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Aug 31, 2022
The plot is as much as you can expect from your average isekai adaption, and the same goes for the characters. But nothing is in your face bad throughout the show. It just lets you enjoy what's going on and you don't need to think too much about it. It uses a pretty soft magic system which may appeal to some more than others. Personally I'm partially to pretty hard rules in a magic system, but in this case I wasn't bothered by it. I finished this in a single watch which was just dreadful for work the next day but it kept everything fresh
so I can tell you honestly...Do not watch for the plot and don't watch for the characters. It succeeds in not being a fun concept by name that burns off quickly and is better than most isekai in my opinion where it doesn't rely on the tropes. But if you're going to watch this, then do so to have fun. If you're looking for something plot heavy or character driven then this isn't the show for you. I rate it as a 6/10 but that's by no means a bad thing. It's just a fun anime to watch. I look forward to watching the second season but there's not all that much deep to analyse.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 22, 2022
Minor spoilers but nothing explicit.
Story: 7
Art: 9
Sound: 8
Character: 7
Enjoyment: 9
Overall: 8
Summary: It's a fun anime you can sit down and finish in a good binge. The 2 main characters friendship is the most organic thing I have seen in recent times and while some characters could use more development, they do their job and the mains do so well otherwise they carry the rest of the show like it's nothing. Gorgeous art, good tunes and just some good, turn your brain off fun. Can't believe I slept on this show for a year.
I think what this show provides to its viewers with the most is simple fun. It's a show about kids having fun and skateboarding. Yes it's exaggerated and as far as I'm aware the circumstances surrounding 'S' don't occur in real life (could be wrong, I don't skate board), but at the end of the day it's take home message, as least for me was that skateboarding should be fun and enjoyed with others. It doesn't need to be some massively philosophical piece of fiction to be a work of art because for what this show is which is I think it did what it set out to which is to just give the audience a good time. Like I said I don't skate board, haven't skate boarded and don't really think I'll have a lasting intention to but I'll tell you what...this show makes me want to go to the shops, pick up a skate board and convince my mates to come out and fall off it for hours with me.
Taking a step back from my rambling about it being fun, objectively speaking it doesn't have a very in depth story. It isn't by any means a bad story and if it were massively in depth it would likely detract from the overall quality of the show. At the end of the day it's a 12 episode anime about kids skateboarding. As far as I'm aware this is a new concept to be explored and I think it's good that it's being appreciated on a realistic (for anime) scale. There were flaws in the plots and things which I don't think needed to be as present as they were, while others could've been fleshed out more but I'm not going to be to critical of it. For its overall run time it did what it could. The convenience of some plots elements did seem a bit too much to ignore but it is what it is.
I'd like to note that the characters are absolutely the driving force for this show. We don't follow a series of events that would have occurred regardless and our main characters happened to save the day. These are kids who found something fun, kept doing it because it was fun and found themselves in a very clear series of events and I appreciate that. Everything was laid out enough that it made sense but things were kept fresh enough that it was not too predictable. I believe a certain character arc for Reki was overly drawn out for the length and overall pace of the show, and that time could have been spent elsewhere. I also think that some characters had their arcs speed ran, partly as a result of this issue. I think it would have been more beneficial for characters like Shadow and Miya to be more developed and for Joe and Cherry's backstories to be fleshed out but again I can't be greedy. Shadow and Miya are the bigger violators however. Despite the hick-up however Reki and Langa's characters were decently developed and despite whatever gripe I may have their incredible chemistry is so substantial that I don't find myself bothered. I could easily just watch 12 episodes of them having fun and mucking around. Honestly they hit a home run with their friendship, as unlike so many anime we just get to see them being friends and when watching honestly it makes sense why they are. Ignoring the common interests their personalities mesh well, langa's timidness compliments Reki's...loud. The same goes for Langa's more odd approach to certain things getting balanced by Reki's understandable reactions.
The animation is crisp and full of life. They've done an excellent job at making you feel the momentum behind the skaters and while they feel their blood pumping, you feel it too.
