Hoshi no Samidare, also known as Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer, offers a blend of action, fantasy, and emotional depth. While the series is overall decent, its pacing is a notable drawback. Events often unfold too quickly, making it challenging to follow the storyline and keep track of what is happening.
Despite the rushed narrative, the anime delivers several emotionally impactful scenes that stand out. These moments provide depth and resonance, giving viewers a chance to connect with the characters on a more profound level. The character development, although sometimes overshadowed by the fast pace, is well-crafted, with each character bringing a unique story and personality
Jul 5, 2024
Scarlet Nexus
I'd say it wasn't a masterpiece, but it wasn't a total disaster either. Unfortunately, it was very confusing in many areas, and I often struggled to keep up with what was happening. The plot was hard to follow at times, which made it difficult to fully engage with the story.
However, I have to admit that the concept of the story is quite intriguing. Despite the confusion, the core idea is very cool and has a lot of potential. Additionally, the animation quality was surprisingly good. Even though there was a lot of CGI, it was well-executed and added to the overall visual appeal. I'm also interested ... |