Attack on Titan. One of the most overrated/overhyped anime of all time. I recently decided to get back into this series because everyone was talking about how great it's been with season three. Before watching that though, I watched the first season again since I didn't remember much from it. After completing it a second time, this series is definitely nowhere near as good as people make it out to be. It's practically a generic shounen series masquerading as a mature seinen. It's not a bad anime though, not at all. In fact, I think that this anime has many great things going for it.
Unfortunately though, it has many flaws which definitely ruined my enjoyment while watching it. First I'll be talking about the story/plot, and then I'll be talking about the characters and plot holes/inconsistencies.
Firstly, the story. Well the gist of the story is that humanity has been pushed back behind their walls, and they're on the brink of extinction. The story starts off with out main protagonist talking about how he will one day join the Survey Corps. Soon after that, the titans break through wall Maria, and they begin to start a rampage eating everyone they can. Eren loses his mother, and she is eaten by a Titan. Now here's when Eren becomes a character that I really, really dislike. Like the typical shounen protagonist, Eren decides that his goal is to join the survey corps and exterminate the titans. Absolutely ridiculous in my opinion. I didn't remember this when I first started watching, but this is just really bad. It's just so cliche! So right from the start he's just your typical revenge character, but what makes him even worse than your typical revenge character is that his goal is unrealistic. Even Ymir in season 2 told him that his goals are childish and unrealistic, but I'll be delving into this later on in this review. For now though, that's the gist of the story. Humanity trying to protect themselves from titans.
Now, what makes Attack on Titan such a popular series its premise. That's not even debatable. I remember when this came out everyone was talking about how creative and unique the premise of this anime is. The same thing happened for Sword Art Online too. People were quite surprised at the unique premise in Sword Art Online. That's why both of these anime became extremely popular, to the point that they're some of the most popular anime ever made. Let me say this though. A good premise, does not mean a good story. Just because something has an interesting premise, that does not make the anime or manga good. As I previously stated Sword Art Online, take that for example. Sword Art Online is known as one of the worst and most hated anime of all time. When it comes to story telling, it's all about the execution. Now let's talk about if Attack on Titan had good execution or not.
Attack on Titan is a plot driven narrative. It obviously can't be a character driven narrative, since most of the characters had no sort of depth whatsoever. I'll get to that later though. Attack on Titan is a plot driven narrative with an actual intriguing plot that got me immersed real fast. The plot wasn't all over the place. It was well organized and the pacing was very good. It wasn't too fast, nor was it too slow. It was enough to give depth to the story. It was enough to have me immersed into the story. So I do believe that Attack on Titan was well executed in terms of plot. So that's a plus.
Now here's where I'll start to get a bit more critical. Let's talk about the characters. As I said before, Attack on Titan is a plot driven narrative because of the fact that the characters aren't really that great, which is a true statement. Character development is definitely not Attack on Titan's strong suit. The characters in Attack on Titan are mediocre at best. Starting off with the recruits. I just don't see any real reason to care for these characters. Take Connie and Sasha for example. Why should I even give a shit about these characters? They're one dimensional characters with absolutely nothing going for them. And of course, this applies to 99% of the characters as well. The only characters that you can even care about are Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Levi, Jean, and Annie. That's 6 characters out of the many that you could actually emotionally attach to. Now as we all know, many people in Attack on Titan die. Deaths everywhere. People being eaten, ripped a part. The thing is, why should I care about the people that die when they're just no name characters that are irrelevant? That's pretty much the only people that die in this anime. People that the audience doesn't care about. This is exactly why I previously stated that it's a shounen series masquerading as a seinen. In seinen anime/manga like Berserk, Vinland Saga, Monster, etc. People die. A lot of people die, and unlike Attack on Titan, it isn't just the no name irrelevant characters that die. Actual characters that are given character development and depth die in those series. It just feels like this show is trying so hard to be edgy, but then again the only ones that die are irrelevant characters. It's not a mature anime in the slightest. Oh well, time to move on to my next point.
Let's talk about the characters that were actually significant. Firstly, Eren. One of the worst protagonists in anime history. Never have I seen such garbage before in my life. So in the first two episodes, he's pretty much an extremely annoying child that yells all the time. I mean shit, remember when people were complaining about Asta from Black Clover? People were complaining about that character because that mother fucker was yelling like a bloody mad man all the time. Well Eren is pretty much the same. He continues to have the same personality from his childhood until he fucking graduates from being a recruit. That is absolutely problematic. That is absolutely terrible writing. Why is Eren in the prologue the exact same as Eren in the present story line? You see, I did previously state that trying to exterminate titans was an incredibly absurd goal. It's something that a child would say, so I wasn't bothered that someone like him being the age he was would say such a stupid thing. But the problem is that after he goes through his three years of training, there is absolutely no sort of development in his character whatsoever. He continues to be the same childish naive shounen protagonist. It's just bad writing overall.
Now let's talk about his actual character development. The only sort of character development there WAS in Eren I noticed was that instead of just rushing in like an idiot, he put his trust into his comrades. We can see this happening during the arc where the female titan was introduced. Eren trusted his fellow comrades to defeat the female titan, so he just kept running. Both of his comrades died though. So his character change is what actually caused the death of his comrades. So Eren turns back and transforms into a titan. He then realizes that he shouldn't have trusted his comrades the entire time. Not just when they told him they'd beat the female titan. But rather he eventually believes that he should've never trusted them to begin with. So this pretty much means Eren has regressed into the same idiot he was before. One second he changed his mindset, but soon after he regresses back into the same mindset he previously had. The same typical naive shounen protagonist that rushes into things. So really, I never noticed any character development from Eren. He's the same Eren he was since the start of the series.
Not only is he the same character, but there's nothing interesting about him to begin with. Why do people even like this character? There's nothing unique about Eren whatsoever. He's literally just your typical shounen protagonist you see in every battle shounen series. There's nothing about him that makes him special compared to those other shit characters. If anything, all he did was make the experience in watching this anime even worse. What makes Eren even more generic is the fact that he can turn into a titan. In the typical shounen fashion, he of course some sort of inner darkness/demon dwelling inside him. Just like how Naruto has the nine tails. Just like how in Bleach Ichigo has a hollow. Just like how Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho has a demon as well. Eren is a titan. It's just very cliche. And the funny thing is that his titan powers make no sense. It was stated that in order to transform into a Titan, Eren would need to have a goal/objective in order to even do that. He transforms into a titan by attempting to pick up a god damn spoon. That makes absolutely no sense. None whatsoever. Why can't he transform into a titan when doing any other minor thing? Brushing your teeth, combing your hair, trying to sleep, eating. If trying to pick up a fucking spoon would cause him to turn into a titan, then shouldn't those as well? Again, this is just inconsistent writing. Overall though, Eren is one of the worst characters I have ever seen in an anime or manga. No, probably in fiction.
Now let's talk about him and Annie. In case you don't remember, once Eren was told that Annie was suspected of being the female Titan, he didn't believe it. He couldn't even transform to fight Annie because he still didn't want to believe that she was the female Titan. This part never made any sense to me. I also feel that him behaving this way was forced and just ridiculous overall. The only interaction he's had with Annie is their fight when sparring. Even then, he has barely spoken any words to her in the entire anime. Maybe their fight when training was the only interaction they've had in the entire anime. I don't know. All I know is that the way he was reacting didn't make any sense, since he never had a deep relationship with Annie in the first place. If Mikasa or Armin were revealed to be titans, his type of reaction would be perfectly understandable. But why for a character that he doesn't even talk to. A character that he isn't even friends with? It's just bad writing honestly.
Want to know what makes this part even worse? If any of you people reading this have seen season two, Eren didn't even hesitate to fight Reiner! Once he found out that Reiner was the armored titan, he instantly called him a traitor and attacked him. That makes absolutely no sense...? Why in the hell did he refuse to believe that Annie is a villain when he didn't even know her that well? When he finds out that Reiner is a titan though, he doesn't even hesitate to attack him. This makes no sense because he had a much deeper relationship than Reiner than he did with Annie. He was Reiner's friend. He looked up to Reiner. If anything, things should've been the other way around. This makes no sense whatsoever and this is absolutely terrible writing.
Now speaking about Annie. Let's talk about her character. First off, Annie is my favorite character in the entire anime. She's bad ass. She's hot. She can fight. Great character design as well. What more could you want? There are some flaws though. First off, her female titan transformation. As we all know by now, it was way too obvious. In my opinion, there should've been some mystery regarding who the female titan is. There was no mystery though. It was obvious from the start, since the female titan has the same fucking face and hair style as Annie. I feel like her titan transformation shouldn't have completely resembled her in every way. It was just fucking silly.
