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Sep 25, 2020
I had to be forced to look through these absolute dogshit reviews from people who either A. Have never had a bad breakup in their life or B. Not willing to admit that keeping up the appearance of being happy to friends and family, using a rental girlfriend to overcome your depression as well, is something some people do. I'm pretty sure these reviews that slam the main character are written by people that use OnlyFans, doujins, and simping vtubers as their sexual gratification so I know for a fact they can't connect with the character. They actually jealous the man is paying to fight
his depression. The MC literally saves her from drowning in episode 4 it's not like he can be compared to the typical harem MC that has pussy fall in his lap and he acts oblivious. And even when another girl throws herself on him he doesn't want to get back in the saddle and date someone because he isn't over his ex. He actually doesn't say he gets over her till the last episode.... did people even watch the show?
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 29, 2018
Sometimes in life you come across something that’s been under the hype radar that turns out to be a gem, that’s what this is. Back to a day an age when you went to arcades and rented movies at blockbuster, the nostalgia factor alone had me intrigued in this show. One of the other things that hooked me was having a character who never speaks but conveys their emotions so well that I can’t not care for them. These things hooked me in but I stayed and discovered so much more.
In just three episodes I couldn’t put this series down, I ended up crying
and being so connected to the characters in such a short time. It does a great job of setting up not only a rivalry but a romance as well. The boy who escapes his mundane life through a hobby he loves is something anyone can connect with immediately and having a rival along the way adds in that good goal to progress towards.
The weirdness of this love-comedy relationship is done in an excellent balance so we can understand the character’s motivations and feelings towards each other. To see them progress throughout the series is a great sight. Even though most of the characters seem one dimensional and the main girl doesn’t even speak you still somehow manage to care for them. When the love triangle is added I felt weird at first but found myself at some points not knowing who to root for. It added an extra layer to an already rich setup personally.
I’m not usually a person that harps on animation, art or sound so I’ll keep this short. Some people will be turned off by the design an animation. I didn’t see it as a problem and frankly, when we see the arcades and the 2D fights from the screen adapted it’s done superb. So I’d say it looks wonky but delivers in what they wanted the show to look like. As for the sound, as you would expect for an anime about games, is extremely well done. It made me feel like I was at the arcade playing Street Fighter 2. Even going so far as to add in sound from those games and voice lines too gives the show an added layer of depth that not only connects you with the characters, but the entire world they’ve built.
The ending was pretty intense and left me wanting so much more after a cliffhanger like that. It’s a great place to end though so I can’t complain. Also with 3 additional episodes being added as OVA later it works.
10/10 I loved every minute of this and the wide range of emotions I felt watching it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 28, 2018
This is the type of show that has a type of humor that won’t resonate with everyone but if you enjoy it, you will end up loving it.
For me, this show checks off all the right boxes to be something in the great category. It has some great humor accompanied by over the top facial reactions but that’s not all, it has some (read few) serious moments that bring things back down to Earth.
I can say with certainty my sides exploded from laughter more than a few times during the course of this show. But it’s not just the humor or faces that
make this a great show. The actual plot of diving, and when they do get in the ocean, take it from just being humorous to having a purpose. It gives it a level of depth (pun intended) that i find hard to see in some comedies like Prison School for example.
As for the characters, all of their quirks made things interesting and it meant that every interaction was going to be enjoyable even if it was a 1 on 1 talk. Chisa, to me, felt like one of the best characters because she keeps the entire series grounded and from going off on too big a tangent when Iori or Kouhei get into shenanigans. The other characters also didn’t feel like background noise, they made contributions and very minor characters like a bar owner used time to really bring out some humor. Again, it has a great balance.
Of course this anime has flaws, it by no means is a 10. I felt the adaptation rushed or fumbled the ball on some of the jokes compared to the manga. One joke with a truck needed an explanation and will leave you confused unless you have read the manga or know road laws. I also found issue with the pace at times but they wanted to stretch time between jokes to keep things grounded so it’s not exactly a flaw but more a nitpick.
