JUST READ THIS ONESHOT!!!!! ITS FRIGGIN BEAUTIFUL!!!!! (except if you plan to wait for more than a oneshot to enjoy this more, but this oneshot itself is magnificent)
Komi Naoshi is most famous for his work Nisekoi which I enjoyed myself since it was very light and just sparked the young romantic-comedy side in me, but Nisekoi was lacking deep emotions and the capacity to make the reader see relationships in a more sophisticated way since it is a harem which mostly focused on making the reader giggle and the characters funny. This work of his on the other hand still is very enjoyable though
Jan 29, 2016
*No spoilers, and this is my first review so please bear with my inexperienced writing
"Aoi" Hikaru ga Chikyuu has a great plot but the story is very common. Most of the typical anime and manga tropes are present in the story, characters, and development. There are also questionable or unexplained things in this work. Nonetheless, I truly enjoyed reading this especially the ending from the bottom of my heart. I do not regret reading this, and in fact I am very happy to have read this. And I recommend this to anyone who wants to simply quickly enjoy, be entertained in a lot of ways, ... |