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Dec 10, 2024
TLDR: Thriller manga about a girl who can see future deaths. Great premise, great mc, terrible Villains. Spoilers after 1st paragraph.
The premise begs the question, is every life precious? Are some people better off dead? That question is kinda the whole point of the manga. It makes the manga super interesting for me, as our main character has to face that question constantly. I want to give this manga a 8 so badly but theres a couple core issues with the manga that kinda drop it down. Starting with the good though, the manga has a really strong main character. Having her as our
POV gives us a much needed insight on her actions, through which the manga focuses on. We also get *some* decent side characters, really primary Akira who is one of the only side characters that is enjoyable. The final volume also does wrap up alot of the lose ends presented by the series, and the epilogue chapter is definitely worth a read.
! Spoilers !
The manga has 3 core issues. the first being the motivation and character behind the series's antagonists, and the 2nd being the tone of the manga, and finally the third being the messaging at the last volume
Im just going to say it every single one of the purposed antagonists of the story are terrible. They're so unsatisfying. The President is built up as this mega genius who has a messed up sense of morals, but he never really poses a meaningful threat outside of one incident. He even protects her being in the school for some reason even though he wanted her dead? His motivations are super shallow, and the girl isnt that great either. I wish they just did more with her character she had one moment in the gym but other than that it was pretty much it. Seo's character turned out to be so boring. Her motivations? Shes just a bad person that likes to see people suffer. Her twist was an interesting moment of growth for our MC, but on her own she was a huge let down. Lastly I want to talk about Komachi. We spent, the WHOLE MANGA as the lead up to her eventual breaking point but she wasnt even evil at all? Her WHOLE CHARACTER was resolved within one conversation that couldve been solved within the first chapter of the manga. While I dont think this is a bad direction for her character, it shouldnt have been built up like she was going to be the true villain of this whole manga.
The Tone of the manga is really inconsistent, and this also ties in with my previous points about the shitty villains of this manga. We regularly switch SOL to a more Mystery setting for the core part of the manga. This in itself isnt my problem, I have more of a problem of the thriller aspect of this manga, or there lack there of. Its really hard to be interested in the suspense of the manga where every time theres an interesting plot hook we go back to silly antics without any trace of the tension we felt earlier. And even when tensions rise conflict is resolved so quickly that it loses its effect. God especially with the villains in the last two volumes, the tension for me was completely broken after each villain was revealed to be just a super shallow character in the end
My final issue with this manga is the messaging in the final couple chapters. Specifically the scene where the Teacher talks to Komachi. Again the WHOLE POINT of the manga is different perspectives on the issue of the value of life. Its why this manga is interesting in the first place. The really interesting thing regarding this argument is that there really isnt a correct answer. How the public views the value of life, how ethical death is, its all a matter of perspective and personal opinion. Thats why, to this mangas credit, there are characters with different opinions regarding that question. Yet the manga presents the teachers view and opinion on that question as the "correct" answer. It feels very unsatisfactory, as there is no right answer, and thats why this mangas interesting in the first place.
Overall did I enjoy the manga? Absolutely, it was very interesting and i had a fun time reading it. Does it have major flaws regarding its characters tone and messaging? absolutely. Im biased, I enjoy stories with interesting and attention grabbing premises, so personally reading it this manga was a solid 8.5, but critically and being honest with myself this mangas like a 6.5. So im settling for a 7.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 7, 2024
9/10 TLDR; Overall a really fun and relatable manga about a bunch of kids having fun playing Magic and Experiencing middle school.
Im biased in this review as I actively play and enjoy Magic The Gathering and MTG related content. This is also a prelimarny review, as of the past 5 months we are on chapter 50, but were basically at the ending (predicting like 5ish more chapters maybe)
This manga is just so fun, I really loved all the crazy battle scenes that really make you feel like your in the action of the game itself. The manga is best when you know the rules and
the context of the game, and it really helps to also know these earlier sets from the late 90's. I played MTG in a more modern setting, so I had to rely on the Translator Notes to help me understand most of the refrences. Either way, super great manga when it comes to the card battling
Its biggest strength id say is just the feeling and expereince of playing a TCG. I personally really resonated with this sereis because I was also in middle school when I first started playing MTG. I, just like our protagonists, also went to my LGS and played magic with a bunch of old people. With that knowlage I can confidently say that this manga really nails that experience. Everything from the discussion of new cards and new sets, to the feeling of creating stratergies and battling friends. Its a very nostalgic feeling for me, and It really just amplified all the other positive qualities of this manga.