The sound track hypes you up and makes sure your feelings match that of the scenes tone. The opening is great too. It's fun. I've used the word fun a lot in this review but I don't know what else to say, as it is just such a fun watch. First anime I've binged in months and one of the only one's I've not only watched, but finished this year. Good stuff.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 24, 2020
If you ask me to tell you the names or the plot I wouldn't be much help. I have tried to sit down and watch this maybe 3 or 4 times over the course of about 2 years now and honestly I can't finish it. Part of this is my own fault for having stopped so much but honestly it's hard to get through. I'm not invested and aside from some flashy action scenes and the surprisingly good opening at least from my own perspective, it doesn't provide much incentive to watch it. This could likely be partly due to my own taste which is
why I am not going to tell anyone to necessarily steer clear of it if you have interest in it. However I don't really see it as anything special. For me it's just your average or slightly above average anime that comes out with the rest. Summed up it's a show about super powered lolis in a world swarming with monsters. So watch it if that interests you but don't expect anything spectacular. If you do watch it, I hope it doesn't make you as uncomfortable as it made me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 13, 2020
The concept was good and I think given the timing with the shit show that is this year, it had potential. The style being similar to devilman crybaby was also a plus for me given that I found that to be very engaging and a worthwhile watch. However...I was halfway through my 4th episode, only getting that far because my friend and I were watching together and he had hope that it would get better...I now need to completely re-assess how I rate anime in my list. I had to literally give boruto a higher score to make room for this anime because it is
an insult to the shittier anime in my list. I am hoping I never need to review something in such an unprofessional manner but I don't care because it's horrible, doesn't deserve a decent review and I barely got through it. I can't even joke about this anime being so bad I need to have a drink, it is literally such a dumpster fire I just want to go to bed and forget I watched it. This isn't even a review at this point. It's just me doing my best to rant the hatred I have for this show out of my system whilst simultaneously trying my absolute best to refrain any untainted soul from having to suffer through this godforsaken mess of an anime. F*** man. Just...F***. God, 1/10 for this bullshit. And for the record. Fuck that bitch who left her friends to die after the earth quake and then starts bitching and moaning after she got her dad blown the f*** up. Christ dude...Screw this I'm going to bed...F***
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Apr 29, 2020
Keep in mind this review is being written a few years after watching the anime and I have done no recap whatsoever.
This is gonna be pretty short and to the point. I would be putting this as a high 7 if the last several episodes were not entirely non-canon and passed off as a canon ending. Not only did it feel cheap while watching but also feels like a desperate attempt to continue. I understand it is likely due to needing to fill episode slots but I can't ignore that it also chalks up to bad planning. I do enjoy the anime a great deal
for the larger part and I adore season 2 for both it's continued high quality as well as its ability to stop rather than drag it out like season 1 did. Still good non-the less as it's an interesting story. It definitely follows the formula of the protagonist having some incredible power unique to himself as well as rage being a trigger...also uses a sword. Writing it, it sounds like naruto and ichigo had a baby but aye it's still alright and although honestly some of the characters are better not being around as they drain my life to watch it's worth a watch.
The story is still interesting enough that I find it engaging and the art is quite good, especially times where Rin's eyes go full spaz from rage. Honestly most of the enjoyment I got from the show though, were from times where he basically flexed on his class. I might be watching too many biggest anime flexes by NUX TAKU...HA YOU THOUGHT WRONG!! AS THERE IS NEVER SUCH A THING AS TOO MANY FLEXES!! Anyway like I said earlier the characters are eh. Rin's cool and the dude with a mohawk was alright as well, but the larger portion of the cast was not...good. Yukio (I think that's his name) was ok I guess, I could live with him and so was the teacher with big tits and a sword (Not coz she has big tits and a sword honestly they pushed her fan service too hard). Kuro was fun and the main demons were actually entertaining. Am I missing anything? Nah I don't think so.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 15, 2020
The anime overall is good and stands out among the best of the mecha I have seen (albeit not that many I'll admit). It had some flaws here and there but otherwise came out on top. There were some recurring themes such as Kudeilia feeling useless just a few too many times and the same goes for the theme of revenge being the reason for battles. The villians (mainly in season 1) could often very clearly be villains as their design went a bit too far in the sense that it seemed like they were trying to hard. Otherwise I can't think of any big
gripes. The anime had a beautiful art style, the audio being anything from the openings to OST's were perfect and set the tone without fail. I can't judge the japanese voice actors but the english ones did a brilliant job at portraying the characters and while I will say that early Iron blooded orphans I had some trouble with orga's voice acting, that was almost entirely because all I could hear was Ichigo from Bleach which I got over pretty quick. The action sequences where the action was almost entirely based on massive fucking robots beating the shit out of each other was surprisingly fluid and well choreographed. Now into the characters themselves, I am impressed with the fact that they were made so well they felt more like people than someones imagination animated for our entertainment. The one off villains were my biggest gripe because with their chraracter designs there was basically no effort put in but I can ignore that. The ghallarhorn dudes were sometimes kind of hit or miss if I am honest. And I had some of a hard time with Atra in season 1 but otherwise it was great. Gaelio was amazing in how they turned him around though it was obvious he lived when you saw him masked.Blonde dick head dude who tried killing him was still Blonde dick head dude who tried killing him. I loved his character though. And miraculously with such a massive cast it didn't feel crowded in the slightest and the lines between who was and wasn't counted as a main character could almost be clouded if it wasn't drawn clear enough due to the division in screen time and positions in the show. I have tried deciding on a main character but in all honesty I can not for the life of me. When i think of who I would choose I can only think of Tekkadan as a whole. I do want to make note however that I was never completely sold on the whole King of Mars deal Orga was going for in the end, though it was addressed by "big bro" so I'm alright with it at this point. Over all I rate season 1 at 8/10 and season 2 at 9/10
I made this pretty roughly but I hope this helps
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 11, 2019
Minor but basically irrelevant spoiler warning...Except the character section which is paragraph 5...do not read that if you do not want to literally have it ruined for you. But if you cbf any of it it's 10/10 overall in my very unprofessional opinion.
