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Mar 30, 2015
This is possibly one of the most underrated animes from the fall season.
You can read my overall + my final thoughts/notes at the very bottom of the review if you're feeling lazy and just want some quick feedback on the anime.
I can't lie the first 5 episodes was extremely hard to get through for many which lead to the anime being dropped early on, and also given a poor rating due to its evaluation being solely based off of these first 5 episodes. It is now one of the animes I look forward to watching every week, almost as much as "Your Lie in
Anyways, on with the review!
Story: 7
The setting of the anime is that of a dystopia, it follows a Princess (Ange) who is stripped of all her rights after being revealed that she is a norma (which are like unwanted humans due to their inability to use "mana"). This is one of the weaker points of the anime, although the story isn't bad, it wasn't done correctly for to be anything too special. Don't get me wrong, the story isn't boring in anyway and is fairly interesting, just not above and beyond (hence the 7).
A plus for the anime would be the unexpected twist and turns they have which sometimes really caught me by surprise, they often leave you wondering what may happen in the future. Overall its a decent story, but nothing too amazing.
Art: 7
Honestly the art is pretty good the characters, background, "ragna-mail", and pretty much everything looks like it was done quite well. The animation is quite fluid and well done, and I honestly have nothing to complain about in this section. The art isn't exceptionally beautiful but it's pretty good, although you can notice the budget slipping in some scenes, but overall the art for all the characters + most of the animation is very crisp.
Sound: 9
One of the reasons why you SHOULD watch this anime. The sound track that they have is amazing in my opinion, both their OST and their opening/ending songs. Their use of music is on point for most of the anime, although there were a couple of times I felt that the music could have been used more effectively. I read one of the other reviews saying how the anime's OST + openings/endings were bad, please don't listen to them and give it a chance BECAUSE THE OST IS AMAZING!
Character: 9
Yeah so Ange is possibly one of the most BAD ASS female leads I've seen in a while. She is extremely strong willed and self-righteous and that is the part I love about her. I REALLY like characters that can look strong enough to take on the entire world yet can look really weak and docile the next. The character developments and the revealing of a characters true nature/past is really well done in the anime, although some of the characters story could have had some improvements (cough Embryo).
Enjoyment: 9
I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed watching this anime, some parts could of had some minor tweeks, but it was a great anime to watch. To those who are able to watch all 25 episodes of this anime at once, I'm really jealous because you won't feel the pain I had to wait for this every week. :'(
Overall: 8
I'll repeat this again, I love a strong female lead that can take on the entire world, but in the next second can be really docile, weak and in need of protection and support. Cross Ange is a mecha anime that is really well made, if you look over a few of the poor things that they have done. I promise all you mecha fans that you will thoroughly enjoy the animes OST, great animation, interesting characters and their unique background story (PREPARE A TISSUE BOX WHEN THEY'RE REVEALING SOME OF THE CHARACTERS BACKGROUND). They do quite a few plot twist and a bit of romance in the anime, however little that romance may be. But with respect to the lifestyle transition Ange has been forced to live in, the romance does feels really 'cute'.
-Please understand that this anime DOES contain mature content.
-This anime is definitely one you should give a chance to (please at least give it until episode 6).
-Review may be slightly biased due to my love for mecha animes.
+Has an amazing OST. Really love their opening and endings + their music choice.
+Ange is possibly one of the best female leads I've seen in a while.
+Highly recommended for those who enjoy the following genres: Dystopia ,Ecchi, Mecha
+The anime has enough plot twist to constantly surprise you & keep you interested.
-Personally I really dislike it when something isn't suppose to happens, not going to say who but when someone is suppose to die, they really should die.
-You may sometimes notice in the animation where the anime was being "efficient" with their budget.
-Although their OST is really good, their timing for their background music could use a little work.
-The pacing of the anime is quite good for most of the anime, but some parts could have been slowed down.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 23, 2014
WARNING: This novel contains mature content and many plot twists!
