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Jan 20, 2023
after finishing episode 3 of Buddy Daddies and having a cuteness explosion, I decided to come here and write the infamous review.
First of all, I never watched/read SpyxFamily, only an episode and a few chapters, but I can clearly tell the similarities between the proposals, but in a deeper perspective, they have their differences.
EDIT: ok so naturally, as the episodes came out i watched and unfortunately this piece of work came to an end, and overall my point still stands. It's a good anime, watch it.
Story: 7.
It's pretty okay, the best part of it is getting to know more the characters and how people like
them are dealing with the sudden change in their live-or-die routine of having to take care of a child, I'm looking forward for the story and I'm curious about how it's gonna turn out. About the comparation with Spy x Family, the difference starts off from the fact that in one of them the plot is on purpose and in the other one it's totally accidental, so they don't look alike that much, but this is a Buddy Daddies review so forget completely about the other work. The anime so far doesn't have plot holes and it seems to be developing well, keeping some things a mystery and others not so then it's finally revealed the truth. It translocates from action to tranquility, from cuteness to sadness in a rather smooth way. It's the type of story that it can be tiring at some point, but not enough to give up from it, unless the genre and proposal of the anime is absolutely not your type.
Characters: 9.
They're nice. Each of the main characters have their own personality and worked backgrounds, even though watching only 3 episodes, it can't be said much, but it's clear that in the course of the episodes things will clear out, we'll know why character X is this way, why character X does this, and i'm sure it won't be a totally boring thing, and it will good enough for me to feel sympathy for the depth of the characters, for their past and ideals.
Visuals: 9.
There's nothing much to complain about the animation really, only some haha CGI here and there but it doesn't ruin the 2D experience and the anime in general.
Complaint: a detail that disappointed me a lot, was in a moment of action that the character just advanced while receiving several shots in his direction and none hit. The last time I saw this type of absurd was watching One Piece where the marine always misses every shot, which I already got used to it since they're totally irrelevant characters in irrelevant moments. But being for real, in the world of Buddy Daddies that there's no magic or powers, it makes so much nonsense that comes to be annoying, they could avoid this situation by, I don't know, make the character avoid the bullets or make him getting at least one shot in your shoulder, but no. Even if it's more comedic than really a serious matter, it could have been made different, or maybe i'm just pushing too hard, but this is a review so I had to talk about it.
Soundtrack: 8.
It's enjoyable! The opening and the ending have good music and the background music is just fine. At some points i'm reminded of Great Pretender music, maybe because of that 'wow crimes in action' vibe with some sax, and it's great, but anyway the music is okay!
Overall: 8.
i was debating with myself if it should be a 9 or 8, but i realized that the 9 would be too based in very personal aspects, and Buddy Daddies deserved an 8 more. Either way, it's a worth experience, it has their cute (mostly), funny, sad, action and serious moments, and i'm enjoying it so far, but it's still on episode 3, this rate could go up or down depending on how things develop, which i hope it gets even better and not worse.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 19, 2023
There aren't problems that can't be solved. There aren't obstacles that can't be passed.
A lot can be done with determination and hardwork. Mainly if you have those you love by your side.
Salad days has an extremely simple proposal worked with an incredibly deep meaning.
Story: 8
Used a cliche materia of ballerina x boxer to make something unbelievably more stupendous, emotional and sweet. Narrative simple with incredibly beautiful writing. The topic of doing what you want to do, being what you want to be. Follow your dreams and not let small things get in your way, remember you can always find a way to be happy. Those
who love you will accept you the way you are and support forever.
The story is a soft, super sweet, and rather slow burn love story, even though to be fair, Salad Days isn't exactly focused only in the romance of the main characters, to be precise it also focus on the characters themselves, their personalities, their feelings and their past, present and future. There are amazing and incredible cute couple moments, but the work is mainly focused on what I've said before, characters, their growth, their development, their dreams, the ballet, the boxe, and the ones who practice those arts, they all have emotions, they are all humans, and thats what the work is presenting to us, in the most beautiful way possible. I swear the script is amazing, I'm only not rating it better because it is really a simple story, and can easily not captivate everyone, because of how slow things go, and how it can be confusing at some point.
