Feb 23, 2020
Fruits Basket 1st Season
I have finally reached the end of this classic readaptation! This is one of those series that new anime fans may not like as tastes change with time, but for young 20 somethings like me we grew up with this. And for a readaptation that follows the BEST SELLING shojo manga in the U.S. well it was a guaranteed hit on this side of the atlantic and the other side have definitely not lost their love I have no experience with the older anime (since word had obviously got around by 2012-13 that it was subpar even in the mangaka's eyes.) but completely finished the
Jan 14, 2020
This is THE MANGA, for people who grew up playing things like Dynasty warriors, who know the story of the Three Kingdoms so well they want something similar yet, different, so we go back in time even further to experience the Warring states period. I LOVE THIS MANGA. The art the characters. I'm just about finished with the coming of age arc for the second time(I got about this far before droping it). I wish the story was a bit faster, it seems like a lot of promotions of the characters are just fillers for the main event, and what long fillers they are...