TLDR: This is one of the worst anime I have seen in a long long time. it's not even mid, it's just plain bad. I don't recommend watching this for any reason, none of the characters are interesting, the dialog is comically bad, the plot doesn't make sense and is about as consistent as a five year old's rendition of what they did yesterday. The only good thing about this anime is the opening song and you can look that up on youtube.
Character design is just stupid. and the animation is mostly still frame with blurred lines or zoom outs/close ups. I can't think of
Jul 26, 2023
Recommended Well-written ![]() Preliminary
(64/? chp)
This is my first review I have written after lurking on this site for almost 10 years, so if it's not formatted correctly or whatever, oh well. I figured this manga deserved a review, so I'll give you my thoughts.
~Story 8 ~Character 8 ~Art 9 ~Overall enjoyment 9 First starting with the story. This manga isn't unique, or really ground breaking in it's story. But the thing is, it doesn't have to be. Depending on how it is executed and developed as it progresses, it could be pretty generic but still good. A good example would be Jujustu Kaisen, it's a good series even though practically everything ... in it is just little bits of other stories. At this point we can't really expect super unique plots and plot devices in shonen. (is that too cynical? idk) This doesn't keep the author from being creative to keep things feeling unique though. That's what i feel like Gachiakuta has a lot of, not just with the art but also in how the author chooses to tell a story that could seem bland on the surface. The pace of the story I found to be a little janky at times, some places slow, some places fast, but it had the right amount of hooks to keep me reading, and it had the right amount of explanation to keep things clear and understandable. It finds its footing I would say around chapter 30. At that point I was very invested in the different mysteries that the author keeps developing. Next, the characters, or more specifically the characterization. I think this is one of Gachiakuta's strongest areas. We have our main character Rudo. By the first chapter we see the motives that will drive him throughout the story. And they arent your typical shonen motivations. Maybe minor spoiler warning (but seriously, it's the first chapter) he declares that he's going to kill everyone in his town, including the crush that betrayed him because of how badly he was treated. Then he gets yeeted into the trash abyss where they dump all the society's trash (human, stuff, things, whatever they think is worthless now) As opposed to the generic, "good guy" who despite the all the trauma in their life, they are forgiving and would never be so depraved, I appreciate to see a more normal way trauma and betrayal affects and twists people. We can see hints of the grayness of the character in the beginning but i think it does begin to shine a little later on. (i won't give any specifics to spoil it but seriously, sometimes it's nice to see characters get what they deserve instead of being forgiven just like that) You don't learn much about the supporting characters and their motivations till much later, but even still we do still get a sense of who they are right at their introductions. There's also little bits sprinkled in here and there to let you know there is more to the character, there is a reason they act a certain way or do things a certain way. It just takes a little patience which I can see could be a con for some, but if you stay with the story I think you will be rewarded. The author may be a novice, not having been in charge of full manga before, but i think they are capable of handling the cast of characters. and it's actually a pretty big cast. Some characters have not really been introduced past surface level still (as of chapter 64) , really most of them haven't, but given time i do have faith that the important ones, and even just more side characters will be fleshed out. One thing that I appreciate about this manga, that despite being a shonen manga, it treats its cast, whether female or male, with respect (as opposed to other manga *cough fairy tail cough*). The females don't have to be saved constantly, and aren't just there for fanservice, and to boot they are actually super cool. (that's just a side note as a fellow female who feels like all the cool characters in shonens are just the dudes and girls just have to be 1. saved 2. have their clothes blown off or 3. be a love interest. I just appreciate it when there's females who are actually written as capable characters and who have their own motives). anyway moving on Something surprising to me is that this series gets dark. Very dark, very quick. And that's another thing I appreciate from a series: not being afraid to tread into dark topics. Not to give any spoilers, but there is a scene of child trafficking and of r***. I think that could be something that could turn some people off of the story but honestly, it was handled very well and I appreciate authors who are willing to go into the darker topics. I think that this series has a lot of potential to be a good social commentary on the prejudice people have towards those who are deemed villains, and not just being an edge fest for the sake of shock factor like some other series *cough akame ga kill cough* The art, for me, is sometimes a little hard to follow on first glance based on how dynamic it is, and the style is also a little bit ... too stylized?? sometimes but that's my personal taste, it did grow on me after the first few chapters. It is definitely well drawn though. The character designs are cool and the characters actually look like their own people, not just different eye and hair color.The background art, the graffiti (which there is an actual graffiti artists who helps with it!) the fights, it is all really amazing . Like I said, some things are a little confusing at first glance which is why i think an anime adaptation would suit it well. The fights have a lot of potential and if the choreography was treated with the same care as the Soul Eater adaptation for example, it has several contestants for fight of the year. (I mean there's a frickn character that uses her legs to wield frickn scissorblades like the ones from Kill la Kill, if that isnt badass i dont know what is) I enjoyed this manga. I felt like something was different from the first chapter and the characters grew on me quickly. (Heck, at this point, as long as the MC isn't a total twat like most shonen MCs that's a win for me) If the characters are written well, the art is pretty sick, and the story is well executed, then does it really matter if there are similarities between other big titles? To me no. It's always been about how the characters are written and developed and with this manga I'd give them a 9/10. Personally the respect the author gives to the audience is always important to me. And that's what this author gives you. They don't over explain things and have people on the side lines explaining what's going on just in case your dumbass missed it for the eighth time. They don't have people's clothes being ripped off at every and any opportunity. They don't have characters being stupid for the sake of moving the plot. Like I said at the beginning, plot points are a little generic such as he's found and recruited by a "magic" organization to fight evil monsters, there's a magic system, and of course he has a pretty strong ability because he's the MC. But I am intrigued about where the author will take this story. It has a lot of potential. I'd say give it a shot.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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