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Sep 17, 2020
First of all, you do need a little bit of knowledge of the fate universe to fully enjoy Redline. But if you've watched any fate anime, then you're most likely chill (Including Kaleid cuz if you watched that then u prolly watched other fate as well). So far only a few chapters have been translated so I will give short review of whether this is worth your time.
Redline is without a doubt going for the darker and gory side of the Holy Grail War, so if you enjoyed F/Z because of it's dark setting and intense + badass + gory fighting then Redline is
for you. But that doesn't mean Redline's story and writing are comparable to F/Z, Redline's story so far is at best a good (7).
Characters are decently written, the mc is pretty bland but with some development can definitely be a great character. The main servant is badass and with incredible art, she's even cooler(cuter). If you have previous knowledge of her then this portrayal of her is something new but very welcoming as well.
Speaking of art, the manga as some of the coolest panels and fight choreography. The gore is also nothing to scoff that, with fingers being cut off and bare bones showing and such. The tension of fights are single-handedly carried by the incredible art.
The manga so far hasn't made me feel it's too edgy which a lot of people seem to complain all the time. If you wanna just see some cool stuff that's also based in the fate universe then definitely don't miss this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 6, 2019
If I were to describe this movie in one phrase it would be normie pandering. The movie does nothing new to the genre, just your typical tearjerker that did nothing right.
The movie is full of contrivances, an example being the way the two met, the main guy just randomly finds the girl's diary and since he's a bookworm, instead of returning the diary to the lost and found, he reads it. The movie starts off with the girl's funeral, when I first saw that, my immediate thoughts were alright let's see some character building with the main dude and the girl, she's
probably going to die around the middle of the show, then the rest would be the aftermath of him dealing with his emotions, her friends, & her parents, SPOILER FROM HERE ON OUT, that didn't happen. Instead the show puts the two characters into quirky, wack, weird XD teenager situations that do not happen in real life, leaving me scratching my head intensely waiting for her to just die. The movie teased us multiple times with her being in the hospital but didn't go through with the just let her "die unexpectedly early" plot, instead making her dying from a stabbing attack, I was already pretty zoned out at the time so I can't really remember if the crazy ex-bf guy stabbed her or just a random dude. Although I didn't really mind the "plot twist" that much, it's just a generic shock factor, the aftermath could be completely unchanged whether she died from the stabbing or just the diseases itself. There was zero point of that twist, even though it was foreshadowed multiple times on the TV news in the cheesiest way possible. The story is mainly about the characters so the rest would be in the character section.
Art: I'd say the art was fine, some fine animations, the scene with the little prince had some janky cgi but overall I don't have too much to complain about.
Sound: Generic sad piano music, voice acting was fine until the main dude's breakdown which sounded comical to me (at least the subs)
Main character guy starts off really obnoxious, he was just a dickhead towards the main girl at the very start until a little after the middle of the movie at which he just becomes a nice guy. He seemed like a self-insert character, barely any personality, kind of autistic. His favorite line in the first half was "What kind of joke is this?" said in a very dickhead way. He said that he has never had a friend his entire life prior to meeting the girl, why did it have to be so extreme, his mom seems like a pretty normal person. The main message of this movie (if it even has one) seems to be to connect with others in society, but the main guy was living just fine without having a single friend his entire life, which I doubt is possible in real life considering most of those people most likely will just kill themselves. He seemed to me as having barely any sex drive, but then gets embarrassed at times you think he would just brush it off with a straight face. The characters come out as not real in this movie, they barely speak their minds to each other, and when they do it's through a corny truth or dare game or just side characters verbally or sometimes physically attacking the main character. The girl is very selfish, which is fine since she's going to die, but you would think with her being selfish and constantly manipulating the main guy's emotions, she would at least address it in her will, which she does not, instead she goes on and on about some uninteresting talk about their names and stuff? The scene in her bedroom where she was actively trying to titillate the main guy was funny to me, the guy gets horny because she keeps doing these sexy things to him, and she starts going apeshit about it, what did she expect? Right after that happened, the girl's supposed ex pulls up, being stalkerish and crazy, punches our main guy, then our girl comes out and tells her ex she hates him and the guy just kinda dips. The whole exchange felt forced and out of place, it felt like it was there just as a plot device to make the couple make up. The main girl's best friend was just a straight up bitch, she came off to me not as a person that cares for the main girl a lot, but just annoying. There's this one guy that just offers the main guy gum, he would always decline the offer and as you would expected, the last time he was offered gum from gumdude, being the "Changed" man that he is, he accepts the gum. The guy felt like he was just kind of there for no reason. To sum up, the characters are uninteresting, annoying/obnoxious, and barely have any chemistry between each other. The girl said that she would cry behind the main guy's back and don't want to tell her friends about her illness because she doesn't want them to change the way they treat her, but the things these two have done could've been done with her friends had she informed them about her illness, I'm sure her best friend would do all those things with her with no questions asked.
