Mar 29, 2020
Please note this is my first time writing a review, so please bear with me and take my opinion with a grain of salt. With the amount of attention this anime got I felt compelled to write about it after finishing the final episode.
I honestly went into this series fully expecting some low tier ecchi anime that is quickly forgettable, but this anime blew away my expectations. First and foremost, I want to get rid of the idea that just because this show is ecchi/borderline hentai that its bad. It definitely was not by any means. The comedy was legitimately clever and the world building
was surprisingly well thought out. The sexual content felt more like pleasurable extra content that they didn't have to put in, but they did and the show was awesome because of it. Long story short, I came in expecting shitty story and lots of just barely good fan service, and I left applauding the creators for the interesting characters and world with the bonus of amazing fan service.
One of the things carrying the show heavily was the lovable cast of characters. I wouldn't go so far as to say that they had a lot of depth as you don't know much about the cast, but what they lack in that they make up for in large amounts of....well....character I think is the right word. There was never a dull moment with any of the cast and I loved how diverse their opinions were when it came to their reviews. Really gave the series life. I would have loved to learn more about each characters backgrounds, but I guess that will be a story for another time (fingers crossed for another season despite the controversy). Hell even the succu-girls (prostitutes) in this series didn't lack a personality. Each girl felt unique which was very interesting to see. I was surprised that there didn't seem to be some cut-out character troupe in really any of the female cast which is popular in most ecchi series.
I applaud the creators for making a world that puts the sex industry in a positive light. The succu-girls took pride in their professions in this world which was another positive in my book considering that in most media anything to do with the sex industry is bad. Anyway the amount of thought that went into each establishment and species was amazing. Honestly the world building in this anime absolutely destroys several other anime with similar fantasy settings (the last episode even threw a dig at isekai protagonist using modern technology to solve problems that got a hearty laugh out of me). I honestly believe another series could be made with the world created in this series as a foundation just because the amount of well thought out lore shown in these 12 episodes. That's just how good the world-building was.
Art and sound were just on the average end of things. The opening and ending pieces were certainly fun, but it they just aren't good enough to have constantly on repeat if you understand what I mean. I don't really remember any BGM that stood out either, so I guess that can be good or bad depending on who you ask. The sounds of the sexual activities were certainly there and certainly noticeable though, so I guess the anime did its job there.
Overall, going by mere enjoyment I have to give this series a 10/10. This anime is definitely the first of its kind, and I really hope it won't be the last. I will definitely find some way to purchase this series whether or not it ever comes to the west just because I respect what the creators did THAT much. If your okay with raunchy humor and don't mind a bit of sex thrown in as an accessory than you are doing yourself a disservice by not watching this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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