When I first found this manga I thought I'd already figured it out to be one of these sorts of "introverted loser discovers the power of love by being approached by an absurdly popular gorgeous huge-titted -necessary trait- classmate who falls in love with him because losers are attractive" and I was like, fine, sometimes at least there's some comedy to be found in these (not that it's always intentional, but let's not digress any further).
Amazingly enough, *somehow* this manga is even worse than that.
Spoiler warning (of nothing, honestly) but the protagonist, one Otakura (such clever naming, I'm in awe) is not only NOT really
an introvert, he has basically no trait whatsoever that should make him the social pariah this manga tries to paint him as in the first couple of chapters. His whole "otaku" behaviour is... *drumroll* assembling, painting, dressing and selling models of girl anime characters. Yes, really, that's basically the whole otaku thing.
What you *won't* guess though, is that, by the power of making these models and by the power of watching anime, Otakun has become an expert on female fashion, even better than his female classmates, even the trendiest ones (because why wouldn't he). He can also do nails better than nail artists (of course), he can do extension and haircuts better than expensive salons (naturally) and he can choose and apply make-up better than a Hollywood pro. How, you might ask? Why of course! Because of all that modelling stuff he does! You might thing I'm exaggerating or that maybe it's played for laughs but I can assure you, I'm not and it most definitely isn't.
And you know what else is incredibly funny? Most manga with a loser protagonist will have him look as bland as possible (for all the people to self-insert and for a variety of other reasons) but Otakun here, oh no, he's more pumped than good ole Schwarzenegger. And do you know why? Because an anime he was watching was like "hey exercise is good here's what to do!" and he magically became more pumped than a 25-year-old culturist by doing exercises in his room. It truly is as stupid as it sounds and in the last chapter I read, Otakun strips so that only his trousers are on *in the middle of his class*; a behaviour that, dare I say, is truly a clear mark of an otaku and an introvert. It was such a moving moment that I thought I felt a tear slide down my cheek...or that might have been because I was laughing at the sheer nonsensical absurdity of it which was played entirely straight.
What else about Otakun? Oh, right, he can cook better than Linguini's rat, he regularly cleans his place, he's soft-spoken, he's kind, he's selfless and all other qualities that are in high demand in Japan and elsewhere.
One might wonder why I spent so much just talking about the male lead (which is indeed unusual for harem-style mangas) and that'll be quickly explained: let me introduce you to the two female "protagonists": Big Tits and Loli.
I'm quite certain they have names but A) I don't remember them and B) they're utterly pointless anyway.
So, what's the deal with them? Loli (in truth, not really a loli and, funnily enough, she acts more introverted than Otakun, but she's the usual short flat character so Loli it is) I actually, unironically, have no idea. She's friends with Big Tits and was convinced by her to let Otakun do an "image change" (because she looked too boyish and man, we wouldn't want to have that, you will conform to the common societal expectations in here) which of course he does making her change more than one of those Korean-cosmetic-surgery before and after ads. After which, they hang out at times but she's just a third wheel in this whole affair and nothing else than an afterthought.
The real (and only) protagonist to this point is Big Tits. You might think I'm objectifying her but, hand on heart, her adipose tissue balloons are quite literally the only thing I remember of her. If I told you to imagine an average girl in an average harem you'd just imagine her and her only real distinguishing characteristic is her bust which, truth be told, not all harem girls have (tho a lot of them do, admittedly). She approaches Otakun for some reason or another (unimportant) and basically you can imagine the rest, going through the "omg was I in love all this time? I never realised!!!1!ELEVEN!" kind of thing that is so common in this media and is so, so, so, SO fucking played out PLEASE I beg of you change the formula or tweak it just once.
But yeah, that's it. She has big boobs, falls in love with Otakun because he's basically the second coming of jesus christ (but he's also ripped af duuuuuuude) and the rest of her personality is the usual trite shite you've read or watched 100.000 times already (perfect girls who are always kind, always beautiful, always comprehensive, always surprised by the mc behaving like a normal human being, always enruptured by the mc's ability to treat them like sentient creatures, etc. etc.).
I was sort of hoping, just a tiny itty little bitty, that there'd be some drama in this manga. Spice things up, since it'll inevitably go through the garbage "oh no, mc has done -insert incredibly common thing people do all the time-, does that mean he likes -insert pointless girl character that will disappear within 2 chapters- more than me? Why am I feeling like this? OMGOMG wHyYyYyYyYyYy". The last chapter I read introduces two twins who, having functioning eyes, realise that Big Tits is infatuated with Otakun. I thought right, these girls are depicted as Big Tit's friends but what kind of friend wants an otaku as a partner for their besties? Come now. Play some prank, try to make some shit up, stir the cauldron, create some tension that might make this shitshow at least somewhat interesting, *do something*!