Ok so to be honest, this is the second review I have written for this anime. However I deleted the old one because I realised how susceptible I am to viewing something I just finished enjoying through a filtered lens and did not give as honest a review as I would have liked to. From the start I will say that regardless of
the re-write my rating is still 10. However it will not be as hard of a 10 it will be worth more because without the filtered lens I still view this as a masterpiece unlike many others which usually lose value in my eyes when I start to look deeper.
Let me say that in any other circumstance I would probably have given this a 9/10 for story. Even with the very...I struggle to find the word...um...issues with the final arc (Anyone who has watched the anime will know what I am referring to but do not let it differ you if you have not). The only reason I would drop the story to a 8/10 is because honestly it just does not start up as strong as the 2003 anime. And though I do not want to judge them the same, it simply is that we saw what it could have started as and if both combined the best aspects of each other I think story wise it could have come out as a true masterpiece. I can not drop it any lower than a 8/10 though because as far as story goes it is still a cut above the rest. Mainly due to the many intricacies of the plot that tie in so very well. With such weight placed on philosophy and the value of a soul everything feels like it has weight beyond the lives and world of those in the anime. I would like to note that putting story for 8/10 only occurred due to me trying very hard not to rate it higher as I truly do believe it to be great however I can not ignore the issues that came about.
Art was good for the time. I appreciate the lack of fan service being shoved in your face and the detail put into transmutations. The art style though appearing simple is actually one of my favourites and though it may be partly due to bias on that it could influence the rating. Objectively however I think the we'll say dusty style of art suits the old setting of the anime. 8.5/10 The mark being less than 9 is me trying to slightly dull the bias.
Sound was overall great honestly great. I remember the sound tracks being very classical but suiting the themes of the show and whatever setting they were played in well. Unfortunately I don't really pay attention to OST's most of the time. The openings and endings however were exemplary. I can say without a doubt that the second opening for good reason and how they used it will always sit in my heart fondly. All of the openings and endings however are great, foreshadowing most of the time is very creative, seen most in the first opening (I realise this is less about sound now but I usually judge sound like this due to lack of anything else I recall to judge when watching anime). Now I'll be honest, in most case I am way too impatient to sit through endings to anime (bar some exceptions). But in the case of FMAB I feel as if I have cheated myself to not let them run as they are some of the greatest you will hear and have the pleasure of viewing in my opinion. 8/10
Characters show continuous growth throughout the series. What can I say? Ok look there will be more SPOILERS for this one so prolly stop and just accept you should watch it if you haven't. If you don't care. Keeping reading. The series manages to fit a good deal of character development in for not being long running. Before I go into the good I must critique what they could have done better. Which falls into the first third of the series. Maes Hugh's needed more time for the viewers to care like in 2003 just as the Shou Tucker ARC needed that extra episode. I feel like Lust could have been done better but at the same time I am less effected by her treatment as I think however way she was dealt justice was done to her character in different ways. I want to first acknowledge Mustang overcoming the loss of a friend. Because to me that is what stuck out most in his character. Beyond him trying to become Fuhrer by moving up the ranks, and beyond being a guardian of sorts for the Elrics I think the most interesting part of his character was watching him trying to follow through with these self appointed obligations whilst trying to deal with the losses that life had dealt him. Eventually this became too much as he exploded on Envy in the end where his constant bursts of fire represented his uncontrollable rage. Who better to take it out on than Envy who is one of the biggest reasons for Mustangs pain? I think this is why he is a fan favourite. That and he makes f***ing fiery explosions by snapping his god damn fingers. I think Ed and Al Both place blame on themselves for each others fate and it was beautiful to see them go on in hopes to find salvation for themselves but more importantly each other. Ed feeling like he needs to bring Al back to his own body regardless of cost and Al regardless of the literally hollow shell of who he was is ready to and did give his life in order to save his brother. Only for Ed to give up what he believed would save them both to save his brother (Alchemy if you didn't guess). I could cover a lot more but I think I've made my point. 10/10 for character.