Now I’ve said a lot about how this show is humorous as any review will, but also grounded. The show captures what people picture sometimes as a crazy college life. I can’t recommend this show enough to everyone although I know it’s not for everyone. Kind of like diving to be honest.
9/10 One of the funniest things ever
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 21, 2018
Let’s get this out of the way now...I started watching this show simply for the fan service and because, in general, I love any sports anime. However, I continued watching this show because the story and action were really well done and hooked me in to the experience.
This show isn’t anything ground breaking in terms of visuals but the action looks fairly intense and the designs are honestly great. Lots of simple things made me like the style from the eyes to the girls themselves and even the sky summer atmosphere.
The story is a slight twist on a beginner suddenly getting good through
trial and error, which is nice. They add in a cousin who had previously played and suffered hardship. I think this helps the girls grow together and become a great pair. I like the aspect of having a rival at the top and having the second best teach them to get there.
This anime isn’t without flaws though. I felt they spent too much time with the bonding of characters sometimes with random scenes and an introduction to a girl later in the show felt completely unnecessary, minus one plot point. I felt this time could’ve been better showing the progress of the girls to make their jump in power more believable. I say this because they seemingly get super OP with a beginner in a matter of months which frankly makes no sense.
I felt more connected later in the show with the Emily and Claire pair because of their background stories and how they helped along our MC pair. The match between the two to go to nationals was great and I honestly didn’t know who would win or who to root for. I really wish I could get more of this especially with the ending scenes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 18, 2018
So the story of three Yakuza getting a forced sex change and becoming idols...well at least the premise is a new one.
I’ll start by saying I read the manga so I knew that all hell would break loose during this anime and some really funny moments would be sure to follow. I was wrong but not for the wrong reasons. First off, the official sub wasn’t available so most of it was done by fans which lead to some problems but I can’t complain because that’s better than nothing. One thing not done by the fans was the animation itself; it was actually awful.
I think it did a good job of conveying the facial expressions and making the best out of the funny moments but they didn’t have the same impact as the manga. It made me more sad than anything to see something I truly liked have such a horrible adaptation, think Berserk.
Okay but let’s talk about the show itself and not the design. So the show cuts up the chapters into mini episodes and we get three per whole episode. I felt like this ruined a lot of the pace of the show and made any plot progression nullified because sometimes the next chapter is just a random story at times. That’s not to say it’s a bad thing but the development and shenanigans of these Gokudolls should’ve been a main focus but it didn’t feel that way at times.
The best way I can describe the show to you is...it’s a meme. It has got some great funny moments and some well placed facial reactions but they are mostly hit or miss. You can pick out a few moments for a good animemes post but the show itself is almost painful to trudge through. I’d say those moments make it worth but having read the source material I’d say you are better off sticking there more than anything.
I gave it a 5/10 below average and low level meme tier.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 14, 2018
The first thing that immediately caught my attention was the art style of this manga, I think it’s superb and the characters emotions are conveyed extremely well. This manga is about a boy whose crush turns out to be a vampire. Of course things don’t go as planned, but he plans to keep her secret and graduate together. This manga has everything from the childhood friend to the pervert in his harem and the tropes are done well, albeit overly exaggerated. Each of the girls have great backstories and arcs that work well and compliment the story in its entirety. None of the minor characters
ever felt minor and seemingly played huge roles especially toward the end. I had a problem with some chapters basically being non-related to the plot and never progressing the story but they also had cute or funny moments so it made it worth the read. I felt the main girl and our MC grew throughout the manga and had me teary eyed near the end. This manga is something I’d recommend to any and everyone. It had twists and turns from time travel to other unexpected moments.