Conclusion: One thing I'm going to say is that if I were to show this movie any normie for example my mom, they would probably love this movie, they would think that the setting of the story to be very sad to begin with instead of thinking why it even happened. The story would not have existed if the guy didn't hang out with her knowing that she will die and he might get emotionally affected, especially considering that he was being such a dick towards her at the start. If you've never seen this kind of forced tearjerking media, then you probably would've loved the fireworks scene, you would think the corny music playing in the background and the fireworks is kino. There will be a lot of people that will enjoy this movie and think it's the greatest movie ever because they cried a little bit, but it just came off to me as unbearable and cringe. The dialogues are corny and wouldn't be things real people would be say. If you manage to read through this rambling of a guy that's bored out of his mind, you've might noticed that not once have I used any of the main characters' names. I mean one reason is I cannot remember them, the other is that they did this talk on the train about the main guy's name and they made it seem all-important and secretive by not telling the audience his name, then later to be shown that it's just a corny way of showing that the two main characters are a fated couple of some sort. Apparently this movie was screened around here, and I am damn glad I didn't spend my gacha money watching this shit kek. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 27, 2018
For 22 out of the 23 episodes I watched, I thought I was watching a completely different series.
While some may say the first half of the og SG was boring, dull, and too SOL, I loved it more than the gripping narrative of the second half, the characters were so lovable that I could just watch them mess around forever. The lab members and their daily conversations and sometimes sneak peeks at their inventions made them such endearing characters that I was sure that I will forever love these characters.
Well, I was proven wrong, SG0 single handily destroyed that impression. Okarin became a wojak, an
empty shell of just showing one emotion in his existence. Mayushii was just there to love Okarin. Daru went from an otaku creep that sometimes does amazing shit to a dad, at least he's a dad that won't turn his daughter into a dog. Despite all this, I liked Christina role, her being an empty AI is a huge difference from the old tsundere girl that goes on 4chan all day, makes Okarin miss her, and makes me miss her. Other LabMems were not only uninteresting and unappealing, they just didn't feel like they were there when they were in a scene. And Mr.Braun, being one of my favorite things about the second half of the original, was just kinda there to move the plot when he was needed in SG0.
All the previous were just character comparisons, I'm not going to compare the story of the original to this one since I honestly couldn't find a plot for the majority of SG0 despite it seemed to be pretty plot driven, and I'm not a good writer.
Now let's talk about the new characters, Maho, Kagari and the professor (others can be excluded though I did kinda like that one episode where Daru go on a date). Maho is pretty cute but inferior to Christina in every way and the show is fine with her just having that status quo, the professor is a plot tool, and so was Kagari, this is kinda it to the new characters.
Art 3, sometimes it looks good, but majority of the time it's pretty ugly to look at, there weren't really any interesting shots to cover the poor art, and the animation is downright awful at times, but steins gate was never about le epic sakuga fights.
Sound 7, music was good as always, but were repeated a lot, I clearly remember one episode where the same track was played back to back within a couple minutes.
Character 2, 1 extra point cuz of my nostalgia
Enjoyment is same as my overall, 5
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 26, 2018
Skip to 5th paragraph for just story, art, sound, and character ratings
With the 3rd season finally coming to a close, I can now say that this anime wasn't good and will probably never going to be good. From recommendations to giant banners at public events, I was expecting at least a good show, but I was wrong, this was just a waste of time.
Before I talk about things that bothered me, I will name a couple things that I found enjoyable (only partially in some cases). First of all, the world is seems dense with a lot of classic mmorpg elements that I enjoy, the
author either played mmorpgs before or did a lot of research on them. Second, ops and eds were lowkey bangers. And last, I do enjoy self-inserting myself into Ainz when I have a bad day, though this doesn't mean the show is good, Ainz being a blatant self-insert is no different than any other similar isekai shows.
This show is very similar to another show this season called The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar, comparing to that downright unbearable feces which I immediately dropped after about 4 minutes, overlord did a good job into tricking the viewers into thinking that the show isn't the same as ragnarok by having a "darker tone" and a harem that's bigger than all of the harem protags combined. Awfully similar to that one dude's show that has the entire cast of females playing around with his swords huh.
-Story: 3, no coherent story from my viewing, it might be because I wasn't paying attention because the show bored me to death, but all I gathered from the story is that this dude gets transported to a video game and he's op af and he has a giant harem of slaves so he goes around and fuck with ants so that the other dudes that might've got transported as well will notice their kouhai.
-Art: 2, this ain't it chief, this ain't how an edgy 12 yr old that's a little horny self-insert show supposed to look like, the show looks ugly as hell, with a gripping narrative it wouldn't have been a big deal, but this doesn't have that, the cgi are berserk level terrible, there's barely any animation, the characters just look like they have half the amount of pixels Asuna has, and the backgrounds look like a pre-rendered PUBG map.
-Sound: 3, nothing stand out from the ost, the sound designs are terrible, episode 12 had like a league of legends queue popping noise. Nothing too special about voice acting, Ainz just has one tone, and the girls sound cute I guess.
-Character 3, Ainz has barely personality other than yea i miss my gamers and offu this girl kinda cute yo she on me what i gonna do, sometimes he just does things that're similar to pouring salt on snails. Nothing interesting about the pseudo-spurned women's (and men's) club either. One side character has more character traits than the entire cast and even they have barely any.
My enjoyment is my overall, 3, insert your butt into Ainz for a quick delusion rush and that's it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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