Greetings Explorer!
A warm welcome, have a seat ☕
Here's a brief introduction about me:
I haven't watched much compared to most people here but i'm not new to anime, as i tend to watch them on and off, however i'm new to MAL, i mainly watch action, romance, harem, comedy or a mix of the four, i'm also starting to explore mystery ones, though i can watch any anime that seems fun or compelling.
I've put first time watching dates on most of the anime by memory or dates that were available in my drive.
I love fanservice.
I rate based on enjoyment and how anime make me feel like most people.
I don't believe in objective scores or that you can really have objectively good/bad tastes, in fact i never understood people who say that they have terrible taste, i believe taste is yours. (i think there could be objectivity for animation quality and technical aspects but i doubt most people here are experts on that) However i'm okay with people thinking otherwise (even though i believe a good portion of them are people in good faith who don't realize they are being subjective, baiters or people pressured from others) if they are not pretentious/judging or jokeful (in the latter case i did so myself sometimes with people with likings similar to mine).
I hate anitubers, reviews aggregators or similar people in forums who make hierarchies on moving japanese drawings and peer pressure people to like or dislike things.
You may think i'm being too serious about this but i see this phenomena more and more, sometimes even in the fora of this site, so i think there should be a debate about it.
Here's my main hobbies: anime (duh), videogames, metal music, F1, cars, history and geography, it's hard to keep up with all of them and frankly i think it's nearly impossible, so i usually just end up switching between them when in the mood, however there are some periods when i focus on only one or two at a time. I'm happy to discuss about them and even other things if you want, however i do not guarantee to know about them.
Thank you for stopping by and have a good time watching anime :)
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries30
- Reread0
- Chapters1,380
- Volumes159
All Comments (29) Comments
Later on I will try to watch that catch my eye.
What are you going to watch ?
Drop some recommendations ^_^
Dipende molto dall'umore!
Ultimamente ascolto spesso gli Electric Callboy, e mi sto organizzando per andarli a vedere all'Ama Music Festival di quest'anno. Amo molto anche i Disturbed. Direi che il loro è il mio genere preferito.
Se ho voglia di ascoltare roba più pesante, vado di Children of Bodom, o Kovenant e roba simile, mi piace sia il Death che il Black, ma mi piace molto anche l'epic (Blind Guardian sono i miei preferiti. In genere amo molto band europee), e i classici tipo Stratovarius e Iron Maiden, o Metallica. Sono molto eclettica! Tu? :)
Intro super, concordo 100%!
Thanks for accepting fr
I think it is covered the movie that is going to release soon
Yeah I also read the manga during the end of season 2.
I think its monthly release.(I might me wrong)
Well Eminence in Shadow is very good and funny. A different approach to isekai.
I am doing good.
watching anything good lately?