But...no. The twins realise Big Tits is jealous because they've been too close to Otakun for a while and what do they do? They start shouting "teehee! It's so crowded in here! We'll go ahead but we're afraid to get lost, we should hold hands! You guys should too!" before running away. Yes, at least THIS is recognised as "forced" and "unnatural" (even this manga couldn't have pretended otherwise) but my god, how mindnumbingly STUPID this whole thing was. I was left looking at the screen and wondering...why. Why am I doing this? Why am I wasting my time reading this absolute waste of paper, ink, digital space, broadband, whatever...why?
And that's how we end up here, with this review, which was not planned in the slightest but I had too much free time on my hands and became increasingly annoyed while writing it, to boot. If you read all this, well, you also have far too much free time on your hands, my lad.
If you like milquetoast mangas like this with at least realistic characters, go read ponkotsu fuuki no hanashi. It's by no means an incredible manga but it might as well be Master and Margarita compared to this. If you don't mind manga with this kind of setting but with erotic (dare I say, REALISTIC, considering they're 16-17 years old) themes, have a go at arakure ojousama, there's big tits there too but also some actual comedy.
Just please, stay away from this heap of trash lol.
Aug 19, 2024
Gal ni Yasashii Otaku-kun
Not Recommended Preliminary
(13/? chp)
When I first found this manga I thought I'd already figured it out to be one of these sorts of "introverted loser discovers the power of love by being approached by an absurdly popular gorgeous huge-titted -necessary trait- classmate who falls in love with him because losers are attractive" and I was like, fine, sometimes at least there's some comedy to be found in these (not that it's always intentional, but let's not digress any further).
Amazingly enough, *somehow* this manga is even worse than that. Spoiler warning (of nothing, honestly) but the protagonist, one Otakura (such clever naming, I'm in awe) is not only NOT really ...
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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![]() Show all Mar 28, 2024 Not Recommended Preliminary
(77/? chp)
100 girlfriends etc. etc. I'm writing this mostly because it's mind-boggling to me how high of a score this manga has (I definitely can see why people would like it, but that doesn't make it anything even remotely approaching the "decent" category, let alone the good one).
The core of the anime is that for silly reasons the MC will fall in love with 100 ""girls"" (and have them fall in love with him, conversely) just by looking into their eyes. The reason for this is inconsequential and it's said that if he doesn't make them happy and in love, they'll die (because, why not). All ... of this is pointless anyway so let's get to the actual issues with the manga. You might think at first that the manga might be more than what it looks like. It starts off as a parody of harem mangas and harem tropes in general...or so other people would have you think, because to be a parody of something you need to actually subvert expectations and criticise the thing you're being a parody of, not literally do all the possible harem stereotypes and have 4th wall jokes intersparsed in every other chapter. That, frankly speaking, isn't a parody of anything other than the intellectual honesty of the manga's author. So, right off the bat, no, this manga isn't a parody, it's just every single harem trope and nonsensical thing thrown into a pot with an occasional "wow, give the character more than 2 panels!" "blame the manga author GOTTEEEMMM AHAAA" kind of jokes which are 1) about as original as everything else in this manga and 2) get old *really* fast. I don't want this review to last forever so while there's plenty of issues let's get to the ones that made me drop it: 1) Pedophilia. I have no idea what the average MAL user thinks about this subject but I, for one, am not comfortable with it in the slightest. Played for a one-off joke given specific contexts or you know, not being treated as something that's ok...sure, fine. When you have: a 40-year old trying to have sex with a 14-year old, a 40-year old sexually harassing an 11 year old (and literally anyone in this manga, so long as they're underage), a 24-year old having a relationship with a 14-year old and an 89-year old (in an 8-year old body because suuure) doing the same...yeah, I don't care in the slightest how humorously this is put, I find it plain disgusting. The 14-year old MC french kissing a 10 or 11-year old leads us neatly into the next issue, since that child is also his cousin 2) Incest. Holy fucking mother of incest, the first 10 chapters of this manga alone make the Lannisters look like amateurish buffoons (there's your GoT incest joke, go away). As above, if you're fine with incest in your manga or your media in general when it's very much NOT depicted as something negative or given ample historical or narrative context, you do you (and hopefully your hard drives get checked by the authorities at some point in time) but this manga is nothing but incest. The MC "falls in love" with a girl AND with her mother (because, why wouldn't you) and said mother is one of the most repulsive characters I've had the misfortune to read in a long ass time. Not only will this 40 year old woman make out with her daughter and with her daughter's boyfriend, she'll try to have sex or get her hands on his junk whenever possible and sexually harass anyone in sight (but it's funny because she's cute and has huge tits, know what I mean? Heehee). The MC, as said above, will kiss and be in a relationship with his 11-year old cousin (who is, rather literally, a child, her mental age is akin to that of a 7-year old more so than anything) with the full approval of her father because the MC saved him from being run over years ago (if only they'd both been hit, if only) which is frankly speaking, an incredibly good reason to have your daughter smooch her cousin, that not so? What made me think "yeah enough" was the MC falling "in love" with a girl and, a few chapters in, with her 89-year old grandmother who is, for laughably boring reasons, inside the body of an 8-year old. When I reached this point, 70-something chapters in, I thought yeah ok, this can't go anywhere but downwards. Other issues are the usual