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Mar 2, 2016
Do you have a dream? Do you know somebody with a dream? Now tell me this: Do you believe that a dream can be accomplished if effort becomes an ingredient in the story that is your life? Hoshimiya Ichigo certainly has a case for any doubters of this theory. Who is Ichigo you ask? Hoshimiya Ichigo is a normal girl like numerous young girls who watch this in Japan. Hoshimiya Ichigo is a normal though animated human like all of my readers. Hoshimiya Ichigo had a dream and with effort, turned her scoop into a mic. Hello readers, this is Aikatsu.
Aikatsu is an anime that
began airing in Japan in October 2012 and swiftly became a marketing hit among young girls and even older male otaku. It ran until March 2016 and would soon be replaced by Aikatsu Stars!. Though, what exactly was the reason behind the success of such an anime? Honestly speaking, it was likely many different things that helped leap Aikatsu's popularity, though what really made it special was the market value it offered and characters that were all able to shine in amazing forms. If you have stuck around this long, allow me and my assis...
Yurika-Sama: May you get on with the review? Unless you want me to suck your blood?
Very well, Yurika-Sama. Aikatsu begins with Ichigo's best friend Aoi suggesting our heroine that they tryout to earn a place in the very prestigious Idol academy known as "Starlight Academy". Starlight Academy is a famous academy in the world of Aikatsu and Aoi herself who adores all things idols very much believes their time has come. Can an uncertain Ichigo believe in herself enough to pass an audition and join in the ranks of idolhood? Upon meeting Mizuki who is acclaimed as the most popular idol known currently, Hoshimiya decides to take the leap in the process changing her life forever. Now, my second assistant will help me critique the anime fairly and as accurate as possible.
Aoi Nee-San: Now that was something special! Though, was Aikatsu as special?
Well, Aoi. I honestly need to admit that Aikatsu is a very flawed anime that could of been great and an instant classic! While Aikatsu was certainly above average for sure and proved a long running idol anime could work, the anime seemed to really struggle at different points of its famous run. If it was starting bland with very ugly CGI or a horrible executed fifty one episode second season that introduced less interesting characters that caused just uprising characters to fade into a role of become sideline catchphrase characters. Sadly, a girl known by the name of Otome really never recovered from what I witnessed and even an attempt to keep her relevant felt lackluster compared to the character who had the throne before her. Avoiding spoilers, it was a pity. Aikatsu also had struggles later on and at times had art that was really nothing amazing. Actually, it was even trash at times. Though despite my criticism, Aikatsu really did shine in certain areas as wel-
Yurika-Sama: Did you even like our 170+ episode anime?
Aoi Nee-San: Personally, I thought it was very special!
Letting me finish girls, yes I did enjoy the vibrant world that was Aikatsu. It had a fantastic cast of characters and is entertaining despite the flaws. It also has fantastic music and is certainly a must watch for fans of idol anime. Though, if you fail to enjoy anime that are dragged on or that can be called cute, avoid Aikatsu. Also, did I mention that the voice cast will be returning for Aikatsu Stars? So, if you enjoyed the VA for Aikatsu then you'll likely be pleased at the news!
Yurika-Sama: By the way, what is your opinion on me?
Best girl.
Yurika-Sama: W-Wha?
Anywho. Thanks for reading. Let's all.....
Akari: You barely discussed me...
Listen, future watchers won't want to be spoiled! You are amazing, no fear. Anyway...
Me with Yurika, Aoi and Akari: Lets all Aikatsu!
Overall: 6.3
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 10, 2016
ALL ABOARD! PriPara is a popular children's television show in Japan and quite honestly a gem that has gone under the radar for anime fans on here and elsewhere. As a PriPara fan, I was stoked to hear it was getting a movie in 2015! Now, before attacking this movie and adding it to your completed list, please note you should watch the first 38 episodes of PriPara to grasp what's going on and who the cast of PriPara is and watch Pretty Rhythm for the complete feels effect! While the movie lacks in the story presence and mostly fills the void with
recycled music, it certainly succeeds in bringing a smile to your face! Hey, isn't that the point of children's tv? The art was a major step up from the series, though the animation was off at certain moments. Though, expection visual perfection from PriPara is nonsense in itself! Speaking of nonsense.....
