Voiceful is a manga about the starting friendship of two girls in high-school age.
Kanae, an introverted girl, finds her only joy in listening to the music of a doujin-singer(*) called Hina and gradually becomes more confident in herself thanks to the music.
One day, when she actually manages to leave the house, she encounters Hina. That meeting, short and strange as it may have been, sets in the story of this manga.
The manga tells us in four chapters about how those two girls meet again, gradually become closer and finally how they solve their respective problems together.
Mixed in is some little flashback of Hina which
Jun 23, 2009
Hayate no Gotoku!
Story: (6)
After the prologue (read the Synopsis) you'll get a "slice of life, (love)-comedy , parody"-anime. There are so many references to other anime/manga in this show that you honestly could never understand each of them. Aside of that it tells about events spanning over more than a whole year, though there isn't really a big storyline holding everything together. Only characters will develop and change a bit. At this point I should also mention that females easily outnumber males. This show could easily be seen as a harem... and well, it kinda is. (There are enough Girls, who seem to really like Hayate, the protagonist, ... |