It was a disappointment. Maybe the version I read was poorly translated or it was just poorly written. It hard a hard time getting points across to me, both artistically and dialogue wise. The art is solid but the flow of and the sequences were crappy. I had no idea what was happening most of the time.
Story wise, I am really really let down. It takes place in a facility 6000m underwater where a mysterious massacre occurred! You can play around with so many types of fears! The deep, dark ocean itself scares me personally, nightmare deep sea creatures, claustrophobia(Come on, you can imagine
Feb 22, 2016
Just a shitty yaoi manga with a poor excuse of a storyline. Incest is involved too, so it appeals to a lot of people, heh. Shallow yaoi faingirls who are into the typical pretty boys, drama, scandal and incest will eat this up. The action sequences are so crap. I had no idea what they were doing. And the "powers" and "abilities" are so mediocre but the characters act like they're super awesome. For people looking for a good series, this is not for you. Turn back and stay well away from this pathetic excuse of a manga. Wish I could give it a zero