I found this movie when looking around at Instagram and I thought I might have a go and watch it. The story at the start was so sweet with no LOVE TRIANGLE but there's a catch which really sank my heart because they were a really cute couple. After that incident I thought Hinato was a bit crazy and concluded she was dealing with grief then I realise that this movie reminds me of Ghost (1990) but it's different of course. overall it's a pretty sweet and saddening love story with finding their one self.
The art style is really pretty too it give those
Sep 13, 2020
This manga is such a joy to read I get to re-listen all the rock music that I have listened in the past and appreciated a bit more. Here are the scores I put.
Story 10- I really love the story of a teacher who is seen as someone that their are insignificant but has a different side to her that no one expects in which she forms a rock band with the help of Jimi Hendrix (a legends rock star). Also I love that the mentors are all rock stars that pass at the age of 27. Art 10- I love the art style even with ... Sep 1, 2020
My opinions will change once I watch the whole thing, but so far the more I watch the episodes the more I cringe especially those janky 3D monsters I prefer if they kept it in 2D. The 3D models reminds of those 2000s (try hard) 3D animated shows I really don’t know what they were thinking of putting it on air but it is what it is. So far for story there is nothing that really stood out to me I do like the concept of having historic figures going into the future, it’s not a concept I have seen done in anime (I have
Aug 15, 2020
Violet Evergarden
Violet Evergarden is very very stunning in terms of artwork and the story is interesting with Violet finding the meaning of “I love you” and having another chance of life as a doll and help bringing people together with letters. However the setting of Violet Evergarden threw me off as a history student I keep comparing real life events to Violet Evergarden so I get a better picture since I heard it was set in post world war 2 I realise it’s more of a modern fusion with historic events. I am not a person who likes a different story for each episode but this