This is a problem that occurs in this anime numerous times. Things are just way too obvious in. There should be a mystery aspect to this anime, otherwise it just makes for a boring reveal. When it was revealed to us that Annie is indeed the female titan, no one gave a shit because we already knew. It's boring.
Annie though is kind of a complicated character to understand. We know she isn't just a wild titan running around killing everybody for no reason. She has no problems with humans. In fact, she even pities the weak humans that go with the flow of the world, as she states in her own words. She didn't even kill Armin, and she also respected Eren for defying the order of the world. The problem though is that I never really understood her motives. It was never explained in the anime the motives behind her actions. Why does she want Eren? The only thing we got was a short flash back of her father and that's really it. I haven't caught up to the series, so maybe questions will be answered eventually though. Regardless of these flaws, Annie is my favorite character in the series, and easily one of my favorite female characters.
Now let's talk about Mikasa, aka the worst character in the series. Yes, Mikasa is even worse than Eren. I honestly can't believe that a character like this is so beloved in the anime community. It makes absolutely no sense. First off, she's a one dimensional/static character. She really is. From start to finish, from childhood to adulthood, all she ever cares about is protecting Eren and being there for him. That's literally all there is to her character. She is a female simp. I'm sure all of us know how uninteresting her dialogue is. All she does is constantly yell out "EREEEEN". And when Eren is even in the slightest bit of danger, she becomes emotional and she's filled with rage. Just way too overprotective, and way too annoying. She has no goals for herself, which makes her a boring character. Worst of all though, she gets absolutely no character development whatsoever! From episode one to episode 25, there is absolutely no change in her character. Even going past episode 25, she's still an awful character in season two as well. The only thing going for her is her appearance. That's it. I can't see any other reason for people to like this character. She's hot and she can fight. But Annie is both as well, so I really couldn't care less about this character. Hands down the most overrated female in all of anime.
Now let's talk about my second favorite character in season one; Jean. Jean is probably the most dynamic character in this season of Attack on Titan. From this season alone, he gets not only the most character development, but the best character development. He starts off being a petty and cowardly person. He wanted to join the Military Police Brigade for the sole purpose of hiding behind the walls in safety. Then as the series progresses, he becomes more and more brave. He becomes more and more like a leader, and he even joins the Survey Corps. Absolutely amazing development from the writers here. Him and Annie are the only characters in the series I actually liked. It wasn't forced development either. It was smooth and well thought out development, with Eren and the death of his comrades being the main catalyst for his development. Overall though, just a fun character.
Now I won't be talking much about the other characters like Levi and Armin. Although they are important characters and do have impact on the story, I don't want to talk about the characters for too long. I'll just make it short and quick. Both are one dimensional characters with nothing going for them. They have talents, but that's pretty much it. As characters, neither were interesting nor well developed.
One thing that a lot of people like about Attack on Titan is the music. I must admit, the music is very good. The background tracks always fit pretty well with the events that are taking place. The opening themes are some of the best opening themes in all of anime. Personally though, I liked the second opening better than the first. A very unpopular opinion definitely. Overall though, the music is pretty good.
As for the animation, that's pretty good as well. I'm assuming the reason why there was a 4 year delay between season one and two was due to the amount of money used to animate season one. Unfortunately though, this is what caused season two to not have nearly as good animation. Go back and look at season two people, because the animation fucking sucks for the most part. I'm no animation expert, but I noticed a lot of still frames and weird movements going on. About season one though, the animation is pretty good for the most part.
Animation and music aren't going to save this series from falling into the pits of mediocrity though. So I'll just summarize all of my points so far. The story of Attack on Titan is good enough, although in my opinion it's not nearly as unique as people say it is. It's pretty much the same thing as a zombie apocalypse, but difference being that there's titans. Other anime have done something like this before. Take Gurren Lagann for example. Humanity was forced to live underground in the beginning of the series because the outside world was too dangerous. Attack on Titan's story is not that unique.
The plot is intriguing. The characters are absolutely awful with the exception of a few. Both the animation and the soundtrack are very good. If you're wondering why I gave this a five, it's mainly because of the horrible characters and the numerous plot inconsistencies/nonsensical things that occur in this anime.
Well that will be it here. Overall rating: 5.5/10. Maybe even a 6.
Apr 20, 2020
Shingeki no Kyojin
Mixed Feelings
Attack on Titan. One of the most overrated/overhyped anime of all time. I recently decided to get back into this series because everyone was talking about how great it's been with season three. Before watching that though, I watched the first season again since I didn't remember much from it. After completing it a second time, this series is definitely nowhere near as good as people make it out to be. It's practically a generic shounen series masquerading as a mature seinen. It's not a bad anime though, not at all. In fact, I think that this anime has many great things going for it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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![]() Show all Sep 11, 2019
Mirai Nikki (TV)
Not Recommended
The biggest failure I have ever witnessed in my years of watching anime. This anime fails at every single thing it tries to do. A complete and utter abomination that should've never been made. Finished this anime a couple of months back, now I finally can give it a proper review. This is by far the worst anime series I have seen so far, and I've watched plenty of anime. Lets get started now shall we?
First of all, there will be spoilers in this review. It would be too difficult trying to explain why this anime is fucking garbage without mentioning some spoilers. If you ... haven't watched this anime (I don't recommend doing that), click off the review. But then again, this review will targeted towards people that have already watched the anime. The premise of Mirai Nikki was surprisingly interesting when I first started watching it. I thought that a battle royale death game would make for an awesome anime, unfortunately that isn't the case. What a lot of people need to understand is that just because a premise is interesting, that doesn't make an anime good. There are anime out there with uninteresting premises that actually turn out to be amazing, and then there is this piece of trash. Maybe a good premise can make an anime interesting at first, but all it comes down to in the end is execution. Mirai Nikki is a battle royale anime in which 12 people battle to the death using "diaries". Since the god of their world Deus ex Machina is about to die, he must give the duty of god to one of the 12 diary holders. These diaries all have different abilities, but the most important ones are the diaries of the two main characters. Yuki's diary allows him to see slightly into the future, while Yuno's diary allows her to see Yuki's future. So the two main characters team up to defeat the other 11 dairy holders. It seems interesting at first, but now here's when the bad writing comes into play. There is one major complaint I have about the premise of the show. If Deus ex Machina needs to make someone else god before he dies, why the fuck did he pick these people to be the contenders? A 14 year old kid that gets bullied, a yandere, a terrorist, etc. What made him want to pick these people to be the contestants out of all people in the world? Was there something special about these people? Was there any explanation on why he picked these people? Nope, no explanation at all. I have never seen such ridiculous plot armor in anime before watching this shit. Literally every single battle they get into is won because of asspulls and plot armor. I shit you not, every single battle in this anime was poorly written garbage. It always made me laugh how the god of their world is named Deus ex Machina. Well, that explains why there's so much Deus ex Machina nonsense in this anime. The worst part is that even when the other diary holders could've killed Yuki or Yuno, they didn't for whatever reason. There has been numerous occasions where 9th could could've killed Yuki, but again it never happened. There were also many moments with 9th holding a gun to Yuki's face with the intent to kill, but plot armor strikes again. There has been countless occasions in which the other diary holders outsmarted our two main characters, but plot armor strikes again and again ad nauseam. One of the big reasons as to why I hate this anime is mainly because of the sheer stupidity and nonsensical things that happen in it for the sake of plot armor. An example of this is when Yuki and Yuno were fighting against the 5th diary holder. She literally walks through poisonous gas, inhaling all of it, and then kills him with ease. Apparently she was able to do this because her love for Yuno made her stronger... -.- I have never seen such retardation before in my life. For a series that tries to act all mature and bloody, it sure is funny how stupid and childish it can be. On numerous occasions has this series defied all logic and just went full retard. I'll talk more about this later on in the review. There is no sense of danger at all in this series. I knew there would never be a sense of danger by the time I got done with the first four episodes. Every single time the characters are about to lose, they win because of deus ex machina or just pure stupidity from the writers. A perfect example of this was during the battle against the fourth diary holder. Fourth diary holder takes Yuno as a hostage, Yuki then shoots him straight in the head which doesn't make any sense. His diary said verbatim: "shoot and you will miss and hit Yuno". He then proceeds to shoot anyway and it doesn't hit Yuno at all. I'm saying all of this to prove one point only, that this shitty series has no sense of danger at all. Even if their diaries were to tell them that there is 0 chance in survival, they would STILL find a way to survive and win. At one point in the show, someone even took Yukiteru's diary from him, and he REFUSED to kill him. How the hell can people consider this anime entertaining when you know the main characters will NEVER lose? WHY do the villains in this anime flat out REFUSE to kill the main two characters? When I first started watching this anime, I thought that it would be an anime with lots of strategy and mind games. Unfortunately that isn't the case. There is zero strategy involved in anything. Not in the fights, not the battles in general. If Yuno has a problem with anyone, she'll just kill them. Apparently she's an expert marskman and a skilled swordsmen? Where the hell did any of this come from? How in the hell is a 14 year old child an expert swordsman and marksman? This