Refraining from spoilers, there was a time PriPara recycled the same dialogue four times with the same scene added in! Lack of imagination and nearing nonsense, but its understandable looking at how the scene played out. The characters came off as flat to me and they weren't as exciting when compared to the actual show, though the return of- *cough* watch it yourself to find out!
If I reviewed this on a critic level, it'd get a "3". Though, being a kids movie and enjoyment the main element I use for this genre, it gets a "7". Its a fun ride, just a sloppy one!
Thanks, Doki!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 1, 2015
Before I write my review on Venus Project Climax, please note if you disagree with anything I type out and want to have a friendly debate about the review and/or different opinions, feel free to leave a comment on my profile and I will respond as soon as possible. I find it a shame you cannot find my review not helpful if you found it unhelpful, but blame the folks who decided to abuse the system. Anyway, this is my review of Venus Project Climax!
VPC was an anime full of cliches seen in anime for at least twenty years such as ecchi and
the main character is an unstoppable force that is greater than anyone else who tries to rival him/her! VPC was also an anime that had some pacing issues due to only having six episodes worth of material and also suffered from a somewhat bland set of characters. Well, I strongly believe Ruka is miles ahead than the complete VPC roster, though we'll leave that to opinion. Yes people, VPC is flawed! Heck, it may be more flawed than a majority of the anime this season alone. Though, what of it? Do flaws automatically mean you will trash a show and say it is indeed shit? Shall I be a sheep and hate on VPC due to its obviously bad for mal standards rating? I know! Want me to justify loving this anime and call it a guilty pleasure!? Well, I just will not do that. I loved VPC. Actually, allow me to take it just one step further. VPC is officially in my top twenty-five and my AOTS. I have already admitted that VPC is flawed and understandable if those flaws have caused you to really dislike the anime, but allow me to come out and say that the anime also had numerous positives and they heavily out-weighed the negatives, some of them being spoilers so I will refrain from listing them all.
VPC had a very unique tackle on the Idol genre (..even if it really is not a genre) and had my glued to my screen the entire time. I even believe this could of been a very memorable anime for fans of the medium if it had stronger world building and more episodes. With that said, the story itself is likely a hit or miss for most as a lot of people will find the flaws distracting from the anime itself, but I am sure there is at least one other fan on mal who really enjoyed what VPC offered in every department. The art and sound were fine, nothing special and nothing worth going depth in. Hey, I am NOT being lazy. Just, is there a point to discuss something that has no placed to be discussed? The art is fine as I said and the music is not really great, but is in no way distracting.
The characters..... ah yes the bland characters with bigger bust than personality! Though, let me make one thing clear. Ruka is a character I admire more than anyone in all of anime and she is by the best VPC offers in the character department. Ruka has a mysterious vibe to her, but as the anime drifts on and exposes more plot besides the boobs, you learn to accept her. Well, I admired her. Though, as I stated before I will refrain from posting spoilers so you all can enjoy the anime yourself. By the way, I just claimed Ruka as my new waifu! Haha yes, before anyone else! Stat wise, I am the only user on mal who has her as my top character in all of anime! Please note that nobody will ever own Ruka except me no matter what you try! I am her biggest fan and added her as my top favorite first, after all. Wow, I am deeply pathetic, but anyway besides Ruka, the cast is pretty bland.
My enjoyment for VPC was pretty high. Not as high as masterpieces such as Aria or Cowboy Bebop, but really high anyway. With all that said, most of my review focused on the negatives. Though, the positives and what this anime meant to me made it a masterpiece for me. How can such a flawed anime be a masterpiece you say!? Well, it just is #deal. Check it out if you want. You may not enjoy it as much as I did, but it is worth trying.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 5, 2015
For an anime that labels itself as "Trinity Seven", I never actually believed the substance or quality of the anime itself was ever that of a seven or higher and saw it as a fine anime with cute girls though lacked something very important to be considered a good show. I decided to approach this OVA with mixed opinions and then put the thought "will this anime impress me"? Well, I can admit at this moment that I strongly believe that this OVA alone surpassed the anime itself in every aspect except the story since this episode was just a way to show off the
bodies of the Trinity Seven women with a small continuation of the current story right at the end which makes me believe a second season is at least in the consideration process so fans at least can be delighted to know a chance of a new season does exist.