"This time I'll really live my life to the fullest with no regrets!" -Rudeus Greyrat
Normally, a review that is written before the manga/novel is finished should be considered incomplete. Having a review written when it lack of information lacks credibility and is unable to judge the worth of the entire story. I wrote this review because the current reviews do not give the novel justice as they're all reviews with a similar point of view. Noticing the lack of variety I decided to post my own review which will side with the other half of the
readers (and hopefully future readers). I also would like to note that Mushoku Tensei isn't one that needs to be complete to be able to understand how amazing the novel is.
Story: 10
Upon the first volume you will immediately realize this novel is a 10. Mushoku tensei is a very entertaining and extremely detailed novel. I felt as if I was immersed in to the world that Rudeus was experiencing, whether it be the hardships he may be facing or his interaction with the other characters. Often times Rudeus is forced to make difficult decisions, which always leaves you wondering what happens next? After reading the first novel you can tell immediately the amount of effort the writer used to allow the readers to understand visually how amazing and captivating this world truly is. There are also many plot twist which are extremely surprising (BEWARE MANY ATTEMPT TO SPOIL THIS STORY FOR OTHERS!), without a doubt the story is extremely detailed and has many different stand points from multiple events which allows you to understand how each character feels during the events because the author takes the time to write in different perspectives.
Art: 8
The novel didn't come with many images (I believe there is none after volume 6) this is quite disappointing but it's not a big deal (you can check the manga for reference images). The art I've seen so far seems to really suit the novel and it really brings the environment and the characters to life. The one thing that I really loved about this novel is how the author provided a map. Yes a map of the entire world which is extremely helpful and interesting to look at especially for reference during Rudeus' adventure.
Characters: 9
The author allows you to see how the main characters grow and change. Although the protagonist Rudeus has lived about 30 years in his previous life there are MANY times he is still learning and changing, this allows for interesting plot points where his knowledge in his past is both useful and at the same time useless. The characters you meet in the novel seem really static, but without realizing I noticed the characters really changed. The changes are really subtle that they feel as if they happen immediately, but you have to think back to the previous chapters to notice the gradual change. There are minor and or major events that occur, where each event that happens reveals a little more about a certain character. NOTE: This is because the author writes the story from 1-3 peoples perspective, which allows us to be able to understand the characters thought process through each event. Keep in mind although he writes it in a different perspective it isn't as if it's a complete repeat of what happened, he usually gives a 1-3 summary, then quick thoughts about what happened and then moves on with the story, sometimes continuing from the prospective or changing to another.
Enjoyment: 10
Without a doubt this has to be a 10. I love this novel. A good phrase for this would be "never a dull moment" because that’s how i felt when I was reading this. This novel is really entertaining and I highly recommend it to those who have the spare time whether it is before sleeping or while taking public transportation.
Overall: 10
Here is the part where I persuade you in to reading the novel. I found the novel an easy read something that anyone can pick up. The content is mature and isn't intended for younger readers. There are many points that happen to leave the reader thinking WHY DIDN'T YOU DO THIS OR THAT, but it all happens for a reason. Thanks to the great details provided by the author, I was never left in a situation where I had to wonder why a situation occurred. Everything that was shown was thoroughly explained which I loved since often times in many novels I'm left with why, what or how...? I rarely read novels because I normally prefer manga's but if you're like me and you want something that is amazingly detailed with how the characters are and how their thought process is this novel is meant for you. The novel sells through its characters, meaning that if you don't like the characters then you're likely to dislike the novel.
Final thoughts:
Although it would be extreme to say this manga is the best, but it isn't one that you will regret reading. I'm often in a situation where I have to choose between finding out the rest of the novel or just do some plain ol' studying (easy choice novel of course). I highly recommend this novel to everyone to at least give it a chance, there are MANY volumes out already so there is more then enough plot to go around.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 29, 2014
One of the less appealing animes which was adapted poorly from a manga. This is from the point of view of a person who was previously reading the manga before the anime was announced.