is just god awful writing. The writers pretty much just said fuck it, we don't need strategy in this anime, lets just make Yuno solve every conflict by cutting them down. Rather than win battles with strategy and wits, Yuno and Yuki win their battles by simply just cutting their enemies down like it's nothing. This is why it always makes me laugh when people compare this anime to Death Note. Light Yagami wins his fights by using strategy, these two fucking idiots solve every conflict with brute force. This is the exact same problem I had with Code Geass R2, not having any strategy and always solving conflicts with brute force. This is just awful writing at its finest. How many times in this series did Yuno and Yuki keep switching sides? First they ally with one person, then another, then another, and it goes on and on. And they end up betraying and killing everyone they ally with. The writers literally don't know what the fuck their doing with the series. I'll talk more about this later on in the review. Next i'll be talking about the shitty characters. This is one of the few anime I've watched that made me root for the villains rather than our main characters. The main reason for that is because the two main characters are fucking terrible. Neither of them are likeable, and neither of them have an ounce of depth to their character. Now I'll be talking about both of these awful characters and why they're complete shit. Yukitero Amano, one of the worst main characters I've seen in anime. There was not an ounce in character development with him at all. At one point in the series he just suddenly starts acting edgy for no apparent reason. That's not character development. Listen up people, there's a difference between character development and character 180s. Character development is a change in a character over time, and there should be a reason for that change. Yuki has no character development whatsoever and that's final. Yuki is just a shittier version of Igarashi Ganta from Deadman Wonderland and also Shinji Ikari from NGE. The main difference between them though is that Ganta and Shinji are actually far more realistic characters.There was no realism to be found in Yukis character at all. He continues to stick around Yuno knowing that she's a fucked up person. Knowing that she has done some fucked up shit and even attempted to KILL him, he continues to team up with her? At one point, she even tied him to a fucking chair and his friends had to fucking save him. He even picks Yuno over his harmless friends. If you've watched this anime then you know what part I'm talking about. Even when he could've been free from her, he CONTINUES to be around her and fall for her. What in the absolute fuck is that? I have no idea why people like Yuno Gasai. She's the most stereotypical yandere you can think of. I already know how she would be like before I even watched this anime. Now that's weird. Why the fuck does a cliche yandere have so many people that like her? No unique character traits whatsoever, has no good reason for her actions, and has absolutely no character development at all. It's funny because she actually had a moment to develop as a character, but the writers fucked it up big time. I thought that she would change and start putting more trust into Yuki's friends. She did for a moment, until she eventually went back to how she originally was since the beginning. The writers just fucking reset all of the development she has received, and turned her right back into the stereotypical yandere character people love her for. So yeah, that's all she really is: a generic yandere with zero unique character traits. And again, when in the flying fuck did she learn how to use a sword? How is a 14 year old skilled enough to do any of this? It's very pathetic how this series uses garbage action scenes to progress the plot. Most of the other characters in this anime are irrelevant and not worth mentioning. The only other character worth mentioning is 9th. 9th actually had the potential to be a great character, but unfortunately she ended up being complete and utter garbage like the rest of them. She starts off as a terrorist, and just being a stereotypical villain. And then she becomes more badass and badass. Well she is essentially just a Revy rip off, but she was at least the most interesting character in the anime. She becomes trash the moment she spares Yukiteru's life. There was literally no reason to spare his life at all. Yukiteru was sleeping right in front of her, and she decides to not to kill him for no reason at all. Then next time they meet, she wants to fucking kill him. And then next time she wants to team up with him, and then next time she wants to kill him. The writers have NO fucking clue what they're doing with the series! They need to make up their god damn minds before ever trying to make an anime again. This is just sloppy writing. There are many instances of characters just randomly changing their objectives with little to none explanation at all! Now since this is a review, I have to not only point out the negatives, but also the positives. To be completely honest, I don't know if I can do that. The only interesting thing about this anime was the premise, but this goes back to what I was saying before. Having an interesting premise doesn't make an anime interesting. The only thing that matters is execution. When it comes to execution, this anime is poorly executed and poorly written garbage. Not even the music was good for me. The opening fucking sucks and I had to skip it every episode. The background tracks were not noticeable in the slightest. So yeah, there literally is nothing good about this anime. Now onto the animation and art style. Well first things first, the art style isn't anything special. It's just the typical art style most anime had around that time. The animation wasn't bad at first, but then it got fucking terrible real fast. The last couple episodes had the worst animation I have ever seen in my life! I shit you not, the animation was so fucking bad. The worst part about it is that they didn't go back and redo those episodes with shitty animation. They actually thought that releasing that shit to the public was ok!?? I remember back when everyone was shitting on Dragon Ball Super episode 5, but at least they went back and redid it. I'm specifically talking about the episode when 9th fought that one loli towards the end. The animation was god awful and just a fucking eyesore. Overall, this anime is a straight up 0/10. The only thing it did for me was make me laugh at how stupid it was. Bad storytelling, bad characters, boring action scenes, bad animation. plot holes and inconsistencies, plot armor, and the list goes on and on. This series is absolute garbage and I recommend you stay away from it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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![]() Show all Jun 29, 2019
Date A Live
Not Recommended
This is easily one of the worst anime I have watched so far in 2019. You see, it's garbage like this that gives us real anime fans a bad rep. I'm surprised that this horrible anime even has sequels to it. It's literally just the typical cliche harem you get all the fucking time. When this anime tries to be original it just fails miserably and ends up going back to the stupid ass harem tropes you see in every damn harem anime. This review will only be about the first season btw.
The first mistake I noticed in this anime is that it actually ... tries to have a serious story. When I first started watching this trash I only i did it to watch a guilty pleasure ecchi anime to beat off to. This anime is a fucking joke. On one hand it tries to take itself seriously, on the other hand it's just your typical harem bullshit trying to be funny (even though it's not). It keeps flip flopping 24/7. The premise of this anime is extremely stupid beyond belief. There are spirits that invade earth and cause spatial quakes, and it was never explained why they do this. All of the spirits are coincidentally female, just to add to the main characters stupid ass harem. The main character has to make the spirits fall for him, turn them into good guys, and kiss them to seal their spiritual powers away. That is the most stupid bullshit I have ever seen. All of the damn spirits fall for him so easily as well, and it's because they're all poorly written one dimensional characters. I'll talk about how bad the characters are later on in this review. There are many nonsensical things about this anime, here are a few for examples. Firstly, even after he seals their spiritual powers away they still fucking get it back over and over again. What's the point in kissing them to seal it away if they constantly get it back everytime? The action in this anime is pure garbage as I expected it to be. Every single fight they're always using force fields and there isn't actually any injuries or anything. That isn't even entertaining to watch in the slightest. They always have their god damn force fields up, so there is no fucking sense of danger at all! Now onto the characters. The characters are straight up garbage as I expected them to be. I was extremely disappointed to see how cliche of a character Tohka ended up being. In the first episode she was hinted at having a depressing backstory, or having motivations. In the end she falls for the main character easily. She goes from being edgy to a straight up bitch. The way her personality completely changed was just awful writing at it's finest. I thought she would be an interesting character at first, but literally two episodes in and I took that thought back. The other characters are horrible as well. Kotori is just the typical sexualized loli bullshit. Nothing about her character was interesting as far as I've watched. Origami is a shitty character because of her generic backstory and motivations. Wow you want to take revenge? How many times have I seen that in an anime, like 1000 times now? Not even going to be talking about the other loli ventriloquist because she was absolutely irrelevant. Just like every other stupid ass harem, the main character in this anime is completely fucking clueless. He doesn't even realize that multiple girls are trying to get into his pants. He's such a shitty character it's actually ridiculous. Again, he has no depth to his character whatsoever. All he did in this show was whine and bitch whenever the other girls got into a conflict. Nothing he did made me think he was interesting character. Again, he's just your typical harem protagonist with absolutely no depth whatsoever. People seem to like Kurumi, but I don't see it. She's just a generic yandere bitch and that's it. Nothing else about her character was interesting. Well that's it. Those are the only characters worth mentioning, because the rest shouldn't even be considered characters. The only other character I know is the blonde haired man that constantly talks about Kotori's body and shit. So there are multiple instances of this character being a pedophile, which is absolutely disgusting. Didn't have fun watching this piece of trash at all. Again, this is easily one of the worst anime I have watched so far this year. The only anime I've watched this year that's worse is Mirai Nikki. I didn't enjoy this piece of trash whatsoever. Bad characters, stupid story, pedophilia, incest, asspulls, plot holes, horrible fights, horrible plot, etc. Now as a reviewer, I should always try to point out the good things about an anime in my reviews. The problem with this anime is that I couldn't find anything good about it. I guess the girls are hot, but then again I can easily go watch another anime with even hotter girls in it, so that wouldn't even count. So yeah this anime doesn't do it for me. Pure garbage
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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![]() Show all May 19, 2019
Dragon Ball Super
Not Recommended
Dragon Ball Super is the worst piece of fiction ever created.