The sole reason I enjoyed this OVA heaps more than the actual show is because it just felt "right". As odd as that may sound, please hear me out~! The show was fine and not anything bad and is better than various other harems, but it felt lackluster in both comedy and this was a case I wanted less story and more ecchi and comedy routines, just as this OVA did really well. The comedy hit home and the characters interested me more for that very reasons. Though, if you aren't a fan of ecchi/harems and feel anime boobies ruin anime then skip the series and this. We all have our opinions and you deserve yours!
If you're a Trinity Seven fan: Watch this.
If you're an ecchi fan: Watch 1st season and then this.
If you hate harems: Skip Trinity Seven
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 30, 2014
Sword Art Online is a phenomenon. Personal opinion aside, Sword Art Online's status as an iconic anime in the anime industry is an undeniable fact. Why is this? Is it due to the outstanding story Sword Art Offers? Rather, have you ever met an anime fan who has not at least heard of this stigma? The success of Sword Art Online and how known it is actually goes deeper than quality or how well the story was executed, the stigma itself rose to new heights due to the demand for video game type of plots and the conflicting entities that surround this work.
Join Kirito,
Asuna and company in a journey in the dangerous RPG known as Sword Art Online. Grab a few potions, and happy sailing. This is, Sword Art Online:
Before I get into the review I really should come out and admit my opinion on this piece of work before getting ahead of myself. I truly did not hate Sword Art Online. I thought the series itself was nowhere near the level of hate it often receives from an almost cringe worthy fanbase. While I cannot deny Sword Art Online's execution and story was not amazing and it really didn't offer anything great that other anime have offered better, though the remarks calling it the worst anime ever are unbelievably not accurate. Rather, if this is the worst anime ever created then anime's position as a medium is really secure. On the flip side, Sword Art Online was not a masterpiece. Actually, I'd say it did more wrong than it actually did right. The story of entering a video game and being in danger of death or injury is NOT original nor unique. Though, I feel like out of all the titles I've seen of a person or persons getting trapped in virtual reality, Sword Art Online's success may just be the highest on the totem pole. Meet Kirigaya Kazuto, or Kirito. Kirito is a fourteen year old who considers himself a solo player meaning he usually doesn't join guilds or participate with other players. Though, that does change as the season goes on. Upon meeting a colorful cast and Asuna, Kirito joins the fight and tries to survive this deadly game. Can the love between Kirito and Asuna blossom into something great? Will the two survive the deadly RPG? If you have the HP to find out, give the series a shot.
This is where Sword Art Online shined for me. The soundtrack of Sword Art Online was able to assist me chugging through some poorly executed episodes that I felt could of been executed better with more effort brought forth. While not every episode was bad, some of them only shined with the soundtrack presented or the characters that surround this franchise. Plus, the opening of Sword Art Online is truly amazing. It gets you pumped, wanting more. You begin getting the song in your head hoping it won't be forgotten quickly. If anything, Sword Art Online's soundtrack deserves some praise. It was in fact, good.
While not all were great, the characters in Sword Art Online were fine. Kirito was not an amazing main lead, though he gets the job done when you look at what this series presents itself as. Asuna started off really great, though I felt like she lost a lot of spark when she began to depend on Kirito and his assistance like we've seen in other anime. Personally, Rika shined the most. I felt like her character was the best Sword Art Online offered, though characters comes down to personal opinion and how you feel for the character. I wouldn't be shocked if you loved every character that surrounds this stigma, though disliking every character is also not a void opinion.
Did I enjoy Sword Art Online? Well, yes and no. I'm in the minority, but the second arc for me saved Sword Art Online because I felt due to how it was handled, plot holes were far less existent and Suguha was my second favorite character of the anime. I was less bored of the anime overall when it hit that point, though the first arc's final episodes were pretty fun. I'd say overall, Sword Art Online's enjoyment was a 6/10. Not great or really all that good, but a fair rating for an anime that was enjoyable when it was good, but ugly when it wasn't doing well.
Should you watch this? Well, yes. I'd say watch it for the experience and the easy to approach story. It isn't great, but it was a pretty interesting idea that may of been executed better if handled differently. If you do watch it, try not to be sucked in and get addicted, you may just end up like Kirito.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 29, 2014
Friendship and miracles. Most have them, some treasure them, though four tell a story of them.
