Once in a while, there is that anime or manga that reminds me why I fell in love with both mediums in the first place. And after nearly 15 years and hundreds upon hundreds of titles, it's happening increasingly less frequently.
"God Lies" is more than the sum of it's parts. The art is pretty simple. The characters are endearing, but nothing special. And the story - minus a macabre twist - is quite straight forward. But when it ends, you can't help feeling you wish there was more; and not because the story is lacking, or the ending botched.
It just strikes a chord you'd
Dec 19, 2014
Fact: The Wright brothers' airplane was the first ever man made, rideable, controllable, heavier - than - air machine. It revolutionized human civilization on the scales with which only a few discoveries/inventions are comparable.
Question: Was it a GOOD airplane? No. It was a crapy piece of junk that could barely fly and couldn't make a turn. Conclusion: not EVERY "first" is the GREATEST. As a matter of fact, not every first is even AMONG the greats. Akira, in many aspects, did for anime what the Wright brothers' plane did for aeronautics. It revolutionized anime. It changed many viewers' perceptions and expectations of what can ... |