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Jan 25, 2023
Hi there, this is a temporary review (It'll be edited when the whole serie is viewed), but it felt this show should be given some justice, as it seems not as much appreciated as it could. When seeing the preview, it could be like "meh, could be interesting nope ?" or "meh CGI nope". But check the cast and check the show. It is currently good ! After watching the 3 first episodes, I want to continue watching the show. Which is honestly a good point.
Animation :
It is the "weak point"... but not really. As many could have seen, there is CGI. All characters are
made with CGI, and lot of things. BUT some landscape are hand-drawed (and really exotic to say the least). This CGI is not the best seen... but not the worst too. It's better than average, in the sense we can not focus too much on it. Obviously, it would be better if it was made by hand... but the CGI is not this ugly in this show, it not ruins everything as it could in other shows.
Music :
The music is really good, period. Well, Yamamoto Kohta did some banger when working with Hiroyuki Sawano, so it could be expected good things were being made there... but yeap Music is good (cause OMG VERY GOOD is a personal opinion). Set the right mood in the right situation.
Characters :
Currently, Characters are likeable. It's not that they are "omg how surprising and good", they are... well what it can be expected and a little more. More episodes are needed in order to give the right feeling on this , but currently it feels like the show can be a good surprise. Waiting to see. The voice acting is also good.
World Building :
Honestly, the premise seems really promising. The world seems exotic, in a setting that could recall Made in Abyss or Kimi No Agito in some Vibe (not that it's the same, but the VIBE). It makes you really want to see where the shows go, cause it has potential. But 3 episodes aren't sufficient to guarantee it will be the level expected. So waiting to see ;)
Plot :
The plot seems to adopt a line well know (or at least, we can have some hints of how it'll go...), but the fact this world is special and there are some mysterious elements in it could give an unexpected surprise. At least the story is not bad currently, it's catchy. Like previously said, it really makes you want to see where this is going... and if it finally goes in a standard path, well, at least it'll be well written and enjoyable, if it continues on this style. And the man behind is Tustomu Nihei... who did some good things ;)
Conclusion : Give it a try, don't let the CGI rebuke you. Heck, Kingdom S1 was much, much more ugly than this, but it was one heck of a show ! ^^ At least the CGI here is trying.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 21, 2021
Mushoku Tensei is a tough one to review. To be concise, it was an anime where I liked some things and hated others, making it very confusing.
Story (6/10):
The story is... well. I understand that there is probably a big plot hidding somewhere (and I can begin to guess what), but the pacing is... well... not really good. I would have liked to see more things "story-wise", but things seems a bit rushed, and too much focused on useless fanserv (there is far too much of it) and barely legal/moral things sexually speaking (I look at you, Rudeus). I think I would have enjoyed the story
a lot more if it was more consistent and developed, more profound. Well, LN readers say plot is better after, so wait and see.
PS : I know in medieval times it was a thing for young girls or boys to be married with older people (or with another young). It could be part of the setting, I understand this. But as always, there are WAYS to present a thing without making it utterly awkward and far too present in the story, to the point of ruining it.
Art (8/10):
The art is really good. I can not say otherwise. We can see the classical "light-draw/less-detailed in background" things, but it is globally really beautiful. This is clearly a strong point of the anime, and the first episodes in the medieval villages were really, really beautiful art.
Sound (5/10):
The soundtrack of Mushoku Tensei is not bad, but not good either. I had not a single theme I would like to re-listen after viewing the show, and I'm not really remembering any music in it. But it also means it was not shocking nor bad. So average, it's a 5.
Character (4/10):
Frankly speaking, some are likeable, and some not. Some deserve a 1 or 2, others a good 8.
In fact, there are a lot of them that are generic or stereotypical, but it is not always a bad thing. Even some of the "fanserv" oriented scenes are good. It makes the characters more reallistic, for some. Like, Paul is a real idiot and sex-oriented guy, but is enjoyable. Roxy has problem with her sexuality has a demon 100 years old, understandable again.
The real problem I have with the characters is the over-sexualisation of them. Like, all the Rudeus-things. In fact the show would be so much better without Rudeus (it's horrible to say that, cause he IS the main character... welp). I'm not totally AGAINST fanserv. But when it made over 90% of the character, it is at least boring, if not utterly infuriating. I mean, OK we understood Rudeus was before a bullyied man, with a shit life, shit moral (almost a pedophile it seems). But making it a perv directly as a baby, having a panty cult, being drived only by sex even if it's with children, well, no ? There is faaaaaaar too much perversion in this. A LN reader explained me that the whole point was to make him becoming a "good guy" after starting as a "bastard-perv", but GOSH, there are other ways to make viewers understand this. Currenlty is is really dragging the show away and make it far less enjoyable that it could have been.