Enjoyment...seriously I mean look this may be a re-write but I still love the anime. Like the enjoyment section is where I am basically obligated to be bias in my results like come on. 10/10
Side note if you have any wish to discuss philosophy and psychology blah blah blah based on anything you might find in FMAB, some other anime or just for the hell of it, be sure to message me because I love that shit. Have a good one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 15, 2018
*Some Spoilers...kinda?*
I think the Story started really good and could have been great. But it seemed like at a certain point it became simply training arcs and a bad story. I really think it was great at the start, and the time travel thing was actually really cool the way they did it (despite the fact that the explanation was kinda dog shit and annoyed me). It had great things to work with a so much potential but they stuffed it towards the end with such desperation in hyping stuff up and then no being able to deliver. Story 6/10
The art isn't amazingly clean but
it was made in 2006 and looks alright for the time, since animation has progressed a lot. Plus I actually really like it's animation anyway. It's really fun to watch but can be made pretty damn cool too. It's nothing amazingly special but it was still pretty good. Art 7/10
Soooooo it wasn't bad in sound really. I mean it worked alright in all the animation and the op's were always really fun to watch, and I honestly love them. Don't really know what to say about sound a lot unless something sticks out so that's it. 7/10
Characters are kinda ok. I mean some to pretty good. It's just...they're kinda predictable. Gokudera either loses or draws, yamamoto is going to win unless he's dealing with some crap which happened like once. Tsuna trains and gets plot armored like all hell (granted he has easily one of my favourite powers in all of anime and uses them like a boss). The rest kinda start blending in after that. They don't really have any other tones to them and I'm not saying they have none, because they definitely do. Just not enough. I would have preferred a bunch of those training episodes be something really cool to watch and have some decent character development. Character 5/10
Despite everything I have to say about this and that I'm trying to give it redeeming qualities on paper,I really did enjoy the crap out of it. Yes later in the show kinda drained the life outta me a bit and the end was...trash. I honestly have no excuse to the fact I binged it like crazy because it gave me a really good form of simply being happy with a show having fun with itself...Did I make sense there? I can't be bothered reading over it so I'll say it did. Anyway yeah, it was just something that was so much fun to watch really. Plus the fights were for the most part actually pretty good in my opinion, and at the very least they were fun to watch. Gokudera vs...um...crap...ah...GAMMA!! Yeah that guy. Favourite fight of the whole series. 8/10
I can bash on things for ages but it doesn't change that I'm gonna say just give it a shot and see how you do. It has a slightly slow start but is fun to watch anyway and has some really good things too. Just um...good luck with Lambo...he might make you stop watching...Good luck fam
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 15, 2018
Really wish I could find more wrong with it just coz I hate giving perfect or near perfect reviews. Granted that doesn't work much since I only write them on ones I have a strong opinion on or more often than not just really love. But honestly, I adored the story and I think it was perfect, and couldn't find a flaw. The art was flawless to me and I was trying really hard to have there be something that disappointed me but it is one of those anime that looks really clean and looks really good. Sound effects blended great with the show as
did the music. But the OP's are just amazing. I love them and would be surprised in people who did not. Characters were great mostly. I truly did love them. However there were a couple who weren't really developed, and some that were but not enough. It worked fine for the most part but for the ones that got none in this season it was really noticeable. I get that it came later or wasn't necessary but yeah. Needed some. Otherwise the rest of the cast were honestly just so amazing that I'm pretty happy with it. Finally, I think it's clear that I seriously enjoyed this. I had been having a somewhat drop from watching anime since I didn't have many interesting me all that much. But when I watched this I would download the episodes to my phone of netflix to watch on the way to school everyday, and binged through them. Needless to say I finished fast and enjoyed the hell out of it. So yeah. 9 10 10 8 10 10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 14, 2018
Very minor spoilers if you call them that.
Story: 10
It followed great from the first season. It was minor but I think it is worth mentioning there was something I liked a bit less but couldn't put my finger it on. I knew it was either with the story or characters. It was not with the story. It was actually very well thought out and they did not force anything to make more money. They set out what they intended to do and did exactly that. It concluded in a way that was pretty satisfying in all honesty and I left content with the story altogether.
Same as season 1 review. It was great. The space battles were amazing to watch as well so it was an added bonus.
Sound: 8
Again same as season 1 review. It was really good all around. I didn't pay as much attention this season though being honest. I do think it was good though. Still flowed pretty well.
Character: 8
I'm a little Bias towards how it ends for one of the characters. To save confusion it is not Slane. Anyway yeah just a little salty over it. Otherwise they were done really well. I do have a genuine gripe with some characters as they were a little annoying in general. But most of the times characters were good.
Enjoyment: 9
It's great. I love it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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