ones that harem media has, such as the MC being a bland, boring AF, goody two-shoes who somehow is surrounded by ravenously horny girls (and mothers, grandmothers and primary school children in this specific case) while apparently being sworn to chastity. The MC in this manga *really* doesn't work because his whole shtick is "omg my girlfriend is adorable omg I love her so much" repeated for as many new girlfriends he's got by the time you read said line again. Since not a single one of the poor girls has anything more than ONE trait (because, you know, 100 of them) it's basically "toddler pointing at a colour and clapping while laughing" level of commitment and entertainment. The whole "girl finding out MC has already another (or multiple) girlfriends" could have been fun, except it's an issue only for the first...3, 4 girls, tops, everyone else sees this guy with 20 girlfriends and is like yeah sure, I'm here if you want to wet your whistle you Casanova. I swear, this whole manga has worse writing than fucking School Days, and that's saying something. Positives? Some art is nice (the first 3 times you see it, it gets repetitive pretty quickly), some jokes land pretty well, some of the "character traits" are funny depending on your tastes (none of them original in the slightest, so not really something you can praise the manga for, realistically speaking) and yeah, cute girls, big boobs, same old same old. TL;DR If you like incest, pedophilia, one of the most boring MCs you can find, girls with one character trait that get one or two chapters of focus, corny ass badly written dialogue with an occasional fine joke, you'll love this. If not, then you'd be better off staying away from this shitshow. Cheers.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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![]() Show all Apr 16, 2021
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Mixed Feelings
Ah, Shigatsu wa kimi no uso. I was fairly curious to watch this, mostly because of dissonating opinions I'd heard (on the opposite sides of the scoring spectrum) and also because dramatic anime, especially when music is involved, can get hilariously insufferable in the blink of an eye. What I found was...funnily enough, highs and lows and almost nothing that was "just ok". Pardon me the clichée, but a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde-type of anime. Let's get to why.
No spoilers (there's nothing worthwhile to spoil to begin with) so feel free to peruse at no risk whatsoever. Art: 7 I liked the looks (although the CGI was fairly ... obtrusive when utilised) and animation. It looks lovely and the midway point of the final episode, in particular, looked awesome (not that I enjoyed that moment, but we'll get to it later) and in general, I didn't really find much of anything to complain about. That isn't to say that it wowed me or left me wanting more of this anime just because of how it looked (unlike other shows). I did however find the way mouths are drawn to be rather distracting, because in several instances I had some serious doubts as to what the expressions were supposed to mean. Overall though, an expected A-1 experience, good with some highs but not stellar. Sound:8 Nothing to complain about here. I won't presume to know whether the piano pieces were played with extreme skill or not; while I have extensive experience playing musical instruments (4 years the piano, 10 the trumpet while in a conservatory), I don't have sufficient knowledge to judge the execution. But, it has to be pointed out, that isn't the point at all; you're supposed to feel what the anime wants you to feel and this is done in the usual way: see how the general audience and the recognisable characters react and tag along, as with all music anime I've watched to this point. Other than the piano and violin pieces played by the aforementioned recognisable characters, the rest of the soundtrack was excellent (albeit a tad too ambient, at times but with this kind of show, it would have been silly to expect otherwise). VAs were also excellent. There's not much to be said here, the protagonists are all voiced by experienced professionals who do their best with the atrocious writing that they've been given. Full points to them, the performances themselves were spotless. Story&Character: 3, 4 I had to conjoin the story and character sections because talking about how one pissed me off to no end would inevitably lead me to mention how the other had its fault. So, why did I disliked both story and characters? For the story, it's a miriad of problems. I REALLY and would like to underline it once more, REALLY didn't like the way Arima's mother was treated. Specifically, her years-long psychological and physical abuse of her only son. Now, it's perfectly fine for the sake of the story that Arima's mother is an abusive shrew. The audience needs and craves conflict and said conflict is also the major push for the primary protagonist of the show. What I'm most definitely NOT ok with, is how someone who in any kind of reality would have been taken away custody of her son in the blink of an eye, is coated in such a...benevolent light. It's exceedingly creepy and it just feels deeply wrong. I understand his mother feeling impotent, vicariously living through her only son because her dreams never came true due to her illness, enraged to the point of physical and, more importantly, psychological years-long abusive on a kid aged 5 to 12. All of those are, as I said, understandable. Almost the totality of them is also heinous and disgusting. Being deathly ill doesn't give anyone the licence to be a shit human being, and the way this absolutely horrid woman is depicted is so at odds with the way she behaved. Arima, who said to her after years of abuse and her hitting him hard enough to make him bleed, "then I wish you'd just die" spends the whole sodding anime whinging and whining about oh how mean he was to his mother and how could he say that and the anime does NOTHING to contradict the thoughts of someone who was abused and had ended up accepting abuse and indeed found it normal. If this wasn't clear enough, I think it's just sickening. Depressingly, albeit not surprisingly (Japan and mental health stand next to each other much in the way that USA and gun control do), sickening. This is tantamount to someone being kidnapped and abused for years, leading to a Stockholm syndrome and the media depicting it