Even the prince we don't see often, the one Roxy teach magic after, is so FUCKING A PAIN. I mean, YEAH you can make him a degenerate perv, but in this case it's not even that, it's so STUPID that it makes him unrealistic and cumbersome. Really, almost all the things related to sex in this show are awkward, if not ruining the show and characters themselves...
Ah, and yeah, Human god sucks. What the hell is this voice and attitude ? This guy seems to be a crucial part of the plot and setting story, yet is one of the most stupid and bad-writted character ? What the hell ? LN readers said me he is supposed to be a "scheming guy" "manipulative"? It's a clown. If the aim is to make him "play" the buffoon, at least give him something to be relatable.
Enjoyment (5/10):
Frankly, when I saw the few first episodes, It was really enjoyable. Like, the Greyrat family, young Rudeus etc, some of the stepstones that make characters grow. After that, the story went in different directions, fast, but without providing things I would have liked to see, that would make the setting more immersive. Really, Rudeus killed my enjoyment. He DID good things. He did some enjoyable things, really, and his character is step by step evoluting (we can see that in the last episodes). But the far too-present perv-side of him really put the mood down. Like, when I saw the first episodes, I was always like "Yay, super beautiful settings, likeable characters in fantasy settings in their life and... WHAT ? NO RUDEUS STOP FANTASIZING ON YOUR MOTHER BREAST. NO STOP WEARING PANTIES LIKE A BABY PERV WHILE SMILING IN A DISGUSTING WAY AT GIRLS." Always that. Good mood, story advances, then BANG, Rudeus perv for you, insta-killing your enjoyment.
Overall (6/10):
The average of my notes is 5.6, so overall it's a 6
For me, this show HAD potential, but it has not blossomed yet, and the few we have seen is often ruined by the perv-side (if not degenerate) of Rudeus.
I'll wait the sequel in order to determine wether or not this show is worth the praise or not. Cause currently, it is not, but it let some hope for the future.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 22, 2019
So, what about Isekai Cheat Magician ?
Let's do this by theme.
Story 1/10:
The storyline is generic, easily guessed and wind-broken. Well, we can guess that a generic Isekai is about real people sent to another world, becoming powerful as hell, with adventures and some cliches. BUT that's not the problem here. The problem is that storyline doesn't have a friggin organization, plots and facts are thrown like shit on your face, and badly at that. I'm accustomed to soliloquy in animes. But THERE. My god. Super hero blatatntly tlak like 6 friggin' minutes to say how he was weak and how friendship is magic, and all
characters are lovey dovey in a magic world, facing the vilain that just do... yeah nothing but waiting to be powned or to pown then be powned. No suspense at all after the first (to be fair, second) episode. After that it get worse and worse. Predictable as ****. I felt like looking at an RPG Game with a GameMaster that throw ideas before even thinking about how to bring them.
Art 3/10:
Well. Art is not THAT bad. But you can feel that, beside the mains charachters, all the designs are poor. "PNJ", and by "PNJ" I mean all but the seven easily recognizable protagonist/antagonist/victims before ep 7, always have the same face (wow dwarf is angry. Always. When he sleep is angry too. Badass to frown.) And not saying about the faces or eyes that are litteraly disturbing in some scenes. Like, yeah, "dun care about this draw, it's a useless PNJ".
Sound 5/10:
I've nothing to say. Not transcendant, not bad. Yeah, it's the sole thing right in this anime. And it's average.
Character 2/10:
Yeah so we have two characters as heroes for this Isekai. That's indeed a surprise. And yeah, that's all. Characters are terribad. I felt no empathy at all for them. Like, yeah, they are disposable. All of them. Fun fact: The mains humans villains so far seems more interesting than the mains characters. Cause they talk less. And it feels like, like me, they don't care about events at all and were just there to see what happen casually.
Enjoyment 1/10:
Well, all I have said so far seems clear enough. But yeah. During the 7th episode, I was so amazed by the show that I yawned mumbling about the fact it was boring.
Overall 2/10:
Like, an average of the others notes. The show in its enterity doesn't deserve a 1, i've already seen far worse.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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