Characters: 9
I love the characters. There might not be a single relevant character that's not enjoyable. The main characters and the support characters all have their own development and character growth. They don't have a shallow background, they're worked at properly, and that's amazing, because us readers, don't necessarely will feel bored when the scene is not focused in the main characters, because Salad Days does the job of deepening a characters, their goals and their personality, making us create a real attachment to them because they're not just there to fill a blank space, but because they're relevant as characters of their own, something it's possible to feel after witnessing their good character development.
Art: 8
The artstyle fits the story because it passes off the vibe of softness and poetry, it's very beautiful. However, it's pretty simple, it doesn't have that many details, and the facial expressions of the characters are not totally satisfying. The thing that mainly saves the art is the coloring, the color palette used is divine, it's mostly because of it that I called it beautiful earlier, but it's not the most detailed piece ever, but there's not much to complain since the entire manhua is colored.
Writing: 10
Poetry in writing, the words simply are beautiful. Those specific moments in the story that it's used the best words that could be used to expressed the feelings the character is going through, or the thought they're having. Simply one of the best literatures I've seen with such good way of expression and amazing choice of words.
Overall: 9
I recommend to those who enjoy a cute and soft BL, to get cavities out of the sweetness and beauty of this manhua, and for those who simply are interested on reading a calm, and beautiful narrative in the free time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 12, 2023
Given is a drama story about a boy-band, their relationship with each other and all the problems that they go through.
My first experience with Given was watching the anime, I quickly became a fan of the characters and the story, so I decided to buy some volumes of the manga because i was pretty much interested. And God what knows how it was a good choice. Given offers such a good representation of mourning, the confusion about your own feelings, the issues within a toxic relationship, the feeling that you're not enough, the feeling of loneliness. All of this and more are gathered into this
one and only piece of work called Given presented in an amazing way with characters you start to sympathize the deeper and deeper you get into the story.
Story: 10.
As I just mentioned, the plot involves so many delicated topics with mastery, in a way that actually can make you feel, or at least barely understand what the characters are going through.
writing: 9.
I liked the choice of words in many times. Mainly the parts that include poetic ways to express a feeling, those are the best, making analogies and metaphors with music, voice, heart, turning the moment even more intense.
Characters: 10.
there are very good characters, not talking about my feelings for them, but their construction as a whole. Their background and personality is built and developed so well, and even though there might be some kind of "cliche" personality, they're still well written, deep and human. Their story share everything about them, everything they go through, all of their feelings, why they're like this, why they're like that, it's all so good and i'm so invested in all of them even if it's a character i'm not a huge fan. Mainly the main characters of course, as expected, they have much more development than the others, and even if they do are more deepened, some secondary characters have their moment, and it makes everything better because it doesn't turn into a shallow piece of work that we only get to know about the main characters, it shows us about the other ones that are part of the story, that are not there just because, and it just makes Given even more better.
Art: 10.
i love it. It's so beautiful. The artstyle of the author is simply divine. Of course this is my personal opinion. More broadly speaking, the panels know very well to express characters emotions, the scenes are well put in the dialogues, the background is also well done and it's not very confusing.
Overall: 10.
Do i even have much more to say? I was clear about how much i find Given a masterpiece and I simply love everything about it, the characters, the story, the dialogues, the sad moments, the happy moments, the funny moments, the only art moments, everything!
The manga is sensational and great for those who enjoy a drama, a romance and poetry.
Thanks for reading!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 10, 2023
I've started reading Shotgun Boy long ago while it was still on going and i totally forgot to keep going. But now I finally ended it and decided i should do a quick review about my opinion on it.
