Dec 12, 2017
This show gave me a great experience and great dissapointment at the same time.
When going into worldend I didn't exactly have high expectations. I thought this would just be a casual novel addaptation (which explains the long title) (later I also discovered that the original novel seems to be pretty damn good). I was suprised however. I went into the story and saw great potential. The show kept pulling me back which is a good thing but as it progressed I realised it could have been so much better.
Progression and story:
First of all I think the series is too short to completely explore the universe
and its characters. Although this isn't a valuable point because this could be caused by things the author could not change. But what the author could have changed was to correctly choose which elements to include and which not. When watching I constantly had the feeling that the auther could have used the 20min time better.
It is in fact a great story but due to its poor execute, it dissapoints. The author really tried to focus on the romance instead of the action, this became clear very quickly. In the beginning of the series he held on to it fairly well although when reaching the end this seems to shift. This wasn't actually that bad because it increased the dramatic end of the series but the sudden shift did hit me. A show in comparison who did the same thing in a better manner in my opinion is Angel Beats (I won't go into a comparison but go watch the show and compare them, you won't regret it ;) ).
Sometimes the story was a bit predictable in the romance part but the rest were all suprises for me. I really thought i figured out the story but it manages to suprise you everytime pieces of info about the backstories are given.
The ending also gave me mixed feelings. It seemed right and well executed but it also felt like the author was thinking: "This is going well, oh sh*t I'm already at episode 10 I need to finish it real quick".
The story is unique and compelling but not always executed in the right way. But for my score I will not base myself just on the execution but also the story potential.
story potential: 10/10
story execution: 6/10
The series gives you a set of likeable girls which each have their own personality. From big breasted maids to loli's to tsundere's. In my opinion are the characters really well done and you realy care for them when you get to know them. It is a shame that we didn't get to meet all the girls very well but you can't fit it all in 12 episodes. The ones that were followed where done in the right way. I think everyone would find at least one character that they like.
The main characters were OK. They were predictable sometimes but I did grow to like them. Chtholly (main heroin) was one who gave me some trouble though. It's not that I don't like her but it's just that she seems like a victim all the times. I do like that she is very honest regarding her feelings and doesn't beat around the bush to much. The MC's are written that you exually do believe they would be a good couple.
Characters: 9/10
The show started out strong and got my attention. In the beginning the story compelled me and got me hyped for the next episode, but when finished I could just cast the show aside.
I came for the story and stayed for the OST.
As a conclusion I would say this show got my interest, but is not memorable at all. It took my interest and just disposed of it when I finished the show. Like other series with great story, I want to know more about the world and the characters, but somehow this series got me to just cast them aside and move on, which is a bummer.
Should you watch this series? Definitely! Although not executed in the best way the story is interesting and compelling and the characters are likeable. Will it be the best anime-experience you ever had? Probably not. But if your looking for some series with great plot and good romance. Worldend is a series for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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