Natsuiro Kiseki shocked me in all honestly. People have told me this series was average, weak characters, could get corny. Well, a miracle happened everyone. After finishing this series, I could feel chills around my body that was once experienced by having the pleasure of watching Aria the Origination. Natsuiro Kiseki is a gem, a gem that will be forgotten by the majority if not already, but for me it will be a long lasting memory, a memory much like the four girls in Our Summer Color Miracle had
through hardships and bonds. This is Natsuiro Kiseki, a Summer Colored Miracle:
Right away, Natsuiro Kiseki drew me in. It has an opening that I'd say is one of my favorites of all time and it had a feeling of greatness. The story of friendship is honestly not a new theme, but it is also very relatable. Through our lives, we make friends and sadly we lose friends. No, you haven't clicked on the Anohana page by mistake because this is exactly what the story of Natsuiro Kiseki is, a story of friendship. Meet Natsumi, Yuka, Rinko Saki. Natsumi is best friends and next door neighbors with Saki and is also gifted in Tennis. Yuki is an enthusiastic girl who loves idols and is best friends with Rinko. Rinko is the reserved type who has a recipe for a great future when you look at her. Saki also is great at Tennis, though is forced to move away from her friends once the Summer comes to an end. Though, it develops into one crazy summer when the four friends are forced to say goodbye and even crazier when they stumble across a stone that contains the power to grant miracles to those and touch and wish for them. Saying goodbye is painful, but saying goodbye is needed for that moment to become a memory. Memories themselves are miracles, miracles of life.
The art in Natsuiro Kiseki was really good, not jaw-dropping or stunning, but it surely was appealing. With appealing art luckily comes an appealing soundtrack. The Opening itself is fantastic, though the soundtrack itself delivers. If you like good art or a fine soundtrack, this anime is for you.
Now, the characters in Natsuiro Kiseki might be hit or miss. Some may find them generic, while others might be drawn to them and the miracles they have. I happen to be the latter with my favorite character being Rinko, though all of them were worthy of being called good. I feel they represent real girls with real hardships and real dreams, so girls or even guys with friends may relate.
Did I enjoy Natsuiro Kiseki? Certainly. While you could argue it isn't groundbreaking, though it was still very enjoyable and had me interested from start to teary finish.
Overall, watch Natsuiro Kiseki if you adore slice of life or sad while happy stories. Who knows? Maybe you'll create a memory? Maybe this anime will create, a miracle.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 27, 2014
Rozen Maiden is a gem lost in a world full of more known titles and will be if not yet a classic. While some of taken jabs at this series for not following the source material and being supposed lolibait, I for one must tell everyone that Rozen Maiden is NOT lolibait and sometimes seperating yourself from source material can work. True, it can be extremely risky and may very well end in complete failure as multiple mediums have proved that very thing, but what if the material is both good and really entertaining? Ladies and folks, you get Rozen Maiden.
When I first started Rozen
Maiden a few years back I in all honesty was not sure if it was my thing because up until late 2012 I was a heavy action and DBZ fan, but any doubt ended when got a few episodes in. Firstly, the story in itself is not completely unique to only Rozen Maiden and idea of being the last one of many standing exists in other titles such as Btooom and Zatch Bell, though judging from how Rozen Maiden operates I feel like the better comparison from the two is surely Zatch Bell. Quickly, enter Jun. Jun is a complete shut-in and has suffered trauma from negative experiences from kids at his school. I feel like middle schoolers or even high schoolers who have trouble fitting in with the society that is school can relate to the guy. I mean, who hasn't been bullied at least once? Continuing on, Jun has the hobby of ordering quite unusual stuff from the web and this is where the story begins to unfold as Jun is given a choice and that choice eventually will change his life as he must participate in the Alice Game and help his partner and blonde doll Shinku win the competition.
You could say the art in Rozen Maiden is somewhat bland, but actually I disagree. While not on the level of the stunning EF: Memories, I really feel like it was good and fine as it was. Rozen Maiden from 2004 just didn't need all of that, though for 2004 I thought it looked mighty fine and appealing. Now, what about the sound? Firstly, both the dubs and subs rock so watch it as you please. Secondly, those openings really are extremely catchy. Are you a fan of the Another opening? Well, check out this tune then because its done by the same people.