being like "yeah but the kidnapper is human too, nothing wrong with what they did really". Another fairly major problem with the story is its pacing, which is...really something to behold. That also ties in with a story/character major and I do mean MAJOR issue...verisimilitude or its complete lack thereof. Verisimilitude is a plausible appearance of being real and my god, do these snot-nosed kids all lack it. The first time we're introduced to them the word "junior high" is uttered which means that these kids are aged what, 14? And the writing...it's stupid. I'm sorry but a story that does its absolute best to be verisimilitudinous (yep I love that word) in most things, has these kids (males at an age in which they mostly think with their lower brains, at that, and those thoughts aren't exactly all that complex) speaking as if they were university students. When Arima gets going with one of his monotonous endless monologues, I was looking in disbelief wondering if somehow the subtitles and my ears had completely mis-aged these individuals but no...they really want us to believe that in this painstakingly realistic world, we have not one, but a score of kids (some being 12 year-old) monologuing the way a 23-year old philosophy student would. And not once, mind, but several time per episode. If this wasn't clear, this was a substantial problem for both me and my sisters, which kept insistently tugging at us, making what little immersiveness was achievable, all but non-existent. Pacing, as previously mentioned, is also fairly bad. The tendency to repeat concepts, scenes, ideas is really felt and it makes the anime seem slower than it really should be. Add to that the fact that Arima in particular is painstakingly keen on monologuing for minutes at a time, stating what has already been stated multiple times in the same or past episodes, and sometimes I really was at the risk of losing my eyes in the back of my head with how much I was rolling them. Characters...well then. I don't like Miyazono. Bluntly put but her character is awfully predictable, brings nothing of real interest to the table other than being the push for Arima to start playing the piano again and...that's it. She has no story other than "oooh don't you love music I'm so happy go lucky" and her ENTIRE backstory is told at the end of the last episode...which does absolutely nothing to help matters. Heck, even her backstory is predictable (possibly because she basically has the same exact one as another character's) and in the end, she serves as a rudimentary tool to further the story of everyone else and the little actual screen time she has makes it even worse. I wasn't feeling any kind of tie to this character (possibly because of how eye-rollingly obvious her foreshadowing is like, 2 episodes in) and obviously, no emotional attachment either. Other characters I liked fine; Igawa and the Aiza, other than how hilariously unlikely is for kids to hero-worship someone their age who plays the piano (but sure...it's a story, let's assume that's real and common), serve their purpose, are likable and, if I'm honest, I would have rather known more about them than I do about Arima. The Nagi Aiza "arc", while it seemed pretty odd, rushed and fairly out of place, was satisfying, more so than most other occurrences in this anime. Hiroko Seto is a fairly compelling character. Quite despicable at the beginning (tied to Arima's mother) but she actually learns her lesson (not that she had a lesson to learn other than "don't be a garbage human being" but still) and actively does her best to help Arima in ways that he obviously wouldn't be able to think of himself. Her daughter is there to look supah adorbs and well, she does, Koharu 10/10 would imouto-chan again. Watari and Sawabe...Watari is fine. He has something that's actually present in plenty of kids his age (though it's treated as endearing rather than a tad creepy but that's the "good-looking" effect which is fairly common) but in general, he's not awfully stupid and that helps...and speaking of stupid, let's get to Sawabe. Sawabe is in love with Arima (no, this doesn't get to be a spoiler. After the first couple of exchanges between them in the first episode my sister was like "oh, she's in love with him then" so yeah, it's obvious enough) and she spends the whole anime moping about in the "oh I'm not really in love, no what is this thing I feel oh could it be lo...no I'm not in love, it can't be, I've been friends with him since he was a sperm, it must be something else". And when I say the whole anime, I'm not being facetious, it really takes her that long and her character overall is there for cheap "side-drama" because all semi-romantic anime need the "old female friend" trope that is ALWAYS written the same bloody way. I like her just fine, I can sympathise with her but she's so unoriginal that she could have "OLD FRIEND CLICHÉE" stamped on her forehead and I would've been able to guess *every*single*thing* she does by the end of the anime. Props to Kashiwagi Nao, as she's the only character that is actually intelligent in the entire anime. Then again, maybe other characters are logical and intelligent too, they're not really given much of a chance to prove that but she has like less than 10 overall minutes of screen time so...I don't know, look, I didn't write this crap. And now the main piece...Arima Kousei. Let's start with the good: I like his character and, in particular, his character growth and the way he uses music to surpass his demons. If we just forget that this stuff doesn't actually happen and he'd need goodness knows how much psychotherapy to actually fix himself (and let's do that, it's fiction, it's an anime, that's fine) I think it can safely be said that his whole arc is satisfying. His fears and problems make him relatable and sympathising with him is extremely easy, which makes it that much better when he eventually ends up conquering his fears and his musical block, even in spite of a second fairly major setback. That's about when the good part ends though...and there's a faire share of, shall we say, "less good". Some I've already mentioned (talking like literally no 14 year old ever would in real life, repeating the same things, monologuing ad nauseam) and as for others...he's that kind of guy who thinks girls don't poop and that a girl he has an infatuation for (while knowing NOTHING of her) is basically an angel. That's...fine. It's