Story: The plot is not very well defined and is easily misinterpreted, I was lost multiple times watching this anime and it constantly felt like there were missing gaps as I watched the anime. The plot is an static plot of basically 1 antagonist who have many underlings who will do their bidding pressuring the existence of the main protagonist. Don't get
me wrong this main sound very boring and done multiple times but the character development happening during roughly the first 7 episodes are pure gold. After the beginning where every thing was nice, then the downfall of the anime occurs. They attempt to finish as much as they can within the 13 episode time frame causing difficulty understanding the anime as they have to ignore the important parts which helped the anime succeed after a while (character development).
Art: The art style really suits the anime in my opinion, but it is average in general.
Sound: The timing for the background music was very well done and I really enjoyed it all, I did have a slight problem with their choice of opening theme songs as I personally prefer songs that have singing. Other than that slight problem it was well done.
Characters: There was a lack in character development in my opinion, the entire story was too rushed for many development to occur. Also there were so many missed opportunities.
Enjoyment: I really enjoyed the first 7 episodes or so, it was amazing to finally be given a chance to watch one of my favourite mangas turn in to anime. The timing for a good portion of the events were well timed and the use of music within the scenes came together really nicely.
Overall: The anime is very unfriendly to their viewers as it provides:
Liittle to no character development occurs due to the fact that the wanted to fit as much as they could in the small time frame given. Normally this wouldn't be as BIG as a problem but what they did was executed poorly due to the anime needing character development as it is one of the main selling points of the anime...
Rushed events that are difficult to understand once again this is due to their given time constraints but if I were to suggest an idea, I would have stopped earlier within the anime but added more character development through small events.
I suggest for all who has watched this anime to give the manga the chance if you really enjoyed the anime and want more.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 22, 2013
Hi this is my first review, I hope this helps you understand how I feel about the anime Psycho-pass and determine whether or not it's right for you :).
Utopia, a world where everything is considered perfect, both socially and politically. Psycho-Pass is an futuristic "utopia" anime where everyone is given everything they want, and instead of worrying about the future everyone is "happy" and a system makes everyone's choices. As all animes, there are people who dislike the way the system works and there are "heroes" who are there to protect current life style.
The story is from a the point of view of a "noobie"
inspector (akane) who recently began her career as a detective.
Story: 9
The story was very thrilling and enjoyable and the twist and turns are unexpected. Unlike most anime's that are made, this one made it harder to guess what would happen next. The story is different from most animes/mangas. The director of this anime did an amazing job to make you feel the same way the characters are feeling (similar to clannad), when the characters were undergoing depression you could really understand their position and feel bad, same as when the characters suceeded in accomplishing a goal you felt happy.
Art: 9
The art is typical like any other new anime that came out, it is exceptional and very well made. The art for the characters were really well done and the amount of detail added to the backgrounds and scenery of each episodes is just magnificent (art for the main character could have been different imo)
Sound: 9
Honestly the type of music they chose for each scene was perfect and not repetitive (that is imo). Music is the key to success in any anime, with proper use of music you can turn a boring scene (on the couch sleeping) to something completely different. I feel that Psycho-Pass really used music to their advantage and created scenes that had a very tense vibe.
Character: 10
I love the character development that occurred. Everyone within the anime had some sort of turning point that made them change, thus realizing they could be doing so much more with their lives. Not much else to say about this part pretty typical character development but I personally really enjoyed the way they changed.
Enjoyment: 8
The reason why this part is an 8 is because I felt like there was something missing from the ending of the anime. I disliked that feeling it felt like a piece of my heart was missing as I was nearing the ending of the anime (not gonna spoil :))))) ). Other than that fact I thought this anime was well made and deserves to be top 100's, but not one of my favourites.
Overall: 9
If you enjoy an anime that deals with crimes and psychology (the way people think) then this anime is the one for you! I also feel like this anime is targeted at an older audience specifically those who are in grade 12 or older. I feel this way because the terminology used in the anime seems like it may be harder to understand for a younger audience and to those who are not in the science area.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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