As you venture through the vast ocean of nothing but hatred towards this particular series, here lies a small island where you can take a break to read something positive about this anime.
This review is made for those who haven't watched this anime yet, and are re-thinking about watching it while barely managing to swim in the ocean I mentioned. Trust me, I double thought about watching this anime too. You may also find me throwing shade at those who disliked this anime so much that they wrote out reviews even larger than mine. I mean, if you really thought this anime was a waste
of time, why did you bother wasting time by typing out such a long review in the first place? How noble.
Anyway, this is my second review because I don't want those who're planning to watch this anime to repel from it just on the basis of feedback. Decide for yourself, while I try to give you reasons to watch this anime.
Story: 9
The story is pretty original for a rom-com anime, For starters, it already starts off not in high school. As suggested by the title, it's about renting a girlfriend. But if it were that simple, the story wouldn't be a 9 for me. The 2 main characters develop a complex relationship - no, it's not the lovey-dovey romantic relationship - as both their circumstances in family as well as their reputations lie on their shoulders. How it develops slowly from Kazuya, the main male character, trying to get back if not move on from his ex, to slowly falling in love with someone else - is pretty good. And in his path walk along the other characters who are there to support him - and even get in his way ;)
Art: 8
It's a romcom, so no one expects great animation. However, apart from the backgrounds here and there, and even though the art style is typical to other animes, the details are pretty amazing. For example, this anime has details like the color of one's nails (yes, they are actually peach and don't mix with the skin) shown impressively well. The eyes are amazing, and the overall artstyle is cute too. I liked it.
Sound: 9
The sound was great, the OP has grown on me. During a few wholesome moments, the background music is really sweet and absorbing, while during the comedic moments, the music embellishes the execution of the voice actors' work as well as the effect of the joke. The ending song is really good too, though im not a fan of the visuals in the end.
Character: ???
Did you scroll down here directly just to see how much I would rate the characters?
Well to start of, each character has a different personality. Though the guys are mainly h*rny. The 3 best girls are really sweet with different character traits, and each would grow on you. The one girl which everyone hates - its reasonable to dislike her - drives the actions of the mc in the first half of season 1.
Oh, yes let me speak about my man Kazuya Kinoshita, the main character of Kanojo, Okarishimasu.
Kazuya is a character deeply hated by 90% of the fandom (or should i say the people who watched the show just for the fanservice), because he is nothing but a pathetic, gross, h*rny, pitiful loser. He's desperate in his fantasies and hopeless. He has 0 self esteem. But there's a catch - he may not be pure of heart, but he has good intentions. Deep down, he cares for others, as stated by his best mate, Kibe, who is actually the only all right guy in the story (and that's also saying too much).
However, I don't rate characters for how likable they are, but for how important/relevant they are to the story. Kazuya is the mc because of his actions, whether gross or helpful, whether ill or good intentioned, drive the story into different tense, climactic situations. And that is why I really like his character ( I guess?), because of his relevancy as well him deep down being just a nice guy.
Without him, I don't think Rent-A-Girlfriend would be as good. It would probably be another fan service anime where the people like kazuya would give it a 9/10. Isn't it ironic, how those who hate kazuya, are kazuya in real life?
Character, once again: 9 (love-hate; umm, more like a like-dislike relation ship of mine with the characters.)
Enjoyment: 10
Because of these characters, the perfect execution from the voice actors, as well as how the plot progresses, I thoroughly enjoyed this anime. The over the top, cringey jokes, as well as the unprecedented situations whose build-ups are unreadable, adds on to the comedic part. And as it is a romance anime, there are many wholesome moments which makes you, idk, feel good.
Overall: 9
I barely give 10s to any anime, and sometimes even season 2 help me decide how season 1 exactly carried the story. SO for now, it's going to be a 9 for me.
P.S: It may be weird at times, but I assume you've watched/experienced your own share of weirdness.
Feb 18, 2021
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
As you venture through the vast ocean of nothing but hatred towards this particular series, here lies a small island where you can take a break to read something positive about this anime.
This review is made for those who haven't watched this anime yet, and are re-thinking about watching it while barely managing to swim in the ocean I mentioned. Trust me, I double thought about watching this anime too. You may also find me throwing shade at those who disliked this anime so much that they wrote out reviews even larger than mine. I mean, if you really thought this anime was a waste ... Feb 9, 2021
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
This is my first review so don't be so harsh on me xD
So I'm not going to summarize it, as so many others have, and after all, this is supposed to be a review. It'd be just straight up wrong to label this anime as a "Rom-Com", cause that's about 60% correct. Cause the anime is actually comedy based off of romance. It leaves you gagging minute after minute, cause the funniest part comes after you have laughed your fill. Story: 7 The story is about a typical high school girl who falls for a boy, but the boy is totally blind to that fact despite ... |