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Dec 1, 2016
The best part of this show is the beginning. It's lighthearted, it's fun, the girls are cute, and the guy doesn't suck. Great. If it could have stayed like that for twelve episodes, I'd have an eight on my hands. Maybe I'm being generous, but you get it.
However, as I watched, I go the feeling that 'Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?' either didn't take itself seriously enough, or took itself way too seriously, but only sometimes.
I had trouble figuring out what the show wanted to be besides a harem (which it wasn't even doing that well, to be honest. Felt more like the people around him happened
to be girls, rather than his harem).
Did it want to be a drama? If so, there wasn't enough of it, and the presentation was crap. One of these women came from space to invade a bedroom and is literally light years from all of her friends and family save her servant/secretary/pilot/(?). Why did that not come up once? Why does the magical girl not use her magic to prove her magical girl-ness? Why are the earth people invading only from this one room in Japan? When you try to make a drama, you cannot get away with plot devices like you could in a comedy.
Did it even want to be a comedy? Well, it shouldn't have been trying to be so dramatic. The comedic vibe is ruined whenever it tries. The sudden shift into darker themes coupled with the lack of showing and the overabundance of telling to an under-informed audience kills the comedic tone set up at the beginning of the anime.
Maybe it wanted to be a romance? Lol, jk.
I really wanted to like it, and I loved it up to episode three, but after episode four, the drama starts to kick in and whenever those scenes happen, it feels like I'm slogging through a badly written book. It's not it's the worst show ever, and it certainly has it's good parts (essentially all the times it's not trying to solicit unearned emotions from the audience). It could have been a very fun show, but 'Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?' tried so hard to be more than just 'fun' that it shot itself in the foot. I never forced myself to watch the next episode, but I often found myself hoping it wouldn't be a plot episode, or that it'd wrap itself up quickly if it was.
I can't outright recommend the show, but I can't honestly say that you should avoid it either. Can't even say to give this show the three episode test as the first three are the better episodes. This anime is quite enjoyable, considering what I've said about it, I'm just annoyed by inconsistent quality. I mean, if it was consistently bad, that'd be one thing, but it was only bad sometimes, and I really liked when it wasn't bad, so I'm conflicted.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 1, 2016
Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors. Kinda writing it half-asleep after staying up to binge this for no reason. I'm not likely to come back and fix any mistakes.
So, screw this show. Right off the bat, it's cliched and just not good. I absolutely hate when an anime expects you to care for a character that had only a couple lines that weren't even that good and died in the first episode. I can't care for a character I don't know. Making them look kinda different from the background characters and giving them a name doesn't automatically make them someone the audience cares about.
knew right then I was gonna hate it. I do hate it. I would not recommend this show to anyone. However, I stuck with it because I'm a reclusive waste of space and it didn't suck to look at, so why not?
However, if you want to watch it, like, even a little bit, there's no reason not to. Ultimately it's a waste of a couple hours, but while the it's complete shit everywhere visuals aren't concerned, it's a pretty enjoyable anime.
The story is shit, but not complete shit. I don't have much to say about it. Maybe if you played the game, you'd have a bit more on it, but I haven't and I shouldn't be prerequisites to watch a show, so I'm going to assume I don't need prior knowledge of the game. In the end, I just don't care. Nothing made me care about the people in the fucking show. It's just shit and ultimately not a story anime.
The saving grace of this anime is it's visuals. I won't go far as to say they're top notch, best I've ever seen, but they didn't suck. It looks great, in fact. The problem is the choreography during the fight scenes and the general direction, visually. It seemed to change a bit. I had read that the show was put on hold in the middle of airing due to internal conflicts, so perhaps that had something to do with it. I don't care enough to find out.
Essentially, the visuals are fine and the only thing I can actually praise this show for, but the actual execution during the show was done in an off-putting way.
The weapons look pretty fucking stupid, though.
The sound. Fuck it. It was rare that the music was used correctly to impact me in any way. When it wasn't, the music just seemed like it was trying to illicit emotions out of me for free, and fuck any anime that thinks it can do that, I will burn its house down with lemons. When the music was used correctly, it just felt like they accidentally got something right with the sound.
The music itself isn't bad. I personally wouldn't put them in any of my playlists, but I didn't hate it.
The voice acting was generic stoic adults and loud, angsty teens. Not complete shit, but it's not getting any points.
What is a character? I'm asking on the writer's behalf because they wrote one kinda decent character as a secondary character, and then made the main character, which started with less character than a potato, and made him a clone of that secondary character. Every other "character" just seems like a lump of plot information with a name, face, and relation to another lump we can tack onto them.
This piece of shit of an anime was surprisingly enjoyable. It's not worth going out of your way to watch this show for, but if you choose to sit through it, you won't hate every single second.
