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Jul 27, 2024
This is the most fast-facing thing I've ever seen in years. I could barely understand things as I was watching it but in the end I did.
I can only say the production, the ''cute drawings'', where my only motivation to keep watching, in fact.
The story is... I don't know, it's average.
The characters... they are your lifelong tsunderes. The dialogues are sometimes repetitive and I really can't take much from this movie other than it's cute boys doing cute things in such a flat story, but well...
This is meant to be a short review cause this was such a fast watch (almost 1 hour long) with
little to say that I can't take more than this to say.
Not recommended if you are looking for a nice BL watch.
Recommended if you want an eyecandy for a change, idk...
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 21, 2022
No, man, I don't want to have to watch Monogatari to ''get'' this, ok? That's a lame excuse from fans to convience people this has ''deep meaning'' cause it comes from ''deep author''.
This anime fails in every aspect for me. It's boring, the stories are overly complex (and stupid) just for the sake of it. I didn't get anything from watching this.
Yes, yes, ok, maybe not my kind of show, ok? but even for a casual this is 0% watchable and that's my main complain about this series.
The visuals and shots are the only thing that's quality here, the rest? plain boring.
I can't even write
a proper review cause I didn't get anything from watching it, seriously... but I wanted to say something for those +8 reviews spitting all kind of ''Monogatari'' or ''Nisio Isin''stuff.
And no, this is no my first show of that author, I actually like Katanagatari a lot and I didn't have problems with it (chapters are 40 min lengh and all...).
If you like this series, good for you, but DO NOT RECOMMEND JUST BECAUSE YOU LIKED IT because not every anime is for everyone.
I repeat DO NOT WATCH THIS if you are not actually interested in any aspect it may offer, this is NOT a casual watch. This is not the kind of animes to go for blinded, otherwise you'll find yourself bored like me most probably.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 2, 2022
Hi, everyone! Welcome to another review! **Note that this was written at two different 'stages' while I was watching the anime**.
This is what I wrote having watched 4 episodes and I believe I will sustain my POV until the end:
As a rap battle IRL enjoyer, I actually found this anime immediately disappointing. I expected the bands from the opening to encounter and actually DOING a rap battle but this is rapping against bad guys one-sided; hence where's the battle? If you want to watch this because you like rap battles, then take that into account cause you're not getting anything until the end I guess.
story is so bad and stupid imo. I really don't care about what happens. I feel it's overly complicated to follow and I sense they made it that way to make it look 'serious' and/or 'cool'.
There's no need for a story here, get a bunch of guys rap and that's it. I also don't understand why this anime isn't categorized as comedy because it stars off with a funny premise. Maybe they should have gone that way and it'd be much better imo.
I really liked the designs of the speakers, they are really cool, I did enjoy that. The desings of the characters are basic and stereotyped, the only one I found appealing was Ramuda as most people according to the number of favourites/likes it has in this site and also some friends that I know that like the series.
Voice Actors make a good job rapping and talking is ok. Ramuda particularly sticks out for obvious reasons and I don't find him annoying tbh.
I wish I could have enjoyed the rapping scenes more because it was either choosing to read the lyrics in the subtitles or watching the animation so it was very tiring to have to stop to read the stupid lyrics and miss the visuals. Ah, yes, the lyrics suck most the time, you don't really care or feel the losing side are getting 'owned' and there's no memorable punchline, which is something that rap specially stands out over other genres.
I liked the OP and EDs, specially I sometimes sang along the OP when it gets to the part that goes ''Hypnosis action ends corruption...'' till the end. I would cut some bits of the opening song but that's about my taste and all the guys styles had to be shownso I don't mind it.
In short, this anime is eye-candy (not a really good one if you ask me) and cool. Just a product to sell merch, promote the Android game, etc, with no real substance and that's very fine. It comes from Japan, after all...
If you like this anime, that's perfect, but unfortunately I found other eye-candies with actual stories that are interesting to me so I know it's possible to combine those and make a decent piece of work at the very least (*Kuroshitsuji cough cough*), nor to say a Masterpiece (*Pandora Hearts cough cough*).