This is the most disappointing thing I have ever watched in my life. This anime is an absolute disgrace to Dragon Ball Z, and it should've never been made. The only reason anyone even likes Dragon Ball Super is because it has the words "Dragon Ball" in the title. Everyone would be hating on it if it was its own series, but if Dragon Ball is on it then nope people will like it. Why is it that some writers/creators don't know when to end a series? They end up milking it so hard ... to the point where it becomes utter garbage just for the sake of making more money. Dragon Ball Super is the perfect example of milking at it's finest. Dragon Ball Z ended normally, it should've never went on after that. Unfortunately, Dragon Ball Super takes everything that made Dragon Ball Z so great and throws it out the window. All of the characters and everything we used to love about Drago Ball Z turned into total shit now. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this because of nostalgia. From a quality standpoint, Dragon Ball Super is objectively worse than Dragon Ball Z. Now here are some reasons as to why Dragon Ball Super is a complete and utter failure. Again, Dragon Ball Super takes everything that made DBZ great and just throws it out. There is no great character development in Dragon Ball Super like there was in Dragon Ball Z. The fights are not nearly as exciting to watch and not nearly as good as in general. The characters become complete and utter garbage. The villains are awful. The story arcs are hands down some of the worst story arcs in the entire Dragon Ball series. First off, the characters. This anime has completely ruined some amazing characters, and also introduces us to even more bad characters. Firstly, Vegeta's character has been ruined on multiple occasions. In this animes early stages, we see Vegeta kissing Beerus's ass. That was absolutely ridiculous. I understand that he was just trying to keep the earth safe, but this completely contradicted his character. Vegeta would've never kissed Frieza's ass no matter what happened. Not even Cell or Majin Buu. For fucks sake, he sacrificed himself to try and defeat Majin Buu. Vegeta has always been a prideful warrior, but this shitty anime makes him someone's slave for the sake of unfunny comedy. Not only that, but Vegeta just doesn't act the same at all. You see Vegeta in the ToP arc making friendship speeches and saying things that he would never say. When he got a bullshit friendship powerup against Toppo to win I was absolutely disgusted. It's as if the show just randomly turned into Fairy Tail...On multiple occasions he's acting completely out of character, which is awful writing. The rest of the Z fighters are a complete joke. Gohan is way too into academics now. I cant complain about Super for that one though. Gohan was ruined as a character after the Cell saga...Piccolo is extremely weak and is just a baby sitter now. I cant believe this anime took the badass Piccolo and ruined him this badly. This anime is just about Goku and Vegeta. The rest of the Z fighters are completely useless and irrelevant. Remember when Gohan was a badass and went SSJ2 against Cell? You'll never see Gohan that badass again. Remember when Piccolo and the rest of the Z fighters were actually badass and fun characters to watch? Yeah I remember. Unfortunately this shity anime has made them all a joke. The animation in Dragon Ball Super is absolutely atrocious. I'm not even talking about the first 30 episodes either, the entire series as a whole has bad animation. Many fights are so poorly animated it's ridiculous. Goku vs Beerus, Vegito vs Zamasu, Jiren vs Goku, all of these fights were so poorly animated it's ridiculous. Now of course there were moments in each of these fights with good animation, but those moments barely last that long. For the most part, the fights have shitty animation and aren't visually interesting in the slightest. DBZ also didn't have the best animation as well, but there's a difference. DBZ still had awesome fights and didn't look completely ugly when there was bad animation. Goku vs Majin vegeta for example. The animation wasn't the best, but it was still a better fight than anything I've seen in Dragon Ball Super. The fight was still epic and had a lot of meaning to it, something you don't see in Dragon Ball Super. This brings me to my next point. The fights in Dragon Ball Super are complete and utter garbage. I'm not just talking about the animation in the fights, but everything else about them completely suck! First lets go back to Dragon Ball Z. What made fights in Dragon Ball Z so good is the buildup to them. There was a lot of buildup in fights back then, and by the time the fights start it would have you on the edge of your seats. Goku vs Vegeta, Goku vs Frieza, Goku vs Cell, Gohan vs Cell, so many fights in DBZ are good because of the awesome buildup we get. Not only this, but there was actually meaning behind the fights, it wasn't always just mindless action. Lets take Vegeta vs Android 18 for example. This fight had much more meaning to it and wasn't just mindless action. I cant say the same about Dragon Ball Super fights. Dragon Ball Super fights have no build up whatsoever, thus they aren't exciting to watch in the slightest. Dragon Ball Super fights have no deeper meaning behind them. It's just the same boring and repetitive nonsense over and over again. Lets take Beerus vs Goku for example. We have a random dude that comes out of nowhere that's capable of destroying planets. He then goes to Goku and they start to fight. No buildup whatsoever, thus the fight is fucking boring. We have Goku fight him again, this time he's a Super Saiyan God. Again, there's no buildup so there was absolutely nothing interesting about this fight. This applies to almost every other arc as well. 0 buildup in the black arc, 0 buildup in the tournament of power either. The fights are visually uninteresting and boring to watch, point blank period. Speaking about the lack of buildup, this applies to the transformations as well. The transformations in Dragon Ball Super are pure 100% garbage. There is no creativity to be found whatsoever. Super Saiyan God is just base form Goku with red hair. Ultra Instinct is just blue Kaioken. Super Saiyan Blue is just the same thing as Super Saiyan but with blue hair. It's lame and uninteresting. Even though Dragon Ball GT is noncanon, Super Saiyan 4 was much better than the garbage we see in Dragon Ball Super. At least there was some creativity in Super Saiyan 4. Also, there is no build up to these transformations whatsoever. Goku becoming a god because 5 other people give him power was absolute garbage. The introduction for Super Saiyan blue was awful as well. These transformations just come out of nowhere and there is no build up for them whatsoever. Super Saiyan 1 and 2 had beautiful introductions, but I cant say the same for the awful transformations we have in Dragon Ball Super. There's just way too many retcons and things that don't make any sense in general. For example, Vegito. It was stated in DBZ that using the potara fusion will make it so that they are permanently fused. Ok, but in Dragon Ball Super they retcon that and say that it only lasts an hour (if you're not a supreme kai). Absolutely ridiculous. Another example of bad writing, why did the Supreme Kai never tell anyone about Beerus? This makes no sense whatsoever. If there's someone out there that's that strong, then why would he never mention that? Again, bad writing. I'm sure we all know this, but the villains in Dragon Ball Super are complete garbage. First off we have Frieza. I used to like Frieza back in DBZ, but unfortunately this shitty anime brought him back and now I'm just fucking tired of Frieza. Why cant Akira Toriyama just be original and come up with something new? Bringing back old villains like Frieza is just lazy writing. I don't think Black/Zamasu is a bad villain. I'd say he's average. At least he wasn't poorly written like Golden Frieza. Dragon Ball Super doesn't even have one good arc. I've already sort of explained why the first arc is shit. A random "God of Destruction" appears out of nowhere and is 1000 times stronger than everyone else. He decides to destroy planet earth, but then spares them after fighting Goku. Absolute dogshit. Again, this arc was terrible because of the lack of build up. It didn't even feel like Dragon Ball, it just felt like fanfiction bullshit. There are two tournament arcs in Dragon Ball Super, just proving further that there is no creativity to be found in this anime. The Tournament of Power is hands down the shittiest arc in the series. The fights were badly animated, and just bad in general. The asspulls were absolutely ridiculous. I mentioned this before, Vegeta gets a random asspull powerup and defeats someone that's clearly stronger than him. This makes no sense whatsoever. Back in DBZ, if someone was weaker than another person, there's no way they'd be able to win. It's all a matter of power levels. If you're weaker you're weaker and there's nothing you can do to win. So Vegeta asspulling his way to victory made no sense whatsoever! We get awful characters in this arc as well. Jiren is one of the worst characters in Dragon Ball history. He's worse than Yamcha, worse than Pan, worse than anyone you've ever seen in Dragon Ball. First off, he's a lame character. He's just a boring and somehow extremely overpowered character. His backstory is ridiculously generic. There was no effort put into the making of his backstory. He constantly acts out of character. At one point he states that he seeks something further than strength. At another point he says that he wants to become the strongest ever. This made no sense, none whatsoever. Honestly, Jiren is barely even a character. I cant believe anyone actually thinks he's good. Dragon Ball Super has the most ridiculous power scaling I've ever seen in my life. I've never seen a battle shounen that has worse power scaling than this garbage. We have characters here that train for a couple months and become Super Saiyan God level. We have fucking Krillin holding off Super Saiyan Blue Goku. That was hands down the most stupid shit I've ever seen. We have Super Saiyan 2 Trunks holding off fucking Goku Black. We have MASTER FUCKING ROSHI fighting in the Tournament of Power arc and actually beating people up. That makes NO sense whatsoever. This is the same individual that was weaker than kid Goku. If there are any real Dragon Ball fans reading this review, remember kid Goku vs Jackie Chun? At that point, Master Roshi was already weaker than Goku. He could train his entire life and he still shouldn't be a match for ANYONE. It makes no sense! Android 17 being as strong as Goku and Vegeta was also total nonsense. That just doesn't make any sense. No matter how much training he did, he should never be able to get that strong like that. He should be like Mystic Gohans level at best. Goku and Vegeta trained with Beerus and Whis, two of the strongest people in the universe. You're telling me that 17 is as strong as two people on God level, and two people that trained with the strongest individuals in the universe? Nonsense. Real Dragon Ball fans such as myself do not support this garbage ass anime and the manga. If you're a real Dragon Ball fan you would know that it ends after Z. All that other shit is complete nonsense. So that's the end of my review. Dragon Ball Super is bottom tier shounen. It's down there with other garbage shounen such as One Piece, Fairy Tail, Seven Deadly Sins, etc. It might even be worse. This anime is a disgrace to Dragon Ball Z, and I'd even argue that GT is better than this nonsense. The only reason I'm giving tthis anime a 1 is because it's not possible to give it anythning below that. This anime doesn't deserve a one, it deserves a 0. Nothing was good about it, literally nothing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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![]() Show all Mar 5, 2019
Nanatsu no Taizai
Not Recommended
Disclaimer: This review will also be including season 2, becuase I'd rather not make two seperate reviews for the same series. There might also be a few spoilers included in this review just so I can fully prove how bad this anime is.