verisimilitudinous (why *this*, of all things, but fine) but god can he not shut up about it. The way he goes on and on and on about his beloved angel gets maddeningly insufferable so quickly, it's unreal. Also the way he drones on and on about his mother is unbearably boring. Yes by all means, monologue about that once...twice. But that's it, STOP repeating the same bloody thing on and on and on. Quit it, please, I beg you. That's not all I have to say on the story and the characters (it's insulting how they use cheap shite as """allegory""" for cheap emotional hits like...wow, you really coudn't think of anything better than that, could you) but that's more than enough as it is. Pacing and too many issues with the story and main characters for my liking. Enjoyment: 3 I didn't have a great time. I spent a ton of time rolling my eyes (and I do mean that rather literally) or commenting "yeah, I said that when I was 14 too, isn't that so natural" and guessing beforehand what would happen...constantly. Some parts were very enjoyable but it was all dragged by the killjoy pacing and monotone protagonists that...yeah, I was legitimately happy it finally ended. I would have much rather know more about Igawa, the Aiza and Kashiwagi than the "main" characters myself. Overall: 5 I'll be honest, if art and sound were even a smidge lower, this'd be a 3 without a sliver of a doubt. Thankfully (predictably, in truth) the sound was very good and the art was about what I expect from A-1 so it was overall an average experience and a very average anime that steers dangerously towards mediocrity. If you like cheap drama and a full serving of predictability with some actually excellent musical scores and performances, you could like this. But as for me...I will have forgotten most of it within the next couple of days and I won't be missing anything special at all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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![]() Show all Oct 30, 2020
Ninja Collection
Not Recommended
Aaahh, another summer, another Yami Shibai season.
The discerning reader might be thinking: "Oi there lad, this is called Ninja Collection, what are you on about?" and indeed, the name is different but the substance is the same, only severely worsened by taking away what (precious little, truth be told) good the Yami Shibai series retains. For anyone who unlike yours truly hasn't watched all 7 (or just one, for that matter) Yami Shibai seasons, I'll explain the template: each episode lasts a bit less than 4 minutes (if you take away the soundless boring intro and the atrocious ED, which you should). They're episodic, with no ... real recurring characters (there are a few in this one, but it really doesn't make a difference) and they all follow a very strict structure within the allotted time. To put it into perspective, all Yami Shibai seasons got either a 5 or a 6 from me, except for one season which got a 4; so, why is this Ninja Collection, made by the same Yami Shibai studio (and two more, goodness knows doing what), so much worse? The answer is simple: they took away what made Yami Shibai interesting and at least entertaining: a relative unpredictability and danger. In a Yami Shibai episode, the character we followed could very well die in more or less imaginative ways (never shown, just hinted) or something else could happen; maybe the character would be safe and sound, maybe he or she'd suffer a different fate entirely. It's those kinds of episodes that were particularly intriguing. With Ninja Collection...the character lives. In two episodes (yeah, spoiler, no, not really) a character dies but in 11 episodes, you know the character will be saved by one of the four "ninjas" (we know nothing about them, literally) before anything happens to them. In Yami Shibai characters usually deserved what they got, in some way or another, but here, they really are "oh, this absurd thing happened to me without any reason at all" and it's so uninteresting that it's just painful to watch. Right, for the various categories... Art: 2. I'll include animation but I really shouldn't, there isn't any animation to speak of here. It's the same as in Yami Shibai but somehow they made it even worse. When two characters look at the camera and talk, they simply make them open their mouths for a couple of seconds, it really looks like a couple of fishes wearing human skins while high on shrooms...it was always more "stop" than "motion" but this is laziness on a whole other level. Story: 2. None, as mentioned above. Sound: 2. Pretty horrible. Since there isn't really anything actually creepy going on, the only thing you'll notice is how you can rather literally picture the voice actor (they all sound like they got someone from the middle of Kabukichou and asked them if they wouldn't mind saying some words in the microphone) reading the lines. Again, this can be lessened to some extent with things actually happening in the background, a smidge of music, a few sound effects, a teeenie bit of tension but...no. Character: 2. None to speak of, this category is more of a DNS Enjoyment: 3. Right, I've described this as atrocious and trust me, it is, but while it was mostly boring it was still a "meh, whatever" way to spend a half hour of my life. Call it a recurring habit, after 7 years of Yami Shibai it's rather amusing to watch the same muchstopnomotion crap, even though it's significantly worse. Should they not go back to Yami Shibai and persist with this dreadful new course, I'll probably decide to find less idiotic ways to spend that half hour, admittedly. Overall: 3. I wouldn't recommend this to literally anyone. If you're interested in "creepy" (more or less) short stories, I wholeheartedly recommend the Yami Shibai series. S2e07 and s7e12 are quite lovely, if I had to single a couple of episodes out. Avoid season 4 like the plague (it's about as awful as Ninja Collecton, albeit for different reasons) and have a blast. This isn't getting a score below 3 because anime like school days and clannad after story exist and this one at least didn't piss me off for days or make me feel nauseous and unclean. But that's pretty much the best that can be said about it. I doubt anyone will reach this point. If you have, my congratulations lad (or lass), this review is probably 5 times longer than the script for all 13 episodes of Ninja Collection put together. Let's all hope we can go back to better times... 闇芝居の時間だよ?
