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Oct 5, 2024
Really surprised how many 'not recommended' reviews this has. Apparently, the low score is also due to those who know the source material and not liking the anime.
Is the animation absolutely amazing? No it isn't. But is it the worst? By no stretch of the imagination. There are much worse battles in anime that have higher ratings than this.
Listen, it's low budget, but it isn't that bad. Some of the fights are even better than your usual trash isekai budget fights, which is what this should be compared to.
The MLC and FLC are pretty bland, I'll give it that. But there are at least
a couple decent characters in there.
But the strength in this anime imo is in the world building. The premise of the story seems kinda meh, but actually watching the plot play out is actually pretty interesting even if things seem to wrap up too neatly. Problem when trying to fit too much into one season.
TLDR: If this had a bigger budget, people probably wouldn't rag on this as much as they do. The world building and story is decent and worth a watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 27, 2024
Absolute trash... and I loved it!
Think of a parody of Gurren Lagann, bunch of jokes mixed in with action and a WHOLE lot of over the top nonsense.
But surprisingly the jokes are funny, the over the topness in the serious moments make you laugh, and nice payoff at the end even though nothing makes sense.
There are a couple of interesting plot twists even if everything else goes the way you would expect it, and the characters are decent enough. What I also like about this is the fact that there are tons of characters but you see them interact with different cliques at different
Turn you brain off and you'll enjoy the ride
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 19, 2024
Last couple episodes make the season seem better than it actually is. I'm reviewing based on season 1 of the anime and not what's to come/anything to do with the LN.
Characters - 5/10
Really nothing to distinguish them from any other anime characters for their individual tropes. The mains are pretty boring as well. They are super intelligent, but most of their exploits and achievements come across as pseudo-intelligence. Tbf as an average person it'll be hard to write super genius theories otherwise you yourself would be a genius, but even having empathy for the author, their deductions seem very lazy.
It's always them coming to
a conclusion because they had a very simple piece of the puzzle the viewer didn't have before. In your city, it may be common knowledge that a train station is a block away from your current position, but if you were a tourist, you'd have no idea it was there. The main characters deductions tend to come from simple things like this in many situations (not all). To paraphrase Hanekawa Tsubasa - I only know what I know.
Art - 3/10
YES YES, I know this one will be very controversial as it seems most people LOVE the art and it gets 10s from a lot of reviews, but this may have to be chalked up to everyone's personal taste. The colorful palette itself isn't bad, but the way they were executed is odd. Many 'lighting' scenes when you have ambient lighting shining through a window or a hall etc using a very harsh screen gradient to emphasize it. But not only is this gradient harsh, but there is a ton of contrast added, and way too much light and color bleeding. Not to mention contrasting color temperatures in a few panels. I'm also not a fan of the red lineart if it's going to be that thick
It's all very distracting, thus the low score. But as mentioned, this is purely subjective to the individual viewer. I suspect the style is going to be something you either absolutely love, or you hate. I am the latter.
Music - 5/10
Just very bland and boring. Even the particular soundtrack that plays during the 'big reveals' really could have been better (although, again, loved by the community)
Plot - Difficult to give one rating
Overall - 4/10
Considering it's a first season and what happens in the last couple of episodes, to start moving the gears of the world? 7-8/10
Plot moves a little slow but by the end you're starting to grasp how wide reaching this anime will actually be. So it's good as a starting season and I'd probably give an 7 or 8 due to the ending, but if isolating as a season as though no season 2 will ever see the light of day? Probably a 4
Conclusion - Tentative recommend if a 2nd season ever comes out. As a standalone, you won't miss anything.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 30, 2024
A great conclusion to season 1 of the anime(even though this is marked as a sequel)
In my review of season 1 I gave it a 7 due to a few issues, but I feel a lot of that was corrected in this movie as they used the season 1 as an introductory of sorts.
Animation 9/10
Animation is crisp and fluid following up on a strong showing in season 1
Music 10/10
Probably the best aspect of the series is the music. It gives Horizon Zero Dawn vibes at times and elevates scenes that might be 'good' into 'great'
Characters 9/10 (Hero and Villain)
In anime these days, a lot of villains are given backstory for you to empathize with them and none are 'truly' evil. The villain in this one has no redeeming qualities though and is just straight up evil narcissism. So you can hate him totally and feel no regrets, which I enjoyed
Female main lead continues to be the weak link in terms of characters but male lead stepped up a bit from first season in terms of interest and secondary female lead is a great character
Story 9/10 (Although as a standalone there wouldn't be much sense to it)
Definitely does not stand up as an individual piece as it's a conclusion in terms of overall story. If you did not watch the first season you would be totally lost, but considering its purpose IS to be that conclusion, I've given the rating as such
Overall 9/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 30, 2024
I'll preface this review by stating that even though I gave this first season a 9 in my personal list, I think as a critical review a 7(Good) is more accurate.
Ep 1-9 : 5/10
Ep 10-12: 9/10
The plot and pacing of the first 9 episodes are just okay. The first season of the anime is very slow, which wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that none of the information offered during the narrative building phase is remotely interesting and a lot would be irrelevant. I'm sure that the majority who watch this will forget what happened in the first 9 episodes by next
week and won't remember a single thing about the flora and fauna that so much time went into explaining.
