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May 4, 2024
No one has left a review, so I thought why not do one for anyone that might come across this page before giving it a go.
In short, it's comparable to eating chips. It's good when you are eating it, but it isn't filling either.
This is similar to Parallel Paradise. Man wakes up in a world, where he is the only man (hence the title), so if you have read that, you pretty much get the same experience. Since he is one of a kind and has special "pheromones", that makes it so the girls fall in love with him upon touching them, and you can
guess the rest of the plot developments from here.
I'm giving it a Mixed Feelings because it's just fine in every department, except in art, which is good. The plot is fine, the "plot" is fine, the characters are fine, the action is fine, the comedy is fine. It doesn't try to do anything extra and it a shame, as in the beginning I had some hopes for some deeper developments regarding the "sole man in the world", but later we were given a rather lame explanation for how they keep up the population and I knew from there, that this is only going to be a surface level story with no deeper mysteries to uncover.
One thing that I want to mention, that there are small unmentioned time skips, where he becomes stronger or learns new magic. I founds this kinda lazy, so if you ask "Since when can he use or do that?", it's always "Learned it between chapters.". The reason I think this is lazy, because he can just pull out anything and totally ruins the flow, like he goes from fighting with a sword to randomly busting out fire magic like it's nothing without any prior mention of him learning fire magic (he was only able to use heal and strengthening magic before).
Giving this series is worth a shot if you just want some popcorn entertainment where you don't have to think, but otherwise I can't really recommend it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 1, 2024
So... About this "manga". This thing has lived rent free in my head ever since PurpleflameV made a video on it and I eventually gave in and read it.
...Yeah, it certainly was an experience.
First, let's set one thing straight as our protagonist's mushroom. You MUSTN'T have sympathy for the MC. It's just like with rent a girlfriend, where it only gets somewhat readable if we have no sympathy for Kazuya. That's my advice at least, you can take it or ignore it.
In this case the MC doesn't technically deserves it, but at the same time he is a complete moron, more on that later.
Okay with
that out the way, let's get the review underway. I will be giving heavy spoilers, but it's not like it will worsen the experience if you decide to read it, trust me.
While this is categorized as "ecchi", it's a borderline hentai (it even has a weird censorship going on for comedy(?)).
The story itself is really just a setup for a hentai. MC has magical seed, which when given to certain girls can conceive powerful children, who can stand up to defeat the demon king that will return sometimes in the future. But plot twist, his seed can also be used to give birth to the demon king, thus leading to the conflict between the good guys and the bad ones.
Okay, so apparently the return of the demon king is a bad bad thing, but then why aren't there any people guarding him? No one gives a shit about him, thus he will get captured by the demons easily (to everyone's surprise) in chapter 10. To be honest, after they are back from the demon world, they do decide to guard him, so the author just wanted an easy way to introduce the demons I guess.
In an alternative universe I can see him getting executed just to prevent the demon king's return, but I digress.
The stupidest part of this manga, that it is revealed that the girls aren't even special in any way (got basically chosen at random)... And everyone, except the MC (and us), knew about this. What the fuck does this plot point serve? A setup for the epilogue, where he gets milked by every women in the world, and after a time-skip the world becomes something like My Hero Academia?
The comedy 90% of the time is, I shit you not, rape or sexual harassment. Just let this sink in for a moment. MC usually blacks out at the end of the chapter and wakes up to a girl(s) who had sex with him without his prior consent. I don't even want to mention the possible situation, where the roles are reversed...
This rape === funny is disgusting, but remember what I told you in the beginning? No sympathy. If you do that, it will shed new light on everything. Let's take chapter 17 as a prime example, thus returning to my statement of him being a moron.
A new loli enemy appeared in the end of the previous chapter, who now wiped the floor with the harem. Futa-loli stuff happens (I'm not describing what happened exactly) and after the enemy made the MC black out, she just fucked him in front of his harem. Yes, NTR with a loli XD
Here is a few quotes after he wakes up: "I've done it again."
"Um...How is everyone feeling right now." (casually asking the girls who witnessed it)
"Well, so long as they are fine" (reply to a girl saying "It's okaaay. It's just their first time seeing NTR")
What. The. Fuck.
There is no way that the author think that THIS is how a likable MC should act, so I'm convinced that we are supposed to hate him by the process of elimination. Also, he could just be trolling for all that we know and seeing what he can get away with.
The remaining 10% comedy is the result or related to the 90%. What do I mean? In chapter 16, he is naked in front of everyone and he bounces between hard and soft depending on the situation. Hard when he sees his harem member in a suggestive pose, soft when he sees the demon, that looks like his sister, in a suggestive pose. It's god dam stupid, and I love it for these carzy and cringeworthy moments, even if they are few and far between.
