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Kuuchuu Buranko
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Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei
Similar art styles, uses this medium to really set the mood in both animes. Both are psychological and delve into the mind(s) of the character(s). Trapeze examines multiple characters and is more or less episodic. The Tatami Galaxy examines a nameless protagonist, and the plot comes more towards a climax at the end.
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Shinseiki Evangelion
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Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
Both animes do a stunning job of completely turning their respective genres (mecha & magical girl) completely on their heads. The characters also have a similar crisis: They must fight against something they do not understand for unknown reasons and they all suffer greatly. They are both very psychological.
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Kill la Kill
Both are over the top, and the animation and art style in Kill la Kill reminded me a lot of FLCL. They are both awesome animes!