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Aug 3, 2023
This movie was perfection.
The finest anime film I’ve seen to date.
I’m struggling to come up with things to say because it was so damn good.
The music was incredible, I’m lucky to have seen and heard it in theaters, aside from the dork sitting behind me making snarky comments.
The animation is a little different but it is smooth, and the basketball sequences looked sick as hell.
If you just pretend its not an anime movie, then the art style and animation should not be a problem.
I’d only read a portion of the manga and I got lazy, but this movie made me love slam dunk, it’s characters and basketball.
I am inspired, and grateful to have encountered this film.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 13, 2023
Suzume more like Snoozume
This movie was honestly fine but like all the other Shinkai films the plot makes zero sense and it is just musically manipulative with very pretty visuals.
The romantic aspect of the movie was hella random like they meet and she in love w him cuz he kinda pretty but bro is a chair for the whole movie like when is there a chance to develop feelings?
Its just basically your name or wearhering with you but a little worse in every aspect.
I found myself getting bored theoughout the movie wondering when the big climactic scene where they blast the nice ost
and ramp up the animation budget comes but up to the wnd I never rlly felt like I got it. Whereas in weathering with you we got the cell tower sun scene and the falling through the skies scene, and your name was jusr filled with gorgeous visuals. Suzume didnt rly have that many very breathtaking parts and was very slow all throughout.
The movie was fine, it was good even. But its a downgrade compared to its predecessors.
Its a 6 but im adding one point cuz fhe visuals were nice and fhe music was pretty good sometimes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 13, 2023
IT LITERALLY MAKES ME SICK TO MY FUCKING STOMACH HOW INCREDIBLY GODLY THE SOUNDTRACK OF THIS MOVIE IS. Coupled with the breathtakingly beautiful scenery and profound storytelling, this is a timeless tale that I think anyone, anime fans and non anime watchers alike should experience atleast once in their life. I am in awe, I want to give this an 11 but it's capped at 10.
Seems like the story is about the greed of humans and the spirit of evil and hatred and how humans bite the hand that feeds them and destroys
the land that give them life. They are corrupt with greed and try to take things that are not of their creation. That's just what I took away from this film..
its a bit old but the visuals are still really breathtaking. San and Ashitaka both have great designs and so does Eboshi and the people of Irontown.
The Forest Spirit along with the other spirit gods are all very cool in design. The wolves look intimidating and scary, the boars look a little gross im not gon lie, and the forest spirit's design is very, forest spirity.. It kind of looks liek a monkey. but its good.
Our main character Ashitaka is a virtuous and righteous hero. Our princess mononoke harbors hatred for the humans because of what theyve done to the home and spirits that raised her. They are easy to root for as they are the main characters. But the humans, specifically Eboshi is not evil, it is known that she plucked these women whom work for her out of the brothels to help her create guns that will bring wealth and prosperity to their lands. It's hard to hate her, even if what she is doing is destroying the forest and spreading hate and corruption. She is supposed to be the antagonist but we arent supposed to hate her.
The OST to this film was actually so damn good. The scenery with the epic orchestral music playing rlly messed me up in a good way. Its so beautiful, this is peak anime OST for me.
Story takes place in the mountains / forest ranges with a nearby town industrializing the lands creating iron and making guns, hurting the forest in return. Beautiful scenery and visuals.
I have only seen a couple of Ghibli films but this one so far is my favorite. It is so beautiful, everything about it. I will definitely remember this for a long time, not only for the story, but the visuals, and the music.