Or when they do a fake pregnancy test with a potion and he accidentally touched the angel's chest and rolled onto the floor in embarrassment, so another girls just start sprinkling breast milk on him, because she found it funny to do XD
-So what about the overarching plot?
-The what?
Stuff happens, but it only serves the purpose of introducing new girls or tags from your favorite 6 digit website. And you get all the tags.
Oh, and there are some "new" gods, that have beef with the "old" gods or something, but it's just an introduction to the pregnancy power ups, that they all receive. Yes, they get stronger when they are pregnant (even if they are faking it with potions or something) and are in danger, because their unborn child is lending them their strength. I mean... Sure... I'm just gonna jump over this massive hole and move on.
Closing words.
This manga is only for the finest of trash connoisseurs. If you read it with my advice, it actually loops around and becomes so bad that it's good. But it's fine if you say that it's too much for you, as it's totally understandable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 28, 2023
I don't care what anybody says, this is the GREATEST degenerate comedy manga that ever existed.
And I'm not talking about the "Lol, heh. That was funny" kind of comedy manga, but the one that you MUST read when no one is around, so others won't question your sanity when hearing the uncontrollable laughing coming from your room.
This even beat The eminence in shadows for me, and I thought that I'll find nothing more turn-off-you-brain-fun than that.
Being a soft-core porn manga, you might think that the plot revolves around the "plot" , but that's when Beowulf appears out of nowhere and beats you with his 3
sword style.
No, there is an actual plot and the "plot" is seamlessly weaved into this masterpiece. The "plot" is also a crucial part of the plot and if you take away either of them, you are going to be left with nothing. This leads to the point, where a buff sadistic teacher using the masochistic price as a sword and gaining ever increasing power from edging said price, is totally normal and perfectly makes sense, because everything has been steadily built up before this moment. (I know this sounds insane without any context)
The author clearly has a vision for how everything should work out, so you get these nice foreshadowing and well structured plot points, that just feel satisfying.
I love the main duo, even if at first Sieg was a bit too much for me, he quickly became one of my favorite right behind Attila. He has some insane charisma going on literally.
The side characters are also better written than 99% of isekai MC's and you can almost hear them speak through the pages.
And the fight, oh the FIGHT scenes are bangers (in both meanings) and even after 53 chapters of this, it never got old. With a huge cast and powers, you'll never have a dull moment.
If you can get through the initial hurdle, that is the first couple of chapters, and accept this for what it is, you'll have a wonderful time reading this manga, that's certainly guaranteed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 28, 2023
While the current 6.90 score is understandable, I still have to say that this was good quality popcorn entertainment for me.
I don't want to talk about the ending, since it was obviously (and sadly) axed and the author had to wedge a conclusion into a part, that just wasn't meant to be there.
The synopsis is exactly what you get. The author seemed to have fun making this manga and it translated well into my reading experience too.
One thing that I really liked about this story, the "connected conscious" gimmick. I can't imagine how uncomfortable I would be in this situation, where my thoughts could leak
into an army of spiders, who are expecting me to lead them to world domination and have no problem mutilating people in half with ease. Also, feeling every one of their wound as it was mine would surely drive me insane.
Apart from this, it's a somewhat standard isekai and you'll find plenty of your favorite tropes here as well, but it tried to do those in a decent pace, so it never felt slow to me.
In conclusion, if you are looking for an isekai junk food with a slightly crazy and evil MC, you'll probably like this one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 10, 2021
Art: 6
It is fine so far.
Characters: 5
Up to what I read, only 2 characters got focus so far.
The MC is the usual Gary Stu, that you find in 99% of isekais.
The "girl that gets saved by the MC"TM is also a generic character with no interesting trait at all.
That's all.
I wish I could tell you more about them, but there is nothing to talk about them.
Story: 5
This is your typical isekai story, but "this time the MC gets reincarnated as a virus and that's the best part".
Just like the characters, there is nothing to talk about, since it's just so generic.
If you were reincarnated as a virus in a medieval era world, what would you do?
Create a virus variant, that makes everyone immune to every other disease in the world?
Make potions with a virus in them that works as a medicine and become rich?
Become a "justice in the shadow", eliminating bad guys for fun?
Well, in this story when he aquires a human-like body, he becomes an adventurer... yes, a f-ing adventurer... thus making the whole "I'm a virus" theme obsolate.
This story had potential in the begining, but then just went downhill quickly after the first few chapters.
Enjoyment: 3
I can't stand bland Gary Stu protagonists, so my enjoyment was almost non-existant.
Overall: 4
It was a wasted potential of a story. But if you like generic isekais, than you will like this as well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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