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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![]() Show all Jan 5, 2020
High Score Girl
Mixed Feelings
Sheer mediocrity hiding under clichéed nostalgia.
I had decent enough expectations for this anime, since gaming is by far my biggest passion and this series has a relatively high score by MAL standards. The lesson, as always, is "have no expectations whatsoever". Let's get to it. [For the sake of it I'll be covering S1 along with the Extra Stage stuff. There's nothing to spoil as the story is phoned-in from the very first episode, go ahead without any fear.] -- I won't go on to rate every single aspect of the anime, since it's largely pointless: I'll focus instead on its two biggest failures: characters and "story". ... Characters first. Well, it's like the authors watched Hinamatsuri and Kaguya-sama and thought "oh, which are the least likable traits of the female protagonists? Yes, let's just join them together!". The "protagonist" (or co-protagonist) is Akira Oono (hereon referred to as just Oono), and she has 3 traits: she never talks, she has a difficult family situation and she likes videogames. I really struggle to call eye-rolling things such as these as "traits" but that's pretty much the whole of it (and add your usual "very violent" and "eats like a hippo" traits, the Japanese are nothing if not consistent with those two). And here lies the biggest problem. She's not a compelling character. Nor is she an interesting character. The fact that she never talks (not because she can't, just "cos muh artistic visiuuunnn") doesn't make her endearing in the slightest, to me. The fact that she has a very strict "home-teacher" and her parents don't care about her situation and BLAHBLAHBLAAAAHHHH yeah I'm sorry but can we get over this stupid "cute rich girl with meanie weanie parents"? As I mentioned before, somehow it was supposed to make Kaguya relatable when she just looked like a rich obnoxious brat with no common sense to speak of. Oono isn't as bad as Kaguya from that point of view, but the whole "wah rich girl sad background" is so sodding clichéed it's just unbearable. I'm supposed to feel sorry for this kid who never utters a single word and hey, I bloody don't. Give her an actual character next time because looking pretty and making various facial expressions isn't a sufficient replacement for one. The other co-protagonist is Yaguchi, another pile of clichées. His thing is that he's obsessed with videogames. I thought I'd find him at the very least relatable, since I've been gaming well over half my life but christ almighty, there's a very fine difference between "normal" obsession and whatever this kid has. Games are the only thing on his mind and I'm not even being facetious here, he can't think of anything else, it's genuinely mind-boggling. I've known many people who were really obsessed with games but even the worst hikikomori would look at this brat and be like "woah mate, give gaming a rest for a while". Everything he does, it's for gaming. You don't have to wonder about his motivations, he always does something "cos vidyas". Other than that he's the usual braindead Japanese teen who couldn't find his own arsehole if someone else stuck his head in it, the classic "oh, is that love" "oh, are these feelings" BS that's been done ad nauseam in much subtler and better ways. While I get to the third character I might as well talk about the story. There really isn't one. This anime was clearly made thinking "we must make something about games and that sweet nostalgia, shoe-in some characters and a semblance of a plot and we got game guys" and boy, does it show. Within the first two episodes, without knowing anything of the anime itself I was already wondering where the third wheel was at. And there she comes, spurned love aka third wheel aka best girl who's as dumb as a stump, Koharu Hidaka. I feel sorry for her character, she's not really much more developed than any of the others but falling in love with a complete useless nobody like Yaguchi must really royally suck. There, I've told you all about her already, she's the needed impediment between the Oono-Yaguchi """"love"""" story, she's there to fulfill her role and does so admirably too, but that's that. There's a smattering of other minor mostly useless people, like the old kind driver (and his incredibly hilarious running gag of running over Yaguchi with his car LOLOL), supporting character and unsurprising nobody Miyao, arrogant comic relief Doi, sympathetic do-it-all perfect mother Yaguchi-san, irritating perverted twat Onizuka and mischievous laissez-faire Oono onee-sama. I'd talk more about the story but there really isn't one. It's just various boring "conflicts" that pace what otherwise would be a full-on gaming commercial for the 80s and 90s. No doubt people who lived in that era will appreciate it because somehow recognising something that made us happy ("oh hey, I DID THAT TOO BRUH") equals to the thing mentioning it as being good, too. But yes, the story. Yaguchi meets Oono at an arcade, she's better than him (he never beats her) and he gets obsessed with showing her her place while she clearly wants to show him something else entirely. There are various pauses in this...relationship, such as when she's sent to Europe for what, two years as a primary school student (who doesn't do that after all, ah these rich peeps, I swear) at which point the third wheel, Hidaka, gets to know Yaguchi and obviously falls in love with someone who not only hasn't yet discovered what his wee-wee does, since it's not gaming-related, but has barely any care for any other person other than himself. Who wouldn't fall in love with such a compelling