Although this is just a 1 minute short, you can really tell it has the Megumi Ishitani touch.
She later directed some of the most beloved One Piece episodes (including One Piece Fan Letter) and is one of the best directors in Toei. My understanding is that this was one of her first projects, and you can already see her incredible vision for coloring and "softness".
Aside from the visuals, the time constrain of 1 minute makes it hard to tell any complete story, but it does a suprisingly good job at conveying one anyway. Just a typical boy-meets-girl with pretty visuals and a lot of dinosaurs/pre-historic
Feb 25, 2019
Completely unnecessary recap in a super slow-paced and uneventful anime.
Was painful to watch. Sure, Art and everything is good - since all the scenes where from previous episodes - with the only addition of eventual commentaries from Kirito. If this was an anime with a complex/deep plot, or even with a medium to fast pacing, this recap episode could be useful. But in a show where you can summarise everything that happened so far in three to five sentences - what Kirito does in the first minute of the next episode - it is completely unnecessary. If you didn't decide to come back to SAO Alicization after months ... Nov 9, 2015
Fairy Tail
(Bilingual English/Portuguese BR review)
(ENGLISH) If you came to Fairy Tail looking for an anime about Mages, you came to the wrong place: magic here is only used as an excuse for the strereotyped 6-packed, dumb af hero, to kick and punch everything with fire. (story) Fairy Tail is that kind of Shonen where the main characters manage to get strong enought to defeat the last boss just because they need to. The characters are good and the humor is not bad, but the story is so that it looks like its been thought while the show is running, with no planning or whatsoever, resulting in some major ... |