First things first, do not watch this anime if you are above the age of 16. This is one of the most childish anime I've ever watched in my life. I honestly felt as if I was watching some type of Disney cartoon. That's how fucking childish this anime was. This is one of the most generic, predictable, and childish anime I've ever ... watched in my life. The story is about our main characters (Meliodas and Elizabeth) travelling together to gather the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins. Their goal is to take back the kingdom of Britania. This is one of the most cliche stories I've seen in a shounen. So right from the start this anime is already uninteresting with its generic ass story. The plot is also terrible. It's literally just the typical pokemon type of plot structure. Another reason why the story is shit, there's no worldbuilding whatsoever. We don't know shit about the world they're living in, besides a couple of towns. Without worldbuilding, I didn't give a shit about the story for this anime at all. When it comes to characters, there isn't a single good character in this series. There's three words that best describe the characters: generic, underdeveloped, and boring. Firstly we have Meliodas, a main character that hasn't gotten an ounce of character development for 50 episodes. His laidback personality is cool and all, but there's no reason to be interested in this character. He lacks any element that makes a character great. The rest of the cast is trash aswell. Next we have Elizabeth, the cliche damsel in distress character. Once again, there's no reason to like this character. Do I even need to bring up character development? There isn't even a single character that gets character development, so I won't even bother bringing that up anymore. They're all one dimensional characters and overall just aren't interesting. Escanor has to be one of the most overrated characters I've seen in a Shounen. I find it werid how Shounen fanboys like characters simply because of the fact that they're overpowered. Like these fanboys don't care if a character has depth/development, they literally just like characters because they're strong. That's the most stupid reason for liking a character. The rest of the sins are complete trash aswell. When it comes to villains, there isn't even one good villain in this series. Gilthunder was cool at first until he got thrown away by the writers. After season 1, he's always in the background and is pretty much an irrelevant character. So yeah...sorry to the Gilthunder fans that recently started watching this...Hendrickson is the typical shounen villain aswell. The best character in this series is Hawk btw The villains for the second season are even worse than the first one! It's crazy how so many people were hyping the 10 Commandments up, yet they turned out to be complete garbage and a massive disappointment. As usual, they're the typical villains you see in shounen that are just evil for the sake of being evil. Their motivations weren't interesting in the slightest. All of them are one dimensional charactes, even Zeldris which is apparently one of the more important ones of the 10 Commandments. In conclusion, the 10 Commandments are the worst group of villains I've seen in a battle shounen. Now lets talk about the second season. This will go down as the worst second season I've ever seen in an anime EVER. The story/plot for the second season is even worse. The second seasons story is about the Demon Clan. They finally have awakened (thanks to Hendrickson). So this whole season they're pretty much just fighting off the 10 Commandments. Here are all the problems I found in this season. Firstly, the plot is just fucking horrible. The writer clearly had no idea what he wanted to do. The plot was just all over the place! One second everything is peaceful, next second they're fighting a Commandment that just came out of nowhere. One second they're training, next they're fighting a commandment again. It's all over the damn place. Another problem I had with this season is the other garbage ass plot points, especially the one about Diane. That has to be one of the most boring things I've ever watched. There's a bunch of stupid plot points that were introduced in this season it just became ridiculous. There was a lot of deus ex machina being used in this season. One of the biggest examples of this is when Ban was 1v2ing two of the Commandments. He was losing the fight until he just found a random cave where Escanor just happened to be running a bar. After that he was saved by Escanor. If you cant see how stupid that shit is then I don't know what to tell you. In general there are a lot of asspull powers that just come out of nowhere. I wont make this part too long though. It's a battle shounen so it isn't that surprising that there is bad writing like this. Lets talk about the fights now. The fights in season 1 were all pretty decent in terms of choreography. Well, the only actual good fight scenes were when Meliodas fought Hendrickson. Everything else was just average at best. The second season on the other hand, had AWFUL fights. As someone that read the manga, it was just a massive disappointment to see some of these fights animated. The animation was just straight up garbage in season 2. A-1 just dropped the ball on this one. This anime has hands down some of the ugliest art I've seen in a shounen. All of the characters just look so goofy and ugly it's insane. Like seriously, they all have fucked up noses and shit it just looks ridiculous. The art overall just looks like childish nonsense. The mangaka was trying to be unique, but no it just looks like shit. So here are my scores for each category Story/Plot: 1/10 Characters: 1/10 Enjoyment: 2/10 Art: 4/10 Animation: 5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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![]() Show all Mar 3, 2019
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Not Recommended
Hunter x Hunter is the most overrated anime series I've ever watched. I've never seen a fanbase more toxic and elitist than Hunter x Hunter fans. All of these people just constantly praise this anime and talk about how well written it is, but in reality that isn't true. In reality this is just another garbage battle shounen series like the rest of them. It isn't complex, it isn't well written at all, it's nothing but complete and utter dog shit.