Rozen Maiden has a good story, appealing sound and look, but what about the characters? Are they worthy of a positive feedback? Well, that's the thing. Rozen Maiden's colorful set of characters ranging from Jun all the way to my personal favorite Suigintou really makes the anime great. It becomes a journey watching Jun mature, Shinku changing and even seeing Suigintou for who she truly is and was. This is anime at its finest and characters that are top notch. The character development that spans 26 episodes really does this anime justice.
The enjoyment I got from Rozen Maiden was beyond words. Maybe it wasn't as soothing as Aria, as smart as Monogatari or as groundbreaking as Madoka Magica, but being smart or powerful doesn't always relate to enjoyment. Rozen Maiden proves just that.
Overall? 10/10, easy. If you have yet to try Rozen Maiden due to the following reasons:
- Looks like lolibait
- 2004 seems old
- Does not follow source material
Please give it a chance. You may end up finding a gem hidden under your nose. I'm done, make me some tea Jun.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 12, 2014
SAO since its debut has been famous for attracting fans, but a massive crowd of haters to bash and derail any quality it may or may not have. I would consider myself almost completely neutral, but today I was witness to the worst done recap episode of any medium I've seen:
Sword Art Online II: Debriefing. In a span of 24 minutes, this episode really didn't do this season any justice and any newcomers to this season would be completely confused on what is going on.
You know:
- Why does Kirito's avatar look like a female?
- Why is Kirito here in the first place?
- How are there
two Death Guns and what is the story behind it?
- Who was the women and girl at the end of the episode talking to Sinon?
Simply point: If you haven't seen the season then you will just need to guess and assume which is why this recap fails. A recap should tell the story decently well to new viewers and help clear up past confusions. This recap does not do that.
Just watch the first 14 episodes, trust me on this. Those questions will be answered.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Sep 16, 2014
Ecchi anime have been very controversial among anime fans for ruining the medium and only being created to please the otakus who enjoy this type of thing. Though, who's to blame? The ecchi or the anime fans who hate ecchi, but decide to both watch and rate down the specific anime that belong to the genre for being perverted? Well, it certainly isn't the anime.
Shin Koihime Mosou: Otome Tairan OVA is the spin-off to the third season of "Koihime Mosou" and is based off some type of eroge that I haven't played, but I have decided that I might come around to playing it
sooner or later. I can't confirm if this OVA has any relevance to the game itself, but being an OVA I don't really think that should matter when watching the program. The OVA shared the same charm the series had throughout the three seasons and is of course perverted, though I'd like to point out that the nudity level in this OVA isn't THAT huge so if you really don't like nudity then you don't have much to worry about. You may also be able to find some type of censored version of this online or even in the third season boxset available for purchase online.
In a nutshell, this episode circles around the babes of Koihime Mosou being involved in a school festival and the preparations and actions of those preparations. If you were a fan of the anime then you'll probably appreciate the OVA for showing almost every female character introduced in the series and the humor that goes along with it. While its not the best school festival episode of anime out there, it is still worthy of a watch if you enjoyed the series. At least, I had fun with this OVA and feel others will to.
In my opinion, if you dislike ecchi and never watched the series before, but was looking into watching an ecchi then it might be a good idea to look elsewhere and watch something like "HighSchool DXD" which is better than Koihime Mosou.
Thanks for reading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 1, 2014
Kagami's View Review #4: Wonderful. Yes, simply wonderful. " Wonderful Rush" is the fifth single done by the fantastic idol group Muse and it the song ironically lives by the title so very well. Enter Kotori, stage right. For the fifth single, Kotori was chosen to be the center and she easily delivered a performance that made me an even bigger fan of her and Love Live.
Roughly in six minutes, "Wonderful Rush" proved to the fans that Love Live music is just a treat for the ears and is an experience I wish North America could have in some shape or form. Besides the
song, there was even a small story to go along with this wonderful treat. The story was not amazing, but still interesting enough to hold my attention. This single also makes sure to get a solo by Niko and Maki, great Love Live characters.
If you have yet to dive into Muse music, do so. I promise you that you will not have a bad experience. Ha, push over Justin Bieber!
Muse will make you lose~
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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