Nov 14, 2012
Story: Excluding all the fillers, Bleach has an excellent story line. The story line would be the best in shounen anime if the story did not have fillers and if Kubo ditched the lost Shinigami arc. The story is your typical shounen with a badass main character but the thing that makes this show different is the diversity and amount of characters. The characters make this show so good because there are so many and each one has a purpose and a kickass personality to go with it. The story provides backstory when needed and will entertain any anime fan for a long time.
Nov 1, 2012
Story: Ano Hana's story is brilliant. The story line has the emotional impact of Clannad/C- Afterstory and can make anybody cry. The story is so good because it has the ability to manipulate the viewers emotions every single episode. I who rarley ever crys watching anything sad bawled almost every single episode because of how sad this story was.Anybody who liked angel beats will love this story. In addition to the stories powerful themes and emotional impact, it also somehow finds a way to relate to to the viewer as an individual.
Sound: The soundtrack that this anime has is another reason is why ... Oct 27, 2012
Story: Blood + posseses a storyline of incredible quality. Although not having many plot twists, they are fierce and shocking beyond belief. The story can be somewhat predictable at times for the seasoned otaku but the parts of the story that were predictable were intended to be that way o give the viewer a sense of security. In addition to predicatble moments in plot the suspensful ones more than compansate for it. Lastley, the ending to this anime is immaculate. The creators provided an ending that the viewer wanted instead of one that the viewer had to create themselfs or were extreamly dissapointed with.
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