Hunter x Hunter is about a kid named Gon Freecs that becomes a Hunter and wants to find his dad someday. This is the worst ... story I've ever seen in a Shounen anime. I'll be explaining why I say this later on in this review Hunter x Hunter has one thing going for it, the Yorknew Arc. Every other arc in this show was complete and utter garbage and I'll explain why. First we have the Hunter Exam arc. This was just a pathetic version of the Chunin Exams. It just feels way too slow and boring. This was the first arc in the series and it just failed to get me attached to any of the characters. There was just no reason to like any of these characters at all. Gon was the typical generic shounen protagonist. Killua was the typical edgy kid. Kurapika was the cliche revenge character. The only character that was interesting was Leorio. All of the trials in this arc were boring to watch and that's pretty much it. The mini tournament was also uninteresting/boring Next we have the Zoldyck Family arc. Ahh what a waste of time. I actually thought something big would happen in this arc, but this unfortunately wasn't the case. They just go into the mansion and then get Killua and then leave. This arc should've been longer and actually gave more depth to Killua's family, but it didn't! In the end I didn't give a single shit about his family and any other character involved in this arc. And as usual, we get that stupid friendship/nakama bullshit in this arc. This is why I say that Hunter x Hunter is nothing different from the typical shounen, because it still has that nakama bullshit. Heaven's Arena was just so boring it nearly made me fall asleep multiple times. Togashi actually made an interesting concept for an arc, but then completely ruins it. He ruins it by making the whole arc a damn training arc. This just doesn't make sense to me. This arc was way too focused on training instead of the actual fucking Heavens Arena. This is one of my biggest problems with Hunter x Hunter in general. This series just has way too much training and less story to it. None of the villains were interesting at all. They were just the typical cliche villains you'd see in any Shounen. The fights were complete and utter garbage. It's funny how they spend so much time training yet when Gon finally fights Hisoka it's nothing but hand to hand combat for the most part. So much training yet he doesn't even know how to use real techniques. Infact he doesn't even know how to use real techniques until like fucking 60 episodes! Next is the Yorknew arc. a very good arc. Almost everything about this arc was actually phenomenal, but there are some problems. Firstly, the main two characters are so fucking annoying I just couldn't stand it. Uvogin was a very generic character and just not interesting to me. The rest of the phantom troupe all lacked any depth to them so I just didn't find them to be good villains. The best thing about this arc was Kurapika and his character development. Kurapika is the only character in Hunter x Hunter with good development. The rest of the main characters are complete and utter garbage with no redeeming qualities. Also the fight between Uvogin and Kurapika was pretty cool. Greed Island is one of the most pointless and boring arcs I've seen in a Shounen. Once again this arc is filled with boring training that nobody gives a shit about. Togashi made an interesting concept for an arc just to ruin it by making it a training arc. He just doesn't know how to balance things out and this arc is the perfect example. Them collecting cards was painfully boring to watch. The card system wasn't explained in detail so that was boring. We don't know what any of these cards are or do, so I got bored with all the card collecting bullshit. The main villain has got to be the one of the worst villains I've seen in a Shounen series. No depth whatsoever. He's just the typical one dimensional villain that's evil just for the sake of being evil. See it's funny how Hunter x Hunter fans talk about how well written this anime is, but I just don't see it! Characters like Genthru clearly contradict that statmement, and there's no debating about this. The fights in this arc were really bad. Gon vs Genthru was filled with plot armor it was just laughable. He should've easily lost that fight, but he just wins because of 100% plot armor. Greed Island could've been a good arc but it was ruined by many things. Bad villains, boring training, and barely any explanation to the card system. The world of Greed Island had 0 detail, none whatsoever. This just feels like a filler arc overall. One of the worst arcs in Shounen. The Chimera Ant arc has got to be the most overrated Shounen arc I've ever seen. This is the most boring arc I've ever watched in an anime. The first 20 episodes of it were extremely slow paced and dragged on WAY too long. There was just far too much underdeveloped characters getting screen time so it was just ridiculous. The narration was the worst part about this arc. It completely ruined this arc in many ways. Firstly, the narration happened in some of the most important parts in the arc. When they where raiding the palace I just completely lost interest because of the fucking narration. This man was narrating for almost the entire episode it was just ridiculous. The fact that there needs to be narration in order to have people understand what's happening is just stupid. Firstly, it's an insult to the viewers. It's like they think the viewers are too stupid to understand what's going on, so there needs to be narration all the time. That's the impression I'm getting from this. Secondly, there's a lot of Shounen out there that don't need narration to tell a good story. Now when it comes to fights, this arc had some of the most overrated fights I've ever seen. First we have Gon vs Neferpitou. Gon gets a random asspull powerup and beats the shit out of her. It was really fucking stupid to see Gon so mad about what happened to Kite anyways. He barely even fucking knew him yet he's crying like a bitch when he dies. This just made no sense whatsoever, and this was just bad writing at its finest. He only knew him for two weeks and he went ape shit when he found out what happened to him. This was just pathetic writing. Next overrated fight, Meruem vs Netero. Imagine hyping up a villain for 50 episodes just for him to have no cool techniques or anything. His fight with Netero was so boring. He just gets smacked away and flies right back at him. The only good thing about this fight was the animation. Everything else was complete and utter garbage as expected. It's funny to me how this anime tried to have strategic battles in its early stages. Later on it just becames the typical battle shounen with power levels. Gon vs Hisoka and Gon vs Genthru had some strategy, but Meruem vs Netero was a terrible fight and was just about who has the higher power level. There's no good reason why Meruem is that strong either. He has no techniques or anything. That's why that fight was complete trash. Now lets talk about the battle system in Hunter x Hunter. The battle system is actually pretty good. Togashi puts so much detail into the battle system, but there is a problem here. The problem is that a shit ton of fights in which the battle system doesn't even fucking matter! Like why put so much detail into the power system when the fights just end up being the typical shounen fights! Meruem vs Netero is the perfect example of this. This fight was just another typical DBZ type of fight you see in anime. All I'm saying is, if you're going to spend so much time putting detail into the power system, at least make it important in every fight. Rememeber how I said Hunter x Hunter had the worst story I've ever seen in a Shounen? I'll explain why I said that right now. Gons goal was finding his dad right? SPOILER: After the death of Netero, everyone Hunter has to attend the election. This is when Gon meets his dad....This is the most garbage thing I have ever seen. After all those arcs trying to find clues to know his dads whereabouts, this is how they meet. What was the point in Yorknew? What was the point in Greed Island? This was the most unsatisfying thing I've ever seen in an anime. After all that hard work, Gon ends up meeting Gnig in the stupidest fucking way possible. Speaking about the Election arc, this arc was complete trash. The only interesting thing about it was Leorio and what he said about Ging. Everything else was bad. Alluka was a terrible character. She was just a living plot device and that's all there was to this character. Nothing about this arc was good and that's all there is to it. Now lets talk about the characters. There's only one good character in Hunter x Hunter, and that would be Kurapika. He's the only character with interesting character development. Gons character development was complete trash, specifically talking about when (spoiler) kite died. THat was just awful development. Killua had some development, but I disliked him due to his constant change in personalities. One second he's the typical 12 year old, the next second he's edgy as hell. His character development is very basic aswell. Leorio could've been a good character, but unfortunately he was neglected for like 90% of the anime. It pisses me off how the only decent characters barely got any screen time at all. Meruem is incredibly overrated. He's just the typical "I want to rule the world" type of villain. His character development was very basic and nothing special at all. His development is pretty much him becoming more of a good guy due to Komugis influence. Oh wow, a villain that becomes a good guy... wow that's such great writing isn't it.... -_- I've seen character development like his in a lot of anime, so I don't get why people suck him off so hard. Overall, Hunter x Hunter has bad characters. Hunter x Hunter has terrible art. Not only in the manga, but in the anime aswell. This anime has some of the most ugly character designs I've seen in a shounen. There's just way too many ugly looking characters it just looks so childish. There's nothing interesting about the music or animation either. The music was very unmemorable to me, and the animation isn't anything special. Overall this anime was horrible. The only enjoyable arc in this anime was the Yorknew arc and that's it. Everything else about this anime was boring and painful to watch. I don't recommend watching this anime. There's just so much other anime to watch that are much better. If you're looking for a badass shounen with awesome fights and great characters, go watch Yu Yu Hakusho. They were both written by the same mangaka, but at least Yu Yu Hakusho is enjoyable to watch. The Dark Tournament and Chapter Black arc are both better than anything I've seen in Hunter x Hunter.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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![]() Show all Feb 27, 2019
Boku no Hero Academia
Not Recommended
Overrated, childish, and cliche. Those are the first three words that come to mind when I think of this anime.
