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Mar 19, 2025
first of all, this one is not exactly formulaic with the usual isekai, summoned to another world, based on fantasy fiction, and with RPG mechanics. but it also does tick a few boxes in the herd of other shows with those elements i mentioned.

SPOILER HEAVY REVIEW! because frankly, the first few reviews i read of this show were HYPER-critical for no apparent reason other than, the reviewers just wanted to tank this show's appeal to the MAL readers.

let's start with where Alchemist doesn't 'follow the guidebook'.

1 MC is 'timeskipped' BACK in time to a YEAR earlier than the three other heroes. so ...
Mar 18, 2025
Mixed Feelings
meh, this one doesn't suck but it is only a 6 and barely above average. i watched this one years ago... not long after it first came out... i was quite hesitant back then because reading the synopsis i didn't figure it would be worth my time. i just forgot to put this anime on 'MyList' back then and decided to rewatch it now to ensure i treated it fairly with review, comments, and rating.

as a 'Purist Sherlockian' AKA one of the Doyle fans who almost entirely criticizes ANY thing not 'real Doyle'... most of the 'Holmes' that has come out of Japan... that disgusting ...
Jan 30, 2025
Imaria (Anime) add
Preliminary (4/4 eps)
my personal rating? kill it. kill it with fire. then shove the ashes into a canister and shoot THAT into The Sun. hopefully i can dissuade anybody else from watching this filth. i like H titles and some of the off-the-wall ones i've enjoyed are damn weird. but this show? no. kill it with fire. i technically didn't watch episodes 3 and 4, i skipped forwards through them to quickly see if they were as bad as ep2... frankly? they're worse. some of the sickest and most perverted disgusting H put out since i watched Bible Black, and i own BB on DVD. this is ...
Jun 25, 2024
tiny spoilers, but they're quite tiny.

i didn't watch the DUB, just the SUB because i'm NEVER watching this anime EVER again. i just finished ep13 about 30 minutes before writing this review.

frankly. this show is just SLIGHTLY better than the WORST anime i've ever watched in 30+ years 'Ex-Arm'. i gave that one a 1/10 (MAL doesn't even HAVE a 0/10 rating in their system) and it DESERVES a 0. but the usage of the classic sci-fi idea 'human brain in a box' juuust barely inched 'Ex-Arm' out of the 'grind it up in an industrial garbage shredder, including ALL video/audio masters' category ...
Dec 11, 2023
Preliminary (12/12 eps)
this one... definitely FUNNY! i got a hard belly laugh at least ONCE in each episode! most of the 'jokes' got a definitive snort or a genuine chuckle out of me!

for a four-panel-manga, this show had a peculiar but entertaining overall storyline. it isn't truly a story told in classical sequences: a beginning, a middle, and an end... more like... a hop here, a skip there, a jump over yonder. but the stories/vignettes in each episode don't just seem to be random snapshots of these characters' lives. there are backstories told, memories shared, and new experiences on-screen.

as to the acting? Mr. Hashi... nailed ...
Oct 2, 2023
i'm going to repeat what i said in the episode 1 discussion so that anybody's curiosity about this episode can be satisfied without having to check the forums.

frankly, this is one of those H that should never have been made. sado-asphyxiation, both autoerotic/self (girl) and FUB with her in a HEADLOCK!? while he does her from behind? nope. that's TOO extreme. the mind-control/hypnotism 'four leaf clover device' and the 'group/cult' that is doing the recruiting for this is quite the disturbing subject as well. basically, this episode is NOT for you unless you like those themes.

the art is meh, barely average.
animation, yet again barely average.
acting, ...
Feb 23, 2023
Preliminary (8/12 eps)
of course i've read all the reviews, most of them suck. because the reviewers are prudish hacks who can't get a chuckle or a laugh from the premise of the show and haven't watched past ep2 or 3 ... bring back the rule that says you can't write a review unless you've seen X amount of episodes please MAL. and one whackjob weirdo who thinks this show is some conspiracy theory or something... then lies when he/she says they've seen all 12 episodes... when ep8 just came out today/yesterday.

i've given it a consistent 8 through all 8 eps because, other than some SERIOUSLY hard-core ...
Jan 23, 2023
thanks to Crunchyroll/Funimation i just saw the English dub in-theater last night and it was a great movie! :> lucky me, the theater was not even 20 miles away. if i wanna go see SAO Progressive Movie 2 i gotta drive a smidge over 50 miles to see that one. :(

art and animation weren't 'anime movie quality' but almost as good as TV seasons 1 & 2... there were a few sketchy places like... really REALLY long shots of 'main cast of characters' that were just 'vaguely' drawn and colored so you could 'kinda sorta' tell who was on-screen... but those shots were mostly cinematic ...
Dec 9, 2022
Harem Camp! (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
Well, this H title is this season's (Fall 2022) short format (around 7m each episode INCLUDING EndCredits) series.

The basic premise is this, one 'adult' guy and four 'young ladies' encounter each other out in the woods while he's camping and the ladies are looking for a spot to set up their tent etc. the ladies don't really know diddly squat about camping and the guy gives them some advice and shares his tent, food, fire etc. with them. they only brought a 'shade tent' which has no sides and some school backpacks with snacks etc. plus, three of the girls are hardly dressed for ...
Sep 23, 2022
ok guys and gals, since nobody has reviewed this one just yet i'll give it a shot.

did you like the original anime series? did you want to see what happened after episode 12? do you want to laugh your A$$ off? well guess what, there was an episode 13 that never aired on TV and only showed up on the DVD/BR boxed set.

take the comedy elements of eps 1-12. remove almost all the drama, angst, worry, and abandonment issues. but keep a small amount of the action and adventure parts... and you'll get what White Fox did in episode 13!

this ep is FILLED ...

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