Jan 18, 2014
Okay. Let me explain my rating first. Yes, I gave it 5 across the boards, however the reason is because I only enjoyed half of this season. That half being Accelerator's story. If the show didn't have Touma as a main character then it would have been 10 all the way through. However, for some reason they back up a BORING, NON-DEVELOPING and UNRELATABLE HAREM-TARGET that is Touma.
Although not as bad as season 1 of Magical Index, season 2 still suffers from what the previous season tried to accomplished. There are too many characters and arcs to cram into in such a short time. Especially
with a main character [TOUMA] whose one and only trick is to lecture his enemies to death while somehow being Rocky Balboa and unable to stay down. Undeveloped villains don't really add much danger or significance to the story. Good thing that they learned how to fix it during Railgun & Railgun S.
The one and only saving grace of this season, probably of the entire series, is the other protagonist/anti-hero ACCELERATOR.....and next to him LAST ORDER. If the season/show was about those two characters it would have been all we needed. The relationship between the two isn't stagnant and reliant on forced comedy. [HEAD BITING?] If you are on the fence about watching this series, then at least "suffer" it all for ACCELERATOR. Finest piece of character development ever with little to no background information.
Can one to two characters support an entire show? ACCELERATOR and LAST ORDER can, i'll tell you what. Anyway, if A CERTAIN MAGICAL INDEX doesn't tickle your fancy, watch the better written and produced A CERTAIN SCIENTIFIC RAILGUN. Better story telling, character development, enhanced antagonists, involved support cast and comedy that supports the story along. PLUS, ACCELERATOR background. SAY WHAT???
**Thumbs Up! A Certain Scientific Accelerator**
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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