It also felt as though there were no stakes at all and unrealistic. Even though anime is a great escape from the real world, there should be a bit of believability RELATIVE to the world in which the anime is set. As we see the main character's progression, there is no believability to it and how far they progressed considering how 'dangerous' the Abyss is.
The truth is, the female lead should have died by the 5th episode with her reckless actions
However, in its favor, there are many instances where little actions taken by the characters in certain instances are great storytelling and convey the correct emotions of trepidation
Characters: Overall 7.5/10
Mains - 4/10
Delayed introductions - 9
The main characters are pretty bland in themselves. The FLC comes across as reckless and immature. This is totally fine considering her age, although the lack of consequences mentioned in my 'Story' section does make this more frustrating. The MLC is neither here nor there.
There are a few characters introduced in the season however who are actually really interesting and have a bit more complexity.
Animation - 9/10
Sound - 10/10
The music is really great and helps to elevate certain scenes
Overall - 7/10
As I mentioned even though in my personal list I gave it a 9 due to the conclusion of the season being quite intriguing and well done, the overall season as a critical review really would be fine with a 7. That said, while my selection is of "Mixed Feelings" as a standalone season, the larger plot and continuance would probably have earned a "Recommended" if talking about the series as a whole
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 26, 2024
I'm going to assume the high rating for this anime is due to a lot of Light Novel readers who were already fans.
The truth is that this anime suffers what you would have seen from the many other 'Not Recommended' reviews in that, it is supposed to be a parody but presents as a full on power fantasy
The jokes aren't funny
And the main character is presented to be a schemer with some intelligence... yet he is never able to cast off his delusions and finally accept that the spade in front of him is, in fact, a spade. That's the only part that reads as
a parody, but rather than being done well, it just makes the character unlikeable and infuriating
The reason it gets a 5 is because the animation isn't bad itself and there are some waifu characters people enjoy. Otherwise I'd say a 3
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Aug 25, 2024
This will be against the grain compared to the general consensus in regards to this season, but the truth is, it is just okay.
The formula of the mysteries is really a simple Point A to Point B, very straightforward road, but then the author introduces pit stops going a scenic route and dragging the journey out. But the destination of Point B was never in doubt. In fact throughout the mysteries Point B is probably where your mind goes to initially, and then the MC throws in a bunch of other stuff to lead you off path... but then STILL ends up bringing you
back to Point B.
What it ends up being is a really straightforward answer, being convoluted with a bunch of extra unnecessary information AFTER you've already made your assumption.... only to lead you right back to that assumption. Really basic answers fluffed up with pseudo intelligence
Only real reason to watch is to see the relationship interactions of the MCs
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Aug 24, 2024
The more adult aspects and humor is a bit refreshing to see in a series, but that's about all the positives to this anime.
Probably the most negative aspect of the whole show, is the main character, Yukito. He's pretty unlikeable. Also his character is meant to be able to play the storyline's chess game with the main antagonist, but he could literally win at any time if he weren't stubborn.
Without spoilers, he can basically have the power of God at his fingertips if he'd just do one thing, and for whatever reason it keeps being brushed aside, which to me makes him a lot less
intelligent than he is supposed to be.
I watched the full season and gave it a 6. But if I were talking to someone who wanted to know if to watch, I'd tell them it's a 4 and to not waste their time
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 23, 2024
Not really sure how this Shoujo has such a higher rating than Snow White with the red hair, or Yona of the dawn.
Story 5/10
Usual episodic style with a spattering of continuance in there which is usually a fine formula. But the problem is that the episodes themselves are quite boring and actually a bit of a trudge sometimes. There are moments where it makes you feel like 'ah, now it's going to get good' and then plummets back to dull.
Art/Animation 4/10
Surprising this animation comes from the 2010's when the style (and humor, but I digress) seems like its from 1999
Characters 4/10
The more you get
to know Tomoe is probably the only interesting part and saving grace. Before getting his backstory he comes across as the generic 'tough love' style servant, but even as generic he is decently done. The rest of the characters though might as well be pieces of boiled pasta and you're trying to tell them apart.
Overall I'd give it a 4. In my personal list I gave it a 6 just because of those 'moments' I mentioned where I felt like this could be more, but as a review I think 4 is plenty as the anime itself is very boring. Especially as a love story because to be quite honest, this is pretty bad and really makes me wonder why on earth this is so highly rated. As though people rated it after the emotional payoff and not on the seasons as wholes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Feb 14, 2024
Really surprised there are so many not recommended verdicts for this series.
Is it a generic isekai progression? Sure. MC spends all season still testing his upper limits, so pretty much an origin season.
Is there anything super surprising? No it's about everything you expect in OP MC Isekai stories.
But, it was done in a way that was still enjoyable. And the thing that sets this apart from many others in the generic isekai genre, is the comedic timing. I thought it was gold. Maybe I'm just too corny. But there were many moments I burst out laughing out loud and thought it was great.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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