PLOT SYNOPSIS ( for own future reference)
To my understanding this is how the story went. First introduced to Ashitaka who takes down a boar corrupt with some spirit of hatred, that then begins to corrupt ashitaka giving him great strength but also pain and an imminent death. He travels the far and wide lands and comes across a human girl living with wolves. He then finds some humans and saves them and brings them back to their home. He meets Eboshi the lady in charge of the place and finds out they are making iron to create guns in hopes of taking the forest away from the spirits and becoming rich. The Human girl, San, is the princess of the spirits of the forest, and she wants to kill Eboshi and avenge the forest, Ashitaka stops the fight and takes San back to the forest and is shot in the process. The Forest Spirit saves him and heals his wound. We then find out that the emperor of the land is trying to gain immortality by harnessing the head of the forest spirit, so the humans are trying to use their guns to take down the forest spirit and bring the head to the emperor, there is a battle between the forest spirits (wolves, boars) and the humans, and it led up to a point where the forest spirit made an appearance and Eboshi shot its head off and the spirit imploded into a growing mass of sludge that corrupts all that it touches, and it grows into the sky and spreads across their lands destroying their town and withering the forest into a wasteland. Ashitaka and San stop the men carrying the head of the forest spirit and returns it to him, and the forest spirit restores the land and heals the corrupting wounds on Ashitaka's body. In the end the humans of Irontown learn their lesson and acknowledge they were saved.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 11, 2023
I would greatly suggest you watch this instead of episodes 1-10 of the second season. Episodes 1-10 are extremely slow and boring and pretty much nothing happens. If I had known about this and had foresight as to how absurdly boring episodes 1-10 would be, I wouldve watched this instead and had a much better experience of 86. If you are invested in the lena/shin storyline , just watch this to save time and finish with the last 2 episodes in the original TV 12 eps. The last 2 episodes in the normal 12 eps are truly a work of art, especially That one scene.
You'll know.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 10, 2023
Animation/Artstyle/Character Design
Animation is average, artstyle is average, character design is decent, they tried to diversify the cast because its supposed to be several classes with different personalities from different backgrounds but the main character is so bland and I get thats the whole point he's supposed to look normal and boring but is secretly like some god.
Character personality/likeability
Horrible. Main character is extremely unlikeable and bland. He is just some OP mc who is better than everyone else but looks uninterested all the time bc he is " too cool " for the rest of the normal people. He
is literally so fricken cringe bro like he looks like he doesnt wanna be there. I get its like some power fantasy and your power fantasy shouldnt have flaws but Ayanakoji's design is shit, his motivations are not fleshed out, he is boring, emotionless, unlikeable. I hate him. The girl who I think is the main female lead is also stupid boring. She does nothing Ayanakoji just does everything and she is literally useless. The purple hair dude Ryuuen was supposed to be the antagonist for this part I think but his character is also so ass bc the character designs all look so goofy. He is not intimidating I could def fuck him up.
I'm writing this before finishing the show Im on episode 8 and this show is literally so fucking bad, the short hair chick is so damn annoying and this show is making me fall asleep.
I legit finished this show yesterday and I forgot all the songs, unmemorable, nothing special.
Overall Plot
This show is so shit Im watching it cuz I watched season 1 and kind of liked it and someone told me season 2 is a lot better. Hopefully it gets better by the end of the show. I hope they prove me wrong.
Update: This shit did not get better it was shit through and through to the end.
I guess it got more interesting when they brought in koji's dad and they mentioned the white room but the whole story is just so shit its just about our MC ayanakoji who is perfect in every way and was trained in some asylum to be perfectly efficient at everything ever, but that is so boring. and his character design is so borign and unlikeable I hate him so much.
Episode 12 is when some shit finally happens and our MC won a 1 v 3.5 fight and that shit pissed me off I dont wanna see him succeed. Ok at the end of the show Ryuuen like acknowledges ayanakoji or sometihng but hes a loser too so Idgaf.
Next season is prob gna be about dealing with the 2 faced short hair chick but I litearlly couldnt care less.
Show ended with internal monologue from koji about how all his relationships are no more than using people as pawns man fuck this show fr I hate this dude and I hate this show Im never watching classroom of the elite again on god.
Impact and memorability
Yeah the impacdt is that I fuciing hate the MC and this series and Ill remember this shit forever for the pile of garbage that it is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Mar 9, 2023
this is peak fiction this is peak anime this is the greatest thing Ive ever watched. I watched AOT 1 when I was like 12 and then I watched aot 2 when it came out like years later and it was mad good I think AOT 2 has the greatest scene in aot. AOT 3 was like kind of boring to me cux they were riding around on carriages inside the walls and I thought it was pretty boring after rewatchign it was pertty good but I dont think it was as good as 1 and 2, I feel lik season 3 part 1 was
when AOT hit its low and thats when I lowkey dropped it but then years later after the final season part 1 dropped and it was getting hyped up like crazy I decided to give it another shot and, after watching aot season 3 part 2, bruhhh that shit was crazy. Goosebumps all over, peak anime OST, peak animatino, itw as so damn good. The music is so damn good. How is aot so good aot is the goat. i became so obsessed with aot I wish I could get amnesia so I could rewatch aot again. 1000000/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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