before she drowns herself with Nobuaki's body to end the virus which definitely has no other ways of starting up again right?
Now the main reason I talked this much about the last events is due to me confusion on how Natsuki stood up after taking a chainsaw to the back where as most of you know is the location of the spine (which in most cases causes paralysis if damaged (especially from damage this degree)) and have the strength to pull off a last moment power move, like it makes no sense (just like most of the show).
Oh also I reviewed the footage again, Riona charges at Natsuki with the chainsaw pointed horizontally, but as she is tearing apart her back the chainsaw is vertical???
Anyways props to the voice actors, I don't think I need to say why.
I am confused... If the games happened before and to other people would committing suicide really stop the virus? What if Nobuaki and Natsuki weren't the only ones who had those games, what if some other classes/groups had those games (confirmed in the anime) which most likely resulted in one survivor as having two is impossible due to the last challenge (we don't know if EVERY game had the same last challenge which results in 1 survivor) with the only other option of having no survivors. Also how come the virus only spread to his class?... Surely the survivors had other means outside of their class to spread the virus. And since 2 survivors of their respective games ended up in the same class, that can only mean that the virus spread more than we thought and there are surely more survivors as the characters in the anime confirmed of at least 5 games existing (the game prior to any of the other's games, Nobuaki's 1st game, Natsuki's 1st game, their current game, the game Riona discovered from her research).
And that brings me to this question: How come we have more than 1 survivor?
let me explain:
1st theory:
There were multiple people initially infected with the virus. Why? Because if it was only 1 we would have a single game endlessly repeating with 1 survivor which isn't possible considering Nobuaki and Natsuki had their own respective games.
This basically means we have way more games we don't know about and we wouldn't know how many people were initially infected and if it's only limited to one place which means the world is most likely screwed unless by any miracle all of those people and the future infected decided to commit suicide in order to dwindle their numbers eventually leading to 0 infected and save others.
2nd theory:
This is only based on if there was 1 infected person at the start.
So the 1st person who got infected and spread it to their group/class which in return caused the King's Game had a different last challenge to what we know from the other games in the anime, that basically means that there had to have been more than 1 survivor at the end since if there wasn't only one person would survive with the infection and spread it to their group/class repeating the cycle... So how come we have more games taking place and have more than 1 previous survivor end up in the same game (Nobuaki & Natsuki). That means that not all games have the same challenge which is very hard to believe considering the 3 games we know the end of all had a challenge resulting in 1 survivor. Conclusion: other games had more survivors which caused the virus to spread out far and wide and the world is eventually screwed.
3rd theory:
The virus has other means of spreading to other people outside of the infected's group/class which means the world is most likely once again... screwed.
4th theory:
1st and 2nd theory combined (or 1st 2nd and 3rd additionally) which once again... you know what I won't repeat myself you know the outcome...
5th theory:
1st and 3rd theory combined which is also most likely a bad outcome.
6th theory:
Huge hole in the anime that the author didn't think of.
Question: Is the father of Natsuki & Chiemi connected in all of this somehow (besides having the virus) and how did he manage to infect his daughters if they haven't played a game together, did Chiemi cause Nobuaki's 1st game to happen?
(1) There really is no point in committing suicide to not spread the virus unless you want to bring peace to yourself without having the chance to to experience the game again or (2) if the 1st theory is solely correct eventually committing suicide will pay off or (3) if the 5th theory is correct depending on how else it can be spread it might be worth it OR (4) THE AUTHOR DIDN'T REALLY THINK THAT FAR AND THE STORY IN THE ANIME IS LEFT WITH A HUGE HOLE IN IT aka the 6th theory.
disclaimer: haven't read the manga, I am happy to hear the opinion of someone else on this.
Anime has a lot of flaws
It leaves a lot of questions to be asked (check out the theory above if you haven't)
The only reason you should watch this anime is that it "hurts so good" in some moments and it's actually comedic.
It's basically so bad that you end up finding it funny and have some life energy restored to continue watching it.
So for that reason I think a 3 is appropriate, would definitely see someone rating it lower or higher based on how comedic they found the anime to be, but the people who unironically gave it a 10 scare me...
Jul 8, 2024
Ousama Game The Animation
This is my first review which means this anime really screwed up that badly, anyways lets get to the review. Saw this anime on tik tok which probably isn't a great source to trust now that I think of it... (ALONG WITH MY RATING OF THE ANIME I HAVE A INTERESTING THEORY ABOUT THE VIRUS TOWARDS THE END SO YOU CAN SKIP PAST THAT IF YOU WANT) | STORY (part 1): I won't go over the story that much because it's all over the place, especially the episodes that were literally flashbacks without a warning, really ruined my mood along with the little pacing it had. Anyways the ... |