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Apr 3, 2022
In ways this season is one of the best, it has good action, twists, character development, and I wouldn't call it a low in the series, but why did i feel like we just kept waiting for something to happen, the episode would start after a cliff hanger, we'd get some mild explanation or the plot would develop onto a new point, and then I felt like i was sitting around waiting for something to happen for the rest of the episode before the end, where another to be continued happens. I don't mind the cliff hangers but i feel there's just so much dead
space in between, that was probably better paced in the manga, but (MINOR SPOILERS) this season could of ended IN Marley at another cliff hanger in the series easily if some fat was trimmed off, Instead of heading towards Marley, which in a way is MAPPA's job, to adaptate the story where it needs to, But being too manga faithful in this regard messed up the pacing IMO. Which is weird because they went and censored some things in flashbacks that were as graphic as some other things left uncensored. If you're getting caught up it might be worth just waiting till 2023 at this point so you aren't left with blue balls.
EDIT - Coming back to this after watching the final season, I still think I can hold that its a slower season and the action isn't as good as some of the others. We essentially got 2 movies of the final season though. Maybe could of got that first part down into this season, and had mappa do an ACTUAL movie for the end of AOT, which would of been awesome. I think after this it was paced really well though, so maybe the slightly slower pacing of this season can get like, part of a pass.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 30, 2021
I don't think I'm in the wrong for comparing this film to Hero's rising and other pieces of work bones have done. Hero's rising was a fantastic movie, containing fantastic art, fights, b plots, and an overall decent story arc. Hero's mission though falls short in all of these categories. The art was good, bones have shown they can do much, much better, but it was good. There were several fights where the animation quality took SUCH A DIP mid fight for no reason, I couldn't tell you where the budget truly went on this film, considering its my hero, and demon slayer just grossed
so much, you think they would pour loads into the budget and try make something fantastic, but even the big final fight had stupid choreography and animation. The story was just uninteresting, generic main villain AND side , who was under developed so i grew no feelings towards, which is a shame because even the side villains/henchmen had decent potential. I didn't think any character introduced was particularly interesting, just a very bland safe characters, the main one i felt was very Hawks inspired, so its probably just for overall fan appeal. Every B plot was bad or under developed, as in the last 2 films, Todoroki and bakugo have a separate big fight from Midoria, they were just not good, and there was even clips of every other classmate in some sort of battle, but all under developed, all with lack lustier choreography.
and a little side note, the music was so good in Hero's rising, I'd even say amazing, you say run is literally the motivational music meme in the anime community right now, and it did not hit home anywhere near as much as before, i didn't even take notice of it to be honest, maybe i need a second watch, but i guess its hard to strike gold twice, would of just been nice for this to be an OVERALL improvement to the second film
Give it a watch if you want, its got zero story relevance, the fights aren't all that crazy (Although a bit darker for MHA, which is a nice change), and you'd probably find more enjoyment out of just watching a whole other anime tbh, I find it worse to watch something mediocre more than anything.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 26, 2021
Right so let me start off by saying I don't think this OVA is intended for me, Little busters is my all time favourite anime, love it to death along with so many other pieces Key have made, All their flaws included i just love the stuff they make. But little busters is my favourite anime and nothing more, I never read the visual novels, and never really wanted to, it seemed like too much work to try get the ending i already knew i wanted, the rest would just be extra icing on the cake. So my attachment to Kud as a character in
little busters is that she had some cute and funny fanservice for the show to build up the universe a bit, and that was it, very little opinion on her, with that said lets actually review the film. (I'll be spoiling major parts of the story for the 'Little busters!' anime, of which i guess this act as a spinoff sequel to, so make sure that's all watched before thinking about watching this)
The Kud Wafter movie appears to take place in the dreams of Kud after the Bus crash in Little busters refrain, where much like the other characters in the anime, Kud reflects on herself and her life thinking shes weak and shit with riki being the romantic interest to get her out of this mindstate and wake up from the dream, its pretty clear she's in the dream from early in the film, but thats here or there, if you've come from either the VN or anime its no biggie, what I wanted to see from this film was all that was good in little busters, Pretty art, quality characters voiced well, some bangin music, and a good warm hearted story about friendship, youth, loving yourself, all that shit; We have those things i guess, its a strange kind of movie though.
To talk about the animation quick, its great, if you like the bright colours, linework and general design layout of the little busters anime, its the exact same thing, it would of been nice to see something new done considering this is meant to be a special kind of spin off and the first piece of little busters content we've seen in a while, but it's still good eye candy
It would of been nice to see more characters that weren't Kud or Riki, especially considering riki's character is having no character, and its been so long since little busters came out i imagine a good few of you like me hardly even remember kuds story apart from her being naked a few times on a hill. We got to see a little bit of the classic main characters, that nowhere near enough time was spent on, it would of driven the plot of the story that she needed her friends better if we saw her friends for more than 5 minutes, and the rest of the watch time wasn't just swooning over riki. And the new characters they introduced, i must imagine they had to be a hell of a lot more interesting in the VA, because here they don't do anything, the younger one whos name I forgot is just there, makes a water bottle rocket and thats it, and the older one has her past told to us, says a few things about space and then also doesn't appear much, It just be nice to be shown characters a lot more so we feel Kud's connection to them instead of just being told about them.
Music was a bit lacklustre compared to what we've seen before, nothing really memorable, and no real throw backs to anything from the anime, I've been told the Kud VA at least had an opening that was good, but its just stuff that's Un-insulting here
And finally the story, which from my perspective felt like a fever dream more than a story, i feel like this is a story that easily could of been told by changing a few bits and slapping Rin on the cover instead. Probably annoying to hear for Kud stands, whoever you are, but it followed a lot of the structure Little busters refrain did, which i guess might just be what the structure of the VA was to get you to your ending, depending on which girl you considered best, so is this just fanservice for the Kud fans after 0 Little buster content in the past 7 years? Pretty much, but when i think of little busters, romance hardly comes to mind, Little busters is a story about enjoying friendship and coming together, loving what you have while you have it, and how the hardships of life can be beaten with your friends, THATS the story of little busters we want to here, and its just hidden within a strange romance esc story where everyone wants to bone you, or in the animes case riki. So making a 50 minute film for a slight adjustment of a story we've already seen in a sense seems kinda pointless. If you like Kud that much and wanted riki to end up with her, well go read the VN, or just close your eyes, and picture REALLY hard that Rin was Kud at the end of refrain. Because in 50 minutes you can't really tell the story of kud anyway, and thats excluding the fact that portions of this film are just a bit strange, like randomly panting on each other on a hill, the useless inclusion of Aziruzki Shinna, some strange and offputting sex scenes between a young loli and a character who might as well be a plank of wood, It just doesn't play out well in this format, they either needed to do a longer piece dedicating more time to setting things up and how they wanted to demonstrate things, scrap the OVA, and just make Kud wafter into a small spin off anime season like Little Busters EX, or just scrap the whole idea all together, and as much as I've just dogpilled on the story, if you liked little busters you will probably at least fine some light enjoyment out of this, getting to see what little chemistry between the characters as you do, and if you really liked Kud in the VA, then getting this little bit of fan service i guess is a nice little cherry on top to the Little Busters Anime. For 50 minutes, its not insulting, but considering how long this took to make, and how long its been since we got any animated little busters content, it just would of been nice to see something that was more than an extended Kud episode from another reality. Hope you enjoy it Kud stans... whoever you are
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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