This show is just plain lovable adorkable hilarity. You have a human guy Jin who hates animals who ends up going to an animal school where all the guys are full anthro and the girls are human like with animal ears and tails. Then comes the absolutely adorable pink wolf Ranka and ridiculous hilariousness comes afterwords.
The big thing that draws you in with this is just how much nuttiness comes out of this, and how much you can laugh at how everyone works off each other. While the characters are simple, you still feel for them and watching how they bounce off one another and
Jun 26, 2019
Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!?
Note, as my first review, I do apologize if this comes off as nuts, and since I hate reading long reviews, im gonna try to make this short.
Simply put, this is a guilty pleasure anime with a bit more sweetness than i was expecting and a lot to laugh at. Put in extended, I went into this show just expecting to either laugh at it or roll my eyes at it. It's a show about students falling for their teachers after getting into lewd situations with them, I mean it just sounds like something stupid to laugh at, and you would be right. But it ends ... |