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Jan 6, 2024
Animations are still pretty peak for being an advertisement-based animation.
Story feels like a copypasta mix of Season 2 and Season 3.
Characters seems like copypastas of past iconic characters of the first two seasons.
Protagonist seems like a Valt ripoff again (even more so than Aiger was). Nothing against him but his story seems a bit more thrown around, development seemed to be rushed and tried to shown off as part of his personality (clever, sure, but still a bit meh. Hard try at comedy if so), and voicelines somehow more imminently and obviously cringe like they reuse the same recording for some things?
After three
seasons of this, the bad storywriting has become much more imminent.
Despite writing this bad review, however, I will still continue to watch out of love for the OGs of the first two seasons like Valt, Shu, and hopefully Honcho and Free. Also for Beyblade~
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 26, 2023
The opening to this anime is extremely banger, top notch, peak animation and music. It likely made me watch more than the anime itself..
As for the story and plot, it's your typical romcom stuff, but I found it extremely wholesome and cute. The way they portrayed the characters all glittery but in a subtle fashion really made an interesting impact that increased immersion.
Story and scenarios were somewhat realistic, and you could see the characters' love for each other grow and grow. Subtle yet thoughtful. Like yeah you can imagine this happening IRL and you're not *totally* like "No way this could eeever happen IRL"
like some romcoms are.
It starts off with the protagonist already in love, which is easily connected to, rather than funny coincidences like some other romcoms are. Yes this takes away from the comedy part of the romcom but it's nice to see a romcom focus more on the romance than the comedy.
Also, the ending really caught me offguard. I mean it's kind of a typical thing but the episode's buildup to it gave it a bigger impact.
Anyways, a breakdown.
Music: 10/10
Animation/Art: 7.5/10
Plot: 7/10 for what it is.
Characters: 6/10
Romance: 9/10
Comedy: 3/10 (The true comedy of this anime is seeing how truly in love the male protagonist was and the opening animation really reflects this well.)
Anyways, even if you choose not to watch this anime, I highly recommend the opening.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 16, 2022
This anime is about artists who dedicate themselves to their works and all the hardships of life they go through; specifically the hardships of relations with others and getting their work accepted.
The art of this anime is colorful, very colorful. And its mention of color is meaningful in some senses.
The characters are really bright and expressive. Each one has their own (many) quirks.
One even starts off by communicating through an AI they created.
The story is dramatic and eye-catching. One may even go as far as to say it pulls on your heartstrings a bit!
The way that made Sorata finally decide to stay at
Sakurasou was something I've never witnessed before and it was truly unique and beautiful.
And the way the romances progress and blossom are beautiful and intriguing.
The interactions may not be anything special but each moment is truly filled to the brim with life.
The comedy isn't just fanservice but it also makes full use of the fact the main characters are "troublemakers".
Uhh, forgive me for being vague. It's best to just watch it yourself and decide for yourself. I'm no good at professional reviews. So I hope you enjoy(ed) this anime as much as I did.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 16, 2022
Many people say that No Game No Life is overrated.
They may very well be right, as the amazing artwork may very well gloss over the story a bit too much.
As someone who willingly admits having watched the first season 7 times, and am amongst the many anticipating the official release of the 2nd season, I personally really liked the story of No Game No Life.
Though the movie is at least twice as good as the main story, I find the bond and determination of the main characters inspiring and the heated execution of their strategies to be equally exciting with every watchthrough.
The comedic expressions,
whether it be fanservice or not (even if it is mostly fanservice), are fairly well executed. Though after hearing it over and over, they kind of lose their full effect. Their punch doesn't hit as hard, so to speak. Though that's usually a given with most any joke, yeah?
Backtracking to the art...
Even it may overgloss the anime, one cannot deny how amazingly beautiful the art style is. It is truly just pure "eye candy".
Even after seeing it 7 times over, it still draws my eyes and keeps them glued to the screen.
Moving on...
The theme of the story combined with where the main characters' viewpoint on things truly hit home for me. So forgive me if I let my sentiments influence my perspective.
But I believe these two storypoints were well executed.
In regards to these, I think it's better understood watching. I'm not sure how to explain it and if I tried, I wouldn't do it justice.
Overall, my first rating of this anime hasn't changed. I still think this anime is very good.
It's not a 10/10 but it's definitely above average.
The drama, the comedy, and the beautiful fantasy all come together to form a beautiful image like pieces of a puzzle.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 29, 2022
To start this review off, I must say there will be spoilers and that I will be comparing the adaptation to the game.
Note that I played through both of Yuito's and Kasane's story and I completed them recently.
So there will also be game spoilers, but that's a given since I'm doing anime spoilers.
Now, let me say what this anime did pretty decently.
The Nagi battle was kind of decent. Not horrible but not great either. Just decent.
The art was pretty decent, especially the portrayal of the Others. Though I wish they showed some of the less ugly ones like Augur Sabbat.
They gave a
bit more depth to the background events that the game didn't show.
The first opening was decent, and the first ending was a bit more than decent.