I will force myself to finish the anime because I believe there's gonna be a rap battle in the end and that's what I'm looking forward rn: a direct confrontation from the bands in the arena (which, very probably, will end as a draw of some kind or be interrupted as for fans not to kill each other over who was the winner).
Now that I finished the anime I have to correct myself that indeed there was a winner in the end. But not that it matters so much.
Still the plot was really boring, a lot of lack of info, no sense in the antagonists actions, things that came up of nowhere, no building, no nothing. The only way to enjoy the anime is to watch it completely brainless and not paying attention to what's really happening. Other than that, you'll feel either fatigued after a chapter, or two tops.
Anyways, I don't care too much to even discuss aaaalll the details that made this a bad anime.
I wish ALL the anime was like episodes from 8 to 11 because that's what I was aiming and I DO like the songs but well, guess they couldn't resist the urge to make an edgy story to this. Man, I even feel bad because this COULD have been a really good anime... T_T.
I do not recommend to watch this to be completely honest unless you are very young and didn't watch a lot of animes cause you're gonna get mentally tired when the anime tries to explain itself.
If you're interested in the OST or the battles, just watch them on YouTube (I should have done that).
4.5 out of 10, extra .5 'cause I'm comparing this to Basquash and it's slightly better just for the songs.
Well, that's it! I hope you enjoyed reading my review. Bye-bye~ ^^/
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 18, 2021
I'm writing this review because this shows truly deserves it. I feel I discovered a hidden gem here.
Judging by its looks, you could say it's just your normal, average shonen anime from 2010's but once you step into the Opening, you encounter the sad but determined faces of three kids. That first glance impressed me: I knew this wasn't going to be just a silly action with some comedy series but a drama-charged one.
Story: (8.5/10)
To be short and not repeat synopsis, the story and the world is very original even though I could relate it in some way with Digimon (''monsters'' and kids jumping into
another ''world''). It centers around the drama of the Earth being endangered by the disappearance of the elements. If you actually pay attention to it, you'll see it's focused more in the political rather than social aspect which can be a little tiring for some people but me, who doesn't like and gets bored easily about it too, it doesn't feel heavy and I felt engaged with it. This anime wants you to take it seriously and succeeds. It also surprises you as it goes deeper into the plot. When you get to chapter 27... oh, Lord!. I also REALLY appreciate when every little detail is explained and the characters ask the same questions as you do while watching.
I actually want to make this short for you to finish reading it and go watch this if you feel like it so:
Art: It's ok, sufficient, average: your usual animation. It delivers, the characters are somewhat alike but you can tell them apart at least so, ok.
Sound: the OST hasn't got a big repertoire but again this is just ok. I'm not the kind of person that pays extra attention and NEEDS A FUKING EPIC OST to like an audiovisual but I can say what's true and this is what it is. Again ok, they could have put more effort and variety on the Inserts but I'm just happy with Chiaki's Opening and the Ending is really catchy and I love those kind of kid songs!
Characters: The development of charas in this anime is something I didn't expect for a kids show. I thought this would be just another anime with archetypes and plane charas doing their things. I was wrong.
I liked them all over the time! I loved Ally! The kids all grew on me and I'm still impressed cause it's usually not the case in PG-13. I could even handle the Idol before they show her story, lol.
Enjoyment and Overall: This show is a really nice surprise for me I still can't believe how enjoyable it is. I thought 39 episodes would be an eternity but I actually wanted to keep watching until the end almost daily. The first episodes are a little boring but once Ren-tachi meet Ally-tachi the story gets better 'cause they start showing what this anime is really about. If you have the patience to get to chapter 10-11, you won't regret it unless you are a really picky person.
7 out of 10 at least if you're not a big fan but a personal +1 bonus for Chiaki's OP and Ash Potato's ED and the nice surprise it gave me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 16, 2021
This is only a Recap from the first season so it's good to watch after many years if you want to refresh your memory or you're an anime completionist like me.
It takes content from episodes 1 to 13 as said in the synopsis so it's not full of information. I wish this recap were from the 24 episodes but maybe they don't do it cause it'd be too long, idk.
Although it's skippable I'm writing this because I found interesting how a recap from 2009 tells you that this story won't have a happy ending (it's Dec 2021 and the manga is still on).
