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May 11, 2019
SS Review – Boogiepop Phantom (2019)
(Short and Sour)
Before I start, I have never seen the original anime so I’m going into this fresh. Boogiepop Phantom is about various different stories that take place at the same school with each one mainly concerning or involving Boogiepop in one way, shape or form. Each story is quite interesting and tends to involve supernatural elements in a pretty natural world, meaning the world is ordinary like the one you know but all these strange events and creatures keep appearing around this school.
Boogiepop is a very interesting idea…or at least that is what it likes to claim to be,
Boogiepop is not one person but an idea that exists to keep normality. If anything appears which threatens normality then Boogiepop exists, you can already guess can’t you…Boogiepop is as its stated a “phantom” and in this case it’s a phantom that acts as a split personality for a girl. You can say that Boogiepop is technically possessing these girl(s) but I don’t think that’s the case. As I said, each story centres on a bunch of individuals. I’m only willing to talk about Boogiepop, I personally think talking about the other characters would spoil too much as each of the stories play very closely to their individual personalities.
The animation is very good but at the same time I would not expect anything less from Madhouse. OST fits well too.
Overall I thoroughly enjoyed Boogiepop Phantom, each of the stories was interesting and the idea that is Boogiepop was interesting to see explored too.
(Side Note: Kind of reminds me of Durarara, but just not as good)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 7, 2019
SS Review – Ultraman
(Short and Sour)
Okay let’s go, PLUS ULTRA…wait…wrong show…
First of all. I have no knowledge of Ultraman going into this, I have never seen any production to do with Ultraman whether it be anime or live-action. On the other hand I know of him and have a general idea of what his shows are like (I’ve watched a lot of Super Sentai and from what I heard they are similar).
The plot revolves around Ultraman’s son and him coming to terms with accepting the title of Ultraman…that’s all 13 episodes pretty much.
Unfortunately I started to lose interest half way though the series for one
main reason…the main character is the most naïve main character I have seen in a long time, I am not joking he has the mental age of someone in elementary school…not high school. He is incapable of making decisions until the last minute which does not add anything to the show and makes him a pretty unlikeable character. Not a good start…
The other supporting characters are no better, you have wannabe Ultraman one and wannabe Ultraman two. Both of them want to be Ultraman but of course technically can’t because they aren’t Ultraman’s son and do not have the Ultra-Factor as they call it. You also have a base female character who is also an idol just so the main character can have a relationship with her and she has some level of importance.
The show goes with a kind of “let’s do a monster of the week kind of thing but it’s on Netflix so we can’t do that, so let’s do whatever and hope for the best”. That’s mostly a joke but that’s how it feels most of the time.
So you can most likely tell I didn’t enjoy this anime and it’s put me off of watching anything else Ultraman in the future. The level of cheese that goes on in this anime is ridiculous and not in the so bad its good way either. On the plus side the CG animation is pretty good and fits with the series, for me anyway…the only plus…OST was basic, barely noticed it. Ech.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 2, 2019
SS Review – Solanin
(Short and Sour)
This is a story about a struggling band and the relationship between the band members, with it mostly centering on the lives of the lead singer and his girlfriend.
Like I said the manga focuses on the relationships of the band members and how they cope with a certain incident. They formed their band in their school days and the name of the manga shares the same name as a song they made. Unfortunately I haven’t got much else to say regarding the story and characters as this is a short manga and I don’t want to spoil any of the
character interactions. This is a drama at heart.
Art’s pretty good, has a unique look to it I guess. I enjoyed the short manga it play’s out like a drama in my opinion, if you are wondering if this is anything like Beck, no…no it’s not. It’s okay though.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 1, 2019
SS Review – Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin
(Short and Sour)
Before I start this review I would like to give my stance on Gundam, in other words where I am with the series and how familiar I am with it. I have next to no knowledge of this franchise…I have not watched anything Gundam related besides Gundam Build Fighters which I watched on a dare from a friend. But I don’t consider that to be anything really "main series" Gundam related seeing as it’s based solely on Gunpla which is model Gundams. With that knowledge I decided to watch this as it’s a prequel to the
original series and it has more modern animation so it was easier to watch for me. (Nothing against old animation just some series don’t age very well and are harder to watch now than they used to be for me, Dragon Ball Z is a good example of this for me)
The story is based mainly around two siblings; Casval Rem Deikun and Artesia Som Deikun, it centre’s around their youth mostly. It tells the story of their family, what happened to their family and what happens up to their late teens. I don’t want to talk too much about the story because I’ll be giving a lot of it away, there’s a war between two factions and Casval places himself in the centre of it while his sister tries to live a normal life. For the Gundam fans it talks about the rise of the Red Comet.
There are other important characters but the OVA centres around the Daikun siblings mostly, towards the end (last 2-3 episodes) it show’s briefly what the main character of the original Gundam series is doing at the time. The Zabi family are a big focus of this OVA too. That’s all I have to say on the characters, I find personally the more you talk about the characters the more stuff you spoil. I like to be surprised on how the characters personalities play out.
