This anime has 12 episodes of 3min each. I'm usually against that since it's so short no story can develop, but here is a little different since this anime is about promoting Gunma prefecture, which is not very famous (at all).
With humour the anime shows the different sides of Gunma, local food, the difference between the other prefectures of Japan, and at the end a little explanation about the episode.
As I said before, this anime is about promotion, if you love Japan and want to know more about its local culture, you'll appreciate it like I did, but if you're searching for an anime with
May 24, 2018
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni
It had been a long time since I hadn't felt this way.
I was brought to the manga by the anime and I really have no regrets about it. So first thing that shocked many people: there is an age gap. I think it'd be better seen as a forbidden love STORY than trying to imagine it in real life.. The art is wonderful, and the story has a good pace (though some people might find it too slow). The mangaka takes the time to deepen other characters too. Things happen naturally and not too fast, it makes you crave for what's next and suddenly you realize it's over. It ... |