This is the most overrated anime that has came out in the past 5 years. After watching two seasons of this anime, I've come to the conclusion that this anime is absolute garbage with no redeeming qualities. I actually cant believe that people above the age of 15 can be watching this. It's actually crazy...This review might also contain spoilers. I cant fully explain how bad this show is without including spoilers unfortunately. This review will also not only be about season 1. This is hands down ... the most basic and generic shounen I've ever come across. The story is very stupid and cliche. The story is about a kid that wants to become a professional hero. It cant get anymore generic than that. So almost everyone in the world has quirks but Midoriya apparently doesn't. Ok. He then receives a quirk given to him by all might. That's just lame to be honest. I don't like how he just gets a quirk given to him. I'd rather see him training to get his own quirk. If anyone here is familiar with Black Clover, then you know how Asta got his own powers after training right? Even Black Clover did that better than My Hero Trashademia. How boring and uninteresting is it to see him just getting a power from someone else. The plot is extremely repetitive. They go to school and have training sessions, random villains attack, fight villains, villains run or get defeated, and that's it. Now sometimes it's a bit different, but for the most part shits exactly the same. Nomus attack, League of Villains attack, it's just the same boring shit. In conclusion, the plot is fucking terrible. The only good thing is that the pacing is fast and I don't have to watch 10 episodes for 1 fight. That's literally the only good thing about this awful anime. As I said earlier, this is the most basic and cliche shounen I've seen in a while. After finishing the first season I just thought, why the fuck are people hyping this up? It's literally the same thing as every other generic battle shounen we've had in the past 20 years. It does nothing different yet I see shounen fanboys everywhere sucking it off for what?? This anime easily has one of the worst cast of characters I've ever seen. The mangaka just tries to give ALL of them screen time it just doesn't work. In the end, barely any of them get character development at all. They're so bad I barely can even remember their names, even after two seasons of watching it. There's nothing interesting about the main characters either. There's nothing interesting about Bakugo. I don't know how anyone can like a character that screams 24/7 and gets absolutely no character development whatsoever. Midoriya has to be one of the most boring characters I've seen in a Shounen. His character development is just basic shounen character development. One second he's a pussy and the next he's extremely serious. It just makes no sense. As for Todoroki he's just a garbage Zuko rip off (but zukos actually a good character) with daddy issues. As I said before, this anime is extremely cliche and bad characters like this just prove it. There's just too many irrelevant characters that get screen time for no reason. The only students that need a lot of screentime would be Midoriya, Bakugo, Uraraka, Momo, Frog, and Tokoyami. All these other characters shouldn't be getting screen time when they have little to none impact on the plot. If anyone here is familiar with Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans, use that as an example. The writers for that anime tried to give too many characters screen time and it turned out to be a complete failure filled with underdeveloped characters. The same thing is happening with this anime. This anime has the worst character designs I've seen in a Shounen. I honestly could not stand looking at these people. These characters just look so damn goofy and childish I felt like I was watching a childrens cartoon. Mineta, Alien looking girl, dude with the tape quirk. There's just way too many goofy looking characters to name them all. That's why this is the most childish anime I've ever watched. Not even joking. I've never seen an anime that looked goofier and more childish than this. The music wasn't that great either. The only good opening is the first one. The endings are all pretty bad. There was only one memorable OST which played during fight scenes, and that got annoying real quick. One good thing about this show is Stain. I think he's the only good villain in this entire show, all three seasons. But besides Stain, every other villain is complete and utter garbage! They're literally all just evil for the sake of being evil, especially that muscular guy. There's just no other interesting villains in My Hero Academia and that's fact. The fights in this anime are very underwhelming. All might vs One for All, one of the most disappointing fights I've seen in a shounen. Why should I care about this trash villain One for All when he has no depth whatsoever? He was just used to make all might look badass before his career as a hero ended. Todoroki vs Midoriya, once again another bad fight. The only good part of this fight was the end, that's it. Everything before that wasn't good at all. All the animation was put into the ending of the fight and anything before that was just talking or just boring to watch in general. Uraraka vs Bakugo, a fight that many My Hero fans were sucking off around the time it came out. I... I don't understand why people think this is that good? When it comes to actual fighting/choreography My Hero Academia fights are complete trash. In conclusion, this show is just awful and I don't suggest watching it. It's no different than any other generic battle Shounen anime you've watched. Bad characters, bad fights, bad plot, bad character designs, bad villains, bad everything. Don't watch this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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![]() Show all Feb 26, 2019
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Mixed Feelings
Although I did enjoy watching this anime, I believe that it's incredibly overrated. This anime is very enjoyable to watch, yet at the same time has many flaws that make it not as good as it could've been.
The story is about a boy named Kousei, a pianist that used to win very competition, until something happens. When he was 11 years old his mother died. He then just stops playing the piano due to the trauma caused by his abusive mother. He then meets Kaori, a character who makes a huge impact on his life and encourages him to start playing the piano again. She ... then asks him to be her accompanist. Now here's my problem: This anime had no idea what the fuck it wanted to be. Sometimes it was trying to be a romance. Sometimes it just tries to just be an anime about classical music. Other times it tries to be comedy, and this just doesn't work. To be honest, it was a terrible idea to try and combine all three of them, because it clearly didn't work here. Sometimes this anime would make you feel sad, but next second you see childish comedy that comes out of nowhere and vice versa. This brings me to my next point The unfunny comedy really killed off my enjoyment of this anime. Times where the girls would just beat the shit out of Kousei and moments like that. I find that to be unnecessary and it just ruins the vibe. As I said before, this anime tries to include stupid comedy during "depressing" moments. It really lessens the quality and my enjoyment a lot. If only this anime was more mature then I would've enjoyed a lot more. Sadly this isn't the case here. I will say that the romance between Kousei and Kaori was pretty decent. Any moment with Tsubaki though was just terrible for me though. This brings me to my next point. Some characters in this show get too much backstory/screentime yet they have no significant impact on the plot. Tsubaki is the perfect example of this. Her entire "romance" with Kousei and jealousy has nothing to do with the story. At least the romance between Kousei and Kaori was significant. They're both musicians so Kousei can understand Kaori more than Tsubaki. And this jealousy thing was just a little bit too cliche for me. I came into this anime thinking it was just about classical music and sad moments. I didn't come here to watch this childish ass romance and jealousy bullshit. Another example of a character that got her own arc when she shouldn't have: Nagi. What was the point in introducing this character? I honestly don't know why she's even a character. She just comes out of nowhere and becomes a student of Kousei just to play at a festival. After that she's completely irrelevant. I think she had a bit too much screen time for the nonexistant impact she had on the plot. And holy shit Emi and Takeshi are easily the most annoying characters in this show. Their obsession with Kousei is clearly abnormal, and I just felt like punching my screen everytime I saw that shit. When it comes to characters in general, there aren't many good ones. Kaori was the typical and cliche female character you see in a lot of slice of life anime. Watari was easily the worst character in the entire show. One dimensional, and cliche. Those are the two words that describe most of the characters in this show. I will admit that this show does a good job of making its characters likeable. Even then, when it comes to actual quality writing they aren't very good characters. The best written character was Kousei obviously, and also my favorite character. Unlike many of the other characters, he actually got great character development. Another problem I have with this show is the flashbacks. There's a lot of flashbacks showing Kousei/Tsubaki as kids, and they get annoying real fast. A lot of them didn't really have anything to do with what was currently going on in the story. They just didn't do anything...? As I was watching this I was always asking myself: what does this flashback have to do with anything? I'm specifically talking about the flashbacks with Kousei and Tsubaki. Some of them were relevant, but some of them were also completely irrelevant and served no purpose. When it comes to pacing, thats one of the biggest problems of this anime. The pacing is just too slow...I feel like the show is also repetitive. I was getting annoyed by Kousei whenever he just stopped playing his piano. It got annoying real fast. That was only for the first half of the show though. The second part of the show got really repetitive as well. First Kousei practices piano, then contemplates on whether or not he should visit Kaori or not. The plot structure is very formulaic, specifically the second season. The music and animation are obviously top notch. It would be weird to not have good animation or music for a god damn music anime. I feel like the soundtracks for this anime were overshadowed by the piano playing though. I never really noticed the background tracks to be honest. This anime has two great openings that are easily in my top 10 favorite openings of all time. The art was absolutely amazing though. The art is unique and far different compared to most other modern anime nowadays. I'd give the art a 10/10. Even though it looks like I'm shitting on this anime, I still enjoyed it a lot. There's just many things that I would've done differently if I was writing it. Firstly, it should've been more mature. All that childish comedy and shit can go away, or at least have a limited amount of comedy. Secondly, I would just get rid of Nagi and Watari. Actually I would just get rid of any character that gets too much screen time even though they're underdeveloped and don't have a significant impact on the plot. Lastly, I would fix the pacing. If those three were better then this anime would've been a 9/10 at the very least. Unfortunately they had to make this anime childish to appeal to a younger audience... Story/Plot: 6/10 Characters: 510 Art: 10/10 Music: 10/10 Animation: 8/10 Overal: 6/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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![]() Show all Feb 26, 2019
NHK ni Youkoso!
After watching this anime back in September and rewatching it again, I've come to the conclusion that this is my favorite anime. Everything about this show was phenomenal and I think everyone should watch it.