Art is great, it’s like a mix between old style animation and modern style CGI (the fight scenes anyway). OST is good as well.
I really enjoyed this OVA and it was a good look into the Gundam series for me, I might watch the compilation films next as I couldn’t watch the whole series personally. Either way pretty good for a start on Gundam for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 25, 2019
SS Review – Mutafukaz
(Short and Sour)
It’s hard to keep up with this film…no seriously like there is never a dull moment. The film is constantly flowing and the brief respites feel needed as both I and the main characters are out of breath trying to keep up with all.
The stories about two young boys who regard themselves as the dregs of society, they see themselves as the lowest of the low. Even knowing this they try to survive to the best of their ability, but that does not go to plan when they are suddenly targeted by an unknown organisation. What could they possibly want
“we are nobodies”, this is what they tell themselves as they are being chased by this organisation. I won’t say much more than that on the story, it kind of devolves into madness along the way and the chaos just builds up until they can’t really take it anymore. The movie starts out pretty chill for like the first 15 minutes then just goes from 0 to 300 just like that and maintains that momentum for the rest of the movie. There are times of brief respite but it kicks back off almost immediately.
The main characters I do like, they are literally two buddies living together and barely surviving. There’s a little banter between them and they have another friend which they both think is the living definition of annoying (looks like Bubsy xD). There’s also this big mafia guy who is a part of the organisation trying to capture/kill them. A girl who one of the main characters likes and a bunch of luchadores. There’s also the gangs, so yeah there is a variety of characters.
Animation is superb, it’s done by Studio 4°C and Ankama Animations (a French studio). Studio 4°C is amazing with its detail in the animation they did one of my favourite films Mind Game and that was really good too considering it’s a couple of years old now. Music is fantastic, fits the film to a tee and fits the world and culture the film portrays as well.
I really enjoyed this film, my highlights though were the music and animation. The story was good and like I said I really enjoyed it. Also I should mention the version I watched was in French which was interesting, can’t say I watch many films in French so that was different for me, just thought I’d mention that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 22, 2019
SS Review – Mob Psycho 100 II
(Short and Sour)
Wow…just wow…Bones you have outdone yourself.
Okay the story follows a boy who is a psychic (esper) and his master which is also a “psychic” (that’s a joke btw) as they take on cases of the supernatural kind. Mob (the protagonist) had trouble controlling his powers and decided to work for his master (Reigen) so that he can learn to control his psychic powers. Reigen is the kind of psychic you would probably see on the back of a magazine and think is rather shady (I wonder why?) and doesn’t really help Mob with his powers in the
way you would expect. Anyway this is the second season so I would recommend watching the first before this, first season is really good as well anyway.
Animation is amazing, Bones has outdone themselves this time but then again they always do. Fight scenes are animated beautifully and fit ONE’s style (the original manga’s author). I love the fight scenes and the scenes just before a commercial break and after as they look like the manga but animated and show how some events come to pass. OST is amazing too, I love the theme that plays when Mob goes 100% it’s so eerie yet fast-paced. Opening is done by them same artist as the first and is great, pretty sure Mob Choir (the name of the artist) is a collaboration between a bunch of artists. Either way the opening is great.
Mob’s character I really like because he’s kind of a boring character personality wise but as the series progresses he becomes more interesting and his personality grows too. Reigen is master manipulator and kind of uses Mob, but his personality grows over time too. He also has other friends but I haven’t really got much to say about them.
I loved this series and if you like One-Punch Man or shounen series in general you’ll love this. I would regard this on an another level just due to the writing and animation than other shounen series.
So go watch it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 20, 2019
SS Review – The Green Eyes
(Short and Sour)
Well…it seems I have the pleasure of finding this manga when no one else has, as well as the pleasure of being the first to review it. How unlucky are you right now :D
You’ll have to bear with me, it’s been a while since I’ve read this. Let’s dive right in. The story centre’s around a man who lives in the uncharted area of the amazon rain forest, a crew of archaeologists learn about a type of mutagen which was originally being transported via plane. Unfortunately that plane crashed while going over the amazon rain forest in an
uncharted territory thus the mutagen was lost forever…or was it? The crew I was talking about decide to enter the uncharted part of the forest to find said mutagen and recover it. But will it be that easy? They soon find out that the mutagen has had an effect on the forest and things are very different from what they expect…
Okay that’s pretty much a summary without really spoiling anything. Art is stunning, reminds me of a mix between Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure and Fist of the North Star. How the story and events play out make me think of Jojo, so if you’re a fan of Jojo you’ll more than likely enjoy reading this. Kouji Maki has some other works that I plan to read at some point, he’s a pretty unknown author. Most of his manga’s no one has heard of. I love the main character, he reminds me of a Joestar. The right amount of cockiness and flare that a Joestar has, the fights are really good as well. Some of the two page spreads are stunning with the kind of detail you’d expect from someone like Kentarou Miura. I don’t know what else to say, I love this series, unfortunately what holds it back is the fact that it’s so short. You can clearly see this was axed from the magazine, but I can see the potential of it being great. Clearly something the editors at the Weekly Shounen Jump didn’t see.