I'd suggest
a watch to fans just for those short phrases Tanaka says about the ending.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 16, 2021
Ok, so I read ALL the reviews on this here (except for the long one cause I was both lazy and anxious to give my own point of view) and I'm glad we all as society grew up and started finally seeing rape as it is. But, come on.
Nah, I'm not judging and I'm not writing this at rage (I was actually gonna start differently before reading them and I wanted so see if I watched the same movie as everyone else, if you know what I mean) but I think that being progressist about it is ruining a scene that I liked because
I laughed my ass off on the dialogues. I, as well, felt a bit weird about that scene, I'm not gonna hide it, but I personally don't mind at all cause I take it as just fiction and in real life I know it's wrong.
If you really, really are gonna take a cartoon so seriously, I'd say either don't watch or skip as said below me (but why would you start watching something just to skip it at the end?). Anyways, let's start.
I really don't have anything new to say that's not been said before, I actually wanted to make my point up there xD but I'll write some more things I liked about this movie for you to understand my rating.
- Kunieda is so relatable, I liked having those doubts about himself and his career, it's really normal to have those kind of questions. I laughed a lot with him being so hysterical (yes, I like tsunderes) and double-faced. His voice actor made an splendid and outstanding job and I can see we are all agree about it.
- Tsuzuki is okay but he has great lines sometimes that also made me laugh a lot to think that he was damned right but in the ''wrong way''.
I also agree that Kunieda's career felt a filler and bored me at the beggining but that didn't take very much screen time to be fair and I actually liked that final post-credit scene, I felt they took charge of every little thing presented in the movie and had a nice conclusion (and also an opening to another movie, maybe?). It's a shame the art is not as cute as the LN.
The story is the most typical and normal thing in BL/Yaoi: the uke being tsudere about the seme and having doubts because #homo and encountering in the most convenient way possible to rush a short story, which I personally didn't mind at all cause I didn't feel it was a bother. Nothing you've never seen before though.
Then why did I rate a 9? Well, I can't put 8.5 and I wanted to give a higher note cause nothing I've seen lately made me laugh so hard with only simple dialogues and also it had a little phonetics lesson and I love phonetics and phonology so this rating is purely subjective to my own tastes and I guess I'm in a good mood. I really liked this movie, simple as that.
If I had to be as objective as possible this is a plain 7/8 cause the story and charas are really normal but it is consistent at the very least with almost everything it has (trust me, I've seen much worse OVAs that lead to nowhere and have zero sense AND also raping scenes, so...). But a 9 fits cool to ME for the reasons said above and I also like to troll a bit sometimes xD.
I do recommend to watch this. I have a feeing that over time it's gonna become a classic like Junjou/Sekaichi series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 27, 2020
I watched this because I love Buck-Tick and I just found out that this existed. I could only find the Victor Entertainment's videos on Youtube but can't seem to find the 10-min HAL video for now...
Anyways, there's no much to say about the short videos, they are previews/demos/trailers to promote HAL's project with B-T as guests. They last 1 min each so if you're curious go check them out, at least good music is guaranteed ;)
My favourite short was the one with the little puppet (Guernica no Yoru) walking in an apocalyptic stage. The first Episode (Hikari no Teikoku) is the weirdest, it cuts abruptly
but I don't mind as I was not expecting anything in particular. Then the second video, Babel, you can see a gigantic hand trying to reach/hit what I believe it's the moon? Idk.
Anyways, the videos are not outstanding (only exception is Guernica, that tries to tell a story at least) but do yourselves a favour and go check the music at least ;)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 14, 2020
Ok, so, I was checking again on these OVAs and animes I watched back 10 years ago and I remembered this was average-garbage but I decided to re-watch this to make sure my memories were alright about this.
I wanna write this mostly cause I saw a lot of 10's in some reviewers. I didn't read the reviews but seriously, I'm sure they are just trolls so don't go for that score, please. Trust me, a 5 is the fairest score objectively speaking (I really, really mean it). Other than that, it's just a troll score.
I'm gonna go with the bad first and then the good,
Basically, you're not missing ANYTHING you MUST watch before you die. Just skip it and be happy. Unless you are new to anime and you're like 15 years old (the age and condition I watched this for the first time), you are going to get REALLY bored and you're probably gonna check how much time left there's to end it...