The story starts off the main character, a hikikomori (someone that doesn't leave their house, not in employment or schol) named Satou that hasn't been in school for 4 years. He then meets a girl named Misaki Nakahara. Throughout the story she tries to help him overcome his fear of the outside world. Unfortunately there's always some sort of obstacle in the way preventing him from accomplishing that goal, which always ... brought him back to square one. At first some may think that this is an anime about making hentai games, but I can assure you that this isn't the case. This anime is the most realistic depiction of social anxiety and agoraphobia I've seen in anime in general. This anime touches on many topics including social anxiety, depression, suicide, drug abuse, and obviously hikikomori. This anime can be very funny at times, and very depressing at other times. Most people like this anime because they can relate to Satou and his struggles. As I said before, it's easily one of the most realistic depiction of social anxiety I've seen in an anime. Not only Satou, but the other characters are relatable as well. This brings me to my second topic Characters: The main cast of characters were great and all have a significant impact on the plot. We have Misaki Nakahara, the girl that's helping Satou overcome his hikikomori condition (and yes she does have ulterior motives). We have Yamazaki Kaoru, Satou's otaku friend that actually has a positive influence on Satou's life. We have Hitomi Kashiwa whom unlike Yamazaki, serves as a negative influence on Satou's life. She's the main reason why Satou believes in such stupid conspiracies. Even then Satou develops and accepts the fact that him being a hikikomori is also his own fault. All of these characters have problems on their own and it's interesting to see how they go through these obstacles in their life. As I said before, these characters can be very relatable to most people. Misaki is the perfect exmaple of this. She is a character that looks down on others to make herself feel better, and thats exactly what people do in our real world. I know that some people might not be able to relate to it, but even in that case it should still be an enjoyable anime to watch. People can also relate to Satous position, and that's why people like this anime. One thing I didn't understand when starting this anime is Satou's hallucinations. The anime doesn't really explain this at all. In the manga he hallucinates after taking drugs. That's the one thng from the manga that this anime didn't really explain, but not that big of a problem. The difference between NHK and other anime that have NEET's is that this is not only realistic, but more mature in general. Other anime with NEETs/Hikikomori just use it for comedy and don't take it as seriously as this anime did. If you want to watch a more mature anime that addresses topics like social anxiety and hikikomori in general, this is the best option. I feel like a lot of people don't understand the message that this anime was trying to give. These individuals usually say things like "I wish I had a Misaki in my life". These individuals clearly don't understand the message this anime was trying to give. Sure it would be great to have a Misaki in your life, but that isn't the point. The message is that people won't always be there to support you, and you have to take action and better your life yourself. The most sad moment of the show was when Satou had to deal with this himself. The moment he realized that he has to quit being a hikikomori in order to live. Music I'll keep this part short. When it comes to music, this anime has some very good soundtracks. Not all of them were THAT good, but it does have a good opening, ending, and background soundtrack. Oh, and that Pururin soundtrack was amazing Art I'll also be keeping this part short since there isn't a whole lot to talk about. The art is obviously pretty good since this is a pre 2010 anime. Most anime around that time objectively have better art than any post 2010 anime. Overall the art is unique. Scores overall Characters: 9/10 Music: 10/10 Art: 8/10 Story/Plot: 10/10 Overall: 10/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Jan 9, 2019
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
Not Recommended
Just a disclaimer here, this review will be for R1 and R2. There will also be spoilers mentioned in this review. So this will mainly be for people that have already watched this anime, or atleast have watched season 1.
Code Geass is one of the worst anime ever made. I don't think there are any other anime or manga that I've seen that are worse than Code Geass in terms of quality. STORY/PLOT: 1/10 The story is very simple. Lelouch gets his Geass power and wants to get revenge on the Britannian Empire. Eventually Lelouch does accomplish his goal due to asspulls, plot holes, deus ex ... machina, and retcons. It's actually hilarious to me how this anime tries to be intelligent, yet ends up being the complete opposite. One problem I have with the story is the filler highschool episodes. None of these episodes have anything to do with the story. It's literally all just a bunch of garbage filler that doesn't progress the plot. Another example of filler episodes that had nothing to do with the plot; the entire Mao arc! This is easily the worst episodes Code Geass has to offer. One part of this arc made absolutely no sense whatsoever that I just have to talk about it. In episode 14 Mao and Shirley both have guns to Lelouch's back and says if he uses the Geass he will shoot. Mao then goes back into the train to pick up a shotgun. He then says "I will just take care of them both". And then C2 helps Lelouch escape. If you cant see the awful writing in that then I don't know what to tell you. He had a fucking GUN aleady, and then he goes back to get another gun for no reason at all. That's only one example of stupid shit from Code Geass, there are many more examples of stupid shit. Another example of stupid shit from Code Geass; Mao not dying even though he was shot like hundreds of times. Now you know how I said this anime tries to be smart but fails at it? This just the perfect example of that. Many Geass fans often say that he survived due to advanced medical technology. That still makes absolutely no sense! It doesn't matter how advanced technology is, if someone gets shot 100 times then they have no possible chance of surviving. Don't even get me started on that stupid plot twist involving Euphy. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. That was hands down one of the lamest asspull/plot twists I've ever seen in the anime. Another problem with the plot would be the mech fights. There's just too much mech fights in this anime that don't go anywhere. It's even worse in season 2 because the writers just throw strategy out the window. Season 2 is just about who has the stronger mech, not about who is more strategic. For example, there was a moment where Lelouch was cornered by the Chinese Federation. What did he do to escape you might ask? He fucking got a stronger mech, not by outwitting his enemies. And Kallen must've fought Suzaku like 100 times in these boring ass mechs. It just gets absolutely boring to watch. I didn't watch this anime to see these stupid Shounen mech battles, I came to see Lelouch outwitting his opponents. This anime is FILLED filled with lame mech battles that don't go anywhere. Funny thing is, even when Lelouch outsmarts his enemies Suzaku just comes out of nowhere and then saves the day. Everyone just goes home after that. This is how the show just gets extremely repetitive and boring for me. Another plot hole is when Lelouch somehow commanded the entire country to follow him. I'm pretty sure it was stated that the Geass requires eye contact to actually work. I don't think it's possible ofr Lelouch to make eye contact to every single individual, therefore this makes absolutely no sense. Even more plot holes, why didn't the Emperor just kill Lelouch? He had no use for Lelouch so I don't understand why he didn't kill him? It was never explained why he decided to wipe his memories and have him live a normal life. Another plot hole that I have that made no sense; how did the Black Knights produce over a million zero outfits without being noticed? This was one of the worst asspulls I've seen in any anime! It makes no sense for them to not be noticed due to the amount of resources and people that were used to produce these costumes. There's one thing that I always didn't make sense to me. Ever since Lelouch's first broadcast, how the fuck did people not know that it was him? It's quite weird how the people that have known Lelouch for all his life didn't instantly recognize his voice. Overall, the plot of Code Geass is awful. There are many plot holes or just things that make absolutely no sense. People say Code Geass has a good ending, but I honestly don't care about it. I also didn't care about Lelouch finally achieving his goal because it was only possible due to asspulls and plot holes. ART/ANIMATION 0/10 Lets be honest here, the art in Code Geass is absolute trash. How can I take these characters seriously when they're all built like sticks with their noodle ass arms. I also was never impressed with the animation. It was just average animation, nothing impressive at all. CHARACTERS: There's only one decent character in Code Geass. That's it, only one decent character.People always talk about how Lelouch is such a well written character, but I completely disagree with that. So lets talk about why Lelouch is overrated. There are a lot of character inconsistencies in Code Geass. One example of a character inconsistency is when Lelouch was crying when Rollo died. This made absolutely no sense. This is the same character that said he will just use Rollo until he becomes useless and then he'll throw them away. That made no sense because he pities Rollo when Rollo dies...? Suzaku is definitely the worst character in the series. Suzaku always believed that the results don't matter if you used the wrong method to gain those results. One episode he completely changes his beliefs. He says that the results are the only thing that matters, not the means. This is just bad writing at it's finest. This isn't even called characterdevelopment, this is just a character inconsistency. He just randomly changes his beliefs and it was poorly executed. The second I watched this part I just cringed way too hard. Every single time Lelouch outsmarts his enemies, Suzaku comes and sends the Black Knights home with his broken Lancelot. This same thing happens over and over and over again for the majority of the first season that it just becomes ridiculous and frustating. Suzaku is such an unlikeable character it's just insane! He first says that results don't matter if the methods to achieve that result is morally wrong. Suzaku says that Lelouch's ways of doing things are wrong, yet he never did anything to accomplish his goal himself! They both have the same goal but at least Lelouch was doing SOMETHING. Suzaku did absolutely nothing to accomplish his goal, therefore he's a badly written character. It seems to me that he was a scumbag that only cared about gaining more power. Lets talk about Kallen for a bit. i love me some fanservice once in a while. That's pretty much all there is to this character. I couldn't care less about her motives and her backstory at all. Here's why I didn't care; her brother wasn't even introduced to us, so why should I care about her wanting to get revenge? We don't even get to see an in depth backstory at all so why should I care about this character? C2 has got to be the most boring character I've seen in an anime. She doesn't do much at all. She's just a boring one dimensional character that I never really cared about. There are a LOT of characters that are pretty much living plot devices. Rollo is the perfect example of a living plot device. He has poor characterization, he's one dimensional, and the only thing he did was help Lelouch. Jeremiah is another example of a living plot device, mainly in season 2. He just comes out of nowhere and says that he wants to team up with Lelouch..? I understand that he was loyal to Lelouch's mother, but that just came out of nowhere. That's just a stupid asspull that was used just to get Lelouch out of the bad situation he was in. Tbh, Lelouch really carried this trash ass show. Even though I consider him to be just a decent character, he's far superior to every other character in the series. Every other character is just awful, and that's all there is to it. I don't want to drag this review out more, so that's it. ART: 0/10 ANIMATION: 1/10 CHARACTERS: 0/10 PLOT: 0/10 This awful anime does not deserve the score it has. Absolute dog shit.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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