person, AMIRITEGUYS?!? After that, just insert various problems of poor rich kid Oono who's come back from Europe (or wherever she'd been sent to in order to advance the plot) which end up with her running away from home (yes, I know, shocking development) and eventually her tyrannical home-teacher changing her mind without any reason to (literally nothing new had happened, the plot decided that the same reasons she'd refused for years were now good enough to accept because the season had to end) and everyone getting their happy little ending because that's really how life works. I'm honestly surprised myself at how pathetically poor this anime is. There really isn't much else to prop it up either; art and animation are borderline dreadful, among the worst (and laziest) I've watched in a while. Not the worst because crapfests like Asura and Kemurikusa exist but that's not really saying much. Voice acting is fine for the most part, other than Yaguchi being miscast horribly because not only they told Amasaki to give his most irritating voice possible, but a primary school kid should always sound like an over-30 something who's smoking a packet a day. Obviously. I won't even talk of the crime of using Suzushiro, who was a wonderful Uruka Takemoto, just in order to have her mumble some sounds here and there in 16 episodes. Music's fine and the ED is decent too, so I guess there's that. Oh, final point on how sodding blunt this thing is. In fact, it's about as subtle as a bull in a china shop, with its highest moment coming when whoever (maybe it was the onee-sama) says "videogames are so nice, they bring people together and help everyone" or some **** like that. Like, what kind of ****ing writing is that? What's next? "Breathing is good, stealing is bad"? Christ, none of the writers of this anime ever heard the sentence "show don't tell", or they heard it and applied it in the worst ways imaginable. And that's it. If you lived in those gaming years and you spent your life in the arcades (as if anyone who did that wouldn't be living under a bridge now) and/or if you're one of those all-knowing hipsters who natter on how gaming was better in the olden days then, hey, you'll probably love this. Anyone else though, unless you really want some cheap *everything* with a videogames theme and aren't allergic to clichées, I'd stay away from this one without a second thought.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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![]() Show all Apr 28, 2019
Kemurikusa (TV)
Mixed Feelings
Kemurikusa is a perfect example of two things: how an anime can be more than the sum of its parts and what does an anime with a bento's worth of budget behind it look like.
There's a TLDR at the end, dw. Art: Let's get this straight immediately: this is by far (I mean it) the worst looking anime I've ever had the displeasure to watch. It looks more like Foodfight than an actual anime, the characters look awful, the animation is frankly appalling, to put it mildly. It looks like a high school student project more so than anything else, I cannot find a single redeeming ... factor artistically, other than a random "oh that looks cute" which isn't exactly a high wall to climb. It is at its best when everyone is still and talking as little as possible, while the action scenes are pure unadultered junk, they're so bad you'll start to wonder if you're watching a parody rather than a show taking itself seriously. Sound: It doesn't help that the voice acting direction is dreadful, too, and that almost all voice actors range from ear-bleeding bad to just mediocre. I'm extremely thankful that Mikako Komatsu is Rin's voice as she's the only one that didn't immediately annoy me while talking. In fact, I don't know how her agent blackmailed her into voice acting for this series but I'm glad he did. She's by far the only one that can bring her wax-looking character to life and the only one that is actually able to convey different emotions (imagine that) rather than droning on in the same tone, whatever happens. I found Wakaba's (the guy) seiyuu to be particularly irritating, the only emotion that you'll get out of him is mild surprise or childish interest for something. Whether he's eating, walking or someone's dying, the tone of his voice is always the bloody same. Sound design and mixing is frankly poor too, things you'd expect to make LOUD sounds don't have any at all, you'd think it was a glitch of some sort. Rin in the last episode gets an arm and a leg cut off (don't worry, they'll grow back 20 seconds later) and you'll be wondering how did that happen since there was NO sound at all that even remotely suggested it. Music is ok but nothing exciting at all. Characters: oh boy. If you want an assortment of archetypes you'll get them here. Tsundere? Check. Nyan-girl? Check. Lolis with blackboard-scratching high pitched voices? Check. Cute robot sidekick? Check. Stupid boy with a heart of gold? Check. It's uncanny. If I'm honest though, I didn't find the characters all that offensive. There's nothing new or surprising about them at all but they don't milk their archetype to death like you'd expect from an anime of this kind. You'd expect me to write more about them but there really isn't more to it than that. They're not developed much if at all and even when they are, there isn't anything eye-opening, rather just confirmations of behaviours that were already apparent. Story: This is the only part of the anime that I'd give a pass to. We're in this world where there is basically one enemy, a red fog that takes control of robots (called mushi, although I preferred the ones from mushishi) which then proceed to kill any living thing. Kemurikusa, these