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Fantasy Anime League You Should Read This Manga
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Mar 24, 2025
When I rewatched the two prior seasons a couple of years ago I found the story to be too frustrating a lot of the time, so I was curious to know what I was going to think about this 3rd season. I’m glad to say that this season was so much fun and it’s such a faithful adaptation to the manga, it was impressive.
The animation was incredible all the way through, seriously amazing af. I hadn’t seen such quality given to a romance anime in a loooong time.
The story is as lovely as I remember reading the manga, tho I had blocked all
the annoying parts. Kazehaya is such a moron this season, which is sooooo frustrating after that incredible first chapter. The reason for him being such a moron is so dumb and I find it even insulting tbh. I love him, but good God, his behavior during most of this season is unbearable.
I love that Kuronoma on the other hand shows some growth, I’d say it’s even a realistic amount of growth given that she’s a teenager and it’s been only months since they started dating. I found her behavior a lot more enjoyable than in past seasons.
The stars of this season are Chizuru and Ryu (my favorite couple of the series) and, although sadly with not much screen time, Ayane and Kent. I cried during episode 3 which is focused on Chizu and Ryu and I wholeheartedly believe the studio made a great job adapting their childhood story.
The voice actors did a tremendous job. I loved the scenes of child Ryu a lot in big part due to his voice actor.
I was worried I would get disappointed since I haven’t been enjoying the latest aired shook anime, but I’m so glad to see it’s just a matter of quality of the works being picked up for adaptations (and the quality of the adaptations themselves). Aaah I wish we got more stories that were as good and heartfelt adapted into anime!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 17, 2025
This reads like a very shitty shojo with lots of very dumb tropes that doesn't even work for a BL setting, both of them act like very dumb stereotypes of girls in love and in the second volume the writer tried to apply the stupid trope of "male love interest is so hot and cool we will kill anyone that dares to be too close to him" but it doesn't even work for this story because they're both guys! At least in shojo mangas it makes sense because women (for some reason) are supposed to hate and attack each other. But here that doesn't make
sense because then why do the crazy girls doesn't apply the same logic to Kyono other two male friends?! It's so stupid!!
And from where did the "but this society won't accept our relationship" bullshit came from?! It was soooo unnecessary it's damn annoying. I know it was born from the bully crazy fangirls, but still, it felt like a very lazy way to create drama. The only thing I can save from that whole plot point was the supportive friends fighting the bullies with logic and Kouhei calling Kazusa dumb. Maybe if it was written in a much better way it would have worked, but it wasn't, so this plot point was trash.
The other annoying stupid trope badly badly used was when *spoilers* Kyono lied about not caring about Kazusa and dating his friend Yamashita. Of course, Kazusa hears this, gets all heartbroken and later he's all like "you used me bwaaah".
What a boring dumb story, it took me a lot of will power to read it till the end, and that was only because I was hoping that it would maybe get good at some point like Sasaki to Miyano, a story that starts veeery slow but gets better with time.
Sadly, that was not the case and reading this was a waste of time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 17, 2025
If this was longer I'd think it was a better story, it even seemed like it was going to be longer. Surprisingly and sadly too, it wasn't and it ended with just two volumes.
This doesn't mean it wasn't a good, interesting, intriguing story. I enjoyed reading it, and even tho the romance was short, it filled my heart and then broke it into a million pieces (just like good tragedies should).
A very out of the ordinary story, specially for what I normally read (I had a really hard time at the beginning because I'm not good with gore), but it managed to get
my attention and I read it all in one sitting.
Definitely recommended if you enjoy good tragedies and interesting stories.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 14, 2024
At the time of writing this review I have finished the main story and I'm just waiting to read the extras.
I have to start saying that this manga will always have a special place in my heart. I read most of it during 2020 and followed the releases until the end. But I sadly don't love it anymore as I once did.
The main love story was truly amazing and magical for me, it felt so real and simple, it reminded me of what falling in love felt like (I had been in a long term relationship for more than a decade). It seriously was really
nice reading Uenoyama and Mafuyu's story and I love the first arc with all my heart. Akito and Haruki story was a bit harder to read since i'ts a more mature story with complicated and nuanced moments. I could relate to Akito's relationship with Ugetsu so much it was painful, so again, it was a story that felt very real and I also loved it very much and I mostly liked how the conflicts got resolved. Very dramatic, very amazing imo.
