The show that brings the word 'Darling' back to the mainstream and a pink-haired female protagonist that got Kim Kardashian in a funky pink hair craze on Instagram. I proudly bring you this year's POTENTIALLY amazing release. So let's dive down to see what verdict has the series brought to me ever since it's recent completion. Just note I want to keep spoilers in this review to the bare minimum so I won't ruin it for audience who has yet to see this yet.
Darling in the FranXX was no underdog for quite some time, ever since it's teaser and trailer releases it has spiked alot
of hype and speculation throughout the anime community, it tried it's hardest to revive the 'Mecha' reputation it's former predecessors left from shows like Evangelion, Eureka Seven, Gurren Lagann (shows that particularly follow the shows theme and setup). To start off, I'll cover my thoughts and verdict of the story by breaking it my thought by 6 episodes (e.g: 1-6, 6-12, 12-18, 18-24) So it would be less confusing.
Episode 1-6:
Darling in the FranXX is a mecha series that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where mankind fend themselves of monster like enemies called klaxosaurs and humanity has seem to abandon its usual hospitalities to stay within large dome shaped cities or structures, in order to defend humanity children were raised for a sole purpose to fight these klaxosaurs. The deserted environment and theme of fighting off enemies that plan to end mankind seems familiar doesn't it? Fairly similar to Evangelion and Gurren Lagann. Characters in the series pilot mechs called 'FranXX' that need two pilots one male and one female, the female being able to becoming the brains and mind of the FraXX and the male is it's secondary assistive control. With our basic intro and understanding out of the way let me cut to the chase, the way the story introduced the characters and immerse the audience to the first early episodes were amazing, it really felt unique and the protagonist were introduce in a well orderly pace. The mechanics that this world in the anime were well explained throughout its early episode and it is what got the me hooked right off the bat, it sets right environment for the right mood and everything progresses evenly and paced well.
Episode 7-12:
Now this is getting juicy, with me promising to minimise spoilers or not spoil at all, looks like this would be abit straight to the point. This is the part of the series where you can see that the story not only build it's characters to detail but build the world it is in. Slowly but surely you'll grasp the mysteries and twist you'd never expect but mind you whatever happens is just at surface level. The build up of the world seems unexpected as you are watching it you'll be in shock that you realise the show is changing quite a fairbit in just 12 episodes.
Episode 13-18:
This range is by far the best part of the story where build ups bears its fruits, the loopholes have been covered up and the well laid foundation has built into a beautiful building. In this range alot has happened to whole environment, new terrains are introduced, intense interactions and well written twist and turns that left jaw-dropped . There's so much to talk here but nevertheless I bid you to enjoy it yourself. This is by far one of those series that has impressed me in terms of how proper foundation of plot can lead to much possibilities.
Episode 19-24:
Now as a vivid fan of the series so far, this range of episodes is by far awful. Imagine building a successful story like a skyscraper so high and beautiful just to knock it down. The plots direction took a turn for the worst in my opinion, it felt rushed, incomplete and it lost it focus for an anime that focus so much on building it's world. Most part of the plot felt extremely forced, I really could feel that how the nonsensically confusing direction the plot direction went.
Specifically on Episode 24:
Yes, alot of backlash on the series went to the author yet again on social media but for various of valid reasons but the finale of the series was something to please the audience vigorously violent feelings towards the show. Yes, it fulfilled it's purpose that's the great part about the finale, it felt like after all the mess the show has been through this was the most decent of compensations?
Nothing special but you can clearly see where the budget went in the production, the art were quality at most of the times it needed it to be and production budget for the animation seemed to be staked quite highly. The design of the storybook illustration was one of my most impressed things about the series, very detailed. Opening and endings were beautifully animated with crisp clear hidden agendas, so do pay attention! Nevertheless I loved what Trigger studious did with the art for this anime.
Alright I'll cover both the Opening and the Ending aslong as OST. Now I want you the audience to know and pay attention that the OP and ED has alot of hidden meanings and early hints on the character and it's not placed randomly. Now the soundtrack the sound effects were crisp and clear, great job Trigger, it felt amazing watching it but ofcourse its great but it definitely isn't the best. So OP, the lyrics for the OP is basically made to compliment the show but catchy and rhythmatic to keep me from skipping the song. ED lyrics here gets a bit darker and the notes played are definitely a tad bit more solemn than what you'd expect which I think compliments the show very well depicting how the episode always ends in a mild sour note.
Now no spoilers here as the development is crucial and their mysterious past is what makes you interested in actually giving a damn about them. I would like to say that the series overfocused on certain characters at critical times and that caused a role in the destruction of the plot and as for characters I'd like to say yes amazing development on the characters, well written and nobody is left out but still some characters made no sense in certain important scenes that almost make it seem like plot armour. The villains development was extremely rushed and it made no practical sense but I'll leave that for you do find out.
Look I hated alot of the things that happened but I would definitely not regret watching it, I really did enjoy it and it was a great run. But overall, I am still very disappointed, this show has so much potential and I truly believed it has that potential to shine as bright as it's predecessors but sadly after all that has happened, this has been quite wasted. I think I am being more than reasonably fair to give it an overall rating of 5/10. I honestly feel it's average to fairly alright at max. Though for what it has in stored, I would recommend it to people who are new this genre or people that want something different and unique to kill their time with. Thank you all for reading. Enjoy.
Jul 11, 2018
Darling in the FranXX
The show that brings the word 'Darling' back to the mainstream and a pink-haired female protagonist that got Kim Kardashian in a funky pink hair craze on Instagram. I proudly bring you this year's POTENTIALLY amazing release. So let's dive down to see what verdict has the series brought to me ever since it's recent completion. Just note I want to keep spoilers in this review to the bare minimum so I won't ruin it for audience who has yet to see this yet.
*STORY:* Darling in the FranXX was no underdog for quite some time, ever since it's teaser and trailer releases it has spiked alot ... Jun 28, 2018
Shuffle! Prologue
Shuffle! , it's an anime-based of the well acclaimed visual novel of the same name. Although the anime scenes can be seen as directly recycled but the animation is not in this case.
Now here we go with me giving you my honest opinion about the 'story' footage shown in the Shuffle! Prologue. To be quite frank, the short 8 minute OVA actually do have a deeper meaning than it looks and feels to a person who has played the original visual novel. This is because the scenes and footage seen may be what the typical viewer grasp as what is seen in the anime ... |