Overall, I guess this show's halfway decent, especially in the latter half. I wouldn't be surprised if it started getting better in the episodes following the hiatus, but I don't care enough to check.
I do not recommend this show. After the first episode, I had to force myself to start the second, but it honestly did get considerably easier to start the third, and so on.
That said, in the first episode, the main character's one of those reckless un-thinker characters that just do things in the name of someone the audience doesn't care about so that they can get beat up and stand up stronger because that's what needs to happen because plot. I CANNOT stand when characters do that. There is never any reason for it other than being a cheap and easy way to start the plot. That was the reason I had trouble passing episode one, but after that, the 'character' did a 360 and started being competent SOMEHOW. I hate when that happens, too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Oct 23, 2016
I could just go watch porn if I was looking for what this show has given me so far. There really isn't much to say because the show was pretty much bad porn without sex, masquerading as a medieval drama sprinkled with politics and battle tactics so lazily thrown in they would have been better off left out and handing via exposition. You know what? I take that back, because that was how the battle tactics were handled. Exposition via diagram, and talking head scenes DURING the battles. Trash.
Like, it's just fucking boobs. If the story and action wasn't shit, I could forgive it, and
I often do, but this show is ONLY boobs. That is the only good quality of the show that comes to mind. The only time the big boobs aren't moving are during talking head scenes that explain pretty much nothing to the viewer.
As for the character designs, they all look like reused designs. I feel like I've seen them all before. It's not like they're actually bad or anything. Just feels unoriginal.
The specific part that hit the nail in the coffin on this one for me was when Obligatory-Blonde-Assistant was bit in the boob by a falling snake from the sky, and it was so obviously so that Not-Kirito-I-Promise-He-Gots-Red-Hair-and-a-Bow could suck on her boob to suck out the poison, which isn't even a valid treatment for that kind of wound and would be useless in the best of cases and aide the venom's spread in the worst.
So, in conclusion, save yourself the trouble and go watch a porno. Afterwards you can watch Arslan Senki and see what this show was not really trying to be.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Oct 15, 2016
Yeah, I'm writing my first review on a three-year-old anime that I've only seen four episodes of. Got a problem with that? Don't care.
Story - 1
I realize that I don't have all the pieces to this puzzle, but when each piece is the size of my thumb in length and width and there're only six of them, I don't really need them all to get the picture. It's very cliche, and I swear to god I wrote the same freaking story in fifth grade. This is by far the worst element of the show, and I say that with confidence even having not finished the
Also, exposition. Every of the exposition. Like, there's one part in the first episode where they show that regular people cannot see these monsters by having one such beast run past a couple of girls who don't even look up from their conversation, however when it comes to anything important, like the story, everything is explained via talking head scenes.
Also, plot holes if you think about any event for more than three seconds.
Art - 6
The show looks great. The animation is fantastic, for the most part, sometimes it just feel like they're faking it, but they're faking it well, so it's okay. The character designs, while a bit on the average side and a bit forgettable, were nice while I watched it.
Mirai was the most unique looking out of every character who had more than one scene up to episode 4, and all she is is pink with glasses. I mean, she's absolutely adorable, and that seems to be her only function, but I don't even know where to look when I look at her. All I see is a pink fluff ball.
Sound - 5
The music during the lighthearted scenes just sounded so bubbly that anytime the show started to get serious, it just looked like it was trying to be as edgy as possible. As for the dramatic music, I cannot remember what it sounds like off the top of my head, but I would assume it's orchestral and dramatic n' shit. I never found myself disliking anything I heard, it just didn't seem like all of the music fit exactly right.
Character - 3
Water dose?
Really, though, after the second episode, every conflict with Mirai and main character guy, whose name I forget because I couldn't care less about this non-character, had my rolling my eyes. Then, everything any character does ever has literally no purpose.
Like, "Ima fight the big bad boss monster!" Why? "because I killed my friend because boss monster possessed her!" Yeah, okay, but why are you attacking it now? "... See answer B?"
Then, and this probably should have been said in the story section, they don't even go over how they got into such a situation as to allow the friend girl to be possessed by the boss monster. Like, everyone in this city has fair warning, so how was the other place any different?
You know what? I'm going back and dropping story by a point.
Enjoyment - 3
Eh. Didn't make me feel, and it never really got intense. It's just basic enough so as to not completely bore me, but there's not much worth coming back to.
Overall - 5
There's a cute pink fluff ball of a girl, and that is the most this show will give you. Otherwise, it's nothing. It's literally nothing. I'm not sure how else to describe it. It's just stimulation for the brain. Just something your eyes can see and your ears can hear.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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