First OVA you got a cringy girl called Mai claiming herself as Santa and the main chara who's called Santa cause he was born on Dec 24th + shitty parents, so there you go. Anyways, the comedy is based on word-plays about anything called San- in japanese and main chara watching Mai naked because that's how comedy works in Japan back then in 2000's mostly.
Second OVA idk what happens cause I'm thinking about watching like 5 minutes and then just move on to something else in my life but it's a beach episode, so, for veterans in anime I don't have to explain what an average beach episode consists of but for newcomers I will say it's pretty much the same from first ova but set in a beach... There you go.
The good stuff (?)
This is NOT the worst thing I've ever seen in my life, this is just average: music, chara designs... everything about it is taken from the same old recipe Japanese animators are known to use in these kind of short videos. But!! and this is the thing that's the best from this story: it's cute, ok? not WOW but cute enough for young people enjoy, I guess, AND it has a point to make and I'd say it's a cool one. Bare in mind this is for young people so if you're like in your 20's or even less you're not gonna get life-revealed.
Yes, the narrative is clumsy and everything happens REALLY rushy about chara relationship growth but it had to be done in 2 episodes. It's straightforward and easy to understand. It has coherence at least and you don't get that every time in these kind of productions. And also this feels like they wanted to make it kinda educational for those kids who are losing hope to Christmas Spirit and to reinforce the idea of being a good and emphatic boy/girl if your parents are not there for you, there must be a reason which is ''more important''. I didn't feel it was a toxic message cause I don't care enough to take this OVA too serious... (and you, too, shouldn't). Silly message but they tried to make sense out of it and for me, it worked... I wouldn't even ask much to begin with (and, again, you, too, shouldn't).
To sum up: this is an average in every way possible animation with a fine story about a boy who's always alone in Christmas cause that's how Japanese parenthood works and this cringy girl comes up to try to make him happy. Again, not the best story ever, but the only thing I ask in anything is COHERENCE and this has it.
Hope you enjoyed reading this ^^
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 26, 2020
I watched this series back in high school (like 10 years ago) cause a clingy friend asked me to and as I'm filling MAL from 0 to Z I had to add it, of course... Man, I think this is actually the first time I put 1 to an anime and I can't believe myself cause I really don't like to put a 1 in something I invested time...
I'm gonna put a 3/10 to art cause there's definitively worst art than this and sound could be a 2 or a 10 but idk and don't care either.
I'm not gonna talk about this anime cause
I seriously can't remember anything about it other than being so so so soooo appalling bad, so you can skip my review and read another one with technical details on it. I will base my review on another aspect which I consider it's the most important while making a production of any sort: resistance.
Ok, for me, anything that's considered good has to resist in time and this surely didn't: I can't recall ANYTHING from this other than the title. No chara, no story... anything. I had to read the summary just to check! And I was sure I did watch it! And if this anime would have engaged me in any way, I surely would remember even if it passed a million years ago, like I still and always will do with my beloved 20th Century Boys masterpiece.
That's the difference between good and bad execution.
I highly recommend to everyone on planet Earth NOT to watch this!!! It's a total waste of your time you should be investing on studying or watching another anime which is actually good. Those 13 episode-time in your like are never gonna be back again.
Go watch FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood instead, or read 20th Century Boys. Do yourselves a favor ;) and if you did watch/read them, go watch/read again. Then send me a Friend Request and we can talk ages about them :)
If you do decide to try my words on this, it's totally ok, but don't say we didn't warn you... XD (jk)
Hope you enjoyed at least reading this (? bye bye.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 26, 2020
I gonna be completely honest here, it's 6:04 am, I was bored and I'm not gonna spend more than 90 seconds to write this cause I already spent them watching this bizarre thing.
Out of curiosity while making my MAL list I found this bizarre thing and as it was short I just click cause it was easy. Nevermind, I thought I could get something from it but this is gonna be a thing Imma use to troll people. Time's up! 2 minutes have passed :c mum, I failed you D:
PD: oh m8 I had to write a longer review? ok, hum... hey, you know
what's white and black then red, black and white, then red, then red, then red... It's a penguin rolling from a mountain and dying slowly. Didn't like it? Me neither, while watching this messed up thing XD
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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