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Days: 72.1
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All Comments (458) Comments
I don't think I will read another VN soon, cus I will get busier from next week and need to do a lot Irls thing so yeah
Judging by your comments, keliatannya sudah mayan fluent dengan nihonggo-nya, & y'know what? I've completely lost about everything you've just said about learning the nihonggo 😅 . Keliatannya lu tipe yang methodical banget ya, but it's your method, I've got nothing to do with it.
I'm still learning to this day, I do want to read many eroge, tapi progress gw sangat² slow, gw bener² murni blind ae, gw maen eroge atau game sambil buka e-dictionary, itupun kaga konsisten, tapi gw udeh finished beberapa judul kayak walkure romanze & game² normies lainnya in japanese, it all comes full circle, I'm becoming normie again. Gw kaga peduli sama "how you should say this sentence" or "in what kind of situation this sentence is used for" asal gw NGERTI artinya gw udeh bahagia banget, masalah PAHAM atau nggaknya gw sama kalimatnya keliatannya gw yakin bakal paham dengan sendirinya, sama kayak gw bisa English Dari 5 SD fluent-nya pas SMA, mungkin gw baru fluent nihonggo 4 tahunan lagi kayaknya, ahahaha.
Rewrite was great, I like it. my first experience with Key VN
Agree, torrenting is so much bother I rarely used it except for smth I can't found it anywhere lol