My thoughts on this show are very mixed which is something that doesn't happen to me very often with media and I found that interesting enough to make this review.
I read the Komi-san manga like 2 years ago and dropped it around 200 chapters in because it's gags were becoming increasingly more stale for me, so I already knew what this series was about before watching and I was expecting to not really like it all that much. Turns out I ended up enjoying the adaptation much more than the manga which is probably an unpopular opinion and I don't know if it's the
Dec 25, 2019
This show took one of the biggest nosedives in quality that I've ever experienced in any media. The first 3 episodes were really fun and entertaining. I loved the constant 4th wall breaks by the main character, the jokes surrounding "bench-kun"were hilarious, it was a romcom with an interesting premise that imo was building up to be something comparable to in the best of cases Oregairu. And oh boi was I wrong because this became a painfully generic harem after that.
After the first 3 eps, the show kept introducing more and more girls instead of making the viewers care about the already existing girls ... Dec 13, 2019
Dr. Stone is a very enjoyable show despite not being anywhere near to being a perfect one. The main draw of the show is it's very interesting premise which alone makes it entertaining to watch. Like I said it's not a perfect show, it has a lot of flaws in it's writing which are much more noticeable in the 1st arc of the show since it gets considerably better after that. The way I see it is this: if the show has flaws, is it doing anything else to make me ignore said flaws to some extent? I say this because a lot of people