Without Spoling this manga the romance comes and goes, its an underlying theme "thats why we have the romance status quo tag" and highlighted more heavily in some areas and less so in others. If your looking for a primarly romance focused manga I wouldnt recomend this manga, as your sitting through alot of (objectively super cool) card battles to get to the romance or drama part of this manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 5, 2024
TLDR: A really interesting time loop romance manga with plenty of gag humor
I really like this manga, I usually dont find Japanese gag humor that funny but this one strikes a chord with me. The manga uses its time loop premise in its panels too, ive never seen a manga make so many gags and jokes out of just the panels themselves. From repeating sequences or gags to alterations of the same establishing page, the manga really pushes its almost deadpan jokes with the panels. Its interesting and unique I havent seen something like it before. The dialogue between the character feels akwardly real despite
their wacky and unrealistic personalities. There are only 16 chapters at the time of this review so I cannot say much further, but an easy recommendation for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 5, 2024
TLDR; A sweet manga romance manga revolved around subverting a painfully overdone trope
Im bored to death with these types of stories, its so overdone i'm sorry, but this manga is an exception. Its fun its sweet its not too heavy on drama. The manga really shines on its subversion of tropes. Most of these stories follow the MC try to keep the cannon while portraying the cannon as a bad outcome or worse scenario, but our female lead in this manga actively strives towards it. Its a refreshing take on the genre. Like most subversive genre stories though, it heavily benefits from the reader having
a base knowledge of the genre its subverting. Its like any 4th wall breaking video game, if that's someones first video game the effect isnt as ground breaking. Either way its a fun and easy read, easy recomednation.
I agree with another reviewer, 7/10 overall manga but 9/10 for the genre
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 26, 2024
TlDR; A fun lighthearted fluffy romance. Don't expect anything too deep and just enjoy two enjoyable characters and a simple storyline
For a fantasy manga it keeps things very simple and easily navigable for new readers who don't want 2 years worth of an expo dump on family politics and magic systems. The two Leads aren't super deep or developed but they don't really need to be. Both of them are enjoyable and due to the length of the manga their dynamic dosent have time to get old. Every other character in this manga other than the two leads are super predictable and uninteresting, again if
your looking for intricate drama and engaging side plots this is not the manga for you. Thinking about it now this is the perfect manga for younger manga readers, simple characters and easy to follow storyline, with a nice conclusion that dosent leave anything open ended.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 1, 2024
TLDR: This manga sucks. MC sucks, Hate read for me personally
Emotionally charged rant inc
Like this dude actually needs to get over himself. This manga makes every attempt to look like this guy is "Broken Beyond repair", and "Life is meaningless for him". But all that happened was highschool drama, this shit dosent make you a broken human being youve just had some unlucky encounters. He pities himself so much its insane, and every character has this need to make amends for what? They coulve talked this out but the MC had to view himself as the victim going through the worst things imaginable. Just sucks.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 28, 2024
6/10 TLDR: Short mildly interesting read, feels underbaked.
Interesting premise with characters who have pretty interesting backstories. The characters mutual interests align which causes them to pair up, yet their ideals and motivations contrast each other, Which could have been a huge plotpoint since its the main source of tension between the two characters but its not really executed upon. I feel the story could've been helped with a longer run time and a darker tone. It feels like too light of a situation most of the time, loosing the tense atmosphere.
Spoiler warning!
I feel like the entirety of the perp and the perp's brother's characters
to be really boring. It feels like there wasnt alot of thoguht put behind them and it just kinda falls flat all together. I wish we got to understand the traumas and surroundings of the two main characters further, which is a fault of simply the length not the pacing itself.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 2, 2024
6/10 - TLDR: A short Apocalypse Horror story without alot of depth or development, good for a quick read if your into the genre
Like another review said the "wait thats it?" moment hits hard for this manga. The manga has decent worldbuilding, and introduces us to a cast of characters that have potential, but dont realize it due to the mangas length. The first half of the series was strongest for me personally.
-Spoiler Section-
I really didnt enjoy the character of the other keigo at all to be honest. It feels like the manga setup a story about a monster and human brother duo and
how they navigate the post apocalyptic world, but it turned about to be accepting another brother into your family, and how family can change. A great message, just dosent seem to fit in this manga. I feel like we got way to little of makoto despite him being on the cover. I honestly just wish this mang was longer, a few arcs in between the first and last half of the story to have some time navigating the city with makoto, and fleshing out ako and the other guy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 20, 2024
5/10 - Tl;DR: Its a generic isekai, nothing new
I mean to be honest if you wanted to read a generic isekai I guess but I wouldn't recommend it either way. If you played isekai bingo with this manga you'd strike out at chapter like 5. Its so generic, and I find that really boring when theres so many fish in the sea so to speak. I gave this manga a 5 because its not nesscarily bad, but I personally find boring manga to go against the reason why I even read manga in the first place, thats just me tho.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Aug 20, 2024
Is it a powerfantasy isekai? yes. Is it poorly explained and sloppily written? Probably. Is it enjoyable? Yes. Don't take the manga too seriously, because even the protagonist doesn't. Its a fun manga where the main character is fully aware of how edgy he is, and leans into it, creating his own powerfantasy. Its *almost* a parody, and thats when I enjoyed it the most. Narritive wise its not the best, nor the most intricate with its world building, I wouldn't recommend this manga if you were to take everything at face value, because then it becomes another boring OP isekai manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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