But I think that's the point where the manga lost its magic. After Akito and Haruki's story, it was sadly a rapid downward spiral and it was really sad to see a manga I loved so much end in such a low note both in story telling and art syle. I did not enjoy the extreme change in art style at the end. I enjoyed the growth and stylistic changes the mangaka had during the publishing, but the character designs at the very end… I truly dislike it, they look deformed imo.
I just think the ending of the first arc is pure perfection and I'd consider this a masterpiece if that's where it had ended, but it wasn't, so I have to admit, overall this manga is just good, plainly good. It has a lot of good things that are worth reading, but that's it. When taken into account that it includes some very controversial non-con (at best dubious-con) moments, I don't think everyone may enjoy this one. I still consider it a worth read and I hope people enjoy the good parts as much as I did.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 21, 2024
I loved this manga so so much while it was being published. It was an amazing distractor for the dark times of 2020 and 2021, all until Stars and Stripes showed up I think. And then the non time-skip happened (it was way to damn short to be called a time-skip imo) and the story lost me almost completely. Ever since the time-skip reading this story felt like a chore more than an enjoyable thing like before.
I have my gripes with this story, a bunch of them really. The way the author decided to progress the story truly disappointed me. At the beginning it
seemed to be such an amazing story with mysteries and complicated relationships, I got so much hype on so many things; being hinted that maybe there was a weird reason why Deku was quirkless, All For One and One For All beginnings, Deku's father, his relationship with Uraraka, his friendship with Ida, the frenemies relationship with Bakugo... and so many more things I cannot remember rn, all went nowhere except for maybe his relationship with Bakugo; and by the end it was generic boring shonen bs full of ass-pulls. Man it was hard reading the last arch.
Still, the first half is an amazing read that I truly recommend and I bet some people may enjoy it 'till the very end even if I and many others didn't.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 15, 2024
As someone who also grew up in the countryside of a conservative country, this manga was amazing, a great representation of what growing up somewhere like that when you're any flavor of queer is. It may be triggering for some people though so be warned, this manga portrays severe bullying and an attempted rape (which, unlike many many many other mangas, it portrays it in a realistic and serious way, which I guess only makes it more triggering tbh).
This story doesn't really revolve around romance almost at all, as some others have pointed out on their reviews, but that's what makes this manga
stand out from the pile of BL out there. I loved the friendships that were built and lost and I love how all of the characters the story focuses on, had major development. This author really knows how to show how nuanced we all are as human beings, no one is perfect, we all struggle with something and sometimes we can be morons one way or the other, but it is on us to grow and change.
Truly an amazing read and the only reason why I don't consider this a masterpiece is because the author made some… choices on how to portrait some characters that was a bit too sympathetic for my liking (and they also gave the worst character a spin-off for some reason and well, I'll just reserve my comments on that one). But the majority of this story was really good, the first chapter almost made me stop reading, the beginning threw me off and the art was also a bit rough in the first half of the story, but the art and story improved tremendously and I couldn't stop reading this! I loved the MC's mom, best bad-ass character, I love her so much.
The ending was pretty good, although quite sad at the same time, but I liked the realism. Not everyone gets a happy ending in real life, so it was a bit refreshing to see it reflected in this story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 23, 2024
I think I'm just too old to enjoy this type of anime because I found it to be too boring and even a bit annoying, tho the thing that made me drop it was episode 9 thanks to Hotaru being way too much of a dumb-ass (imo). I know teens are dumb but c'mon, not that much (in the majority at least).
I like wholesome stories to the point of them being too damn sugary and even having dumb protagonists (one of my faves is Kimi ni todoke) but I feel like those stories had some balance either with other characters or the main characters
progress, this story has way too many cutesy wholesome people and Hotaru acts like a kindergartner a lot with the more nuanced character being Hananoi, but things are amped to such a degree that he ends up coming off as a creep and is also very unlikable a lot of times!
Ugh, I really wanted to like this story because I want to get into shojo but if this is one of the most popular shojos right now, I don't think I can ever get back into the genre (I've also tried reading some of the other popular mangas and also had to drop them).
But anyway, I still think some people may like it and if you're a teen I think it has many things that I remember going through when I was that age and they resolve them in a healthy way (for the most part) so at least is not setting harmful standards (for the most part).