The use of the game's opening song at the final episode did make the ending hit harder and almost saved it from disappointment. Still, wish it made it the official ending of the episode rather than adding on the anime's second ending after those closing scenes.
That's the end of the good things.
Now for the bad things.
FIRST OFF, I feel they overdramatized everything a bit too much. If they were going to overdramatize something, though, why couldn't it have been the fights?
Oh, yes. The fights were short and boring. One could say they rushed those animations. It definitely does not do Scarlet Nexus' gameplay justice in the slightest.
Speaking of, they skipped a good number of scenes from the game. Play the game, you'll know which ones they are. (Don't worry, the game is definitely worth the buy, unlike this anime.)
In addition to skipping a few scenes, a number of scenes and pieces of information was altered, like Arashi being part of Kyoka's platoon or part of Kagero's training simulation. Though, I can understand neither Kasane or Yuito's team winning like it does in the game, since that's decided by what story you're playing and whether you win or lose the fight between Yuito and Kasane.
There was also the weird ending. I had mixed feelings about it. It was even more depressing than the game's ending then it just abruptly ended it with them all going their separate ways to chase their goals.
SECONDLY, the characters.
I don't think they did the characters justice either.
EVEN THE 3D MODELS OF THE GAME showed MORE EXPRESSIVE EMOTIONS than the anime does. Most of their emotions are barely shown at all through their faces. It is slightly but it doesn't hit as hard as either of my playthroughs did. It might be because I played through the story twice already but I still think the portrayals of the characters was heavily lacking in their personalities and emotions.
I find this odd since, as I mentioned before, the story seemed overdramatized. Also considering the other anime that Sunrise has produced, it's even more surprising how lacking in personality and emotion the characters are.
Let me backtrack for a moment and lets focus on this overdramatize thing a bit. It's not really an issue by itself, now. Not a big one at least.
Though what makes it really bad is that, the tension in the story is noticeably less than the game.
Then again, might just because I already seen the story twice before watching. But even in my second playthrough, the feeling of mystery, danger, and tense emotion was still eminent throughout the entire story.
Most of the Others in the anime are killed in one shot. That doesn't even happen in the game. Not even the weakest enemies at the easiest difficulty die in one hit unless you're using Brain Field attacks.
THIRDLY. Again, backtracking. This time to when I mentioned it not doing the gameplay justice.
It skips over not only story scenes but also key elements in the game like Brain Field, using other abilities through SAS, Brain Crush, and special objects. Due to this, the battles are much less intense. Though I guess I can't be too hard on them for this since budgeting exists.
Would have been nice to see a legitimate adaptation with 50 or more episodes though!
Now in the end, I still enjoyed this anime. Likely because I was on a Scarlet Nexus hype-train and I don't really discriminate against any anime for the most part. You watch anime for entertainment and enjoyment after all. That's what it's for.
I think they did a poor job, but it's still somewhat decent. Likely more enjoyable for those who haven't played the game or can't afford it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 3, 2022
This show is memorable mostly for its quirks and the cute girl in the futon.
I found myself simultaneously captivated by this story and its beautiful artwork as well as confused by what the story was exactly about.
In a sense, I felt a number of good points about this story were buried in deep philosophical riddles.
For instance, this show greatly points out that people with many quirks or one massive quirk, also known collectively as the "weirdos", may often be considered aliens or rather otherworldly. In other words, they don't fit in with society so people assume they are not of our world.
I, as a misfit
who also believes I don't really belong in the world, connected with this portrayal on a personal level.
And I believe that a large portion of the online community (I'm talking to you, otakus) can at least somewhat relate to this to a certain extent.
But despite this beautiful shoutout to all misfits of the world, the plot of the story remained unclear to me.
In the end, I concluded it was just about how weirdos and aliens fit into society. As well as questioning the existence of actual otherwordly beings, a question that many scientists ask.
If that truly was the pure purpose of the anime, then I would say it did a pretty good job.
Even though I was bamboozled by some of the episodes, I still enjoyed this anime.
The characters were well-developed and the alien had just the mysterious vibe you would expect from an otherworldly being.
Overall, a fairly decent anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 30, 2021
It was very pure and wholesome, not to mention extremely cute.
In addition, the art and animation was beautiful and drastically multiplied the cuteness factor.
The two main characters were well shown and developed at a steady pace.
However, the other characters seemed to lack much development but considering the layout of the story, that was to be expected.
Yet the whole alien girl thing was never fully explained.
They never did say why her hair glitters or showed any solid proof that she was infact an laien like she said she was.
In addition, the story did develop steadily alongside the two main girls, the focal points of the story.
the story lacked any major climax points throughout all twelve episodes.
Spoiler alert.
(No, adding the extra girl wasn't too much of a climax as opposed to a tool to further develop Shimamura.)
Despite all of this, I still enjoyed watching the two main characters interact with each other and seeing their cute expressions.
Even as someone who is used to watching shows with plot being my main hook for watching shows from start to end (then again that might not even matter much but oh well), I enjoyed this anime as much as any of the other anime I have completed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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