different-looking (and different-acting) leaves, are pretty much the hearts of almost all characters, who are obviously trying to survive and then, logically, destroy whatever is causing this red fog to occur. In this journey (well, right at the end of it) there'll be also a clear explanation for pretty much everything that lead to this situation (granted, there's a lot of painstaking stupidity in those explanations but whatever). The concept of kemurikusa is not one that I'd heard of or read about before watching this show so it was nice and interesting. It would have been far more interesting if it had been explored more but that would have meant more episodes and my eyes and ears can only take so much. The very end is extremely convenient, blandly clichée-d and phoned in but again, for this kind of anime I wasn't expecting anything more so I'm fairly happy with it. Be aware that there are A TON of huge plotholes in it so don't stop asking "wait what" or "wait why", just take it in stride and move on. Enjoyment: I know I pretty much panned this show to hell and back and I do stand behind everything I said. Still, I found myself enjoying it quite a bit, although I can't really point at a single reason why. Kemurikusa won't waste your time, won't drag its feet and it doesn't try to do things that it knows it won't be able to pull off (well, most of the time anyway). It's a nice journey and one that has a very obvious ending but thanks to its relative brevity, it's a journey that can be worth undertaking, if this anime resonates with you. TLDR: watch the first 2 episodes, if you can stand the art and the characters, it's all uphill from there. If you can't, you're not losing out on anything special at all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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![]() Show all Sep 18, 2018 Not Recommended
A ****show. That's what this anime is, an utter, unrepentant, disgraceful, atrocious, obnoxious, boring ****show. I've never given an anime such a low score before but this anime is just so bloody awful, it beggars belief.
Disclaimer: I have only watched the anime, I have no idea about the original source that led to this adaptation and have no interest in it. Also, TL;DR at the end. The two things that bury this anime are, by far, the story (if one could even call it that) and the characters. I won't bother writing different sections to grade each thing separately, it's pointless, so I'll just whine about ... the two worst things, ye've been warned. The story is just atrocious. Even without knowing the original source, I can see that this needed A LOT more episodes than 12. Everything is jumbled together in such a nonsensical way that when the music ramps up for the "ta-daaaaaaaaa, plot twist!" moment I only felt extremely confused because I didn't know what the hell I was supposed to think. The gist of it is time travel, I guess. The amoeba and only man on the island thinks he travelled back through time to...there, I don't know. At one time I thought it was to save his daughter (that he very much felt like shagging when he didn't know she was his daughter, obviously) and at another time it felt like he needed to fix the problems that would lead to the future. BUT NO! In the end, it was only about him ******* his old love, because the time machine isn't a time machine, it's a time stopping machine, whoever goes in has their time halted while the rest of the world keeps going on, and yet the island is still THE SAME, where all things happen the same bloody way in a continuous loop. This is so bloody retarded that I feel like my lowly IQ got shot a few points down just by trying to think about it again. Story is a guy who flirts with 3 different girls, one of which his daughter, only to eventually marry his original girlfriend who of course used another time stopping machine (which conveniently awoke her a couple decades before him). That's it. It's atrociously stupid. Characters. Oh boy. The thing I noticed the most is how death is treated here. A girl finds out her mother died and will you look at that, 5 seconds later and a quick transition is enough for her to be as cheerful as she was. And it's not the "oh I act cheerful but I'm so sad inside" kind of thing, she was LITERALLY as cheerful as before finding out her long lost mother had died. The rest of the characters are useless. Pointless. Inconsequential. There is a miko whose only reason to exist is that her...future self, great great nephew, what-the-****-ever, has huuuuge oppai while she's as flat as an ironing board. That's it. Then there's the rebellious girl who treats her mother's passing like the death of an ant and whose only purpose is to lead the protagonist to another "time machine". Then the two main ones. ****able daughter Rinne and only guy in the anime, known as Setsuna. Rinne is boring. I'd rather watch paint dry than having to listen to anything her character says. She has no personality, she just wants to shag Setsuna cos she feels so lonely and blahblahblah you get the point. Setsuna himself is just "oh I have to help everyone and I have to save Rinne because oh I don't know, what's this feeling BLAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" ffs, I can't be bothered. He's an idiot, with no traits other than the I'llsaveeveryonecosI'mthehero one, he's not charming, he's not funny, he's not intelligent, he's not witty, he's the human equivalent of a room painted eggshell. TL;DR I regret every single minute I spent watching this ****show. Please be smarter than me and DON'T waste your precious time with this sodding disaster of an anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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