It had a huge expectation break for me, I started reading knowing absolutely nothing about it and got surprised about how things turned into. Not that I'm exactly complaining about, but i really kinda wanted it to be different.
The plot ends up being about monsters and it's totally connected with another work by the same authot Sweet home, which i currently didn't read, and I've seen people
saying It's amazing and it's much better reading it first, unfortunately that didn't happen to me, but we gotta keep going.
Seeing Shotgun Boy as a whole, I liked it. It was pretty enjoyable, entertaining enough for making me go through all chapters and look forward to read Sweet home that is it's sequel.
Art: 9
There is nothing to complain about, it's clean, well made, and i simply love the facial expressions. A good art behind any story makes it more satisfying to witness.
Characters: 7
There wasn't really any character depth, they were all OK and stuff but there was nothing to make me really feel enough attached to any of them, but as the sensitive and humble person I am I could still sympathize to them and feel bad if they died, but about deepness there isn't that much, the mc was OK, the antagonist was kinda boring and annoying to watch (the bully guy i forgot the name), Zero was nice, I liked the image he passed to us, so he's quite a good character to me, and all the others in my mind were like "OK, they're characters", nothing really that special. It's nothing that surprising coming from like, a side story for Sweet home that has only 69 chapters, so I'm not really disappointed, because even tho there wasn't THE character development the manhwa was still enjoyable.
Story: 8
It was nice, I liked the plot, the dialogues were great, the message was reflexive, it scaled really fast and unexpectedly from what was the start until the end that doesnt even seem the same story, a thing here and there that were kinda "???" But nothing that would ruin my experience.
Overall: 8.
I'm not the type to judge things very deeply, as it isn't that hard to satisfy me with an OK story, Shotgun Boy is a rather short and good experience, and I wouldn't really complain about anything in it, u should go for it, mainly if u already read the sequel, or if ou plan to.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 1, 2023
This is what this manga did to me through its chapters: it made me feel. I felt so bad, and happy, and glad and confused, and mainly I was invested in the story.
Haruka Tooki Ie is about 2 boys that went through a lot and decided to deal with it together.
The backstory of the characters itself isn't the most original thing, to be honest it, but i don't think the matter or the point is really the backstory, but how it's been told, how we can understand what the characters feel and empathize for them even if we didn't (or did) go through the
same they did.
I finished this in a very little amount of time, and in this short time I've went through more emotions that I've felt while watching entire movies. Another great point is the art, it's relaxing, it's beautiful, it's warm. It's so important for me to see what I'm reading, that's why I like comics and mangas in general, they make me go through way more feelings when I can SEE the information I'm absorbing (even though I'm pretty invested in books and novels as well).
As far as i'm not a professional into making critics and availing things, I realized there are no reviews of Haruka Tooki Ie, which makes more difficult for people to find interest on reading it, so I simply decided to make a review of my own of this short, dramatic and emotional piece of work, with what I feel from the bottom of my heart after reading it.
After all this useless speech I made, i think I should do a final review at least.
Story: 8
As I said before, some things are far from being original, but it's not like it was a problem at all, because it brings up unfortunately rather common problems that people could have gone through life, and it's developed in such a sad, dramatic and kinda beautiful way.
Art: 9
I dont have nothing to complain about it, the artstyle used to duo with the story of this manga is beyond beautiful.
Characters: 9
I think the main thing to be availed is the characters. The world goes around them, the story is about them and how people see them. I don't think there was really anything left to be added, there were few chapters but it was enough to show us the main characters and make us understand everything we needed about them, make us feel sorry about them, care for them.
Overall: 10
It might be just according to my very personal feelings, but for such a short story, the message it gave was way too big and it did the work that many similar on going pieces of work couldn't. Haruka Tooki Ie is definitely not for everyone, but I would recommend it to anyone interested on reflecting all of their life decisions and ideals, and crying for fiction that is mixed with reality.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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