So the only thing that holds it back for me is the chapter count, wish it was longer. But I enjoyed it and if you like Jojo or shounen manga’s that are a bit gorier than the standard then you will too.
(Also this series is available in English fully on Comixology if you’re interested in reading it)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 20, 2019
SS Review – Coyote Ragtime Show
(Short and Sour)
This one was kind of a mixed bag, I don’t know what it was trying to achieve with the story but for one it was rather…boring…
So this is the story all about how I broke out prison 10 days before bail, went on a journey to find the giga-banks and scam the federation out of 10 billion francs.
Anyway…the story is about a space outlaw (known in the series as a coyote) called Mister, he is one of the most well-known coyote’s in space. He also runs a bar where his best friend’s daughter resides, she plays a key
part in the series but I won’t say much on that. He and his crew embark on a journey to find the giga-banks and claim his best friend’s legacy. Unfortunately the planet the giga-banks resides on is about to be destroyed so time is of the essence in claiming it before the destruction of said planet. I forgot to mention the giga-banks is a vault, so no surprise it’s loaded with space bucks.
It tries to be like other popular space outlaw adventure series but kind of falls flat (e.g. Outlaw Star or Cowboy Bebop) in my opinion.
There is quite a lot of characters, I’m not going to go into massive detail about them. There’s Angelica, an inspector assigned to capture Mister. Her assistant who kind of just tags along. There is also an assassin group known as the twelve sisters (all named after months of the year) and their leader. Finally there’s the ragtag crew that accompanies Mister.
Animation is good for the time (2006) and is done by Ufotable, they’re fairly good. Action scenes are pretty good but unfortunately the animation is the only strong part of this show. OST is unnoticeable and the opening fits but is not great, ending is done in a Claymation style and is great, I love it.
Finally…my opinion…
It’s okay, not great, it’s not anything special. That’s pretty much all I have to say really, if you like Sci-Fi space action shows about outlaws then you might like this. But I was just meh all the way though. Went in with no expectations and came out with no expectations.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 17, 2019
SS Review – Great Detective Gordon (Meitantei Gordon)
(Short and Sour)
Woah…okay…what even is this?
This is a 2 minute short about a detective called Gordon as he solves the latest crime that’s been committed. It’s 2 minutes….so there’s not much to talk about, I’ll try my best to give you an idea of what it’s like.
Starts off with a murder, ends with the pose of legendary coolness. (I’m not even joking)
That’s the story (its 2 minutes, give me a break). Animation is terrible but has an interesting appeal to it and sound design is basically null.
This is basically an s***post in anime form parodying Detective Conan. If Conan was an overweight balding 40 something year old on a skateboard, oh did I forget to mention the skateboard?
Worth a watch due to the short runtime and ridiculousness of it, if this is your time of humour then I’d suggest watching Onara Gorou. I think this might be made by the same studio (ILCA) but who knows. Onara Gorou is much better in my opinion, but this has potential if it was longer and had more detail than a s***post.
Nah joking actually 10/10 best anime since Super Mario Bros. 2. (jk)
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Apr 16, 2019
SS Review – GeGeGe no Kitaro (2018) Part 1 [Episodes 1 to 50]
(Short and Sour)
I’m just going to refer to this series as Kitaro just to make things easier for me. Kitaro is a manga series from the 1960s by beloved author Shigeru Mizuki. His depictions of yokai are famous in Japan and statues of them are all over Japan too. Kirato has been adapted many times into anime and other media (even had a live-action film) the last anime outing was in 2008 with a film. I was completely in the dark about the series and had only watched the live-action films before, so
I was pretty much blind going in.
The story is about a boy named Kitaro who is a yokai who takes requests from humans on help regarding other yokai, going as far as eliminating the yokai causing the issue (to be fair if there is a yokai just killing loads of people, Kitaro is like the yokai police). The show goes with a yokai of the week kind of flow for most of the time with having a few arcs in-between, some arcs are bigger than the others of course. The new character added in this new season is Mana and she has her own arc too. You’ve got other supporting characters like Ratman and Catchick or Wally Wall (he is basically a walking talking concrete wall) which have their own thing going like Ratman always tries to make money with some get rich quick scheme and Catchick is a tsundere like character who likes Kitaro.
Wally is a mother****ing wall…
Anyway that’s all I’ll say on the story and characters. Animation’s fine, its Toei so expect bare minimal effort from them. Kitaro is slightly better than the average that they put out (I’m looking at you One Piece, how the giants have fallen). OST is fine, endings are okay not much else to say on that. Love the classic opening.
I am currently enjoying the series greatly, of course some weeks are better than others and I kind of feel the series should have really just ended as a major arc has just finished. But whatever, I’ll keep watching till it finishes and hopefully give a final verdict on the latter half of the series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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