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 21, 2024
I rewatched Ouran for the first time in at least 10 years, the last time I watched it I was still in college, and my first time watching it I was in middle school. All three times I enjoyed it greatly, all because of mainly the same reason: this show is entertaining as fuck.
As the times have changed and some topics have evolved, but also people have gained a bit too much sensibilities, I’m not surprised of seeing this show marked as homo/transphobic. I see it as a product of its time and coming out of a very conservative country that still in 2024
hasn’t recognized same sex marriage. It indeed has some ignorant comments or insensitive jokes but tbh, is not so bad and judging it by today’s standards is honestly stupid.
If we add to all of this that this anime is mostly a comedy more than a romance, I seriously cannot understand the hordes of people clutching their pearls while watching this. I’m a bisexual woman and I consider myself to be very feminist, and I can see the problematic aspects (which are not that many) but still enjoy this show. Also, Haruhi should be a non-binary icon (I know that she identifies as a woman) with how much she doesn’t give a shit about gender stereotypes and how she presents herself to the world. She doesn’t give a shit if society wants for her to wear a dress, if boy clothes are what she likes that’s what she’s wearing. Love her.
The humor in this series reminds me a little bit of Gintama: tons of nonsense and way over the top shit going on 90% of the time. It also has its serious moments but just as in Gintama, there isn’t that many to consider this show as “serious”. It’s so clear how almost everything in this anime is played for laughs and I love it, everyone’s personality is dialed to 100% (including Haruhi, her personality is the more “normal” but her coldness is dialed way up).
I just really enjoy this series; the beginning was slow tbh but by the end of it I was jumping in my seat with pleasure. Truly such a great anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 5, 2024
This manga was a roller coaster with many many plot twists and some unexpected things. Definitely a very interesting read, it's been a while since I read a story with a different and kind of unique plot.
I feel like I cannot write a review without spoiling much so I leave it short:
The art was mostly great, a little inconsistent but enjoyable. I loved Ono's character design the most and also Mikuni's little sister was mega cute.
I liked the main characters, they grew on me as the story went on, specially Ono, he ended up being a bit more nuanced than I expected. Mikuni was also
a pretty good character, I enjoyed his cute side. They make a nice couple.
What I really disliked was how short all of it was, after chapter 5 I was soooo hyped and I thought "omg, how is this going to be resolved, this is a mess (in a good way), for sure this story has at least another volume". But nope, it all gets resolved in the next chapter in a way I found underwhelming and disappointing IMO.
But don't let this discourage you from giving it a read, it's a very interesting story with a lot of potential, I just would have loved for it to be longer, it had all the necessary elements to be a great psychological drama. But that's what dreams are made of or something.
Still, this may not be for everyone, it includes very hard topics like suicide and murder along with some other things, definitely not for everyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 5, 2024
I stumbled upon this manga by accident, and even though I didn't particularly love the art style, the first few pages intrigued me so I kept on reading, and I'm glad I did.
The story is quite simple but the characters are what makes this a compelling story in my opinion, Minami is an assertive guy that even if shy, at the same time is not afraid to say what he wants and ask for what he wants when push comes to shove, which makes him a very cute and enjoyable character. Karasuma is also very likable because even though he's a reserved guy who
seems shy, he is truly just in fact a misunderstood introvert with a quite interesting side (I mean, the guy makes games and smut asmr). I like that the chemistry between them was there since the beginning, but the author took their time developing the relationship a little bit more so it felt more believable and deserved when they became a couple. I really hate when authors just put characters together after not more than a hello and a bj.
Moving on, for me the star of all characters in this story is Akitora, he begins as a freaking rude moron, but man does he get a quick (and tiny) redemption arc. I won't spoil much but he becomes best boy by the end and he's seriously my favorite, such a cute little guy!
Now, returning to the art style: I can say it wasn't something I truly enjoyed and if the story hadn't caught my mind I would have dropped this. It has a GRAVE case of yaoi hands, and I feel like the way this artist draws faces is a bit off putting sometimes (at least to my taste). The most redeemable part was when the scenes where drawn in a bit of a chibi style, it wasn't full chibi but it made the characters look super cute.
Anyway, I'm eagerly hoping for volume 2 of this story, hopefully it may be as good or even better than the first one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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