9/10 Art, Story and Characters make this well worth the read.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 14, 2018
Just a simple yet realistic story of two people in a chance meeting gradually falling for each other. This manga does nothing new or special, but hits all of its points so precisely it has no real flaws. Every chapter either has some form of comedy or a great feels moment that makes you truly connect with the characters. It has nothing that seems to be fluff or added in to the manga and I felt each chapter really progressed to the ultimate goal. I enjoyed how they actually got together half way through the series as well because it made the characters that much
more real to me.
9/10 A realistic love story everyone should read
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 14, 2018
This manga is about two boys on their quest to make manga for Jump. It sounds simple enough but with deadlines, rivals, and even love they are in a constant state of battling with work to reach the top.
For a manga about making manga, this may seem obvious, but it details so much about the industry! I found myself enthralled with all of the aspects of this industry I learned. It made the story not only better, but gave it the sense of realism that very few manga of an variety could manage to do. It even managed to raise the stakes for certain
The cast and supporting characters were all widely different but they never felt out of place. Normally you see background characters and their stories sometimes go unfinished but not in Bakuman. All the support cast of mangaka get their time to shine and by working through their own plots and stories we advance overall.
This isn’t to say the manga is without flaw because I do have some issues with it. My main problem is that somewhere around the 100+ chapter range a “villain” was recycled and their rivalry with the top mangaka seemed to go nowhere. This problem was resolved rather quickly but I think the manga would have been fine without it.
Now for the story, art and MC:
The story felt beyond realistic and made me so hooked I would read 30-40 chapters in one sitting. It always managed to have high stakes and raise them as well, even though it only had to do with creating manga. No plot points were left unresolved and the satisfaction you get from certain points are indescribable in terms of enjoyment.
The art is solid, nothing super spectacular like Berserk or something. I will say the art is amazing in a different sense though, for different manga within the story they managed to make it look different and it added to the realism. I thought that kind of touch made the art superior to some other works I’ve read in the past.
Lastly, our MC, he stayed strong within his ideals and never wavered in the face of adversity. I didn’t sense much grow in his character but the way he was meant to be portrayed, strong will and never fault (typical Shounen MC), worked perfectly for both his work and love.
I can’t really say enough good things about this manga. It truly is a masterpiece.
10/10 something you NEED to read in your lifetime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 7, 2018
So I’m conflicted. At the start of Darling in the FranXX I loved the aspects of Hiro and Zero Two while the other characters seemed lacking and boring. Even without a world or a true objective the anime made me love it. I got hooked on two different outlooks coming together.
A little over the halfway point though I started having enormous issues with the show. Giving an entire episode to plot and world building 19 episodes in was a giveaway this wasn’t going to end up going well. By adding all the plot and story they forced themselves into a weird place. It not
only felt rushed and completely out of nowhere but gave off the sense that the show didn’t know what it wanted to be.
SPOILERS from here on out obviously
Then we have the main characters dying but coming back essentially and pulling things from places that are obscene. Add in an odd but okay plot of space being involved and the good guys actually being the bad guys. It just didn’t sit right for me after being so hyped early.
Going into space was so dumb. Giant Zero Two was gigantically dumb. I felt myself hating everything that happened to Hiro and Zero Two on their journey in the final episodes while the other characters prospered and caught up to what they could’ve been in the beginning. This is not to mention how the last half of the show essentially meant nothing by the end.
The last episode was enjoyable for some parts but others straight up laughable. The whole point of going to space was to wipe out VIRM which wasn’t even accomplished. Then a silly set up for another meeting at the very end with Hiro and Zero Two. Oh and this doesn’t even include of they communicated through a statue when a child heard voices through it. Meanwhile on Earth they actually grow their civilization and I found it interesting and compelling for the most part. They all grew and developed too late though.
I wish I could grade this show on hype or grade it on the first half. Or even grade it on the other characters, but with a garbage plot filled with nonsense and an ending that is less than desired I can’t help but give this show a 6/10
If you wanted a overhyped show this is truly it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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